Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

To be fair, Hortysir, most Christians being told that it's all been done for them and that Jesus is even going to keep the commandments for us, he'll overcome for us, he'll deny himself once again so that we don't have to - and so's simply not true but understandable that if we would believe such a thing we would not be taking this as a message of life and death - as we should be - because truly - God isn't grading on a curve. We are going to have to strive to enter into the narrow gate - the narrow path - we are going to have to do this because it will be far too late to prepare once disaster is upon us. When persecution hits the church? I expect more than half to deny Christ and go home to their families rather than to tough it out. If they are told to take the mark or they won't have their homes, their jobs, their children, their food? And they believe this lie of once saved always saved? They may even take the mark - (RFID Chip manufactured by Lucent Technologies and already being tested) - it is very serious. We are going to have to take the scriptures as they were meant to be taken. Literally.
so going home to your family is denying Christ? :lol:

''once disaster is upon us. When persecution hits the church? I expect more than half to deny Christ and go home to their families rather than to tough it out.''
unkoshergrl thinks she speaks for all of Christianity

Christians view any marriage they participate in as a sacrament.

The problem with redefining marriage is that in redefining marriage, and then determining this new definition has civil rights attached to it, the state is forcing Christians to commit sacrilege, or be penalized under the law. Which is why we objected in the first place. And it's only been how many days???? And you see the screechers already calling for the heads of Christians if they don't participate and endorse.

Koshergrl is the kind of "Christian" that gives sealybobo and Derideo_Te a whole lotta fucking ammo to use against me when the three of us engage in a rational and productive discussion on religion. :lol: She is about in stage two of James Fowler's stages of faith and I doubt she will ever advance to stage three.
unkoshergrl thinks she speaks for all of Christianity

Christians view any marriage they participate in as a sacrament.

The problem with redefining marriage is that in redefining marriage, and then determining this new definition has civil rights attached to it, the state is forcing Christians to commit sacrilege, or be penalized under the law. Which is why we objected in the first place. And it's only been how many days???? And you see the screechers already calling for the heads of Christians if they don't participate and endorse.

Koshergrl is the kind of "Christian" that gives sealybobo and Derideo_Te a whole lotta fucking ammo to use against me when the three of us engage in a rational and productive discussion on religion. :lol: She is about in stage two of James Fowler's stages of faith and I doubt she will ever advance to stage three.

It's like you are one of the few nice quiet polite kind sincere innocent harmless patients in an insane asylum full of other nuts, some will cut your head off some will tell you you're going to burn in hell for touching yourself or even think about sex. Some of you have magic underwear some pray to god 6 times a day some think we have alien ancestors. Some believe in talking snakes and virgin births or times when god visited. Some believe in devils angels and ghosts. One thing you all believe you are each right and you are all gods chosen ones.
unkoshergrl thinks she speaks for all of Christianity

Christians view any marriage they participate in as a sacrament.

The problem with redefining marriage is that in redefining marriage, and then determining this new definition has civil rights attached to it, the state is forcing Christians to commit sacrilege, or be penalized under the law. Which is why we objected in the first place. And it's only been how many days???? And you see the screechers already calling for the heads of Christians if they don't participate and endorse.

Koshergrl is the kind of "Christian" that gives sealybobo and Derideo_Te a whole lotta fucking ammo to use against me when the three of us engage in a rational and productive discussion on religion. :lol: She is about in stage two of James Fowler's stages of faith and I doubt she will ever advance to stage three.

It's like you are one of the few nice quiet polite kind sincere innocent harmless patients in an insane asylum full of other nuts, some will cut your head off some will tell you you're going to burn in hell for touching yourself or even think about sex. Some of you have magic underwear some pray to god 6 times a day some think we have alien ancestors. Some believe in talking snakes and virgin births or times when god visited. Some believe in devils angels and ghosts. One thing you all believe you are each right and you are all gods chosen ones.

Well that's true....but you believe you are right too, my brother, just like the rest of us. :)
unkoshergrl thinks she speaks for all of Christianity

Christians view any marriage they participate in as a sacrament.

The problem with redefining marriage is that in redefining marriage, and then determining this new definition has civil rights attached to it, the state is forcing Christians to commit sacrilege, or be penalized under the law. Which is why we objected in the first place. And it's only been how many days???? And you see the screechers already calling for the heads of Christians if they don't participate and endorse.

Koshergrl is the kind of "Christian" that gives sealybobo and Derideo_Te a whole lotta fucking ammo to use against me when the three of us engage in a rational and productive discussion on religion. :lol: She is about in stage two of James Fowler's stages of faith and I doubt she will ever advance to stage three.

It's like you are one of the few nice quiet polite kind sincere innocent harmless patients in an insane asylum full of other nuts, some will cut your head off some will tell you you're going to burn in hell for touching yourself or even think about sex. Some of you have magic underwear some pray to god 6 times a day some think we have alien ancestors. Some believe in talking snakes and virgin births or times when god visited. Some believe in devils angels and ghosts. One thing you all believe you are each right and you are all gods chosen ones.

Well that's true....but you believe you are right too, my brother, just like the rest of us. :)
Actually the jury is still out with me. I see absolutely no evidence of a creator but I don't claim to know.
I remain open to the idea there might be a god or creator. Still waiting for a good reason to believe unfortunately every argument for a creator comes with some fatal flaw
Which would be evidence science logic proof

As we both know it doesn't work that way, unfortunately. Trust me I wish I had some so I could shut you guys up. :lol: You know there is nothing I love more than being right. ;)
unkoshergrl thinks she speaks for all of Christianity

Christians view any marriage they participate in as a sacrament.

The problem with redefining marriage is that in redefining marriage, and then determining this new definition has civil rights attached to it, the state is forcing Christians to commit sacrilege, or be penalized under the law. Which is why we objected in the first place. And it's only been how many days???? And you see the screechers already calling for the heads of Christians if they don't participate and endorse.

Koshergrl is the kind of "Christian" that gives sealybobo and Derideo_Te a whole lotta fucking ammo to use against me when the three of us engage in a rational and productive discussion on religion. :lol: She is about in stage two of James Fowler's stages of faith and I doubt she will ever advance to stage three.

Who is James Fowler?
unkoshergrl thinks she speaks for all of Christianity

Christians view any marriage they participate in as a sacrament.

The problem with redefining marriage is that in redefining marriage, and then determining this new definition has civil rights attached to it, the state is forcing Christians to commit sacrilege, or be penalized under the law. Which is why we objected in the first place. And it's only been how many days???? And you see the screechers already calling for the heads of Christians if they don't participate and endorse.

Koshergrl is the kind of "Christian" that gives sealybobo and Derideo_Te a whole lotta fucking ammo to use against me when the three of us engage in a rational and productive discussion on religion. :lol: She is about in stage two of James Fowler's stages of faith and I doubt she will ever advance to stage three.

Who is James Fowler?

Google is your friend. Search "James Fowler Stages of Faith". You will never look at people of faith the same way again. Understand that most people never advance beyond stage three. Most posters on USMB are stuck in stage three and will probably never advance. A few have. JakeStarkey and Meriweather are both well into stage four at least. Maybe even stage five TrinityPower is into stage four but just barely.
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unkoshergrl thinks she speaks for all of Christianity

Christians view any marriage they participate in as a sacrament.

The problem with redefining marriage is that in redefining marriage, and then determining this new definition has civil rights attached to it, the state is forcing Christians to commit sacrilege, or be penalized under the law. Which is why we objected in the first place. And it's only been how many days???? And you see the screechers already calling for the heads of Christians if they don't participate and endorse.

Koshergrl is the kind of "Christian" that gives sealybobo and Derideo_Te a whole lotta fucking ammo to use against me when the three of us engage in a rational and productive discussion on religion. :lol: She is about in stage two of James Fowler's stages of faith and I doubt she will ever advance to stage three.

Who is James Fowler?

Google is your friend. Search "James Fowler Stages of Faith". You will never look at people of faith the same way again

BTW I am in stage five. :lol:
Google is your friend. Search "James Fowler Stages of Faith". You will never look at people of faith the same way again. Understand that most people never advance beyond stage three. Most posters on USMB are stuck in stage three and will probably never advance. A few have. JakeStarkey and Meriweather are both well into stage four at least. Maybe even stage five TrinityPower is into stage four but just barely.

It looks like a very interesting book. If I didn't already have 32 books that I still haven't read I'd have to add it to my list.
I just bought the book anyways. It was $0.01 + $3.99 shipping. It should be a good use of $4.00.
I just bought the book anyways. It was $0.01 + $3.99 shipping. It should be a good use of $4.00.

That's money well spent if you really want to understand the mind of the faithful. Now don't misunderstand...being at a higher level does not mean you are "better" than those at a lower level. It just means you understand things in a far different way.

This thread was started about Koshergrl...she is stuck in stage two. I am in stage five, TrinityPower is in four. @Meriwether and @Jake_Starkey are in four of five. It doesn't make us "better" or more "in with God". It just means we understand on a level that Koshergrl can't yet understand. Her mind is not programmed that way. She is walking her path the best way she knows how and so we should not condemn her for that. It's just that her capacity for understanding is at a very low and primitive level. Trying to discuss Biblical history with her, trying to discuss the differences between the Essenes, Ebionites, Pharisees, Marcionites, Sadducees, etc....trying to discuss the complexities of translating from Hebrew to Greek to Latin back to Greek and to English....pfft. It's beyond her comprehension. This is WAY too advanced for her to understand.

She is following according to her capacity for understanding. We should not beat the hell out of her for that because she is trying the only way she knows how. We should pat her on the head and say "you are making a good effort" and just let it be. People like her are not to be taken seriously as representative of the faith. They are to be taken as people who try hard to understand and we should give them credit for their efforts even though they don't grasp the concept.

See what I am getting at?
I just bought the book anyways. It was $0.01 + $3.99 shipping. It should be a good use of $4.00.

That's money well spent if you really want to understand the mind of the faithful. Now don't misunderstand...being at a higher level does not mean you are "better" than those at a lower level. It just means you understand things in a far different way.

This thread was started about Koshergrl...she is stuck in stage two. I am in stage five, TrinityPower is in four. @Meriwether and @Jake_Starkey are in four of five. It doesn't make us "better" or more "in with God". It just means we understand on a level that Koshergrl can't yet understand. Her mind is not programmed that way. She is walking her path the best way she knows how and so we should not condemn her for that. It's just that her capacity for understanding is at a very low and primitive level. Trying to discuss Biblical history with her, trying to discuss the differences between the Essenes, Ebionites, Pharisees, Marcionites, Sadducees, etc....trying to discuss the complexities of translating from Hebrew to Greek to Latin back to Greek and to English....pfft. It's beyond her comprehension. This is WAY too advanced for her to understand.

She is following according to her capacity for understanding. We should not beat the hell out of her for that because she is trying the only way she knows how. We should pat her on the head and say "you are making a good effort" and just let it be. People like her are not to be taken seriously as representative of the faith. They are to be taken as people who try hard to understand and we should give them credit for their efforts even though they don't grasp the concept.

See what I am getting at?

It sounds condescending to me. None of us like koshergrl but you just creatively called her an idiot with a passive-aggressive tone.
I wondered why I have alerts for this thread...I just read through the discussion and see I am tagged. People all have their own level of perspective on relation to God. After being in these discussions with some of you it has discouraged me to see just how illogical and crude many of you are so sharing anything from the heart is a waste of my time and will just be attacked and bullied for my view so trying to give any info to many of you is just time I can be developing my own spiritual learning. Accept God or reject God, follow the precepts or don't. I am not responsible for you and if you reject the word brought to you I shake the dust from my sandals and move along.
I just bought the book anyways. It was $0.01 + $3.99 shipping. It should be a good use of $4.00.

That's money well spent if you really want to understand the mind of the faithful. Now don't misunderstand...being at a higher level does not mean you are "better" than those at a lower level. It just means you understand things in a far different way.

This thread was started about Koshergrl...she is stuck in stage two. I am in stage five, TrinityPower is in four. @Meriwether and @Jake_Starkey are in four of five. It doesn't make us "better" or more "in with God". It just means we understand on a level that Koshergrl can't yet understand. Her mind is not programmed that way. She is walking her path the best way she knows how and so we should not condemn her for that. It's just that her capacity for understanding is at a very low and primitive level. Trying to discuss Biblical history with her, trying to discuss the differences between the Essenes, Ebionites, Pharisees, Marcionites, Sadducees, etc....trying to discuss the complexities of translating from Hebrew to Greek to Latin back to Greek and to English....pfft. It's beyond her comprehension. This is WAY too advanced for her to understand.

She is following according to her capacity for understanding. We should not beat the hell out of her for that because she is trying the only way she knows how. We should pat her on the head and say "you are making a good effort" and just let it be. People like her are not to be taken seriously as representative of the faith. They are to be taken as people who try hard to understand and we should give them credit for their efforts even though they don't grasp the concept.

See what I am getting at?

It sounds condescending to me. None of us like koshergrl but you just creatively called her an idiot with a passive-aggressive tone.

Call it as you will I guess, but do you really think she is representative of the community of faith? Let's call a spade a spade. Elevated topics are beyond her comprehension and when she chimes in it does nothing but distract from the opportunity for learning on both sides of the debate because now we have to backtrack and, once again, demonstrate the invalid nature of her arguments. It's a terrible distraction for those of us who want to understand alternate viewpoints. sealybobo and Derideo_Te, for example, don't agree but they DO wish to understand the Christian point of view. That is to their credit because they are willing to listen and consider and identify how that viewpoint affects their lives.

How do they deal with Koshergrl? There is no way to deal with her. Hell I am a Christian and I can't deal with her. How could atheists possibly deal with her? She eliminates any possibility of common ground and mutual understanding. Were my comments condescending? Yes. Was I wrong? You tell me. The topic of this thread boils down to "is Koshergrl a fair representation of Christians?" The answer is "hell no". But again she is not to be condemned for that. It;s all she can handle. It's the best her intelligence can do.
To be fair, Hortysir, most Christians being told that it's all been done for them and that Jesus is even going to keep the commandments for us, he'll overcome for us, he'll deny himself once again so that we don't have to - and so's simply not true but understandable that if we would believe such a thing we would not be taking this as a message of life and death - as we should be - because truly - God isn't grading on a curve. We are going to have to strive to enter into the narrow gate - the narrow path - we are going to have to do this because it will be far too late to prepare once disaster is upon us. When persecution hits the church? I expect more than half to deny Christ and go home to their families rather than to tough it out. If they are told to take the mark or they won't have their homes, their jobs, their children, their food? And they believe this lie of once saved always saved? They may even take the mark - (RFID Chip manufactured by Lucent Technologies and already being tested) - it is very serious. We are going to have to take the scriptures as they were meant to be taken. Literally.
I know He tells us to go and ain no more.
But we're humans.
We backslide. We stumble and fall.

We are saved by His Grace, not by our acts
I just bought the book anyways. It was $0.01 + $3.99 shipping. It should be a good use of $4.00.

That's money well spent if you really want to understand the mind of the faithful. Now don't misunderstand...being at a higher level does not mean you are "better" than those at a lower level. It just means you understand things in a far different way.

This thread was started about Koshergrl...she is stuck in stage two. I am in stage five, TrinityPower is in four. @Meriwether and @Jake_Starkey are in four of five. It doesn't make us "better" or more "in with God". It just means we understand on a level that Koshergrl can't yet understand. Her mind is not programmed that way. She is walking her path the best way she knows how and so we should not condemn her for that. It's just that her capacity for understanding is at a very low and primitive level. Trying to discuss Biblical history with her, trying to discuss the differences between the Essenes, Ebionites, Pharisees, Marcionites, Sadducees, etc....trying to discuss the complexities of translating from Hebrew to Greek to Latin back to Greek and to English....pfft. It's beyond her comprehension. This is WAY too advanced for her to understand.

She is following according to her capacity for understanding. We should not beat the hell out of her for that because she is trying the only way she knows how. We should pat her on the head and say "you are making a good effort" and just let it be. People like her are not to be taken seriously as representative of the faith. They are to be taken as people who try hard to understand and we should give them credit for their efforts even though they don't grasp the concept.

See what I am getting at?
You seem to be saying that it doesn't matter how crude your belief is, only that you believe. But patting someone on the head who puts herself forward as a representative of God while she is doing it so badly, that I don't understand.

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