Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

I guess the point you're trying to make is that if you don't like a religion your hearing keep looking until you find one that you do like. Well what if I feel like they all come with a huge fatal flaw?

That's actually very common for those with an advanced level of faith according to Fowler. Those who progress to stage four and above find that all religions have a fatal flaw because they were created by someone else. Therefore a "cookie cutter Christian" so to speak is not having a personal relationship with God, they are borrowing the relationship that someone else had. So at stage four one tends to dismiss organized religions and they start to...well...kind of create their own version of it based on what is personal and what they truly believe in instead of what they have been told to believe by an external authority figure.

So I guess my answer to your question would be...take what you can accept, leave the rest, and fill in the gaps with what you and God can agree upon.
Ok let's start from scratch. You tell me there's a God. How do you know there's a God? Did he visit you or your ancestors?

I don't know there's a God. I believe there's a God. That belief is supported by personal experiences for which I have no explanation. It is further supported by a great deal of thought, meditation, and self-honesty that has allowed me to get in contact with my true beliefs
I guess the point you're trying to make is that if you don't like a religion your hearing keep looking until you find one that you do like. Well what if I feel like they all come with a huge fatal flaw?

That's actually very common for those with an advanced level of faith according to Fowler. Those who progress to stage four and above find that all religions have a fatal flaw because they were created by someone else. Therefore a "cookie cutter Christian" so to speak is not having a personal relationship with God, they are borrowing the relationship that someone else had. So at stage four one tends to dismiss organized religions and they start to...well...kind of create their own version of it based on what is personal and what they truly believe in instead of what they have been told to believe by an external authority figure.

So I guess my answer to your question would be...take what you can accept, leave the rest, and fill in the gaps with what you and God can agree upon.
Ok let's start from scratch. You tell me there's a God. How do you know there's a God? Did he visit you or your ancestors?
I was not asked this but I will respond with a statement I heard recently. I can't be atheist. It takes too much faith. I am not trying to be sarcastic, it is a thought provoking statement. Whether God visited my ancestors or not is irrelevant really since I can safely bet you will say they were hallucinating or something.What I CAN tell you is that when you read the bible and see words on a page and reason it to be a story and that's all then that's all you will see. It comes down to how much you exercise faith but since you are saying you do not believe any of it things written in biblical texts will not have the same meaning for you as it does others. I can't make you believe in God and you can't convince me not to. It is a choice and because I choose it I find my life to be blessed and enriched and I see God in the unmaterial realm and the material realm more abundantly each day. I am at a point where I will share Jesus specifically with someone who asks but that my life and personality should be seen as an attraction to others and they too will want to know why I am blessed.

As for the other piece of this discussion about religious programs yes I do watch a couple and have for over 15 years. Has their teaching influenced me? Yes and I have applied what they have taught from the word and have many blessings from it. They also strongly encourage everyone to read their own bible daily and not just take their word for it. The people I listen to are not from a certain denomination and I define religious and spiritual differently. These people are not what I consider religious. And no I am not revealing who they are so they can be attacked.

I am open to discussion but not to attacks. If that rule of mine is not honored I take my ball and leave the discussion
45 years for a doctor who tortured 550 people. B******* should have been more
I guess the point you're trying to make is that if you don't like a religion your hearing keep looking until you find one that you do like. Well what if I feel like they all come with a huge fatal flaw?

That's actually very common for those with an advanced level of faith according to Fowler. Those who progress to stage four and above find that all religions have a fatal flaw because they were created by someone else. Therefore a "cookie cutter Christian" so to speak is not having a personal relationship with God, they are borrowing the relationship that someone else had. So at stage four one tends to dismiss organized religions and they start to...well...kind of create their own version of it based on what is personal and what they truly believe in instead of what they have been told to believe by an external authority figure.

So I guess my answer to your question would be...take what you can accept, leave the rest, and fill in the gaps with what you and God can agree upon.
Ok let's start from scratch. You tell me there's a God. How do you know there's a God? Did he visit you or your ancestors?

I don't know there's a God. I believe there's a God. That belief is supported by personal experiences for which I have no explanation. It is further supported by a great deal of thought, meditation, and self-honesty that has allowed me to get in contact with my true beliefs
If there was a god a Dr Who gave 50 people cancer treatment when they didnt need it would get more than 45 years in jail
I guess the point you're trying to make is that if you don't like a religion your hearing keep looking until you find one that you do like. Well what if I feel like they all come with a huge fatal flaw?

That's actually very common for those with an advanced level of faith according to Fowler. Those who progress to stage four and above find that all religions have a fatal flaw because they were created by someone else. Therefore a "cookie cutter Christian" so to speak is not having a personal relationship with God, they are borrowing the relationship that someone else had. So at stage four one tends to dismiss organized religions and they start to...well...kind of create their own version of it based on what is personal and what they truly believe in instead of what they have been told to believe by an external authority figure.

So I guess my answer to your question would be...take what you can accept, leave the rest, and fill in the gaps with what you and God can agree upon.
Ok let's start from scratch. You tell me there's a God. How do you know there's a God? Did he visit you or your ancestors?

I don't know there's a God. I believe there's a God. That belief is supported by personal experiences for which I have no explanation. It is further supported by a great deal of thought, meditation, and self-honesty that has allowed me to get in contact with my true beliefs
If there was a god a Dr Who gave 50 people cancer treatment when they didnt need it would get more than 45 years in jail
You're talking about a God of instant judgement.
We all only have one Judgement Day
I guess the point you're trying to make is that if you don't like a religion your hearing keep looking until you find one that you do like. Well what if I feel like they all come with a huge fatal flaw?

That's actually very common for those with an advanced level of faith according to Fowler. Those who progress to stage four and above find that all religions have a fatal flaw because they were created by someone else. Therefore a "cookie cutter Christian" so to speak is not having a personal relationship with God, they are borrowing the relationship that someone else had. So at stage four one tends to dismiss organized religions and they start to...well...kind of create their own version of it based on what is personal and what they truly believe in instead of what they have been told to believe by an external authority figure.

So I guess my answer to your question would be...take what you can accept, leave the rest, and fill in the gaps with what you and God can agree upon.
Ok let's start from scratch. You tell me there's a God. How do you know there's a God? Did he visit you or your ancestors?

I don't know there's a God. I believe there's a God. That belief is supported by personal experiences for which I have no explanation. It is further supported by a great deal of thought, meditation, and self-honesty that has allowed me to get in contact with my true beliefs
If there was a god a Dr Who gave 50 people cancer treatment when they didnt need it would get more than 45 years in jail
You're talking about a God of instant judgement.
We all only have one Judgement Day

What about repeat offenders?

Do you see the word "church" in here:

"Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality
b : a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament "


Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die.

Sacrament Definition of sacrament by Merriam-Webster

A fair representation of Christianity is this:

Acknowledging God is perfect in all ways and in control, that Jesus died for your sins and only through him will you be acceptable to God and living you life in obedience to God and His word.

That's ALL that is needed.
Do you see the word "church" in here:

"Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality
b : a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament "


Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die.

Sacrament Definition of sacrament by Merriam-Webster

A fair representation of Christianity is this:

Acknowledging God is perfect in all ways and in control, that Jesus died for your sins and only through him will you be acceptable to God and living you life in obedience to God and His word.

That's ALL that is needed.
But he is not perfect in all ways. For example if I were God and the airplane on 9/11 was flying into the building? I would have stopped it. So in that way I'm better than God .
If I were God there would be no birth defects cancer or Alzheimers disease.

Your god isn't even close to being perfect.

Didn't he f*** up with the devil?

And how did Jesus die for my sins when I wasn't even born yet
God made flawed Adam and Eve and they disappointed him. Then God made all of the people that he eventually wiped out with Noah's Flood. All just to eventually end up repopulating the world with identical assholes only now we are all descendants of Noahs incestual family
Do you see the word "church" in here:

"Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality
b : a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament "


Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die.

Sacrament Definition of sacrament by Merriam-Webster

A fair representation of Christianity is this:

Acknowledging God is perfect in all ways and in control, that Jesus died for your sins and only through him will you be acceptable to God and living you life in obedience to God and His word.

That's ALL that is needed.
But he is not perfect in all ways. For example if I were God and the airplane on 9/11 was flying into the building? I would have stopped it. So in that way I'm better than God .
If I were God there would be no birth defects cancer or Alzheimers disease.

Your god isn't even close to being perfect.

Didn't he f*** up with the devil?

And how did Jesus die for my sins when I wasn't even born yet

His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)
We insist that we know better and have a better moral code than God. Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can); you then turn to Him, and, through obedience to Him, prayer, reading the Bible and study, things are revealed to you that as a non-Christian, you can not understand.
Do you see the word "church" in here:

"Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality
b : a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament "


Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die.

Sacrament Definition of sacrament by Merriam-Webster

A fair representation of Christianity is this:

Acknowledging God is perfect in all ways and in control, that Jesus died for your sins and only through him will you be acceptable to God and living you life in obedience to God and His word.

That's ALL that is needed.
But he is not perfect in all ways. For example if I were God and the airplane on 9/11 was flying into the building? I would have stopped it. So in that way I'm better than God .
If I were God there would be no birth defects cancer or Alzheimers disease.

Your god isn't even close to being perfect.

Didn't he f*** up with the devil?

And how did Jesus die for my sins when I wasn't even born yet

His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)
We insist that we know better and have a better moral code than God. Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can); you then turn to Him, and, through obedience to Him, prayer, reading the Bible and study, things are revealed to you that as a non-Christian, you can not understand.
Yes ignorance is bliss. Every cult member loves their cult. In fact I've heard Muslims say the exact same thing you just did about their God and their religion
Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can);

There is no hole in my life.

And if there was how could it be "filled" by something that doesn't exist?
Do you see the word "church" in here:

"Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality
b : a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament "


Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die.

Sacrament Definition of sacrament by Merriam-Webster

A fair representation of Christianity is this:

Acknowledging God is perfect in all ways and in control, that Jesus died for your sins and only through him will you be acceptable to God and living you life in obedience to God and His word.

That's ALL that is needed.
But he is not perfect in all ways. For example if I were God and the airplane on 9/11 was flying into the building? I would have stopped it. So in that way I'm better than God .
If I were God there would be no birth defects cancer or Alzheimers disease.

Your god isn't even close to being perfect.

Didn't he f*** up with the devil?

And how did Jesus die for my sins when I wasn't even born yet

His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)
We insist that we know better and have a better moral code than God. Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can); you then turn to Him, and, through obedience to Him, prayer, reading the Bible and study, things are revealed to you that as a non-Christian, you can not understand.
Yes ignorance is bliss. Every cult member loves their cult. In fact I've heard Muslims say the exact same thing you just did about their God and their religion

It's the smartest thing you would ever do in your life.
Sin in this world is Man's doing, not God's. They made their choice in the Garden of Eden and we have been paying the price ever since.
I've been on both sides, but, I was never angry at God or hateful towards Christians.
I just thought they we weak and pathetic, but, did respect their right to believe and follow.
Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can);

There is no hole in my life.

And if there was how could it be "filled" by something that doesn't exist?

You refuse to believe and open your heart (not mind) - if you did, God would draw you to him, and something that makes no sense to your (our) limited intellectual minds now, would all come together and make sense.

A fair representation of Christianity is this:

Acknowledging God is perfect in all ways and in control, that Jesus died for your sins and only through him will you be acceptable to God and living you life in obedience to God and His word.

That's ALL that is needed.
But he is not perfect in all ways. For example if I were God and the airplane on 9/11 was flying into the building? I would have stopped it. So in that way I'm better than God .
If I were God there would be no birth defects cancer or Alzheimers disease.

Your god isn't even close to being perfect.

Didn't he f*** up with the devil?

And how did Jesus die for my sins when I wasn't even born yet

His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)
We insist that we know better and have a better moral code than God. Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can); you then turn to Him, and, through obedience to Him, prayer, reading the Bible and study, things are revealed to you that as a non-Christian, you can not understand.
Yes ignorance is bliss. Every cult member loves their cult. In fact I've heard Muslims say the exact same thing you just did about their God and their religion

It's the smartest thing you would ever do in your life.
Sin in this world is Man's doing, not God's. They made their choice in the Garden of Eden and we have been paying the price ever since.
I've been on both sides, but, I was never angry at God or hateful towards Christians.
I just thought they we weak and pathetic, but, did respect their right to believe and follow.
I'm not angry at God. You have to believe in God to be angry at him. I don't think he exists.

So why are we paying for Adam and eves mistakes? You religious people talk about forgiveness and yet your God still holds a grudge from thousands of years ago?

I am also not hateful towards Christians I just don't like their stupidity anymore than I do Muslims Mormons or new. The fact is I have many Christian friends and some Jewish Muslim and Mormon friends and I don't hate any of them I just think they're stupid for believing in a fairy tale
Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can);

There is no hole in my life.

And if there was how could it be "filled" by something that doesn't exist?
Delusions of grandeur

WE are the ones with "Delusions of Grandeur" - we think we ARE GOD. Wrong!
I don't think I'm God. I think I'm an animal on one particular planet in this part of the universe nothing more nothing less. When I die my spirit goes the same place a squirrel's spirit goes and that's nowhere. I know that's the scary and sad thought for Christians but not me. I'm just grateful I was lucky enough to be born and got to experience life for 40 hopefully more years to come. But any fantasy about a heaven after I die? It's just nonsense
A fair representation of Christianity is this:

Acknowledging God is perfect in all ways and in control, that Jesus died for your sins and only through him will you be acceptable to God and living you life in obedience to God and His word.

That's ALL that is needed.
But he is not perfect in all ways. For example if I were God and the airplane on 9/11 was flying into the building? I would have stopped it. So in that way I'm better than God .
If I were God there would be no birth defects cancer or Alzheimers disease.

Your god isn't even close to being perfect.

Didn't he f*** up with the devil?

And how did Jesus die for my sins when I wasn't even born yet

His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)
We insist that we know better and have a better moral code than God. Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can); you then turn to Him, and, through obedience to Him, prayer, reading the Bible and study, things are revealed to you that as a non-Christian, you can not understand.
Yes ignorance is bliss. Every cult member loves their cult. In fact I've heard Muslims say the exact same thing you just did about their God and their religion

It's the smartest thing you would ever do in your life.
Sin in this world is Man's doing, not God's. They made their choice in the Garden of Eden and we have been paying the price ever since.
I've been on both sides, but, I was never angry at God or hateful towards Christians.
I just thought they we weak and pathetic, but, did respect their right to believe and follow.
I'm not angry at God. You have to believe in God to be angry at him. I don't think he exists.

So why are we paying for Adam and eves mistakes? You religious people talk about forgiveness and yet your God still holds a grudge from thousands of years ago?

I am also not hateful towards Christians I just don't like their stupidity anymore than I do Muslims Mormons or new. The fact is I have many Christian friends and some Jewish Muslim and Mormon friends and I don't hate any of them I just think they're stupid for believing in a fairy tale

As a Christian, this life is viewed as but a brief moment in our existence.
Any pain and suffering experienced on Earth is like a Band-Aid being pulled off.
As a non-Christian/believer, this life is ALL that matters. Big difference.
Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can);

There is no hole in my life.

And if there was how could it be "filled" by something that doesn't exist?
Delusions of grandeur

WE are the ones with "Delusions of Grandeur" - we think we ARE GOD. Wrong!
I don't think I'm God. I think I'm an animal on one particular planet in this part of the universe nothing more nothing less. When I die my spirit goes the same place a squirrel's spirit goes and that's nowhere. I know that's the scary and sad thought for Christians but not me. I'm just grateful I was lucky enough to be born and got to experience life for 40 hopefully more years to come. But any fantasy about a heaven after I die? It's just nonsense

I believed that too - so I do understand.
I don't think it's scary to think you just stop existing, not at all.
Much more scary to think of an eternity of suffering.
Honestly, I never feared death either way (as a non-Christian or as a Christian)

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