Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can);

There is no hole in my life.

And if there was how could it be "filled" by something that doesn't exist?
Delusions of grandeur

WE are the ones with "Delusions of Grandeur" - we think we ARE GOD. Wrong!
I don't think I'm God. I think I'm an animal on one particular planet in this part of the universe nothing more nothing less. When I die my spirit goes the same place a squirrel's spirit goes and that's nowhere. I know that's the scary and sad thought for Christians but not me. I'm just grateful I was lucky enough to be born and got to experience life for 40 hopefully more years to come. But any fantasy about a heaven after I die? It's just nonsense

I believed that too - so I do understand.
I don't think it's scary to think you just stop existing, not at all.
Much more scary to think of an eternity of suffering.
Honestly, I never feared death either way (as a non-Christian or as a Christian)
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
What purpose and meaning does believe in God give you? My life has purpose and meaning. Even without God my life has purpose and meaning. What is your purpose and meaning?
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
What purpose and meaning does believe in God give you? My life has purpose and meaning. Even without God my life has purpose and meaning. What is your purpose and meaning?

God himself. The perfect creator of all things. On this earth, telling people about Jesus and the great salvation that is offered as a free gift to all is purpose. To help effect a positive change on someone's life, knowing they will be fulfilled in ways they never knew possible. God is the purpose! Unless you love Him, it's impossible to understand.
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
I can't force myself to believe in something I don't just because I want to believe it. My brain just doesn't work that way. Do you want me to lie? I'm just being honest. And atheists don't see it as being sad that we don't believe in God. We don't feel like we're missing something or that there is a void in our life. In fact we feel like we No for the truth most human beings don't by understanding believe in God is for weak minded people who want or hope they will live forever.

I watch my nephews enjoy SpongeBob SquarePants. I wish I could enjoy that TV show as much as they do but I can't. Just like Christians look at me and feel sorry for me because I don't get it I'm sure my nephews probably pity me because I can't get as much enjoyment out of Spongebob as they do. But it's not said for me to not enjoy spongebob. I wish I did enjoy spongebob but I can't no matter how badly I want to
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
What purpose and meaning does believe in God give you? My life has purpose and meaning. Even without God my life has purpose and meaning. What is your purpose and meaning?

God himself. The perfect creator of all things. On this earth, telling people about Jesus and the great salvation that is offered as a free gift to all is purpose. To help effect a positive change on someone's life, knowing they will be fulfilled in ways they never knew possible. God is the purpose! Unless you love Him, it's impossible to understand.
I get it. It's like the guy who held those three women hostage for 10 years and torture them and raped them. One day he brings them home a little kitty cat. What does that cat give them? Purpose and meaning
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
I can't force myself to believe in something I don't just because I want to believe it. My brain just doesn't work that way. Do you want me to lie? I'm just being honest. And atheists don't see it as being sad that we don't believe in God. We don't feel like we're missing something or that there is a void in our life. In fact we feel like we No for the truth most human beings don't by understanding believe in God is for weak minded people who want or hope they will live forever.

I watch my nephews enjoy SpongeBob SquarePants. I wish I could enjoy that TV show as much as they do but I can't. Just like Christians look at me and feel sorry for me because I don't get it I'm sure my nephews probably pity me because I can't get as much enjoyment out of Spongebob as they do. But it's not said for me to not enjoy spongebob. I wish I did enjoy spongebob but I can't no matter how badly I want to

I agree. You can't just say "Okay, I'll believe" - you have to hear the message, have an open heart, and God will draw you - you'll start to consider and think a little differently. But you can't force that, I agree.

I don't feel sorry for you. Mostly what I feel towards everyone (I don't classify people) is hope.
Hope for Christian's and non-Christian's.

Selfishly and personally, I wish for many things in life, but ultimately, understand I am flawed and that what I want or desire is not always (and often is not) what is best. We're not that much different in our thinking, actually.....
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
What purpose and meaning does believe in God give you? My life has purpose and meaning. Even without God my life has purpose and meaning. What is your purpose and meaning?

God himself. The perfect creator of all things. On this earth, telling people about Jesus and the great salvation that is offered as a free gift to all is purpose. To help effect a positive change on someone's life, knowing they will be fulfilled in ways they never knew possible. God is the purpose! Unless you love Him, it's impossible to understand.
I get it. It's like the guy who held those three women hostage for 10 years and torture them and raped them. One day he brings them home a little kitty cat. What does that cat give them? Purpose and meaning

Well, I'm not a theologian, preacher or I won't even say I'm the most mature Christian on the planet for sure, and, if what I am saying portrays that in your mind, probably best I don't talk because I'm obviously not doing God any favors! I hope you run into someone that will get you thinking about it one day though......
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
I can't force myself to believe in something I don't just because I want to believe it. My brain just doesn't work that way. Do you want me to lie? I'm just being honest. And atheists don't see it as being sad that we don't believe in God. We don't feel like we're missing something or that there is a void in our life. In fact we feel like we No for the truth most human beings don't by understanding believe in God is for weak minded people who want or hope they will live forever.

I watch my nephews enjoy SpongeBob SquarePants. I wish I could enjoy that TV show as much as they do but I can't. Just like Christians look at me and feel sorry for me because I don't get it I'm sure my nephews probably pity me because I can't get as much enjoyment out of Spongebob as they do. But it's not said for me to not enjoy spongebob. I wish I did enjoy spongebob but I can't no matter how badly I want to

I agree. You can't just say "Okay, I'll believe" - you have to hear the message, have an open heart, and God will draw you - you'll start to consider and think a little differently. But you can't force that, I agree.

I don't feel sorry for you. Mostly what I feel towards everyone (I don't classify people) is hope.
Hope for Christian's and non-Christian's.

Selfishly and personally, I wish for many things in life, but ultimately, understand I am flawed and that what I want or desire is not always (and often is not) what is best. We're not that much different in our thinking, actually.....
I don't know about all that open your heart and he will come then because keep in mind I was a Christian for over 20 years. Keep in mind I never fully believed Christianity because of all the nuts out there putting their spin on it but I did believe in God and thought I had a personal relationship with him despite what other humans say and believe. It took decades for me to come to the conclusion that there is no God and it wasn't because of anything bad that happened I wasn't angry with God I just simply realize there is no God. Maybe a creator created all this but I doubt it. What I think is that God is something humans came up with in their minds to answer questions we don't know. For example Zeus was imagined or invented. People didn't know why fender and lightning happened so it must have been the god Zeus and you must have been mad at us. As if a God up there looking down on us caring what the hell we do. Silly actually
All that suffering for eternity crap is just to scare you into being a good person. Do you want to know what it is like after you die? Would you like to know what it will be like for you for the next 14 billion years after you are dead? Just remember what it was like the 14 billion years before you were born. Did you suffer? Did you live in a heaven? If you cant imagine you not existing that's just arrogance and hopefulness.

I've known many Christians who are not happy in life and they would be very sad if this was all there was. To me I am just very grateful that I got the opportunity to live. Had my parents not had sex that night I wouldn't be here. And me being born was not any Immaculate Conception. I am NOT special to a god I know a God doesnt care about me just like he doesn't care about the chicken that's in my slow cooker right now

But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
What purpose and meaning does believe in God give you? My life has purpose and meaning. Even without God my life has purpose and meaning. What is your purpose and meaning?

God himself. The perfect creator of all things. On this earth, telling people about Jesus and the great salvation that is offered as a free gift to all is purpose. To help effect a positive change on someone's life, knowing they will be fulfilled in ways they never knew possible. God is the purpose! Unless you love Him, it's impossible to understand.
I get it. It's like the guy who held those three women hostage for 10 years and torture them and raped them. One day he brings them home a little kitty cat. What does that cat give them? Purpose and meaning

Well, I'm not a theologian, preacher or I won't even say I'm the most mature Christian on the planet for sure, and, if what I am saying portrays that in your mind, probably best I don't talk because I'm obviously not doing God any favors! I hope you run into someone that will get you thinking about it one day though......
No you're doing alright. All I'm saying is like the kitty cat God gives you purpose in your life and meaning. You need it so who am I to tell you to stop. I just don't think that believe in God is good for humans. I think we could do better throwing that out. For example look at those Muslims in the Middle East cutting others heads off for their God. Look at all the racists down south who go to church on Sunday but Monday through Saturday they want to keep the Confederate flag flying. Clearly belief in God is not making them better people. It may give their life purpose and meaning but what that purpose and meaning is I have no idea
But you can't "KNOW" that for 100% certainty.
You may say that I can't either, but, doesn't change the fact that you can't..........

Would you admit you mind is finite? That you have limited brain capacity and are not capable of knowing all there is to know?

If you are trying to be a good person because you are scared of Hell, you don't understand Christianity (I mean people who say they are Christians, not you....)

Turning to God because you know you need him, and, that he will give you new life, is a good reason (not to avoid Hell) - once you come to God and live for him, HE will change you from the inside out. You will WANT to change, and will have a better life for it (not necessarily a life filled with only good EARTHLY things and comforts) - but a life with PURPOSE and MEANING!
What purpose and meaning does believe in God give you? My life has purpose and meaning. Even without God my life has purpose and meaning. What is your purpose and meaning?

God himself. The perfect creator of all things. On this earth, telling people about Jesus and the great salvation that is offered as a free gift to all is purpose. To help effect a positive change on someone's life, knowing they will be fulfilled in ways they never knew possible. God is the purpose! Unless you love Him, it's impossible to understand.
I get it. It's like the guy who held those three women hostage for 10 years and torture them and raped them. One day he brings them home a little kitty cat. What does that cat give them? Purpose and meaning

Well, I'm not a theologian, preacher or I won't even say I'm the most mature Christian on the planet for sure, and, if what I am saying portrays that in your mind, probably best I don't talk because I'm obviously not doing God any favors! I hope you run into someone that will get you thinking about it one day though......
No you're doing alright. All I'm saying is like the kitty cat God gives you purpose in your life and meaning. You need it so who am I to tell you to stop. I just don't think that believe in God is good for humans. I think we could do better throwing that out. For example look at those Muslims in the Middle East cutting others heads off for their God. Look at all the racists down south who go to church on Sunday but Monday through Saturday they want to keep the Confederate flag flying. Clearly belief in God is not making them better people. It may give their life purpose and meaning but what that purpose and meaning is I have no idea

We should be loving each other and wanting what is best for each other.
In a Christian's mind, that is relationship with God and life everlasting.
Pretty much all I can say about it - we will all find out for certainty when we die, so, until then....

I need to wrap it up here, so, if I don't reply, know it's because I'm closing up shop. Have an appointment and then the rest of the day is filled with chores... yuck! May check in later.

Have a good day! Thanks for the discussion.
Think about that everyone. For years I believed I had a personal relationship with God. I talked to him and prayed to him. Can't say I didn't believe because I did. It wasn't easy concluding that's something we all believe is so important doesn't exist but that's where I landed. I wasn't angry mad or hurt. I just use my brain and came to a rational and logical conclusion that I was praying and talking to nothing or myself. I'm glad doing this provides comfort to others but it just made no sense for me to do anymore. And since there is no God heaven or hell I don't think its sad that I stopped doing this. In fact I feel rather liberated
What purpose and meaning does believe in God give you? My life has purpose and meaning. Even without God my life has purpose and meaning. What is your purpose and meaning?

God himself. The perfect creator of all things. On this earth, telling people about Jesus and the great salvation that is offered as a free gift to all is purpose. To help effect a positive change on someone's life, knowing they will be fulfilled in ways they never knew possible. God is the purpose! Unless you love Him, it's impossible to understand.
I get it. It's like the guy who held those three women hostage for 10 years and torture them and raped them. One day he brings them home a little kitty cat. What does that cat give them? Purpose and meaning

Well, I'm not a theologian, preacher or I won't even say I'm the most mature Christian on the planet for sure, and, if what I am saying portrays that in your mind, probably best I don't talk because I'm obviously not doing God any favors! I hope you run into someone that will get you thinking about it one day though......
No you're doing alright. All I'm saying is like the kitty cat God gives you purpose in your life and meaning. You need it so who am I to tell you to stop. I just don't think that believe in God is good for humans. I think we could do better throwing that out. For example look at those Muslims in the Middle East cutting others heads off for their God. Look at all the racists down south who go to church on Sunday but Monday through Saturday they want to keep the Confederate flag flying. Clearly belief in God is not making them better people. It may give their life purpose and meaning but what that purpose and meaning is I have no idea

We should be loving each other and wanting what is best for each other.
In a Christian's mind, that is relationship with God and life everlasting.
Pretty much all I can say about it - we will all find out for certainty when we die, so, until then....

I need to wrap it up here, so, if I don't reply, know it's because I'm closing up shop. Have an appointment and then the rest of the day is filled with chores... yuck! May check in later.

Have a good day! Thanks for the discussion.
Yes I think it is very important that we all love each other. You seem like a great person. You know what I have been doing since that one guy shot those people in that church? I have been going out of my way to be nice to black people when I see them. I hope this world gets better. I truly believe that if you want heaven it's right here on earth but can easily be hell if the people around you are bad. And many atheists are good people who love and care about humanity this planet and people. Have a great day
You're trying to say a sacrament defines Christianity?

No. I was talking about this part:

"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I included the entire post to include context.

Oh, so you're butt hurt. Carry on
Not at all. I'm curious to know if that is a fair representative of Christianity.

No you aren't. The post lacks sincerity in the slightest.
You're trying to say a sacrament defines Christianity?

No. I was talking about this part:

"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I included the entire post to include context.

Oh, so you're butt hurt. Carry on
Not at all. I'm curious to know if that is a fair representative of Christianity.

No you aren't. The post lacks sincerity in the slightest.
Are you a fair representative?
You're trying to say a sacrament defines Christianity?

No. I was talking about this part:

"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I included the entire post to include context.

Oh, so you're butt hurt. Carry on
Not at all. I'm curious to know if that is a fair representative of Christianity.

No you aren't. The post lacks sincerity in the slightest.
Are you a fair representative?

I try to be, but I fail miserably all the time.

Look at Christ if you want the best example
Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can);

There is no hole in my life.

And if there was how could it be "filled" by something that doesn't exist?

You refuse to believe and open your heart (not mind) - if you did, God would draw you to him, and something that makes no sense to your (our) limited intellectual minds now, would all come together and make sense.

Nothing whatsoever to do with "refusal" on my part.

Those platitudes are what makes no sense and our intellect was smart enough to conceive of your God so why does it suddenly become "limited" again just to satisfy your failure to provide any actual evidence that your imaginary conception of God exists.

We can imagine that fairies exist and magic exists but our intellect knows that those are imaginary and just stories for small children.

So why do we need to have an imaginary God for adults?

Or is it just that adults are just refusing to be adults and deal with the reality that there is no God just as there are no fairies or magic?

The refusal is all yours and I would appreciate it if you didn't try to impose your refusal to face reality on others.

Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can);

There is no hole in my life.

And if there was how could it be "filled" by something that doesn't exist?
Delusions of grandeur

WE are the ones with "Delusions of Grandeur" - we think we ARE GOD. Wrong!

How can we be wrong when we created God?

Isn't that the ultimate delusion of grandeur?
Once you realize you don't have the answers, and that there is a hole in your life nothing else can fill (only God can);

There is no hole in my life.

And if there was how could it be "filled" by something that doesn't exist?
Delusions of grandeur

WE are the ones with "Delusions of Grandeur" - we think we ARE GOD. Wrong!

How can we be wrong when we created God?

Isn't that the ultimate delusion of grandeur?

I really appreciate people like bonzi. Nice decent people who happen to believe in a creator. I totally get it as I too once believed. I just look around at Catholics, rattle snake holding Christians, born again, Muslims Mormons, how the Jews act in Israel. The song does anybody really know what time it is just came into my head. Chicago? Lol

I really don't see us moving forward as a species holding on to this delusion. I know it seems healthy to them but it doesn't to me. If it's not rational or logical why are we holding on to it? That's a rhetorical question because I know the answers. So I feel bad when I run into religious people like Fonzie because their intentions are good but I don't care what reason a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel
No. I was talking about this part:

"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I included the entire post to include context.

Oh, so you're butt hurt. Carry on
Not at all. I'm curious to know if that is a fair representative of Christianity.

No you aren't. The post lacks sincerity in the slightest.
Are you a fair representative?

I try to be, but I fail miserably all the time.

Look at Christ if you want the best example
Christ is the ultimate martyr. What a rock star this guy must have been.

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