Is This NOT Fair????

"I expect to see some interesting, and completely idiotic responses!"

The above quoted is truly idiotic.

The 'confederate' flag has not been 'banned.'

Consequently the thread premise fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The ignorance and stupidity of the thread premise is monumental, a failure of galactic proportions.

Citizens are at liberty to display the 'confederate' flag in any venue they so desire, just as Muslims are at liberty to practice their faith – both immune from attack by the state.

Stupid, moronic, idiotic thread.

Why thank you, black shyster for proving my STILL ARE the dumbest black dude on USMB!

5 Facts About California's Ban of Confederate Flag
Newsmax Media
Jul 29, 2015 - Although the State of California didn't fly the Confederate flag over its capitol, a state law banning its display on public lands was put in place ...
Dear Vigilante
When the large Buddha statues were destroyed by the Taliban, the world historians cried out at a loss of priceless cultural history,
but this did not cause religious insult to the Buddhist leaders or followers who do not depend on this as any kind of icon or idol.

Same with the removal of the Confederate symbols. The Constitutionalists, states rights, and other groups will continue on and do not rely on these flags.

However, the Muslims do rely on their Quran, and their prayers. If you ban those, you do disrupt the
free exercise of religion of innocent citizens who did nothing to be "deprived of liberty without due process."

I agree with you that it is wrong to send the hate message that "all followers" of a certain ideology are to be punished and demonized for the actions of a few.

As for removing something out of respect, if they AGREE to it that is being civil.
Just like the Muslim group that agreed to back down after protests over their mosques,
they had the right to build and practice their faith anywhere, but out of respect for the
9/11 ground zero site, if people asked to refrain from promoting their mosque near there,
it is just being civil to respect the wishes of the public.

Legally they could have fought it, but if I were their lawyers I would recommend they back off.
And if they developed any display near the WTC, I would suggest a Constitutional historic memorial
and include all the victims, first responders and emergency personnel. Islamic teachings include
natural laws and democratic govt, so that theme would be inclusive and not divisive.

It is just Common Sense to work with people, and be sensitive to both sides,
and I believe our Constitutional laws require us to be equally inclusive and protect all interests.
I would recommend redressing all grievances and solving these conflicts fully, instead of
letting them fester, and arise over and over, because the process wasn't finished by consensus.

Send them all back to Saudi Arabia who has more MONEY than brains, and can take care of their brothers...instead of us, we have ENOUGH with illegal Hispanics!

Dear Vigilante
Let's distinguish the law-abiding citizens who comply with DUE PROCESS under Constitutional standards,
vs. people who act like terrorist vigilantes and issue punishments without due process.

If you fall under the group that would punish people without due process to prove they deserve to lose rights,
you land in the same category as terrorists who don't follow Constitutional laws.

That's fine, you and others like you can be in one group and make laws for yourselves
if you share the same disdain for "due process" and "equal protection of the laws."

You are right about "illegals" in that nobody should be afforded privileges in the US
who hasn't first agreed and been trained to follow the laws of the land.

To be a "lawful" citizen should require Constitutional education and training.
And unfortunately, even our Presidents with Harvard educations don't seem to have
a concept on Constitutional checks on govt. So that's how much work we have to do,
to SCREEN, train and test all citizens for compliance with laws. Even our leaders aren't of passing quality.
Dear Vigilante
When the large Buddha statues were destroyed by the Taliban, the world historians cried out at a loss of priceless cultural history,
but this did not cause religious insult to the Buddhist leaders or followers who do not depend on this as any kind of icon or idol.

Same with the removal of the Confederate symbols. The Constitutionalists, states rights, and other groups will continue on and do not rely on these flags.

However, the Muslims do rely on their Quran, and their prayers. If you ban those, you do disrupt the
free exercise of religion of innocent citizens who did nothing to be "deprived of liberty without due process."

I agree with you that it is wrong to send the hate message that "all followers" of a certain ideology are to be punished and demonized for the actions of a few.

As for removing something out of respect, if they AGREE to it that is being civil.
Just like the Muslim group that agreed to back down after protests over their mosques,
they had the right to build and practice their faith anywhere, but out of respect for the
9/11 ground zero site, if people asked to refrain from promoting their mosque near there,
it is just being civil to respect the wishes of the public.

Legally they could have fought it, but if I were their lawyers I would recommend they back off.
And if they developed any display near the WTC, I would suggest a Constitutional historic memorial
and include all the victims, first responders and emergency personnel. Islamic teachings include
natural laws and democratic govt, so that theme would be inclusive and not divisive.

It is just Common Sense to work with people, and be sensitive to both sides,
and I believe our Constitutional laws require us to be equally inclusive and protect all interests.
I would recommend redressing all grievances and solving these conflicts fully, instead of
letting them fester, and arise over and over, because the process wasn't finished by consensus.

Send them all back to Saudi Arabia who has more MONEY than brains, and can take care of their brothers...instead of us, we have ENOUGH with illegal Hispanics!

Dear Vigilante
Let's distinguish the law-abiding citizens who comply with DUE PROCESS under Constitutional standards,
vs. people who act like terrorist vigilantes and issue punishments without due process.

If you fall under the group that would punish people without due process to prove they deserve to lose rights,
you land in the same category as terrorists who don't follow Constitutional laws.

That's fine, you and others like you can be in one group and make laws for yourselves
if you share the same disdain for "due process" and "equal protection of the laws."

You are right about "illegals" in that nobody should be afforded privileges in the US
who hasn't first agreed and been trained to follow the laws of the land.

To be a "lawful" citizen should require Constitutional education and training.
And unfortunately, even our Presidents with Harvard educations don't seem to have
a concept on Constitutional checks on govt. So that's how much work we have to do,
to SCREEN, train and test all citizens for compliance with laws. Even our leaders aren't of passing quality.
I insist we ban all Mosques from government grounds

And ban all of the statues to Mohammed cluttering parks

And no more forcing students in public schools to recite the Koran at the beginning of class.....

Syriusly do you want to chip in to the $15 million dollar settlement
sought in the case of Ahmed, the student who brought the clock to school?

What about our tax money going to pay that?

I couldn't get $1 million to save a national historic black church site on the federal govt historic registry.
But this kid is asking $15 million. What about that?

I expect to see some interesting, and completely idiotic responses!

I am all for banning mosques in America, just as Confederate Flags have been banned in America.


No problem, we can simply BURY them!

Like you have buried all of the confederate flags you have been banned from having on American soil?


That's OK... how many citizens has that flagged killed?....I can give you a BODY COUNT of muslim murders!

Oh I am sure you spend many sleepless nights counting yourself to sleep that way.

Meanwhile- shame you have been banned from having Confederate Flags in America.

Did you bury all of yours- or burn them?
I insist we ban all Mosques from government grounds

And ban all of the statues to Mohammed cluttering parks

And no more forcing students in public schools to recite the Koran at the beginning of class.....

Syriusly do you want to chip in to the $15 million dollar settlement
sought in the case of Ahmed, the student who brought the clock to school?

What about our tax money going to pay that?

Well I am not in the school district that would have to pay- however, IF the school violated the rights of the student- AND if the jury decides that a student was harmed for $15 million dollars- then I think tax payers should pay regardless of whether the students name is Ahmed or Jesus or Frank.

Why do you think that students named Ahmed should not be allowed access to our legal system?
"Is This NOT Fair????"

It's moronic, idiotic, and utterly stupid.

It's the product of someone clearly not intelligent, someone incapable of rational, logical thought, and someone comprehensively ignorant of the law.

A state government removing a 'confederate' flag from state property or removing it from a license plate is government speech, where such an act by the state manifests as neither a 'violation' of free speech nor the 'banning' of a 'confederate' flag (see Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans).

Again, as a consequence, the thread premise fails – it compares two dissimilar things, one having nothing to do with the other, rendering the notion of whether it's 'fair' or not an idiotic question.

That the states might lawfully and in compliance with the Constitution remove a 'confederate' flag from state property in no way 'justifies' the banning or prohibition of Islamic religious symbols.
Dear Vigilante
When the large Buddha statues were destroyed by the Taliban, the world historians cried out at a loss of priceless cultural history,
but this did not cause religious insult to the Buddhist leaders or followers who do not depend on this as any kind of icon or idol.

Same with the removal of the Confederate symbols. The Constitutionalists, states rights, and other groups will continue on and do not rely on these flags.

However, the Muslims do rely on their Quran, and their prayers. If you ban those, you do disrupt the
free exercise of religion of innocent citizens who did nothing to be "deprived of liberty without due process."

I agree with you that it is wrong to send the hate message that "all followers" of a certain ideology are to be punished and demonized for the actions of a few.

As for removing something out of respect, if they AGREE to it that is being civil.
Just like the Muslim group that agreed to back down after protests over their mosques,
they had the right to build and practice their faith anywhere, but out of respect for the
9/11 ground zero site, if people asked to refrain from promoting their mosque near there,
it is just being civil to respect the wishes of the public.

Legally they could have fought it, but if I were their lawyers I would recommend they back off.
And if they developed any display near the WTC, I would suggest a Constitutional historic memorial
and include all the victims, first responders and emergency personnel. Islamic teachings include
natural laws and democratic govt, so that theme would be inclusive and not divisive.

It is just Common Sense to work with people, and be sensitive to both sides,
and I believe our Constitutional laws require us to be equally inclusive and protect all interests.
I would recommend redressing all grievances and solving these conflicts fully, instead of
letting them fester, and arise over and over, because the process wasn't finished by consensus.

Send them all back to Saudi Arabia who has more MONEY than brains, and can take care of their brothers...instead of us, we have ENOUGH with illegal Hispanics!

Dear Vigilante
Let's distinguish the law-abiding citizens who comply with DUE PROCESS under Constitutional standards,
vs. people who act like terrorist vigilantes and issue punishments without due process.

If you fall under the group that would punish people without due process to prove they deserve to lose rights,
you land in the same category as terrorists who don't follow Constitutional laws.

That's fine, you and others like you can be in one group and make laws for yourselves
if you share the same disdain for "due process" and "equal protection of the laws."

You are right about "illegals" in that nobody should be afforded privileges in the US
who hasn't first agreed and been trained to follow the laws of the land.

To be a "lawful" citizen should require Constitutional education and training.
And unfortunately, even our Presidents with Harvard educations don't seem to have
a concept on Constitutional checks on govt. So that's how much work we have to do,
to SCREEN, train and test all citizens for compliance with laws. Even our leaders aren't of passing quality.


Shame you hate what Teddy said so much.

I expect to see some interesting, and completely idiotic responses!

I am all for banning mosques in America, just as Confederate Flags have been banned in America.


No problem, we can simply BURY them!

Like you have buried all of the confederate flags you have been banned from having on American soil?


That's OK... how many citizens has that flagged killed?....I can give you a BODY COUNT of muslim murders!

Oh I am sure you spend many sleepless nights counting yourself to sleep that way.

Meanwhile- shame you have been banned from having Confederate Flags in America.

Did you bury all of yours- or burn them?

I did neither as I watch scum like you do this!

"I expect to see some interesting, and completely idiotic responses!"

The above quoted is truly idiotic.

The 'confederate' flag has not been 'banned.'

Consequently the thread premise fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The ignorance and stupidity of the thread premise is monumental, a failure of galactic proportions.

Citizens are at liberty to display the 'confederate' flag in any venue they so desire, just as Muslims are at liberty to practice their faith – both immune from attack by the state.

Stupid, moronic, idiotic thread.

Why thank you, black shyster for proving my STILL ARE the dumbest black dude on USMB!

5 Facts About California's Ban of Confederate Flag
Newsmax Media
Jul 29, 2015 - Although the State of California didn't fly the Confederate flag over its capitol, a state law banning its display on public lands was put in place ...

Like I said- I am fine with banning mosques exactly the same way the Confederate flag is 'banned'

Let me know if you find any mosques on California public land.
I am all for banning mosques in America, just as Confederate Flags have been banned in America.


No problem, we can simply BURY them!

Like you have buried all of the confederate flags you have been banned from having on American soil?


That's OK... how many citizens has that flagged killed?....I can give you a BODY COUNT of muslim murders!

Oh I am sure you spend many sleepless nights counting yourself to sleep that way.

Meanwhile- shame you have been banned from having Confederate Flags in America.

Did you bury all of yours- or burn them?

I did neither as I watch scum like you do this!

But you said the flags were banned.

Are you breaking the law to protect your Confederate flags?
Dear Vigilante
When the large Buddha statues were destroyed by the Taliban, the world historians cried out at a loss of priceless cultural history,
but this did not cause religious insult to the Buddhist leaders or followers who do not depend on this as any kind of icon or idol.

Same with the removal of the Confederate symbols. The Constitutionalists, states rights, and other groups will continue on and do not rely on these flags.

However, the Muslims do rely on their Quran, and their prayers. If you ban those, you do disrupt the
free exercise of religion of innocent citizens who did nothing to be "deprived of liberty without due process."

I agree with you that it is wrong to send the hate message that "all followers" of a certain ideology are to be punished and demonized for the actions of a few.

As for removing something out of respect, if they AGREE to it that is being civil.
Just like the Muslim group that agreed to back down after protests over their mosques,
they had the right to build and practice their faith anywhere, but out of respect for the
9/11 ground zero site, if people asked to refrain from promoting their mosque near there,
it is just being civil to respect the wishes of the public.

Legally they could have fought it, but if I were their lawyers I would recommend they back off.
And if they developed any display near the WTC, I would suggest a Constitutional historic memorial
and include all the victims, first responders and emergency personnel. Islamic teachings include
natural laws and democratic govt, so that theme would be inclusive and not divisive.

It is just Common Sense to work with people, and be sensitive to both sides,
and I believe our Constitutional laws require us to be equally inclusive and protect all interests.
I would recommend redressing all grievances and solving these conflicts fully, instead of
letting them fester, and arise over and over, because the process wasn't finished by consensus.

Send them all back to Saudi Arabia who has more MONEY than brains, and can take care of their brothers...instead of us, we have ENOUGH with illegal Hispanics!

Dear Vigilante
Let's distinguish the law-abiding citizens who comply with DUE PROCESS under Constitutional standards,
vs. people who act like terrorist vigilantes and issue punishments without due process.

If you fall under the group that would punish people without due process to prove they deserve to lose rights,
you land in the same category as terrorists who don't follow Constitutional laws.

That's fine, you and others like you can be in one group and make laws for yourselves
if you share the same disdain for "due process" and "equal protection of the laws."

You are right about "illegals" in that nobody should be afforded privileges in the US
who hasn't first agreed and been trained to follow the laws of the land.

To be a "lawful" citizen should require Constitutional education and training.
And unfortunately, even our Presidents with Harvard educations don't seem to have
a concept on Constitutional checks on govt. So that's how much work we have to do,
to SCREEN, train and test all citizens for compliance with laws. Even our leaders aren't of passing quality.

View attachment 56976

Shame you hate what Teddy said so much.

You fool, did they, IN FACT, turn American in every way, as the FOUNDER of the American PROGRESSIVE PARTY said??
No problem, we can simply BURY them!

Like you have buried all of the confederate flags you have been banned from having on American soil?


That's OK... how many citizens has that flagged killed?....I can give you a BODY COUNT of muslim murders!

Oh I am sure you spend many sleepless nights counting yourself to sleep that way.

Meanwhile- shame you have been banned from having Confederate Flags in America.

Did you bury all of yours- or burn them?

I did neither as I watch scum like you do this!

But you said the flags were banned.

Are you breaking the law to protect your Confederate flags?

Did Calif. NOT ban the flag?
Is Vagifail equating Confederates with Muslims? Should we not allow white Confederates into the country until "we figure out what's going on?" Are white Confederates inherently terrorists who hate America and our freedoms?
Dear Vigilante
When the large Buddha statues were destroyed by the Taliban, the world historians cried out at a loss of priceless cultural history,
but this did not cause religious insult to the Buddhist leaders or followers who do not depend on this as any kind of icon or idol.

Same with the removal of the Confederate symbols. The Constitutionalists, states rights, and other groups will continue on and do not rely on these flags.

However, the Muslims do rely on their Quran, and their prayers. If you ban those, you do disrupt the
free exercise of religion of innocent citizens who did nothing to be "deprived of liberty without due process."

I agree with you that it is wrong to send the hate message that "all followers" of a certain ideology are to be punished and demonized for the actions of a few.

As for removing something out of respect, if they AGREE to it that is being civil.
Just like the Muslim group that agreed to back down after protests over their mosques,
they had the right to build and practice their faith anywhere, but out of respect for the
9/11 ground zero site, if people asked to refrain from promoting their mosque near there,
it is just being civil to respect the wishes of the public.

Legally they could have fought it, but if I were their lawyers I would recommend they back off.
And if they developed any display near the WTC, I would suggest a Constitutional historic memorial
and include all the victims, first responders and emergency personnel. Islamic teachings include
natural laws and democratic govt, so that theme would be inclusive and not divisive.

It is just Common Sense to work with people, and be sensitive to both sides,
and I believe our Constitutional laws require us to be equally inclusive and protect all interests.
I would recommend redressing all grievances and solving these conflicts fully, instead of
letting them fester, and arise over and over, because the process wasn't finished by consensus.

Send them all back to Saudi Arabia who has more MONEY than brains, and can take care of their brothers...instead of us, we have ENOUGH with illegal Hispanics!

Dear Vigilante
Let's distinguish the law-abiding citizens who comply with DUE PROCESS under Constitutional standards,
vs. people who act like terrorist vigilantes and issue punishments without due process.

If you fall under the group that would punish people without due process to prove they deserve to lose rights,
you land in the same category as terrorists who don't follow Constitutional laws.

That's fine, you and others like you can be in one group and make laws for yourselves
if you share the same disdain for "due process" and "equal protection of the laws."

You are right about "illegals" in that nobody should be afforded privileges in the US
who hasn't first agreed and been trained to follow the laws of the land.

To be a "lawful" citizen should require Constitutional education and training.
And unfortunately, even our Presidents with Harvard educations don't seem to have
a concept on Constitutional checks on govt. So that's how much work we have to do,
to SCREEN, train and test all citizens for compliance with laws. Even our leaders aren't of passing quality.

View attachment 56976

Shame you hate what Teddy said so much.

You fool, did they, IN FACT, turn American in every way, as the FOUNDER of the American PROGRESSIVE PARTY said??

I must have missed where Teddy said that Americans must not be Muslim. I agree that Americans should be loyal to the American people.

Teddy would have despised you for your disloyalty to Americans.
"I expect to see some interesting, and completely idiotic responses!"

The above quoted is truly idiotic.

The 'confederate' flag has not been 'banned.'

Consequently the thread premise fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The ignorance and stupidity of the thread premise is monumental, a failure of galactic proportions.

Citizens are at liberty to display the 'confederate' flag in any venue they so desire, just as Muslims are at liberty to practice their faith – both immune from attack by the state.

Stupid, moronic, idiotic thread.

Why thank you, black shyster for proving my STILL ARE the dumbest black dude on USMB!

5 Facts About California's Ban of Confederate Flag
Newsmax Media
Jul 29, 2015 - Although the State of California didn't fly the Confederate flag over its capitol, a state law banning its display on public lands was put in place ...

Like I said- I am fine with banning mosques exactly the same way the Confederate flag is 'banned'

Let me know if you find any mosques on California public land.

Now Obuma and you pond scum are altering our history!

Confederate Flags Banned From Where NOW?

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