Is This Racist?

Is This Racist

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I dont get why Jefferson being white enabled him to write down something? People from ever race have written laws down. There is nothing unique about these laws.He was espousing an ideology. He didnt dream up this ideology because he was white. Now add to this that he was a hypocrite regarding these same laws. What have whites done that is specifically something only whites have done and have reason to be proud of?
And right back at you.

What have blacks done that is only something blacks have done?

Invented Kwanzaa?
White people made up Xmas. Inventing Kwanzaa has nothing to do with anyones color. People have always made up holidays.
Happy Valentines Day.
Happy Arbor Day
Happy Black Friday!

Merry Cyber Monday!

Its Labor Day. Pull up your pants and work harder!
Were indentured servants, slaves?
No...they had hope. And when did indentured service end? Really, I don't know...but I think it was prior to the Revolution. I could be totally wrong...but considering who the argument is coming from, I will take my chances.
I think your standards are too strict. I see nothing wrong in feeling pride in your race as long as you Long as you don't believe that other races are inferior. I feel proud of my heritage without perceiving others' heritages as inferior to mine. I think its weird to feel racial pride, but not inherently racist.
His standards are his alone to deal with. I have no problem with people having racial pride. I am just asking what do whites have to be proud of due to being white. No one can seem to give me an answer on that.
most modern science was discovered by whites. The most powerful and wealthy nation on the planet was founded by whites. Einstein, Newton Hawking - all white all advanced our understanding of the universe more than anyone else in their time.

I can come up with dozens of examples. none of it has a whit to do with race though - race was just a coincidence in what they accomplished.

Most modern science should be discovered by whites. They are the ones that own the systems. People from other cultures made scientific discoveries while white people were still living in caves. They didnt do that because of their race. What did whites do that was because of or inspite of them being white? You do realize white people only made those discoveries because they were taught a foundation of knowledge from other cultures right?
Of course. Which is also why I don't attribute that to race.

You, OTOH, seem to attribute several things to race.

It is interesting that while talking about surviving slavery as a race you seem to forget there were also quite a few white slaves as well.
Quite a few is a subjective term. There were never more white slaves than Black, it was never claimed those few white slaves were subhuman, and they didnt have to survive several generations of slavery. Totally different dynamic and I am guessing you cannot locate even one of them that did anything great.

apparently your ancestors considered your inferior ancestors inferior or they would not have gotten rid of them

consider that
Situation ethics are always a liberal mainstay

The sign, not the author was the question. But, hey, That's just how white folks will do you ;)

The sign was what I was talking about. It's message doesn't exist in a vacuum. Context is a part of the message. Does the Bible's message have the same meaning without it's context?
Which one?

They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back. Right?

Which passage? You're wrong and trying to fix it, but you can't.

There is not context to the billboard other than the message. It wasn't taken out of context, edited or manipulated, the message is the message.

"Everybody else has a right to be proud and I don't deny that" Do you?
What are you proud of that has to do with being white?
It's over your head
Everyone has a right feel proud and I don't deny that? What do you mean?

What can it mean? Do you agree or not?

Everyone has the right to be racists. Doesn't make it any less prejudicial, hateful, or bigotted.

Ok Captain Obvious. Thanks for that ;)

Well, I guess everyone has a right to feel proud. I am not making the connection you trying to get me to make...
Were indentured servants, slaves?

From what I read, some of the Irish were passed off as "indentured servants"
but raped and bred as slaves. Children kidnapped and forced into slavery.
I guess it is like the human trafficking we see today.
Where how many of the sweatshop workers are forced into slavery,
and it's called low wage work. Or the workers in China forced into debt
because the "dorms" they live in cost more than the wages they earn,
and it's set up that way to keep them enslaved, constantly working but unable to pay for their keep.
Everyone has a right feel proud and I don't deny that? What do you mean?

What can it mean? Do you agree or not?

Everyone has the right to be racists. Doesn't make it any less prejudicial, hateful, or bigotted.

Ok Captain Obvious. Thanks for that ;)

Well, I guess everyone has a right to feel proud. I am not making the connection you trying to get me to make...

The connection is simple. The same man said both. The billboard message you devalued as racist based on the messenger, not the message - is who you've just agreed with.

My other racist comments in this thread that went unchallenged was just for fun. No one took the bait, which in itself speaks volumes
The sign was what I was talking about. It's message doesn't exist in a vacuum. Context is a part of the message. Does the Bible's message have the same meaning without it's context?
Which one?

They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back. Right?

Which passage? You're wrong and trying to fix it, but you can't.

There is not context to the billboard other than the message. It wasn't taken out of context, edited or manipulated, the message is the message.

"Everybody else has a right to be proud and I don't deny that" Do you?
What are you proud of that has to do with being white?
It's over your head
I guess you mean the nothing as in the air?
If you're proud of your heritage, you're not racist. If you're proud of your race, you're not racist (weird, but not racist). If you're ethnocentric, you're not racist (just narrow-minded). If you're all of those and think a race or races other than yours are inferior and should be treated in a manner that is less respectful, less dignified, unequally or unfairly, then you're a racist.

This sign, without context, is not racist. Knowing the context, that the KKK is behind it, makes it racist.

If a member of the KKK performed CPR on you following a heart attack, would that make it a racist resuscitation?

never mind blacks for killed more white people in the past two years than the KKK has killed blacks in their entire history.

in addition it is waaaaay more likely that a black will be killed by another black than the KKK

I never hear of any KKK activity, since you live over the pond you should hear the truth from someone that knows the score
Never mind that your first sentence is a willful lie, now back to the original question...
This sign, without context, is not racist. Knowing the context, that the KKK is behind it, makes it racist.

Pure nonsense

So the KKK isn't a racist organization responsible for crimes against minorities and acts of terrorism?

can you show us any recent crimes and acts of terrorism?

Why use the qualifier "recent" in your question?

how far back do you want to go?

in fact Klan activity is restricted to billboards and pamphlets, but somehow warning of the dangers of meth is racist if the KKK does it

I'm just pointing you in the direction of double standards
What a stupid example, however that is becoming the norm for you.
If meth were a group of people that weren't dangerous and the KKK didn't like them simply because their race was "meth."

Then your stupid assed analogy would still fail.

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