Is this the end of our democracy?


That's because you are a willful mushroom. The fact is nothing has been proven correct from the Dem side


Oh, pull your head out of your ass. The dems had three fucking years to try and come up with something. We, the PEOPLE know now that anything they trot out is false. We KNOW this.

The fact that you don't tells me a whole lot about you.
Trump keeps fucking up

Stop blaming Dems for the moron you elected

What has he fucked up?

Be specific
Our President is a moron

He did not know enough not to involve the Russians prior to the 2016 elections
After two years of fighting a special prosecutor and seeing key aids going to prison he waited one day before engaging in a bribery scandal with the Ukraine
Let me know when our democracy is under attack. Until then I gotta comb my hair. This white hetero traditionally married male just isn't buying it. Although voting for either major party is a vote to fill the swamp.

That's because you are a willful mushroom. The fact is nothing has been proven correct from the Dem side


Oh, pull your head out of your ass. The dems had three fucking years to try and come up with something. We, the PEOPLE know now that anything they trot out is false. We KNOW this.

The fact that you don't tells me a whole lot about you.
Trump keeps fucking up

Stop blaming Dems for the moron you elected
Sure. The media and Democrats weren’t out to get him the day after he won the election? I thought Russian collusion was going to get him impeached? Oops. The Democrats manufactured something else.
Trump is his own worst enemy

A gift that keeps on giving
Billionaires and extremist leftwingers are trying to destroy this country, and if we stop paying attention, they will succeed. Your opinion is that of a mushroom. You will be fat, dumb, and happy....until you are consumed.

And yet you champion that Pond Scum in the WH who is doing exactly that. It'd be funny if it wasn't so serious.

The other thing is, that your current political system is Billionaire friendly. Right-wing extremists are much more of a problem than that left. And I'm talking extremists here, not your run-of-the-mill GoP voter.
Billionaires and extremist leftwingers are trying to destroy this country, and if we stop paying attention, they will succeed. Your opinion is that of a mushroom. You will be fat, dumb, and happy....until you are consumed.

And yet you champion that Pond Scum in the WH who is doing exactly that. It'd be funny if it wasn't so serious.

The other thing is, that your current political system is Billionaire friendly. Right-wing extremists are much more of a problem than that left. And I'm talking extremists here, not your run-of-the-mill GoP voter.

What's funny is you can't point to a single thing that Trump has done for you to villify. Trump is so far, supporting the 2nd Amendment. ANY person, who wants to eliminate, or attack the 2nd Amendment, is an enemy of the COTUS of this country. Pretty much every other billionaire save Trump, wants it curtailed.

What is funny is a moron, like you, who hurls claims that can't be proven, yet you think i am the fool who counters with claims that can.

It must hurt to be as stupid as you seem to be.

That's because you are a willful mushroom. The fact is nothing has been proven correct from the Dem side


Oh, pull your head out of your ass. The dems had three fucking years to try and come up with something. We, the PEOPLE know now that anything they trot out is false. We KNOW this.

The fact that you don't tells me a whole lot about you.
Trump keeps fucking up

Stop blaming Dems for the moron you elected

What has he fucked up?

Be specific
Our President is a moron

He did not know enough not to involve the Russians prior to the 2016 elections
After two years of fighting a special prosecutor and seeing key aids going to prison he waited one day before engaging in a bribery scandal with the Ukraine

A moron who has done more to help the middle class over the last three years than the previous three presidents combined. Your head is obviously deep in rectal defilade.
If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are a one party country.
What do you think it will mean?

Yes as the wise founders said

There never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide

And yes this is indeed the end and going back to our founders having only the wise voting

Because of a bias corrupt media all elections are unfair and rigged and trump with the men will call all elections not legal because of the brainwashing by crooks

A logic test for voting is coming !!!
This is how great societies crumble, rot from within. When you have one party that has taken over the media, and the intelligence agencies that should wake up every real American. This is not politics as usual.
Or reality, brainwashed functional moron.every respected media around the world and law-enforcement disagrees with Rupert Murdoch and his garbage propaganda machine. Fox Rush etc etc etc absolute conspiracy theories and phony scandals.

Oh, pull your head out of your ass. The dems had three fucking years to try and come up with something. We, the PEOPLE know now that anything they trot out is false. We KNOW this.

The fact that you don't tells me a whole lot about you.
Trump keeps fucking up

Stop blaming Dems for the moron you elected

What has he fucked up?

Be specific
Our President is a moron

He did not know enough not to involve the Russians prior to the 2016 elections
After two years of fighting a special prosecutor and seeing key aids going to prison he waited one day before engaging in a bribery scandal with the Ukraine

A moron who has done more to help the middle class over the last three years than the previous three presidents combined. Your head is obviously deep in rectal defilade.
The worst upward mobility and inequality ever by far keeps getting worse. Thank you GOP flat tax system and silly dupes....
If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are a one party country.
What do you think it will mean?

No. America will survive Trump, and Republicans. The country is just 25 years or so away from being a minority, majority, and once that happens, it's the end of white Republican rule. National, and state elections at that point will be electing more women, and younger minorities to public office. With this biggest impact being older white, conservative boomers will all be dead, or near dead, and their voice will be forever silenced in the direction the country takes.
The current tax system is a fraud.
The original idea behind the income tax was that everyone would first get to write off the cost of doing business, like rent, food, travel expenses, etc.
But the personal deduction is only about $4k. which is incredibly unrealistic, and should be about 3 times larger.
If the personal deduction is large enough, as well as the one for each dependent, then a flat tax rate instead of a progressive table is fine.
No one would mind paying 40% taxes if almost all of their income is first written off by the personal deduction.
If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are a one party country.
What do you think it will mean?

No. America will survive Trump, and Republicans. The country is just 25 years or so away from being a minority, majority, and once that happens, it's the end of white Republican rule. National, and state elections at that point will be electing more women, and younger minorities to public office. With this biggest impact being older white, conservative boomers will all be dead, or near dead, and their voice will be forever silenced in the direction the country takes.
The Democratic Party really hates white people don't they.
Trump will declare martial law to stop the unwise from electing crooks that destroys the nation

Trumps goal from the first was this martial law to stop the nations fall

Voters IQs are dropping to record lows each and every day

Trump then set out to get the most powerful group. Which are white males

And the military and law enforcement

Since Barr is set to bring congress as crooked Trumps planned martial law is the result

Then a logic test for voting will come

As the wise founders said .. There never was a democracy that didn't commit suicide

Trump will save America by stopping the unwise from voting !!
If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are a one party country.
What do you think it will mean?

Good grief you really are uneducated. Why do you post on a political forum when you are clearly so ignorant of democracy?

First of all, we live in a democratic republic, most of our leaders are elected by We the People. Only the President and Vice President and members of the Federal Judiciary are not elected by the people**. However, 535 members of The Congress are elected by the people, as are the members of the Electoral College in each state.

All of those, and many many more take an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. Many of us have taken that oath, some of us more than one time.

Supporting and defending COTUS is protected, and has been for over two centuries do to the Separation of Power. If and only if the Republican Party commits a mortal sin, will democracy die in America.

Donald Trump has violated the oath of office he took with his hand on the bible. He has attacked members of the H. or Rep., including the Speaker, for doing their duty.

Coming soon the GOP and every American, and every person around the world will see democracy in action. A vote to impeach, followed by a trial before the Senate.

**See Art II, Sec 2, Clause 2 & 3 for appointees.
I use the term "democracy" meaning that we are not a dictatorship, we have elections.
We elect fellow citizens to represent us.
We are a constitutional representative democracy, and it is just easier to say "democracy".
Intelligent people understand what I mean.
This ultra partisan impeachment is an assault on our democracy.
The Democrats are not just wrong.
They are very bad people.
Decent people gave their lives defending our democracy.
Now go play in the street.


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