Is this the end of our democracy?

If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are a one party country.
What do you think it will mean?

No, our democracy ended when the people clearly rejected Trump and the Electoral Anachronism chose him anyway, knowing he was unfit for office.

The question becomes, do we hold him accountable for his crimes and unfitness, or do we repeat the mistakes of Ancient Rome when Mad Emperors took the throne...
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Thing is, none of the evidence is fabricated....
Thing is, with open hearings and open documents there will be no impeachment- this is just another shit show to appease a bunch of idiots pissed because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.
We'll see about that. But this is about Trump breaking laws.
No, it's about Orange Man Bad because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.
Thing is, none of the evidence is fabricated....
Thing is, with open hearings and open documents there will be no impeachment- this is just another shit show to appease a bunch of idiots pissed because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.
We'll see about that. But this is about Trump breaking laws.
No, it's about Orange Man Bad because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.
This is about Trump breaking laws.
Thing is, none of the evidence is fabricated....
Thing is, with open hearings and open documents there will be no impeachment- this is just another shit show to appease a bunch of idiots pissed because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.
We'll see about that. But this is about Trump breaking laws.
No, it's about Orange Man Bad because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.
This is about Trump breaking laws.
No it isn't.
Bullshit. There is a reason most minorities vote democrat

Yeah, it's called stupidity.
No, stupidity would be voting for the white supremacist agenda of the republican party.
Stupidity is believing a politician actually gives a shit about you one way or another- politicians put people in two classes: Tools or enemies.
BTW, it was Republicans, originally, who fought against the laws of discrimination and it was Democrats who were knoen for their KKK involvement- how do you splain that Willis?
What's funny is even with an MSM that has attacked him at every turn, and a Congress that has obstructed him at every opportunity, Trump has managed to deliver on almost every promise he made, has increased the middle age income by five times what obummer did in eight years, has been the least war mongering president in decades, and has helped minorities more than any president since Lincoln.

Doesn't sound like a moron to me.

He hasn't delivered squat...

Facts say different. You are acting like child throwing a tantrum
What's funny is even with an MSM that has attacked him at every turn, and a Congress that has obstructed him at every opportunity, Trump has managed to deliver on almost every promise he made, has increased the middle age income by five times what obummer did in eight years, has been the least war mongering president in decades, and has helped minorities more than any president since Lincoln.

Doesn't sound like a moron to me.

He hasn't delivered squat...

Facts say different. You are acting like child throwing a tantrum

Have you paid for that wall yet?
Grump, c'mon, where you at? I have important opinions about wherever the hell it is you're from.

I reckon I've mentioned it at least 15-20 times on this board over the past 13 years. Go find it....

...and you know what, when you do. Spout your opinion. I couldn't give two shits if you do or don't.
1. Guess it just isn't a memorable place. Guaranteed it's not a great a nation as America.

2. LOL! It's funny how you think I need your permission to say what I want.
I'd agree with you, if all I knew about Americans is what I saw on CNN.

Is there some of manual called Deplorables 101. You morons come up with the same drivel. Can none of you think for yourselves or have an original thought?
You mean original thoughts like ORANGE MAN BAD?

Orange man is bad...dumb...incurious....misogynist....narcissistic...vain...fat...Deplorable. And he's all yours...
Such original. Very unprecedent.

He's doing a good job, by all rational measures.

The irrational ones? Well, they say things like "bad...dumb...incurious....misogynist....narcissistic...vain...fat...Deplorable".
If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are a one party country.
What do you think it will mean?
If the Democrats remove President Trump from office, that means our Senate Republicans are becoming chummy with and signing on with the atheist - socialist - communist community. That would be very bad for the Constitution the founders helped our Christian and Jewish forefathers to guarantee that nobody would mess with them and feed us all to the lions.

The Democrats are poised to feed the rest of us to the lions right now, but God will save us from the party of atheists, communists and leftist wealth seekers and hate-filled powermongers.
Facts say different. You are acting like child throwing a tantrum

Post your facts then.
As for throwing a tantrum. Huh? I'm just shooting the breeze on a message board. I'm calm as....
Remember, I find the Shithead in Chief funny (I'm serious). I find it even funnier that the US is full of imbeciles stupid enough to vote for him because they believe in what he says (note, I do not include those who voted for him because they are GoP supporters or hated Hillary - but only those who actually believe his Kool Aid). People like you truly make me laugh...
Facts say different. You are acting like child throwing a tantrum

Post your facts then.
As for throwing a tantrum. Huh? I'm just shooting the breeze on a message board. I'm calm as....
Remember, I find the Shithead in Chief funny (I'm serious). I find it even funnier that the US is full of imbeciles stupid enough to vote for him because they believe in what he says (note, I do not include those who voted for him because they are GoP supporters or hated Hillary - but only those who actually believe his Kool Aid). People like you truly make me laugh...

No, that's not the way it works, child. YOU have made a claim that Trump has broken laws. Present your evidence that he has. I can quite easily say he hasn't because mewler, your hero, tried like hell to pin some crime on Trump. ANY crime. And he couldn't.

That is called Prima Facie evidence of innocence.
1. Guess it just isn't a memorable place. Guaranteed it's not a great a nation as America.

2. LOL! It's funny how you think I need your permission to say what I want.

1) Depends on what your definition of great is. And if you're so insecure you have to go around telling everybody how great you think you are, that says a lot about you...none of it good.
2) Look, I know you're a Deplorable and therefore not the brightest bulb in the socket, but where in that post did I say you needed my permission? Defensive much?
No, that's not the way it works, child. YOU have made a claim that Trump has broken laws. Present your evidence that he has. I can quite easily say he hasn't because mewler, your hero, tried like hell to pin some crime on Trump. ANY crime. And he couldn't.

That is called Prima Facie evidence of innocence.

What's that little man?
Mueller: Trump was not exonerated by my report

Mr Mueller and his team concluded that they were unable to charge the president with a crime, but could not exonerate him either.

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