Is this the end of our democracy?

I always love a foreigner telling us all about our politics. He isn't getting removed, no matter what your propaganda paper tells you, Grump.

I agree for reasons stated in my first post. Not because he isn't guilty, but because politicians are cowards.
I see that TDS has gone global. :auiqs.jpg: What crimes has he committed?

It's gone global only because Trump is making Eurotrash finally pay up for their defense!
Thing is, none of the evidence is fabricated....
Thing is, with open hearings and open documents there will be no impeachment- this is just another shit show to appease a bunch of idiots pissed because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.


trump will be impeached.

The case will be sent to the Senate. The Senate won't find him guilty and he won't removed from office.

I hope he loses the election in 2020.

This isn't about Hillary. If trump is thrown out of office pence is president. Hillary can never be president so just stop with that lame excuse. It's just sad.

This is about a president who believes he can do anything he wants and get away with it. A president who refuses to follow the law and constitution. A president who welcomed russian interference in 2016 and tried to blackmail the president of Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election. If you didn't know, that's extremely illegal.

If he gets away with all of this it only opens the door for future presidents to do the same or even worse. It also opens the door to all other nations to decide who our leaders are. Not we the people of the United States of America.
Thing is, with open hearings and open documents there will be no impeachment- this is just another shit show to appease a bunch of idiots pissed because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.

There will be no impeachment because those Senators who have a Deplorable base care more about retaining their power than taking the piece of shit in the WH to the cleaners.

I'm sorry but the Senate has nothing to do with impeachment. The word impeach means to accuse or indict someone. It doesn't mean they are removed from office.

The democrats only need 50% + 1 to impeach trump. The democrats have those votes.

The Senate comes in for the trial. The trial is held in the senate with the Chief Justice to the Supreme Court, John Roberts, as the presiding judge. All 100 senators are the jury.

They need a super majority to convict. Which there isn't that super majority. At least not right now.

The reality is the senate isn't going to convict.

He will be impeached. He won't be convicted.
Thing is, none of the evidence is fabricated....
Thing is, with open hearings and open documents there will be no impeachment- this is just another shit show to appease a bunch of idiots pissed because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.


trump will be impeached.

The case will be sent to the Senate. The Senate won't find him guilty and he won't removed from office.

I hope he loses the election in 2020.

This isn't about Hillary. If trump is thrown out of office pence is president. Hillary can never be president so just stop with that lame excuse. It's just sad.

This is about a president who believes he can do anything he wants and get away with it. A president who refuses to follow the law and constitution. A president who welcomed russian interference in 2016 and tried to blackmail the president of Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election. If you didn't know, that's extremely illegal.

If he gets away with all of this it only opens the door for future presidents to do the same or even worse. It also opens the door to all other nations to decide who our leaders are. Not we the people of the United States of America.

You and the rest of the Democrat faces are gonna be redder than a baboon's ass when Trump becomes the 1st President re-elected after a House only impeachment!
I can barely wait.
Thing is, none of the evidence is fabricated....
Thing is, with open hearings and open documents there will be no impeachment- this is just another shit show to appease a bunch of idiots pissed because Hildebeast didn't get anointed.


trump will be impeached.

The case will be sent to the Senate. The Senate won't find him guilty and he won't removed from office.

I hope he loses the election in 2020.

This isn't about Hillary. If trump is thrown out of office pence is president. Hillary can never be president so just stop with that lame excuse. It's just sad.

This is about a president who believes he can do anything he wants and get away with it. A president who refuses to follow the law and constitution. A president who welcomed russian interference in 2016 and tried to blackmail the president of Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election. If you didn't know, that's extremely illegal.

If he gets away with all of this it only opens the door for future presidents to do the same or even worse. It also opens the door to all other nations to decide who our leaders are. Not we the people of the United States of America.
This is because Hillary lost- the goal of Democrats has been from the get-go to discredit Trump, thus Republicans-
Trump is merely a culmination of all who came before him and the next one (future) will be the same- a culmination of an ignorant populace more concerned with their principles than the principles the Country was founded on, that of limited gov't-
There is plenty to discredit Trump on, the shit show isn't one of them. How about the national debt? How come neither side even mentions that?

Here's 6 graphs to see how the size of gov't has grown- it's an indicator that the gov't's biggest problem is that of ignoring our funding principles and don't mind enslaving "future" generations to pay for it-

Six Graphs Showing Just How Much the Government Has Grown
The dems corral of mules running for the CIC would do far more harm to this nation than anything Trump could dream up.

No, they would not. Even the worst of them would be infinitely better than Trump. And I don't even know who the worst of them is. Yes, Trump is that bad. He is a laughing stock. He is as dumb as a rock. He is a disgusting human being. He is narcissistic. He is bloviated. I could honestly write for the next 15 minutes and not run out of any bad descriptive adjectives to describe this piece of human excrement.

He is the only politician, if he wasn't so old, I would publicly slap in the face (if it was legal). He is a disgrace to the great US of A...

There is someone worse than trump.

In the bush boy years I realized that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

I couldn't think of anyone or anything worse than the bush boy at the time. I didn't want to know what was worse than the bush boy.

I found out 8 short years later. trump is worse than the bush boy.

The next republican president will be worse than trump. We can't imagine what is worse than this right now. I can only hope we don't have to find out for a very long time.

It's a very good reason to vote. To get everyone you know to vote. Do all you can to help people to vote. Not just now but every election. Especially the elections without someone running for president. Low voter turnout elects republicans.
The dems corral of mules running for the CIC would do far more harm to this nation than anything Trump could dream up.

No, they would not. Even the worst of them would be infinitely better than Trump. And I don't even know who the worst of them is. Yes, Trump is that bad. He is a laughing stock. He is as dumb as a rock. He is a disgusting human being. He is narcissistic. He is bloviated. I could honestly write for the next 15 minutes and not run out of any bad descriptive adjectives to describe this piece of human excrement.

He is the only politician, if he wasn't so old, I would publicly slap in the face (if it was legal). He is a disgrace to the great US of A...

There is someone worse than trump.

In the bush boy years I realized that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

I couldn't think of anyone or anything worse than the bush boy at the time. I didn't want to know what was worse than the bush boy.

I found out 8 short years later. trump is worse than the bush boy.

The next republican president will be worse than trump. We can't imagine what is worse than this right now. I can only hope we don't have to find out for a very long time.

It's a very good reason to vote. To get everyone you know to vote. Do all you can to help people to vote. Not just now but every election. Especially the elections without someone running for president. Low voter turnout elects republicans.

You sound desperate.
It's worked nicely over the centuries. Every state gets to be represented.

I get that. Unfortunately if I live in Texas or California my EC vote is worth less than if I live in Alaska or Idaho. Great system...<rolls eyes>..

Actually no. You're not correct. At least with the EC. With representation in the Senate you are.

States have a certain amount of EC votes. According to the population. So a state like California and Texas that has large populations are going to have more EC votes than Alaska or Idaho because those states don't have very many people.

I believe the calculation, I could be wrong on this, is the number of people your state sends to the House of Reps plus the number of Senators they send to the Senate. So states like Alaska or Idaho are going to have only a small handful of EC votes. California and Texas are going to have many times the amount of votes than Alaska or Idaho.

So Alaska only has 3 electoral votes, Idaho has 4, Texas has 38 and California has 55.

Your theory applies to the Senate. Every state sends 2 people to the senate no matter the population. So everyone has the same representation in the Senate.


Those who live in Washington DC. The people who live in Washington DC have no representation in the Senate and only one person representing them in the House and that person isn't allowed to vote.

Washington DC does have 3 electoral votes for president.
Why would a politician even care what those small states want or need, just stick to the big ticket
states and give them whatever they demand. It's not a simple as what you try to peddle

And how does the EC under its current form stop that? Hell, Clinton didn't even visit a couple of mid-sized states and look what it cost her. I don't recall many presidents in waiting visiting Maine, Alaska, Hawaii etc pre election. It's a fallacy that any presidential candidate gives a shit about those states. All that matters are the swing states.

It doesn't stop that.

The EC is an out dated system in my opinion. It should be one person one vote. The candidate who got the most votes should win.

But that would require amending the constitution. Which isn't very easy. Which is why it's not been done very often.

We have the EC here. It's not a good system nor one I want to have but that's life in the big city.

Yes states like mine rarely get presidential candidates to visit us. Neither party needs too. It's a waste of time and money for a republican to come here. A republican has less chance to win here than in California. The last time my state's EC votes went to a republican was nearly 36 years ago. A democrat doesn't need to come here, they are guaranteed to win. They don't need to waste the money.

Candidates do what you posted they do. Concentrate on those few swing states to win.

Candidates don't go to Alaska or Idaho or any of those small states to campaign. It's a waste of time and money. The only ones they care about that are small are Iowa and New Hampshire. And only because they are the first states to have primaries. If Alabama or Mississippi were the first states to vote in primaries candidates would not go to Iowa and New Hampshire. They would go to Alabama and Mississippi. After the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, candidates are totally done with the state and won't return until the next election primary cycle.

The excuse that the EC levels the playing field is nothing but a lie.
Why would a politician even care what those small states want or need, just stick to the big ticket
states and give them whatever they demand. It's not a simple as what you try to peddle

And how does the EC under its current form stop that? Hell, Clinton didn't even visit a couple of mid-sized states and look what it cost her. I don't recall many presidents in waiting visiting Maine, Alaska, Hawaii etc pre election. It's a fallacy that any presidential candidate gives a shit about those states. All that matters are the swing states.

It doesn't stop that.

The EC is an out dated system in my opinion. It should be one person one vote. The candidate who got the most votes should win.

But that would require amending the constitution. Which isn't very easy. Which is why it's not been done very often.

We have the EC here. It's not a good system nor one I want to have but that's life in the big city.

Yes states like mine rarely get presidential candidates to visit us. Neither party needs too. It's a waste of time and money for a republican to come here. A republican has less chance to win here than in California. The last time my state's EC votes went to a republican was nearly 36 years ago. A democrat doesn't need to come here, they are guaranteed to win. They don't need to waste the money.

Candidates do what you posted they do. Concentrate on those few swing states to win.

Candidates don't go to Alaska or Idaho or any of those small states to campaign. It's a waste of time and money. The only ones they care about that are small are Iowa and New Hampshire. And only because they are the first states to have primaries. If Alabama or Mississippi were the first states to vote in primaries candidates would not go to Iowa and New Hampshire. They would go to Alabama and Mississippi. After the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, candidates are totally done with the state and won't return until the next election primary cycle.

The excuse that the EC levels the playing field is nothing but a lie.

It's how we elect our Presidents.
Civics 101, dummy!
If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are a one party country.
What do you think it will mean?
I’d rather it signaled a return to the Republic and an end to the mobocracy
Why would a politician even care what those small states want or need, just stick to the big ticket
states and give them whatever they demand. It's not a simple as what you try to peddle

And how does the EC under its current form stop that? Hell, Clinton didn't even visit a couple of mid-sized states and look what it cost her. I don't recall many presidents in waiting visiting Maine, Alaska, Hawaii etc pre election. It's a fallacy that any presidential candidate gives a shit about those states. All that matters are the swing states.

It doesn't stop that.

The EC is an out dated system in my opinion. It should be one person one vote. The candidate who got the most votes should win.

But that would require amending the constitution. Which isn't very easy. Which is why it's not been done very often.

We have the EC here. It's not a good system nor one I want to have but that's life in the big city.

Yes states like mine rarely get presidential candidates to visit us. Neither party needs too. It's a waste of time and money for a republican to come here. A republican has less chance to win here than in California. The last time my state's EC votes went to a republican was nearly 36 years ago. A democrat doesn't need to come here, they are guaranteed to win. They don't need to waste the money.

Candidates do what you posted they do. Concentrate on those few swing states to win.

Candidates don't go to Alaska or Idaho or any of those small states to campaign. It's a waste of time and money. The only ones they care about that are small are Iowa and New Hampshire. And only because they are the first states to have primaries. If Alabama or Mississippi were the first states to vote in primaries candidates would not go to Iowa and New Hampshire. They would go to Alabama and Mississippi. After the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, candidates are totally done with the state and won't return until the next election primary cycle.

The excuse that the EC levels the playing field is nothing but a lie.

It's how we elect our Presidents.
Civics 101, dummy!

You must have went to special education since you have such horrible reading and comprehension skills.

Your post makes no sense if you're insinuating that I ever said we don't elect our presidents that way and that it's wrong or anything like that.

I gave my opinion. Then acknowledged it's what we have. As I said, that's life in the big city.

You're so desperate to attack me that you make a total fool of yourself.

Don't even try anymore I usually just scroll past your posts anyway but this one was the last on the page and it caught my eye.

I would say the person who isn't intelligent here is you.
Why would a politician even care what those small states want or need, just stick to the big ticket
states and give them whatever they demand. It's not a simple as what you try to peddle

And how does the EC under its current form stop that? Hell, Clinton didn't even visit a couple of mid-sized states and look what it cost her. I don't recall many presidents in waiting visiting Maine, Alaska, Hawaii etc pre election. It's a fallacy that any presidential candidate gives a shit about those states. All that matters are the swing states.

It doesn't stop that.

The EC is an out dated system in my opinion. It should be one person one vote. The candidate who got the most votes should win.

But that would require amending the constitution. Which isn't very easy. Which is why it's not been done very often.

We have the EC here. It's not a good system nor one I want to have but that's life in the big city.

Yes states like mine rarely get presidential candidates to visit us. Neither party needs too. It's a waste of time and money for a republican to come here. A republican has less chance to win here than in California. The last time my state's EC votes went to a republican was nearly 36 years ago. A democrat doesn't need to come here, they are guaranteed to win. They don't need to waste the money.

Candidates do what you posted they do. Concentrate on those few swing states to win.

Candidates don't go to Alaska or Idaho or any of those small states to campaign. It's a waste of time and money. The only ones they care about that are small are Iowa and New Hampshire. And only because they are the first states to have primaries. If Alabama or Mississippi were the first states to vote in primaries candidates would not go to Iowa and New Hampshire. They would go to Alabama and Mississippi. After the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, candidates are totally done with the state and won't return until the next election primary cycle.

The excuse that the EC levels the playing field is nothing but a lie.

It's how we elect our Presidents.
Civics 101, dummy!

You must have went to special education since you have such horrible reading and comprehension skills.

Your post makes no sense if you're insinuating that I ever said we don't elect our presidents that way and that it's wrong or anything like that.

I gave my opinion. Then acknowledged it's what we have. As I said, that's life in the big city.

You're so desperate to attack me that you make a total fool of yourself.

Don't even try anymore I usually just scroll past your posts anyway but this one was the last on the page and it caught my eye.

I would say the person who isn't intelligent here is you.

Do me a favor dimwit and put me on ignore.
Pretty please.
If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are a one party country.
What do you think it will mean?

You mean if Americans legally remove a President from office exactly as stipulated in the Constitution, will it be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?


Despite what your Orange Messiah tells you.

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