Is This What Our Country Is Coming To?

I said proof. Conspiracy theories are not facts.

See the difference?

There you go again,.. "La, la, la I'm not listening!!!" That's all I hear in my head coming out of your mouth.
Anyways, since Hillary Clinton was brought up,.. didn't she try to persuade Russia to commit fraud in her favor for the 2016 election? Maybe that's what the young woman in my OP was on about. Just a thought.
Uh, no. It was Manafort who handed over polling data to Russian intel. Manafort worked for Trump which you choose to ignore because it doesn't jibe with your deranged foolishness.
There you go again,.. "La, la, la I'm not listening!!!" That's all I hear in my head coming out of your mouth.
Can you read? I asked for proof that Biden/Harris committed treason, etc.

Why is my question so difficult for you to fathom or do you have a problem coming up with facts instead of nonsense?
So much censorship that innocent people are imprisoned for telling the truth? Yet, more often than not the true guilty ones are free to do as they please. I honestly don't know where the true America went, but it truly is amazing that we don't actually realize what we have until it's gone. :( (Btw, I'm pretty sure that Biden won't pardon her.)

While the OP has it wrong as usual, the sentence was far too harsh. Just another example of the unfairness and unevenness of our legal system. Others have done much worse, yet weren’t even prosecuted.

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