Is Today The Day?

Do you have any proof that any of them are honest? How long has your personal relationship with them been going on? Are they your neighbors, friends, relatives, etc.? How many years have you known them on a personal level? Do they call you often? Do you exchange e-mails with them on a regular basis?

Again, you're assuming dishonesty. Can we assume you're a dishonest person? Since you're engaged in that sort of behavior doesn't the same brush paint you?
I'm not a dishonest person. What behavior am I engaged in? You don't know anything about me. Have we ever met in person? You have no way of knowing whether I'm honest or dishonest. But, I assure you, I'm an honest person. Why turn this conversation on me? Weren't we talking about politicians? Why try to deflect to me? Do you. or do you not, want to talk about politicians? I'm really not interested in defended myself with a person that doesn't even know me. All you can do is make a lot of claims about me without knowing me.

FYI - I am NOT assuming dishonesty. The PROOF to the dishonesty of politicians is the sad shameful state of this once great nation. We've been progressively going downhill for the past 60 plus years. Does that sound like we've been governed by honest politicians to you?

By the way, that cheap shot you took at me with that smartass remark, was totally uncalled for. I would tell you what you can do, and where you can go, but I'll refrain from such this time.

Its not a smartass remark. Thin skinned aren't we?

You assume dishonesty without any proof. By simple virtue that someone is in politics, you're assuming that they are dishonest.
You should expect the same treatment in return. I can make the same proclamation about folks who discuss politics, can't I? After all, you have zero proof of every politician being dishonest.

Apparently, you're not involved in the political process.
Do you have any proof that any of them are honest? How long has your personal relationship with them been going on? Are they your neighbors, friends, relatives, etc.? How many years have you known them on a personal level? Do they call you often? Do you exchange e-mails with them on a regular basis?

Again, you're assuming dishonesty. Can we assume you're a dishonest person? Since you're engaged in that sort of behavior doesn't the same brush paint you?
I'm not a dishonest person. What behavior am I engaged in? You don't know anything about me. Have we ever met in person? You have no way of knowing whether I'm honest or dishonest. But, I assure you, I'm an honest person. Why turn this conversation on me? Weren't we talking about politicians? Why try to deflect to me? Do you. or do you not, want to talk about politicians? I'm really not interested in defended myself with a person that doesn't even know me. All you can do is make a lot of claims about me without knowing me.

FYI - I am NOT assuming dishonesty. The PROOF to the dishonesty of politicians is the sad shameful state of this once great nation. We've been progressively going downhill for the past 60 plus years. Does that sound like we've been governed by honest politicians to you?

By the way, that cheap shot you took at me with that smartass remark, was totally uncalled for. I would tell you what you can do, and where you can go, but I'll refrain from such this time.

Its not a smartass remark. Thin skinned aren't we?

You assume dishonesty without any proof. By simple virtue that someone is in politics, you're assuming that they are dishonest.
You should expect the same treatment in return. I can make the same proclamation about folks who discuss politics, can't I? After all, you have zero proof of every politician being dishonest.

And likewise, you have zero proof that any of them are honest.

CHEAP SHOT --- "Since you're engaged in that sort of behavior doesn't the same brush paint you?"

Not a cheap shot? Then what would you call it?

an honest question. If you can convict someone without proof as you did with Senators Cantwell and Collins....aren't you subject to the same reckless libel?
I haven't convicted anyone.

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