Is Trump a Tactical Genius?

And therein lies the got Trump in one...go to the Top of the Class....No normal person believes anything that come out of Trumps mouth...because he is an egotistical,compulsive Liar....scratch his skin and all you find is a Loud Mouth Bully, Straw Man(LMB,SM) get real Boss.

The story you relayed is from Charlie Sheen, not Trump. The question should be, can we trust anything that comes out of Sheen's mouth?

People keep saying Trump is a bully and I just don't see that. I see Trump as the guy who's not afraid of the bully. The guy who stands up to the bully and pops him in his kisser. He's from Queens, he's not gonna take shit off of people.

Now, I understand his detractors don't like this... they're used to the Mitt Romneys and John McCains... The Bushes... People who get pushed around and bullied then apologize. Well, Trump hits back and he hits hard. And honestly, I think that's what his supporters love about him.
Someone needs to give him a slap across the mouth,should shut him up for a few seconds
making fun of a womans bleeding face was tantamount to making fun of the handicapped reporter .. he took a shot out of nothing more than him being a pig.

noboby will top him and he'll do/say anything to get at them


Narcissist, 100% registered thoroughbred.

And you repeat the lie...which is why you morons are losing to him....he didn't make fun of a handicapped reporter, that was one of the first lies you assholes pushed....and he still got elected.....

And he told the truth about Mika......and the idiot Scarborough...

Do you twits realize that a 21 year old, female staffer to then congressman Scarborough died in his office of a traumatic head his office......under suspicious circumstances.....

Wait till Trump tweets about that....

Yup. Not a lot of people know about his skeletons....

"Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, is sending signals that he might be ready to run again for public office. He was the subject of a fawning profile in Parade. An op-ed piece he penned at Politico made Scarborough sound like a reasonable Republican who might appeal to independent voters. A persistent rumor even has "Morning Joe" running on a presidential ticket with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

If "Morning Joe" does wind up on a ballot somewhere, voters might want to keep this question in mind: Was a young woman once murdered in Joe Scarborough's office?

Many Americans probably have forgotten, or never knew, that a 28-year-old female staff member was found dead in the summer of 2001 in the office of U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL). Officials in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, determined that Lori Klausutis died from an accident. The mainstream press largely ignored the case, but our review of several investigative reports indicates the official finding is highly questionable."

The Ugly Story in Joe Scarborough's Political Closet

Yep... He resigned 5 months after winning re-election... said he wanted to spend more time with the family... but he didn't do that... he took a consulting job and relocated his family. Then he took a job with NBC and moved again.
I remember about a gift (cuff-links) I THINK HE GAVE AS A WEDDING PRESENT,the Guy had them valued a few months later and they were worth $ yes I have heard about his Giving...steve...anyway Kat(the Lovely)any Gift he Gave would be Tax-Deductable,wouldn't it ?????????

You're talking about the story Charlie Sheen told on a talk show. How do you know Charlie was telling the truth? Is it because of Charlies immense integrity? Does Charlies story carry more weight with you because he's famous, whereas the countless other people who Trump has legitimately helped (not given gifts) are not?

And the "tax deduction" thing... wealthy people do not give things to get the tax deduction. It's not a tax credit, it's a deduction. Most of the time, personal gifts aren't even counted because you have to provide receipts and records if you're audited.

Personally, I've never believed Sheen's story. I don't think Trump gave him anything. It just sounded stupid... like the kind of stupid shit that would be in a movie Charlie Sheen wrote and directed. Who the hell takes their cuff links off at dinner and spontaneously gives them to someone because they didn't buy them a wedding gift?
And therein lies the got Trump in one...go to the Top of the Class....No normal person believes anything that come out of Trumps mouth...because he is an egotistical,compulsive Liar....scratch his skin and all you find is a Loud Mouth Bully, Straw Man(LMB,SM) get real Boss

How do you know? Hear it somewhere? hmm?
No Kat,I just know people like that......AND YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM...I know you admire the Don...but although we agree on most things....respecting the Don for me is one step beyond Kat..steve

I never said I admired him. But there is too much made up garbage to suit me.
And therein lies the got Trump in one...go to the Top of the Class....No normal person believes anything that come out of Trumps mouth...because he is an egotistical,compulsive Liar....scratch his skin and all you find is a Loud Mouth Bully, Straw Man(LMB,SM) get real Boss.

The story you relayed is from Charlie Sheen, not Trump. The question should be, can we trust anything that comes out of Sheen's mouth?

People keep saying Trump is a bully and I just don't see that. I see Trump as the guy who's not afraid of the bully. The guy who stands up to the bully and pops him in his kisser. He's from Queens, he's not gonna take shit off of people.

Now, I understand his detractors don't like this... they're used to the Mitt Romneys and John McCains... The Bushes... People who get pushed around and bullied then apologize. Well, Trump hits back and he hits hard. And honestly, I think that's what his supporters love about him.
Someone needs to give him a slap across the mouth,should shut him up for a few seconds

Who, Sheen? I so agree!
Just as President Trump promised. So. Much. Winning.
A Hawaiian judge ruled in favor of the Trump administration defending the restrictive definition of “close family relationships” used in his travel ban. The ruling was handed down Thursday evening.

Breaking: Trump travel ban racks up another courtroom victory
I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.

I love your spin on this one, but that is one hell of a stretch. No one makes a total idiot out of themselves to divert attention.

First of all the Muslim aka Travel ban was reinstituted on a temporary basis only--with parts (not all of it) intact until the U.S. Supreme court goes over it in October, which is why you didn't see massive protests or much talk about it on the media.
Supreme Court Revives Parts Of Trump's Travel Ban As It Agrees To Hear Case

You have elected a little boy. Trump has the maturity level of a 5 to 6 year old boy--who uses elementary school playground comments to address media criticism. All Presidents in the past have ignored media criticism, without comment or tweets. Trump watches T.V. all day long to see what people are saying about him. Trump is a textbook example of Narcissism. A Narcissist requires constant attention, BUT that attention has to come in the form of adoration & praise. A Narcissist cannot handle any form of criticism. They believe they are the most important person in the world, (the world revolves around them) and they are to be the most respected, and if they don't get the respect they feel they deserve they will strike back. This is why no one has been able to stop him, and you can bet all White House advisers, staff and his lawyers have begged him to stop it.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


There has never been a President in this nation's history that was stupid enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies, and the DOJ.

The more Trump calls the media FAKE--the more they will write and report. The more he insults our intelligence agencies, referring to Russia as just a "ruse", the more he implicates himself into a coverup and the deeper they will dig. :dig:

The more he insults James Comey, and now deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein the more DOJ justices will leak to the media.

Which is why there are now currently 2 CRIMINAL ongoing investigations. One on collusion with Russia to interfere into an American election, which is TREASON, the other for Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offense.
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction -

As far as a diversion--this also came out around the same time that Trump did his tweety attack on the Morning Joe program, and it's serious.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent
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Yeah a real genius.
Charles Krauthammer from Fox News:

"Presidents don't talk like this. They never have," Krauthammer said. "This is what it sounds like when you're living in a banana republic. This is how Hugo Chavez would talk about his opponents. This is how the worst dictator, Duterte in the Philippines, would talk about opponents."

"When you defend the president of the United States by pointing out that he hasn't sent the tanks out in the streets to shut down the media, you've reached a fairly low level of defense," Krauthammer replied.

He added it's not just the fact that Trump's Twitter remarks are an embarrassment and a distraction, but also that they give an unfiltered, uncensored look at Trump's psyche.

"What we're seeing is a vindictiveness, a cruelty, a lack of temperedness, a lack of self-control which is truly shocking," Krauthammer said. "And that's what I think people are reacting to."

A brand-new Fox News poll found that many Americans agree with Krauthammer's assessment of Trump's Twitter habits.
I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.

he always play the media like a stradivarious


and every time the liberals and media

crash and burn


I don't know if he is a genius, but he sure as fuck is WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am enjoying the hell out of it.

Winning what. Not one legislative achievement to his name. No wall. Mexico's not paying for it. He hasn't defeated ISIS in one month AS HE PROMISED. No repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Day one that was supposed to happen, remember?
Now the republicans are looking to the democrats for help.
Winning. You belong in a looney bin if you believe that.,
I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.

he always play the media like a stradivarious


and every time the liberals and media

crash and burn


See my Charles Krauthammer comments above if you think the orange anus plays the media.
I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.

he always play the media like a stradivarious


and every time the liberals and media

crash and burn


See my Charles Krauthammer comments above if you think the orange anus plays the media.

i dont care what you think because you are proven to be brain dead
I love your spin on this one, but that is one hell of a stretch. No one makes a total idiot out of themselves to divert attention.

First of all the Muslim aka Travel ban was reinstituted on a temporary basis only--with parts (not all of it) intact until the U.S. Supreme court goes over it in October, which is why you didn't see massive protests or much talk about it on the media.

Well, instead of getting a news cycle filled with leftist pundits and wonks pointing out what you just did, we heard about Mika and Joe.

The more Trump calls the media FAKE--the more they will write and report.

And the more their fakeness will be exposed as their numbers continue to nosedive.

The more he insults our intelligence agencies, referring to Russia as just a "ruse", the more he implicates himself into a coverup and the deeper they will dig. :dig:

The more he insults James Comey, and now deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein the more DOJ justices will leak to the media.

The longer this goes on, the more the general public sees there is nothing there. Leaking classified information is a serious crime and there will be a price to pay. Just like the "Fake News" meme, your side is going to wish they had dropped this.
See my Charles Krauthammer comments above if you think the orange anus plays the media.

Krauthammer is part of the Establishment. He has never supported Trump and he doesn't understand Trump's strategy. This is why the Establishment continues to get their brains beat in by the liberal left. Trump defeated all their candidates easily.

Trump will continue to troll the media, the media will continue to flail wildly at Trump and the general public will grow increasingly skeptical of the media. Establishment dogs like Krauthammer will continue to grow more irrelevant as they keep underestimating and misunderstanding Trump.
I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.

Apparently so. :coffee:
As the OP admits Trump's tweet was "stupid" but the premise presented is quite a reach. This may be wishful thinking but I doubt Trump is all that concerned about how anything is played by the media to the point where he's thinking how he can seek attention by purposely making an ass of himself. Or in other words, if Trump did purposely stoop that low in concern over media attention, then he's the one that got played.
As the OP admits Trump's tweet was "stupid" but the premise presented is quite a reach. This may be wishful thinking but I doubt Trump is all that concerned about how anything is played by the media to the point where he's thinking how he can seek attention by purposely making an ass of himself. Or in other words, if Trump did purposely stoop that low in concern over media attention, then he's the one that got played.

From MY perspective, the fact that SO many of you snowflakes feel compelled to jump in here and add your 2 cents... pardon the pun... tells me that you've been triggered. What none of you seem to be getting is, that was his whole objective!

He continues to troll and play the left like no one has ever done before and it continues to work brilliantly. You're all emotionally caught up in it so you don't see it. He is keeping you occupied with stupid meaningless bullshit while he pushes through his agenda without much critical rebuke.

You can say that Trump was "stooping low" but the response by the left is to stoop even lower, it's all they know how to do. You've exposed that vulnerability to him and he will exploit it to his advantage.
Boss, the legislation was passed, the travel ban approved (both of which I favored) and I'm just as critical in my thinking about what the media spouts as I am with anything I read here. The media was in no position to do harm and so nothing was to be gained by the tweet. Perhaps you can explain what was Trump's great fear of coverage of his travel ban and the legislative success?
I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.

You may look at it that way

You may also look at it as Trump diverting attention at a time Republicans healthcare bill is collapsing

Strong leadership is needed from the White House and Trump seems content to engage in his petty feuds

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