Is Trump a Tactical Genius?

making fun of a womans bleeding face was tantamount to making fun of the handicapped reporter .. he took a shot out of nothing more than him being a pig.

noboby will top him and he'll do/say anything to get at them


Narcissist, 100% registered thoroughbred.

And you repeat the lie...which is why you morons are losing to him....he didn't make fun of a handicapped reporter, that was one of the first lies you assholes pushed....and he still got elected.....

And he told the truth about Mika......and the idiot Scarborough...

Do you twits realize that a 21 year old, female staffer to then congressman Scarborough died in his office of a traumatic head his office......under suspicious circumstances.....

Wait till Trump tweets about that....

Yup. Not a lot of people know about his skeletons....

"Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, is sending signals that he might be ready to run again for public office. He was the subject of a fawning profile in Parade. An op-ed piece he penned at Politico made Scarborough sound like a reasonable Republican who might appeal to independent voters. A persistent rumor even has "Morning Joe" running on a presidential ticket with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

If "Morning Joe" does wind up on a ballot somewhere, voters might want to keep this question in mind: Was a young woman once murdered in Joe Scarborough's office?

Many Americans probably have forgotten, or never knew, that a 28-year-old female staff member was found dead in the summer of 2001 in the office of U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL). Officials in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, determined that Lori Klausutis died from an accident. The mainstream press largely ignored the case, but our review of several investigative reports indicates the official finding is highly questionable."

The Ugly Story in Joe Scarborough's Political Closet

Yep... He resigned 5 months after winning re-election... said he wanted to spend more time with the family... but he didn't do that... he took a consulting job and relocated his family. Then he took a job with NBC and moved again.
The bastard
It was the same deal with Ronald Reagan, who met with Gorbachev one on one, and they’re very similar.

Donald Trump has an agenda the minute he wakes up every morning. Donald Trump’s not going to walk in this meeting and go, “Oh gee, now I’m here with Vladimir Putin. I wonder what I will do.” He has been thinking about this meeting for almost a year.

the guy who wrote “The Art of the Deal” understands what he wants to communicate.

And I think he has a psychological agenda to play mind game on Putin, whether or not he has a detailed policy agenda is irrelevant.
He continues to outwit FAKE NEWS for the past 8 months exposing these people as hateful, biased, and on a Mission to forward an Ugly Agenda.
He continues daily to expose the ugliness of liberalism, globalism, and the stupidity of the Stalinist Puppets who serve as nothing but propagandists and shills for a Leftist Globalist Utopia.....that would squash all individual liberties, and attempt to crush The Sovereign State making Taxation without Representation the NORM in the world.
It was the same deal with Ronald Reagan, who met with Gorbachev one on one, and they’re very similar.

Donald Trump has an agenda the minute he wakes up every morning. Donald Trump’s not going to walk in this meeting and go, “Oh gee, now I’m here with Vladimir Putin. I wonder what I will do.” He has been thinking about this meeting for almost a year.

the guy who wrote “The Art of the Deal” understands what he wants to communicate.

And I think he has a psychological agenda to play mind game on Putin, whether or not he has a detailed policy agenda is irrelevant.

The Art of the Deal was ghost written for him

The author questions whether Trump ever read it
Boss, the legislation was passed, the travel ban approved (both of which I favored) and I'm just as critical in my thinking about what the media spouts as I am with anything I read here. The media was in no position to do harm and so nothing was to be gained by the tweet. Perhaps you can explain what was Trump's great fear of coverage of his travel ban and the legislative success?

When you know the coverage is going to be disparaging and full of smear? I don't think it was fear, he just didn't care to hear their bullshit.
Is it to much to ask for a little class in the white house?
They tried to teach Obama and Michele how to be a President and a First Lady of The United States, but they failed that class.

When they got their report cards, all you could hear them muttering was Russia something, Global Warming, The United Nations, and Fundamentally Destroying America...Then they snacked on Broccoli, and had "pigs in a blanket" for dinner.

That's all I know...
Is it to much to ask for a little class in the white house?
1. They tried to teach Obama and Michele how to be a President and a First Lady of The United States, but they failed that class.

When they got their report cards, all you could hear them muttering was Russia something, Global Warming, The United Nations, and Fundamentally Destroying America...Then they snacked on Broccoli, and had "pigs in a blanket" for dinner.

That's all I know...[/B]

1. Obama and the First Lady acted and behave properly, popularitiesv are very impressive here and abroad.
Trump popularity? Nah.

2. Russia interfere into our democracy------ And that is acceptable to Trump supporters. Global Warning is real, UN is not destroying America.

And I know more then that.
Is it to much to ask for a little class in the white house?
They tried to teach Obama and Michele how to be a President and a First Lady of The United States, but they failed that class.

When they got their report cards, all you could hear them muttering was Russia something, Global Warming, The United Nations, and Fundamentally Destroying America...Then they snacked on Broccoli, and had "pigs in a blanket" for dinner.

That's all I know...

Today while in G20 summit with all the world leaders he has the time to blast Podesta email.
Who in the world will do that? The election is over. If people or the media starting attacking because of Trump immaturity. You, the rest of Trump supporters and Trump ------either it's a fake news or trying to destroy Trump.
What happen to American decency and dignity?
Is it too much to ask for a little class in the White House?

John Podesta Tells President Trump to 'Get a Grip' After G20 Tweet

Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman John Podesta took to Twitter to respond to President Trump’s tweet from the G-20 summit that called him “disgraceful.”
Is it to much to ask for a little class in the white house?
They tried to teach Obama and Michele how to be a President and a First Lady of The United States, but they failed that class.

When they got their report cards, all you could hear them muttering was Russia something, Global Warming, The United Nations, and Fundamentally Destroying America...Then they snacked on Broccoli, and had "pigs in a blanket" for dinner.

That's all I know...

Today while in G20 summit with all the world leaders he has the time to blast Podesta email.
Who in the world will do that? The election is over. If people or the media starting attacking because of Trump immaturity. You, the rest of Trump supporters and Trump ------either it's a fake news or trying to destroy Trump.
What happen to American decency and dignity?
Is it too much to ask for a little class in the White House?

John Podesta Tells President Trump to 'Get a Grip' After G20 Tweet

Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman John Podesta took to Twitter to respond to President Trump’s tweet from the G-20 summit that called him “disgraceful.”

Yes in deed, the election is over. Unfortunately Clinton, Obama, and a whole bunch of liberals didn't get that email.
Today while in G20 summit with all the world leaders he has the time to blast Podesta email.
Who in the world will do that? The election is over.

The Podesta emails are the ONLY single piece of evidence implicating any Russian attempts to interfere with our elections. YOU have made them relevant!

The contents of those emails did irreparable damage to your party but you had the chance to let the water flow under the bridge and move on... instead, you chose to try and parlay that into some concocted fake Trump/Russia collusion that never happened and now Trump is going to bash you over the head with it relentlessly. You're going to get your fucking punk noses rubbed in it from now until the midterms.... and if you keep on, until the 2020 elections.
Hello everybody! Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin shook hands.
News about Russia ⋆ Russian Lace
What do you think about this? What will happen?
This is what happens when you go up against Trump.....

Vlad being carried out ...

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