Is Trump a Tactical Genius?

Please try and keep this on topic. It has quickly gotten off the OP.

But in a fun and informational way....

Dog gone're going to make me have to go to bed. It has nothing to do with being almost 3:30 in the morning. LOL

Hey....Kat....are you a new Mod.....I don't think I have been complained about by you yet......

LOL I have been a mod since Jan or 1st part of Feb. And no, no complaints about you...yet. :)
Please try and keep this on topic. It has quickly gotten off the OP.

But in a fun and informational way....

Dog gone're going to make me have to go to bed. It has nothing to do with being almost 3:30 in the morning. LOL

Hey....Kat....are you a new Mod.....I don't think I have been complained about by you yet......

LOL I have been a mod since Jan or 1st part of Feb. And no, no complaints about you...yet. :)

I'll have to try harder......
making fun of a womans bleeding face was tantamount to making fun of the handicapped reporter .. he took a shot out of nothing more than him being a pig.

noboby will top him and he'll do/say anything to get at them


Narcissist, 100% registered thoroughbred.

I like him.

I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.
While I do think he plays the media like a piano, I'm not sure it was intentional this particular time.

I do think he considers and conducts his moves carefully, though. When he fired Comey, he ensured the media knew first, so that Comey would be humiliated further in front of his coworkers. I also think he wouldn't be president right now, or a successful businessman, if that wasn't the case. He played the media, the most powerful weapon of the Democrats, to his advantage from before the start of the primaries, to the very end of the general election.

He's a Champion; he'll turn it to his advantage..and he has. It's a segue to attack the NBC/CNN bosses. Cool

Why do all of these threads have to turn so vulgar?

Because they are discussing the current resident of the white house. You can't discuss him without discussing all his vulgar behavior.
While I do think he plays the media like a piano, I'm not sure it was intentional this particular time.

I have to disagree. He knew full well that Kate's Law and the travel ban were going to be the top news stories of the day. We all know that it wouldn't have been pom-poms waving and champagne corks popping from the left-wing media. So instead of allowing them to shit all over his accomplishments as he knew they would do, he threw them a distraction. A tweet they couldn't ignore.

Instead of a news cycle filled with righteous indignation over Trump's "anti-immigrant" policies.... which is what we would've had... we got Mika whining about getting a dose of her own medicine.

I absolutely think it was intentional and I don't think the left even realized it.
The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated.
I have to admit that this has occurred to me, and I guess nothing is impossible.

That doesn't excuse the fact that his behavior remains beneath the dignity of the office, a national embarrassment, a legitimate global concern and an ongoing humiliation for a majority of the adults in our country.

I definitely will, however, keep a closer eye on other news events the next time he publicly acts like a spoiled, attention-starved, petulant 12-year old boy, a moment which is no doubt imminent.
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The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated.
I have to admit that this has occurred to me, and I guess nothing is impossible.

That doesn't excuse the fact that his behavior remains beneath the dignity of the office, a national embarrassment, a legitimate global concern and an ongoing humiliation for a majority of the adults in our country.

I definitely will, however, keep a closer eye on other news events the next time he publicly acts like a spoiled, attention-starved, petulant 12-year old boy, a moment which is no doubt imminent.

I've gotta say, I'm not a Trump die hard but I think this is hilarious. I love how he just causes mass freak outs when he tweets. You've now got a president who has the ability to create his own headlines at will. When you think about a tweet, that's what it is... a headline. It's a useful tool against a left-wing biased media and he knows how to use it effectively.

I actually think this is going to be cathartic for the left. Eventually, they will come to realize their over-the-top emotive responses to what he tweets is not helping them. Their numbers aren't moving and he continues to gain popularity. Perhaps that returns a level of civility to our discourse?
The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated.
I have to admit that this has occurred to me, and I guess nothing is impossible.

That doesn't excuse the fact that his behavior remains beneath the dignity of the office, a national embarrassment, a legitimate global concern and an ongoing humiliation for a majority of the adults in our country.

I definitely will, however, keep a closer eye on other news events the next time he publicly acts like a spoiled, attention-starved, petulant 12-year old boy, a moment which is no doubt imminent.

I've gotta say, I'm not a Trump die hard but I think this is hilarious. I love how he just causes mass freak outs when he tweets. You've now got a president who has the ability to create his own headlines at will. When you think about a tweet, that's what it is... a headline. It's a useful tool against a left-wing biased media and he knows how to use it effectively.

I actually think this is going to be cathartic for the left. Eventually, they will come to realize their over-the-top emotive responses to what he tweets is not helping them. Their numbers aren't moving and he continues to gain popularity. Perhaps that returns a level of civility to our discourse?
I don't see that coming from either side, any time soon.
Trump has exposed the media as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. He has them running around like cockroaches looking for a place to hide after someone turned on the lights. He truly is draining the swamp, and this may be his single greatest achievement as president.
I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.
Frankly, the media hasn't been covering Kate's Law whatsoever. They must not feel like they can put a good enough spin on it. The country must overwhelmingly want it.
Frankly, the media hasn't been covering Kate's Law whatsoever. They must not feel like they can put a good enough spin on it. The country must overwhelmingly want it.

Well they have to find a "victim" to exploit as a result of it becoming law. We'll get that sooner or later. I have seen several leftist commentaries denouncing the law as "anti-immigrant". That's the meme they're going to play on...Trump hates brown people!

I still think, had they not been busy with the Mika tweet bone, the left-wing media would've taken the opportunity to slap Trump around as "anti-immigrant" some more with passage of Kate's Law. Especially when they could've coupled it with the travel ban going into effect. Trump's tweet threw them completely off their game plan as they couldn't resist jumping on that instead.

Maybe I am wrong but I think it was a premeditated and calculated tactical move by Trump.
I don't know if anyone has discussed this possibility in the wake of Trump's recent Mika and Joe tweet but I think Trump might be a tactical genius. Let me try to explain what I mean...

The controversial tweet regarding Mika bleeding badly from a face lift came on the same day the controversial Kate's Law passed and the travel ban was reinstated. In the past, liberal mainstream media would've lambasted Trump all day on these two things. We would've seen heart-wrenching stories of poor victims of Trumps mean and cruel policies... pundits would've been all over the television offering their criticism and feigning outrage over the travel ban and Kate's Law. We would've had the usual hand-wringing and boo-hooing over the ramifications.

What did we get instead? The media was consumed all the news cycle with the Mika/Joe tweet. Kate's Law and the travel ban went quietly into effect... no protests or riots, not even a commentary. I think Trump may have done this intentionally. He drew their fire away from his policies and onto him personally. And while the tweet drove the left further insane, it drew mild chuckles from his base supporters.

Of course, some will argue that Trump shot himself in the foot, that he messed up an opportunity to showcase these monumental victories in policy... but let's be honest, the left was never going to let that happen. Instead of having a full cycle of coverage disparaging his accomplishments we got a full cycle of snowflake meltdown over a stupid tweet.

I think Trump played the media like a Stradivarius.
No, he is just that childish dude.


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