Is Trump doing better that publically stated

If Donald Trump was emotionally stable he could be a great president. BUT unfortunately he is NOT a stable individual as clearly displayed at his rallies. He fly's off at the mouth constantly saying anything and everything that crosses his mind. He has no built in filter we should expect from a man who aspires to converse with world leaders on our behalf. His "coyboy" approach to politics is certainly entertaining in a "Jerry Springer" sort of fashion but are we really looking for that in a POTUS? I hope not. We do have enemies around the world and it wouldn't be a stretch that Trump could easily provoke some fat fuck in North Korea to just say "fuck it" and set off a nuke somewhere on our shores. He might have to get it here on a sam pan but if pissed off enough I wouldn't put it passed him.
You seem afraid of North korea?
If Donald Trump was emotionally stable he could be a great president. BUT unfortunately he is NOT a stable individual as clearly displayed at his rallies. He fly's off at the mouth constantly saying anything and everything that crosses his mind. He has no built in filter we should expect from a man who aspires to converse with world leaders on our behalf. His "coyboy" approach to politics is certainly entertaining in a "Jerry Springer" sort of fashion but are we really looking for that in a POTUS? I hope not. We do have enemies around the world and it wouldn't be a stretch that Trump could easily provoke some fat fuck in North Korea to just say "fuck it" and set off a nuke somewhere on our shores. He might have to get it here on a sam pan but if pissed off enough I wouldn't put it passed him.
You seem afraid of North korea?

I was just using N Korea's fat little fuck as an example. They are not the only wack jobs that have nukes. Try India and Pakistan. How much would it take for those crazy fucks to go globally postal. They wouldn't even have to do it themselves. They could easily just let some terrorists have the weapons. N Korea doesn't cause me concern. Trump does. Clinton does also for that matter but for different reasons.

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