Is Trump merely a figurehead?

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

Today he told Americans that the decision was made early on to close our borders. Our borders have not been closed.

Both comments are so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, have buried them. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course. Trump's news conferences on covid-19 are frightening and disturbing. He is our President.

A 73-year old man said that a hurricane will hit Alabama when everyone else in the country knew that was not true. In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. The next day, he thought a Sharpie could change a weather forecast after the fact.

A 73-year old man thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

Shouldn't one worry about a 73-year old man who didn't know that the home of the Kansas City Chiefs is in Kansas City, Missouri. They are the Super Bowl champs, for chrissake.

Well, let's put this into perspective. I know there are a few people who do not know what city the Kansas City Chiefs come from. I know there are a few people who do not know what city the Baltimore Ravens come from. I know there are a few people who do not know what city the New York Giants come from. I know there are a few people who do not know what city the L.A. Rams come from although I understand that could be confusing. The Rams move around a lot.

I point is, most of those people are seeing a doctor because of the mental condition.
Is there any doubt that Trump is incapable of running a country the size of ours with all its power and by far the largest, most complex economy in the world.

While just a theory, the supposition described in the OP makes perfect sense.
Shouldn't one worry about a 73-year old man who didn't know that the home of the Kansas City Chiefs is in Kansas City, Missouri.

This one is silly. I'm from Kansas City, and nearly everyone not from around there makes that mistake. I remember every time we'd go see a touring band in KC, they come out on stage and same something like "It's great to be in Kansas!" - even though they were in Missouri. So what? It's a reasonable assumption to think that Kansas City is in Kansas, eh?
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

It is so typical of Trump that, in an attempt to deal with a pandemic that is becoming more serious by the hour, he would hold a meeting with banking executives. Do we laugh or cry?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me!
Trump replicates Emperor Nero but he is oblivious to the Roman emperor.

3:18 PM - Mar 8, 2020
USA Today reports, "President Trump addresses the nation Wednesday at 9 p.m. EDT about his administration's response to the coronavirus. Refresh frequently for updates.

"When President Donald Trump makes his prime-time address tonight amid a widening coronavirus that is now a pandemic, it will mark only his second formal Oval Office speech to the nation.

"Trump's address will come hours after the World Health Organization formally declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic as the global death toll rose above 4,300. Confirmed cases in the U.S. crept past 1,000, according to Johns Hopkins."

Does anyone really care? So far he has been useless, and his pathetic statements have done far more harm than good.

Good thing a speechwriter will dictate everything he says. We won't be hearing his words tonight. They are someone else's.
USA Today reports, "President Trump addresses the nation Wednesday at 9 p.m. EDT about his administration's response to the coronavirus. Refresh frequently for updates.

"When President Donald Trump makes his prime-time address tonight amid a widening coronavirus that is now a pandemic, it will mark only his second formal Oval Office speech to the nation.

"Trump's address will come hours after the World Health Organization formally declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic as the global death toll rose above 4,300. Confirmed cases in the U.S. crept past 1,000, according to Johns Hopkins."

Does anyone really care? So far he has been useless, and his pathetic statements have done far more harm than good.

Good thing a speechwriter will dictate everything he says. We won't be hearing his words tonight. They are someone else's.
Good grief.. Give it up already. LOL
Peter Bergen writes, "Perhaps Trump wanted to make a call to arms that rivaled when President George W. Bush stood on the smoking ruins of the World Trade Center days after 9/11 and said: "I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon?" Within months the Bush administration had toppled the Taliban government that had harbored al Qaeda and also destroyed much of that terrorist group.

"Instead, Trump missed the mark completely. His Wednesday speech underlined his key weaknesses: His failure to do any homework, his narcissism and his half-baked policy ideas.

"Let's start with the big idea in Trump's speech: Temporarily stopping Europeans from traveling to the United States. It fits with the xenophobic nature of Trump's statement: "This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history.'"

Not just any virus, a foreign virus, as if this was not his fault. It came from China. At this point, that is completely irrelevant. The reality is the useless characterization won't solve any of the key issues presented by the crisis. As is obvious to everyone not named Trump, there is now rampant community transmission of the coronavirus all over the US.

Bergen adds, "At this point in his presidency, we kind of assume that Trump rarely does any homework, but as this virus began to proliferate, we had to assume -- or hope -- that his staff would do theirs."

From the OP:

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.
To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

It happened again today. Trump was asked by a reporter about a health agency he eliminated, a health agency designed to help in a pandemic. Trump replied, "I don't know anything about it."

When confronted with the consequences of decisions made by his administration, how many times has Trump said he knows nothing about it and tries to place the blame on someone else? How many times have writers ridiculed Trump for this ploy?

He may be right. If Trump is a mere figurehead and someone else is running the government, it stands to reason that he would be remarkably uninformed and be unaware of decisions made in his name.

Well, according to Trump, the elimination of this agency was done in his name and he knew nothing about it. We also know, particularly when it comes to the covid-19 crisis, he is remarkably uninformed. Even today, with the declaration of a national emergency, he often sounded lost, and what is this about closing our borders? Our borders are not closed.

Also, he denied responsibility of the errors made by his administration in this crisis, and there were many. Pence and the medical experts are owing up to them, but not Trump. He knows nothing about those errors, and he certainly did not make them.

Again, all this fits if Trump is only a figurehead. He confirms that nearly every day.
Trump gave us a pep talk today, and he claimed his administration deserved a ten for its conduct in the coronavirus pandemic.

The Dow fell nearly 3,000 points, setting a world record.
Trump gave us a pep talk today, and he claimed his administration deserved a ten for its conduct in the coronavirus pandemic.

The Dow fell nearly 3,000 points, setting a world record.

I'm surprised he doesn't have major problems with his shoulder, as much as he pats himself on the back.
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.

You're a dumbass. Your half white messiah was every bit as bad. Oh yes, ALL Presidents are "figure heads".
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.
I thought the taxpayers paid some moron $180k a year to do Fat Donnies tweets.
Is Trump merely a figurehead?



Trump gave us a pep talk today, and he claimed his administration deserved a ten for its conduct in the coronavirus pandemic.

The Dow fell nearly 3,000 points, setting a world record.
Getting to the root of this bullcrap is imperative. If the response going on in this country to Corona, uhh is somehow found to be politically motivated or politically activated, then treason trials should quickly be the tall order of the day next.

Trying to destroy this nation and it's economy, and doing so over a presidential election that had occured back in 2016, uhh is pure evil if it is the case. If China released the virus in a way to indirectly attack this nation (by attacking their own first), otherwise in order to make themselves appear innocent, uhhh should be investigated big time if it is suspected of such a thing. Hopefully not the case, but who knows anymore really.
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.
Good morning, that's old news. You think the masters of this world will let a person as stupid as trump lead humanity ?
The guy is so stupid he needs his own term of stupidity, he is not capable of running the show. Not even a muppet show.
Trump gave us a pep talk today, and he claimed his administration deserved a ten for its conduct in the coronavirus pandemic.

The Dow fell nearly 3,000 points, setting a world record.
Getting to the root of this bullcrap is imperative. If the response going on in this country to Corona, uhh is somehow found to be politically motivated or politically activated, then treason trials should quickly be the tall order of the day next.

Trying to destroy this nation and it's economy, and doing so over a presidential election that had occured back in 2016, uhh is pure evil if it is the case. If China released the virus in a way to indirectly attack this nation (by attacking their own first), otherwise in order to make themselves appear innocent, uhhh should be investigated big time if it is suspected of such a thing. Hopefully not the case, but who knows anymore really.

Trump lies about everything. He lied about Corona in hopes of preventing the stock market falling, and to cover his total lack of any idea how to deal with it. Even the slightest bit of honesty from him would have allowed experts to deal with it from the start, and reduced the toll it is taking on our country.
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.
To be quite frank, you're a moron.
Trump gave us a pep talk today, and he claimed his administration deserved a ten for its conduct in the coronavirus pandemic.

The Dow fell nearly 3,000 points, setting a world record.
Getting to the root of this bullcrap is imperative. If the response going on in this country to Corona, uhh is somehow found to be politically motivated or politically activated, then treason trials should quickly be the tall order of the day next.

Trying to destroy this nation and it's economy, and doing so over a presidential election that had occured back in 2016, uhh is pure evil if it is the case. If China released the virus in a way to indirectly attack this nation (by attacking their own first), otherwise in order to make themselves appear innocent, uhhh should be investigated big time if it is suspected of such a thing. Hopefully not the case, but who knows anymore really.
If China intentionally did this, they attacked Iran and Europe first with greater effect in both. Europe & Iran have far more infections than we do. If its an attack, its a global attack.

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