Is Trump merely a figurehead?

Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.

It's interesting I was having a real-life discussion about these very things yesterday. The way I see it, no, Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is more than a figurehead. He is a superficial ideological face of our nation at the moment. He is a worthless greedy con man surrounded by yes men shilling an anti-science agenda. A sociopath who cares more about money than his constituents. His erratic decisions will cost lives.

Thus, no rational human being should listen to him, nor heed any words coming out of his administration. The word of the scientists and those educated in virology are the only people we should put our trust in when it comes to navigating the strain of Covid-19.

The current *pResident is nothing more than a TV personality no more important than a Kardassian.
I have noticed that Trump's followers don't deny any of the facts that formed the basis of my theory. Well, of course, they couldn't. What I said was true. So, they make wisecracks and share cartoons...
What facts? You posted wild speculation and your opinion.
Is Trump merely a figurehead?
No, according to Trump and the Hive Mind, the sun does not rise without Trump's permission. If anything positive happened anywhere in the solar system in the past three years, that was Trump's doing.

Just ask him. He's glad to tell you, and the Hive Mind will work double overtime to prove it.

"Trump made the asteroid miss us!"
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.

You're an idiot, Trump's IQ is in the 150s or high 140s depending on who you ask. Besides his long list of accomplishments thus far. Hell just his gaining office againt so many odds was no mean feat in and of itself.

And Pogo is an idiot with an estimated IQ of somewhere between the high 70s to low 80s.
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Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.

You're an idiot, Trump's IQ is in the 150s or high 140s depending on who you ask. Besides his long list of accomplishments thus far. Hell just his gaining office againt so many odds was no mean feat in and of itself.


Think you left out a decimal point there, Cultist. How high-IQ do you have to be to think you can alter the course of a hurricane with a Sharpie? How much intellectual capacity does it take to move your father's birthplace five thousand miles to a whole different continent when the whole world knows he was born in The Bronx? How intelligent is it to think an army in the 18th century took over the airports? In what MENSA meeting does the word would mean its own opposite?

To quote the orange freak directly, "he need brain".
In all honesty, I've seen no indication that Trump is any less intelligent than Barry Soetoro. Were it not for our generalized low expectations about a Negro, he would be deemed on par with Bush 45.

Say what you will about Trump, he has kept more balls in the air, successfully, than anyone posting on this site.

Not sure who "Bush 45" might be but, ever hear of O'bama calling India's neighbors "Button" and "Nipple"? Or changing the trajectory of a hurricane with a Sharpie? Or saying "Tim Apple" and then swearing he didn't, even though it was on videotape? Or declaring the continental army took over the "airports"? Clearly this klown is not all there.
And do you REALLY think Biden would do better? Groper Joe appears to be not even HALF there most of the time. So if you have a realistic suggestion of who would be a better president than Trump, let's hear it.

A pet rock would be a better president than Trump.

And FAR more stable.
I HAVE to agree with you on this one, Pogo. At least our president has more charisma and personality than a Pet Rock. I can't say the same about Mike Pence.
In all honesty, I've seen no indication that Trump is any less intelligent than Barry Soetoro. Were it not for our generalized low expectations about a Negro, he would be deemed on par with Bush 45.

Say what you will about Trump, he has kept more balls in the air, successfully, than anyone posting on this site.

Not sure who "Bush 45" might be but, ever hear of O'bama calling India's neighbors "Button" and "Nipple"? Or changing the trajectory of a hurricane with a Sharpie? Or saying "Tim Apple" and then swearing he didn't, even though it was on videotape? Or declaring the continental army took over the "airports"? Clearly this klown is not all there.
And do you REALLY think Biden would do better? Groper Joe appears to be not even HALF there most of the time. So if you have a realistic suggestion of who would be a better president than Trump, let's hear it.

A pet rock would be a better president than Trump.

And FAR more stable.
I HAVE to agree with you on this one, Pogo. At least our president has more charisma and personality than a Pet Rock. I can't say the same about Mike Pence.

Personality and chrisma is important if you are looking for a new BFF, but we need more than that for a president. My friends are great people, and I would go to the ends of the earth for them, but not one of them is qualified to be president. That takes a completely different skill set.
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.

You're an idiot, Trump's IQ is in the 150s or high 140s depending on who you ask. Besides his long list of accomplishments thus far. Hell just his gaining office againt so many odds was no mean feat in and of itself.


Think you left out a decimal point there, Cultist. How high-IQ do you have to be to think you can alter the course of a hurricane with a Sharpie? How much intellectual capacity does it take to move your father's birthplace five thousand miles to a whole different continent when the whole world knows he was born in The Bronx? How intelligent is it to think an army in the 18th century took over the airports? In what MENSA meeting does the word would mean its own opposite?

To quote the orange freak directly, "he need brain".

Let us all know when you go into business rating IQ scores like those who've rated Trumps.
Unless yours over at least 130 or so you'd do well to avoid the topic.
I'd put Pogo's well below the average IQ score of 100. Say between 70-80 somewhere. Maybe lower.
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Fake News Mon: Trump is a brilliant evil mastermind.
Fake News Tue: Trump is merely a figurehead with no skills or intelligence.
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.

You're an idiot, Trump's IQ is in the 150s or high 140s depending on who you ask. Besides his long list of accomplishments thus far. Hell just his gaining office againt so many odds was no mean feat in and of itself.


Think you left out a decimal point there, Cultist. How high-IQ do you have to be to think you can alter the course of a hurricane with a Sharpie? How much intellectual capacity does it take to move your father's birthplace five thousand miles to a whole different continent when the whole world knows he was born in The Bronx? How intelligent is it to think an army in the 18th century took over the airports? In what MENSA meeting does the word would mean its own opposite?

To quote the orange freak directly, "he need brain".

Let us all know when you go into business rating IQ scores like those who've rated Trumps.
Unless yours over at least 130 or so you'd do well to avoid the topic.

Still no linkie do I see. Rumpybot just takes a pee.

IQ scores have nothing to do with "business", Elmer. And for that matter, business has nothing to do with public service either. They're on opposite sides, which is one reason we have an emollients clause.

As far as Rump's businesses, his bankruptcies, the fate of Atlantic Shitty, his various failures, the USFL, and the infamous FRAUD University tell us all more than we needed to know. Apparently not enough for the self-delusionists.
there's not a single person who knows how Trump's journey will end in 2020, not even Trump. he could win, he could lose. that's why i love democracy. THAT'S WHY I LOVE AMERICA!

Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.

Trump Derangement Syndrome, you haz it!

Trump is probably the most independent minded President we have had since Andrew Jackson.

If there was ever a lackey President it was that worthless idiot Obama. He was absolutely way over his head in that job and was obviously being handled. He was more suited to be a shoeshine boy than anything else. That Communist Muslim Iranian Valery Jarrett was running the country while that lazy dimwitted asshole Obama was working on his college basketball payoff bracket predictions.

God help us if that shithead Biden gets elected. With his dementia no telling who will be making all the decisions.
Good points about back channels actually running things while the figurehead's are to just be the face looked to when things go wrong.

Trump is no figurehead, and that's what they hate sorely about him.
"Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world."

If he hasn't got it, then God help us by what we have seen trying to get it. Trump will be re-elected for the same reasons he was elected before (the Democrats are 1000 times worse than a Trump could ever be), and that's why he was elected.
Is Trump merely a figurehead? Is there someone else or an unknown committee running our government? There is supposition along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains so today.

This, of course, is pure conjecture, but there are countless examples of his lack of intellect.

In September 2019, Trump warned Alabama it would be hit by a Hurricane Dorian. Joe Sixpack and Mary Wonderful and everyone else in the country knew the hurricane would miss Alabama by several miles. Trump corrected the fault by using a black sharpie on a map that was shown during a news conference. What kind of an idiot would do that?

Trump thought the Kansas City Chiefs hailed from Kansas.

In a tweet Trump spelled "role" as "roll." He speaks to the nation, but he does not proofread as I will do when I finish this post, as we all do if we think what we are writing is important..

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

The comment was so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, has buried it. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course.

The truth is, Trump is virtually useless in the crisis created by covid-19. He fails to tell the truth. His statements conflict with medical experts and his own vice-president who heads the team fighting this remarkably dangerous virus. The experts have to constantly correct him, and it usually begins with this remark, "What the President really meant was ..."

We have heard that for over three years.

During the crisis created by covid-19, Trump went golfing at his resort, but finding time to fire his chief of staff and hire his fourth one.

Trump does not read because he has low comprehension skills. This explains why he is so misinformed and why he consistently makes a fool of himself. He is his own worst enemy and he has the nasty habit of incriminating himself.

Because his remarks do more harm than good, his followers rarely use them to defend Trump, and they have a defend Trump a lot, as is obvious.

There are countless examples of Trump's lack of attentiveness. However, no doubt the reader gets the point.

It is believed by many that such a man could not possibly lead a nation as powerful, complex, economically sound, and as large as ours. Although, pure speculation, it is believed by some that our nation is being led by a consortium of far right influential leaders. The rich and powerful, in other words.

Although conjecture, the speculation is based upon facts that cannot be denied.

And ... it makes sense.

Trump's decision making is his own worst enemy and may well bring our democratic Republic to its knees. This coronavirus may
be the catalyst that starts a great recession that has been waiting to happen. No, I don't think that he is a figurehead because he is a narcissist, likes the power, and doesn't listen to sage advice. "Walk softly and carry a big stick" doesn't apply to him.
I have noticed that Trump's followers don't deny any of the facts that formed the basis of my theory. Well, of course, they couldn't. What I said was true. So, they make wisecracks and share cartoons.

We know one thing for sure. We have a serious problem.

We know that a 73-year old man thinks the Kansas City Chiefs hail from Kansas. We know that a 73-year old man said that a hurricane will hit Alabama when everyone else in the country knew that was not true.

And we know that man is our President.

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

Today he told Americans that the decision was made early on to close our borders. Our borders have not been closed.

Both comments are so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, have buried them. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course. Trump's news conferences on covid-19 are frightening and disturbing. He is our President.

This is Trump's explanation of truthful hyperbole.

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.“I Call It Truthful Hyperbole”: The Most Popular Quotes From Trump’s “

Boy, that explains a lot.
brothers and sisters: when Modi got re-elected in India, he banned the internet in Kashmir, and stripped Muslims of their citizenship. we cant let Trump do the same here in America!
I have noticed that Trump's followers don't deny any of the facts that formed the basis of my theory. Well, of course, they couldn't. What I said was true. So, they make wisecracks and share cartoons.

We know one thing for sure. We have a serious problem.

We know that a 73-year old man thinks the Kansas City Chiefs hail from Kansas. We know that a 73-year old man said that a hurricane will hit Alabama when everyone else in the country knew that was not true.

And we know that man is our President.

This past week, at a news conference with CDC officials, Trump proclaimed that the U.S. is the only country being proactive in the search for covid-19 victims and its cure.

Today he told Americans that the decision was made early on to close our borders. Our borders have not been closed.

Both comments are so embarrassing, the media, even CNN, have buried them. Why make such a ludicrous claim? The answer is obvious. To create another fantasy about his remarkable leadership, of course. Trump's news conferences on covid-19 are frightening and disturbing. He is our President.

This is Trump's explanation of truthful hyperbole.

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.“I Call It Truthful Hyperbole”: The Most Popular Quotes From Trump’s “

Boy, that explains a lot.
Being part of the positive side is always better than being part of the negative side of life. Hey if something someone promotes or says is positive, then it hurts no one to get in there and make it a reality, and a positive thing. Standing there hands folded, and snarling at everything that moves is negative, unproductive, and worse unhealthy for you. Time to get a better attitude on life don't ya think ?
brothers and sisters: when Modi got re-elected in India, he banned the internet in Kashmir, and stripped Muslims of their citizenship. we cant let Trump do the same here in America!

Once AGAIN, expecting the same crickets as the last 7816 times ---

------------------ Link?
brothers and sisters: when Modi got re-elected in India, he banned the internet in Kashmir, and stripped Muslims of their citizenship. we cant let Trump do the same here in America!

Once AGAIN, expecting the same crickets as the last 7816 times ---

------------------ Link?
India restores internet in Kashmir after 7 months of blackout

Protests erupt in India over citizenship law as Trump tours Taj Mahal, prepares for talks

run along, go annoy someone else

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