Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge
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Dont know if they are holding off a depression on purpose, however once obamacare hits with all the taxes during the next administrations term, there is going to be a huge outcry from the American public.
Naturally, all of the additional taxes are going to be blamed by the unlucky person that is president at the time, even though all those taxes were created and passed during obamas admin.
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The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Trumps success has been dependent on his reading the market trends and trying to position himself before changes in order to ride out the storms and make the most of the best times.
I suspect he or his advisers can see what is coming. I would be more inclined to listen to him on these matters before I put faith in any of the other candidates running.
The FED needs another cut, and they are out of margin

Obamanomics is a disaster

The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Trumps success has been dependent on his reading the market trends and trying to position himself before changes in order to ride out the storms and make the most of the best times.
I suspect he or his advisers can see what is coming. I would be more inclined to listen to him on these matters before I put faith in any of the other candidates running.
I think we've seen that Trump will pretty much say anything. About anyone. At any time. For any reason.

The Federal Reserve is not timing a depression. This is madness.
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The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Trumps success has been dependent on his reading the market trends and trying to position himself before changes in order to ride out the storms and make the most of the best times.
I suspect he or his advisers can see what is coming. I would be more inclined to listen to him on these matters before I put faith in any of the other candidates running.
I think we've seen that Trump will pretty much say anything. About anyone. At any time. For any reason.

The Fed is not timing a depression. This is madness.
Planning one? as in creating it on purpose? no, I agree with you, the feds are not doing this.
The feds have created a situation that now that the look at is going to cause another depression, but that was not their plan.
What they are doing is trying to juggle the books right now to hold it off. It would not be good for this to happen right before an election cycle, members of congress and the senate would lose seats in a historical way if the people had a fresh in their mind reason to vote them out of office. And that threat is equal to both sides of the isle.
Its in their best interest to try and hold off repercussions of their actions for the last 8 years.
The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Trumps success has been dependent on his reading the market trends and trying to position himself before changes in order to ride out the storms and make the most of the best times.
I suspect he or his advisers can see what is coming. I would be more inclined to listen to him on these matters before I put faith in any of the other candidates running.
I think we've seen that Trump will pretty much say anything. About anyone. At any time. For any reason.

The Fed is not timing a depression. This is madness.
Planning one? as in creating it on purpose? no, I agree with you, the feds are not doing this.
The feds have created a situation that now that the look at is going to cause another depression, but that was not their plan.
What they are doing is trying to juggle the books right now to hold it off. It would not be good for this to happen right before an election cycle, members of congress and the senate would lose seats in a historical way if the people had a fresh in their mind reason to vote them out of office. And that threat is equal to both sides of the isle.
Its in their best interest to try and hold off repercussions of their actions for the last 8 years.
Just remember that Yellen took over after the Fed did what it did (and had to do, in my personal estimation).

The Fed can fix its balance sheet, but it's going to take real and sustained growth before it can. No doubt that when they flooded the economy they were expecting far stronger growth than we've gotten, but that didn't happen. Yellen is playing the hand she was dealt. This is still gonna take a while, but I really don't think she's concerning herself with something as petty as partisan politics.
If anyone knows or understands TQM you will understand the where and the why the Obama Administration has manipulated the fed.

Whoever gets the next administration is economically FUBAR'D.
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I wouldn't put anything past this administration or this government we have in this day and age.
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge
Obama is handling the economy the same way he's been fighting ISIS.
He's just putting off the crash until later. Hopefully until after he leaves.
It didn't work out when it comes to ISIS, but he has more control over the message when it comes to the economy.
We're headed for a crash....and Obama set it up from the beginning.

He's totally worthless.

But he got the gays their marriages. What a wonderful guy.
No, Trump is being delusional loon - or a liar; either way this belongs in the CT forum.

Quit telling the USMB mods what to do

Congress and America are flying high cover for Obama. Can't have the first black POTUS looking like a failure, when indeed, he failed us in the United States miserably.

Trumps success has been dependent on his reading the market trends and trying to position himself before changes in order to ride out the storms and make the most of the best times.
I suspect he or his advisers can see what is coming. I would be more inclined to listen to him on these matters before I put faith in any of the other candidates running.

Trump's success has been beign born to a rich father and having subordinates who can manage his money for him.

and he still manages to have his share of expensive fuckups.

Anyone remember "Trump Air"?

Yellen is a liberal. Trump is right, except he is the only one that has a chance in 2016. Otherwise there will not be a rep admin.
Trumps success has been dependent on his reading the market trends and trying to position himself before changes in order to ride out the storms and make the most of the best times.
I suspect he or his advisers can see what is coming. I would be more inclined to listen to him on these matters before I put faith in any of the other candidates running.

Trump's success has been beign born to a rich father and having subordinates who can manage his money for him.

and he still manages to have his share of expensive fuckups.

Anyone remember "Trump Air"?

Trump supposedly inherited around 400 million, he turned that into a much bigger number.
One of the measures of a good leader is that they put the right people around them. Trump did this and he did well. Just like a business, the country has too many aspects when it comes to running it for one man to assume knowledge of all. I would expect Trump to surround himself with the right people to run the country also.
Obviously looking at Trumps current financial position, his success far outweighs his failures along the way. If he operates the country with the same ratio of success to failure, we are going to be in a much better place than we are now.
If all he had was his failures he would be dead broke right now and not running.
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking".

Do you have anything at all to back that up? Even if you add in everyone who says they want a job (regardless of availability to work or when they last tried to work) but is not classified as unemployed because they aren't looking, that would only raise the UE rate to 8.5%. And the highest UE rate under Obama has been 10%, and adding in those who say they wanted to work but weren't looking only raises that up to 13.4%. (math available on request).
If the Fed raises rates in the next year or after an R wins, it will certainly look suspicious. They have kept rates at 0% to.25% for all of BO's time. The Fed has not raise rates since 2006.

If the economy is so good, as Big Ears likes to proclaim, why has the Fed not raised rates? The stock market drops merely on Old Yellen SAYING she will raise rates soon.

If the Fed raises a point or two, the economy likely tanks further. The housing market will crash, most certainly. The stock market and business investment likely drops too.

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