Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration

No, Trump is being delusional loon - or a liar; either way this belongs in the CT forum.

Quit telling the USMB mods what to do

Congress and America are flying high cover for Obama. Can't have the first black POTUS looking like a failure, when indeed, he failed us in the United States miserably.

Agreed. Facts are Facts. They released the transcript from the Fed meeting after the 2008 crises. It appears they will have to unwind the surplus liquidity at some time. The question is, when?
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking".
Do you have anything at all to back that up? Even if you add in everyone who says they want a job (regardless of availability to work or when they last tried to work) but is not classified as unemployed because they aren't looking, that would only raise the UE rate to 8.5%. And the highest UE rate under Obama has been 10%, and adding in those who say they wanted to work but weren't looking only raises that up to 13.4%. (math available on request).
It depends on how you calculate it....

No, Trump is being delusional loon - or a liar; either way this belongs in the CT forum.

Quit telling the USMB mods what to do

Congress and America are flying high cover for Obama. Can't have the first black POTUS looking like a failure, when indeed, he failed us in the United States miserably.

Yep....and the first female president will do no better....
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking".
Do you have anything at all to back that up? Even if you add in everyone who says they want a job (regardless of availability to work or when they last tried to work) but is not classified as unemployed because they aren't looking, that would only raise the UE rate to 8.5%. And the highest UE rate under Obama has been 10%, and adding in those who say they wanted to work but weren't looking only raises that up to 13.4%. (math available on request).
It depends on how you calculate it....

I don't know who made that chart but they clearly don't know what they're talking about when they call the U-6 under-utilization rate an "unemployment rate." How can it be an unemployment rate when it includes people who are working? :dunno:
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking".
Do you have anything at all to back that up? Even if you add in everyone who says they want a job (regardless of availability to work or when they last tried to work) but is not classified as unemployed because they aren't looking, that would only raise the UE rate to 8.5%. And the highest UE rate under Obama has been 10%, and adding in those who say they wanted to work but weren't looking only raises that up to 13.4%. (math available on request).
It depends on how you calculate it....

No, my statement is true no matter how you calculate it. John Williams uses BLS numbers and claims he's just adding in people who want to work, are available to work, have previously looked for work more than a year ago and stopped looking because they believe there are no jobs available. The problem is that to get his 22.9% that number of "long term discouraged" would have to be about 25.3 million people. But there are only 3.1 million people who say they want a job but did not look for work in the previous year. And that's including people who stopped looking for reasons other than discouragement and people not currently available to work. So where does his 25.3 million come from?
No, Trump is being delusional loon - or a liar; either way this belongs in the CT forum.

Quit telling the USMB mods what to do

Congress and America are flying high cover for Obama. Can't have the first black POTUS looking like a failure, when indeed, he failed us in the United States miserably.

Agreed. Facts are Facts. They released the transcript from the Fed meeting after the 2008 crises. It appears they will have to unwind the surplus liquidity at some time. The question is, when?

Good video.

The continued existence of the Fed, is further proof of how deceived and ignorant the American people are. How they can allow a private organization intent on enriching bankers/Wall Street and starting wars, is beyond me.
As much as this administration has done to cover Obama's ass, partly so the 1st African American will not go down in history as SUCH a failure and in part so Obama himself specifically won't go down as the worst President in history, I would not put it past this administration to do something like this!

The Fast and Furious investigation is still going on, for example, because Obama still refuses to release documents ordered to be released by a Federal judge. It doesn't take a genius to see that Obama is trying to run out the clock on an investigation / scandal that has been going on for 7 years now due to his lack of openness and forthcoming.

Economically, the administration is demonstrating Gruber to be an 'oracle of truth' by completely IGNORING the 94,610,000 Americans currently out of work in the calculation of their own Unemployment Rate. HOW THE HELL CAN YOU REPORT AN ACCURATE PERCENTAGE RATE OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF UNEMPLOYED AMERCIANS IN THIS COUNTRY IF YOU IGNORE THE FACT THAT 94.6 MILLION AMERICANS ARE OUT OF WORK?!

Obama's own 'personal' unemployment rate is just as fake as Hillary Clinton's miraculous new SOUTHERN DRAWL and is all about making his administration look better than it is!

Fast and Furious, dubbing the Ft Hood Terrorist attack a case of 'Workplace Violence', The Benghazi 'it was a protest over a video' lie that was exposed (part of the cover-up to protect his pre-election declaration that 'the War on Terror is over' and 'Al Qaeida is on the run' B$, the DE-flated unemployment numbers...all of it has been to deceive the public...and the history books! So the idea that the truth about our dismal economy is being hidden until Obama leaves office is EXTREMELY believable!
So to summarize Trump is saying (R)'s will give us a depression but their response will be, "it's Obama's fault".

Worked for Obama when he blamed Bush, although his own party controlled spending / Congress (3 seats shy of a Super majority) for the last 2 years of the Bush administration and the 1st 2 years of his own.
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge
Absolutely. I saw this from the minute Obama took office.
The idea that one central bank can stop a depression is hilarious. Especially one so tied to the market as the Federal Reserve.
If that one central bank is the largest one in the world and controls the world's reserve currency, it can do whatever it wants.
"kick the can down the road till I can't be blamed" has been bipartisan governmental policy for some time now
Economically, the administration is demonstrating Gruber to be an 'oracle of truth' by completely IGNORING the 94,610,000 Americans currently out of work in the calculation of their own Unemployment Rate. HOW THE HELL CAN YOU REPORT AN ACCURATE PERCENTAGE RATE OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF UNEMPLOYED AMERCIANS IN THIS COUNTRY IF YOU IGNORE THE FACT THAT 94.6 MILLION AMERICANS ARE OUT OF WORK?!
You are referring to those "Not in the Labor Force." This is the group of people in the Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population (age 16 plus not in military or in prison or an institution) who are neither working nor trying to work. Most of them don't want to work and the majority not in the labor force are old, disabled, students, stay home spouses etc. This group has never ever been included in the unemployment rate. They're not included because the fact that someone not trying to work doesn't get hired tells us absolutely nothing about the job situation.
You are referring to those "Not in the Labor Force." This is the group of people in the Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population (age 16 plus not in military or in prison or an institution) who are neither working nor trying to work. Most of them don't want to work and the majority not in the labor force are old, disabled, students, stay home spouses etc. This group has never ever been included in the unemployment rate. They're not included because the fact that someone not trying to work doesn't get hired tells us absolutely nothing about the job situation.

Great 'justification' attempt post...What YOU call 'Not in the Labor Force' people is what NON-PARTISAN Americans 'UN-EMPLOYED'.

Your attempt to declare them to be underage or those not wanting to have a job is an insult to many of them who have been looking so long for work and who simply can not FIND a job. Despite over 90 MILLION Americans being out of work Obama openly declared he was going to allow almost 4 Million Illegals to suddenly start competing (against the existing Immigration law - changing law? That's Congress' job) with Americans for available jobs. His ACA caused many Americans to lose their jobs and others' jobs being downgraded from full-time to part time in order for businesses to avoid the ACA mandates.

Last week I posted a link to the story of how ILLEGAL job employment has risen while employment for American citizens have gone down.

The reason those Americans capable of working yet who do not have a job hasn't been included is because the REALITY of the TRUE number of out of work Americans 1) Shows a very UGLY Unemployment Rate in this country and 2) demonstrates a need for the government to create both JOBS and incentives for those unemployed to go out and get jobs!
-- Jobs / Job Programs: Training, work programs, etc.... Obama has been President 7 years and has not created 1 program to help blacks (adults unemployment twice that of whites, teens 6 times that of whites) to get work.

-- Incentives, such as: 1) Drug tests for everyone who gets a government checks, if found healthy/capable and getting a check your ass will pick up trash on the side of the road at the least - no more the most you do daily/monthly is walking to the mailbox to get your check.

I don't care how you choose to define them or try to explain them away, NOT counting 94,610,000 Americans not working does not give you the true Unemployment rate in this nation. REPORT the real number then 'caveat' it all you want!
You are referring to those "Not in the Labor Force." This is the group of people in the Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population (age 16 plus not in military or in prison or an institution) who are neither working nor trying to work. Most of them don't want to work and the majority not in the labor force are old, disabled, students, stay home spouses etc. This group has never ever been included in the unemployment rate. They're not included because the fact that someone not trying to work doesn't get hired tells us absolutely nothing about the job situation.

Great 'justification' attempt post...What YOU call 'Not in the Labor Force' people is what NON-PARTISAN Americans 'UN-EMPLOYED'.
Oh? Show me where retirees, high school students, disabled, and houswives are usually referred to as unemployed.

Your attempt to declare them to be underage or those not wanting to have a job is an insult to many of them who have been looking so long for work and who simply can not FIND a job.
How many are you claiming fit that description? I'm not "declaring" that 89 million don't want a job...that's what they are saying.

Last week I posted a link to the story of how ILLEGAL job employment has risen while employment for American citizens have gone down.
The only available information does not distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants, so you were just speculating.

The reason those Americans capable of working yet who do not have a job hasn't been included is because the REALITY of the TRUE number of out of work Americans 1) Shows a very UGLY Unemployment Rate in this country and 2) demonstrates a need for the government to create both JOBS and incentives for those unemployed to go out and get jobs!

I like how you ignore how people not trying to work have NEVER been considered unemployed and say that now it's all a conspiracy.

I don't care how you choose to define them or try to explain them away, NOT counting 94,610,000 Americans not working does not give you the true Unemployment rate in this nation. REPORT the real number then 'caveat' it all you want!
Ummm the percent of those in the U.S. who are employed has always been reported. You want a complete change in how the unemployment rate has always been reported. But ok..let's use your criteria of classifying everyone not working as unemployed and getting the "true unemployment rate."


So by using your "real rate", we have a lower UE rate than any time before April 1978. Are you going to stand by that?
Pingy, what do you call someone who USED to have a job and who is now NOT employed? UNEMPLOYED!

The Obama administration is NOT including people who are out of the work force, as in NOT working or looking for a job'. You can embrace and engage in the moronic political Clinton 'definition of 'IS'' argument all you want, but it does not detract from the fact that the 'method' of calculating the current unemployment rate is FLAWED, FALSE, NOT reporting all the people NOT working.....

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