Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration

Pingy, what do you call someone who USED to have a job and who is now NOT employed? UNEMPLOYED!
Not all the people Not in the Labor Force used to have a job. And no, I would not call retirees, or people who for whatever reasons have other desires or responsibilities such as school or disability or taking care of family or lottery winner as "unemployed."

The Obama administration is NOT including people who are out of the work force, as in NOT working or looking for a job'.
Nor did the Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, or GW Bush administrations. There is a reason for that....they don't tell us anything about how hard it is to find work.

You can embrace and engage in the moronic political Clinton 'definition of 'IS'' argument all you want, but it does not detract from the fact that the 'method' of calculating the current unemployment rate is FLAWED, FALSE, NOT reporting all the people NOT working.....
Actually, all people not working are reported. I showed the chart that would represent your definition. Lower rate than anytime before 1978. Is that bad?
Trumps success has been dependent on his reading the market trends and trying to position himself before changes in order to ride out the storms and make the most of the best times.
I suspect he or his advisers can see what is coming. I would be more inclined to listen to him on these matters before I put faith in any of the other candidates running.

Trump's success has been beign born to a rich father and having subordinates who can manage his money for him.

and he still manages to have his share of expensive fuckups.

Anyone remember "Trump Air"?

Trump supposedly inherited around 400 million, he turned that into a much bigger number.
One of the measures of a good leader is that they put the right people around them. Trump did this and he did well. Just like a business, the country has too many aspects when it comes to running it for one man to assume knowledge of all. I would expect Trump to surround himself with the right people to run the country also.
Obviously looking at Trumps current financial position, his success far outweighs his failures along the way. If he operates the country with the same ratio of success to failure, we are going to be in a much better place than we are now.
If all he had was his failures he would be dead broke right now and not running.

Fred Trump was very much alive when Donald started so technically, the inheritance had no impact on his success
Trumps success has been dependent on his reading the market trends and trying to position himself before changes in order to ride out the storms and make the most of the best times.
I suspect he or his advisers can see what is coming. I would be more inclined to listen to him on these matters before I put faith in any of the other candidates running.

Trump's success has been beign born to a rich father and having subordinates who can manage his money for him.

and he still manages to have his share of expensive fuckups.

Anyone remember "Trump Air"?

Trump supposedly inherited around 400 million, he turned that into a much bigger number.
One of the measures of a good leader is that they put the right people around them. Trump did this and he did well. Just like a business, the country has too many aspects when it comes to running it for one man to assume knowledge of all. I would expect Trump to surround himself with the right people to run the country also.
Obviously looking at Trumps current financial position, his success far outweighs his failures along the way. If he operates the country with the same ratio of success to failure, we are going to be in a much better place than we are now.
If all he had was his failures he would be dead broke right now and not running.

Fred Trump was very much alive when Donald started so technically, he didn't inherit anything and Fred's money had no impact on his success

but as you are aware liars will continue to lie about successful people

it helps them deal with their inadequacies in their own lives
Pingy, what do you call someone who USED to have a job and who is now NOT employed? UNEMPLOYED!

The Obama administration is NOT including people who are out of the work force, as in NOT working or looking for a job'. You can embrace and engage in the moronic political Clinton 'definition of 'IS'' argument all you want, but it does not detract from the fact that the 'method' of calculating the current unemployment rate is FLAWED, FALSE, NOT reporting all the people NOT working.....
That is some funny shit. :lmao:

Great example of how dumbed-down conservatives are. :thup:
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking".

I don't know why you rubes keep parroting this lie. U-6 has been declining for over a year.
The Obama administration is NOT including people who are out of the work force, as in NOT working or looking for a job'.

You really need to stop being such a rube.

Take a look at the U-6 numbers for the past year and a half.
So there you go. Every unemployment metric has been going down for quite some time now.

Stop being low information rubes who regurgitate stale manufactured bullshit.
"Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration"

The idiocy of this is both remarkable and entertaining.
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge
Sorta funny how small things can lead to big thinkgs
The great depression had it's roots in naked shorting
and the recent recession was caused by red lining in the housing market.
Who knows what small thing may cause the next one
"Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration"

The idiocy of this is both remarkable and entertaining.
A lot more people than Trump has believed this for quite a while, me included.
Bret Hume said it best on Fox News Sunday, "Obama wants anything of consequence to happen on the next president, not his."
Simple question along this same line. Where would the stock market be if the Feds weren't pumping billions of dollars into it every single month
Wow. The OP needs to go back in history past anyone's lifetime to find an example. Why not study recent history?

If you want to know exactly what the Fed will do under The Donald or Jebby, look at what the Fed did under Bush 43.

1. Lower rates to 50 year lows, and hold them there. Have the Fed chief, Greenspan, describe sub-prime mortgages as an innovative way for poor people to buy homes.

2. Have the president actively heard poor people into homes using teaser rates.

3. Stimulate your dead economy with a fraudulent housing boom. Create a whole range of financial products that make it easier for cash-strapped Americans to borrow against their fraudulently inflated home values. Turn the mortgages into financial products so that your buddies on Wall Street can make trillions selling Mortgage Backed Securities and Derivatives.

3. Pop the bubble and create the largest financial crisis in 50+ yrs right before the Liberal president takes over.
Indeed... right before the Republican leaves office, i.e., right before the Dem takes office, have the Fed raise interest rates so that the poor home owner - the ones you herded into fraudulent loans so you could make trillions in fees, securities and derivatives - cannot afford to stay in their homes. Foreclose on the poor homeowner, then bailout Wall Street, and [wait for it] give the homes back to your banker buddies so they can sell them to the next group of suckers.

4. Oh yeah. Because the housing bubble has popped and the credit/banking system has been destroyed, you can hand an economy in free-fall to the incoming Democrat.

5. And then, 8 years later, you can create a post like this one where you bypass recent history and talk about something the Fed did under fucking Herbert Hoover.

(Wow. I feel bad for OP)
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yep, i can see this. He did this with ocare. Most of the increases were planned AFTER the last election.
"Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration"

The idiocy of this is both remarkable and entertaining.
Sounds like he's arrogant enough to think that he can actually win the Presidency, and is MAKING EXCUSES for his own failure before it even happens?

The entertainment factor with Trump and his foot and his mouth is priceless!

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