Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration

The idea that one central bank can stop a depression is hilarious. Especially one so tied to the market as the Federal Reserve.
There are a small group of people that control the world. They own the banks the media the government.

  1. The City of London (finance, controlled by the Rothschilds) - NOT part of the UK;
  2. The US Federal Reserve (finance - private bank, owned by the Rothschilds) - NOT part of the USA;
  3. The Vatican City (NOT part of Italy;
  4. Washington D.C.

  1. Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
  2. Bruce
  3. Cavendish (Kennedy)
  4. De Medici
  5. Hanover
  6. Hapsburg
  7. Krupp
  8. Plantagenet
  9. Rockefeller
  10. Romanov
  11. Sinclair (St. Clair)
  12. Warburg (del Banco)
  13. Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)
  14. Murdoch.
Right there black and white.

Did he lie to the publisher or was he telling the same story he told his colleges and universities?

No, his publisher just did poor research, and has admitted as much.

Obama was a nobody back then, he gave them all the details of his fictional life
Prove it.

Oh, wait... you can't. :mm:

Read it and weep. Oh, right. Progs can't read, they only fluff

Unearthed: The Obfuscation Of Miriam Goderich; Person Purportedly Behind Obama Born In Kenya Bio - Birther Report
We need stronger wage growth so consumers can take the hit from higher rates. Until that happens, I don't see how they can raise rates at all without sliding back into recession.
Agreed, but real wages have been flat for middle and low income workers for a long time. It does not look like this trend will change as government continues to grow and small businesses fail at higher numbers than they are started. We could be looking at ZIRP for a long time...or until something big happens.
The tradition in the US is that when Republicans are in office for a time, a recession/depression begins. Democrats are then elected to solve the disaster.
This time, however, the Republicans have started blaming their recession on the Democrats before they are even elected. Their reasoning seems to be: "Elect Republicans and Democrats will cause a depression/recession." In short they blame their coming recession, if elected, on the Democrats. How stupid can one party be?
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge
We have 2.5% real growth and no inflation. Wages continue to be a problem, and that trend probably will continue with globalization.

China and the deficits are real problems, but they aren't things the Fed can influence.
Upward pressure on wages is really the missing component to sustained GDP growth and what has kept the economy sluggish. Whether that pressure comes from MW or some other incentive for employers to raise wages doesn't really matter. What matters is getting more disposable income into the pockets of consumers.
So there you go. Every unemployment metric has been going down for quite some time now.

Stop being low information rubes who regurgitate stale manufactured bullshit.
Yes, but does the lowest worker participation rate in decades, mean anything to you?
Yes I know baby boomers are retiring in huge numbers...something like 10k a day reach age 65. However, this does not account for the near 100 million not working. Huge numbers of young people are not in the work force...while Big Ears floods the nation with foreigners.
Idiots blame Obama...

So....Big Ears gets all the credit for the good, but not the bad.
Partisans...they're nuts.
You get kudos when you inherit the worst economy since the Great Depression and you get the unemployment rate down to 5.1%
But do you get any criticism for nearly doubling the national debt, big increase in food stamp usage, credit downgrade, low worker participation rate, failing to prosecute wall street bad actors (actually enriching them), slow growth, raising income inequality, more small businesses closing than opening, trade deal that harms middle and low income Americans, big increase in part time workers, open borders flooding nation with low income illiterate welfare users, ......what have I missed???
Apparently, what you missed are some of the benefits from Obama's policies. Stock market doubled and unemployment down to 5.1%. Most of the issues you listed also occurred under Bush... debt almost doubled, food stamps skyrocketed, labor force participation rate dropped, part time workers are actually barely up under Obama, they increased in much bigger numbers under Bush.
But while both presidents experienced those issues on their watch, unlike under Obama, we got nothing for it. Unemployment nearly doubled under Bush and the stock market plummeted under his watch.
Yes, but does the lowest worker participation rate in decades, mean anything to you?
Yes I know baby boomers are retiring in huge numbers...something like 10k a day reach age 65. However, this does not account for the near 100 million not working. Huge numbers of young people are not in the work force...while Big Ears floods the nation with foreigners.
Idiots blame Obama...

So....Big Ears gets all the credit for the good, but not the bad.
Partisans...they're nuts.
You get kudos when you inherit the worst economy since the Great Depression and you get the unemployment rate down to 5.1%
But do you get any criticism for nearly doubling the national debt, big increase in food stamp usage, credit downgrade, low worker participation rate, failing to prosecute wall street bad actors (actually enriching them), slow growth, raising income inequality, more small businesses closing than opening, trade deal that harms middle and low income Americans, big increase in part time workers, open borders flooding nation with low income illiterate welfare users, ......what have I missed???
Apparently, what you missed are some of the benefits from Obama's policies. Stock market doubled and unemployment down to 5.1%. Most of the issues you listed also occurred under Bush... debt almost doubled, food stamps skyrocketed, labor force participation rate dropped, part time workers are actually barely up under Obama, they increased in much bigger numbers under Bush.
But while both presidents experienced those issues on their watch, unlike under Obama, we got nothing for it. Unemployment nearly doubled under Bush and the stock market plummeted under his watch.
Don't change the subject.

You stated he deserved credit for lowering unemployment. Does he deserve ANY criticism for the many economic problems I outlined?
The tradition in the US is that when Republicans are in office for a time, a recession/depression begins. Democrats are then elected to solve the disaster.
This time, however, the Republicans have started blaming their recession on the Democrats before they are even elected. Their reasoning seems to be: "Elect Republicans and Democrats will cause a depression/recession." In short they blame their coming recession, if elected, on the Democrats. How stupid can one party be?

FDR "Solved" the Great Depression


The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge
We have 2.5% real growth and no inflation. Wages continue to be a problem, and that trend probably will continue with globalization.

China and the deficits are real problems, but they aren't things the Fed can influence.

Wages a problem? hey! Let's throw our borders wide open!

Well, we all know Trump is a conspiracy theorist. Just like with the birther thing.

Nothing new here.
Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya
And the moon landings were faked.

tell me again how the Publishers just pulled a random country out of the air, because that's how all publishers operate

I love that story!

Well, we all know Trump is a conspiracy theorist. Just like with the birther thing.

Nothing new here.
Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya
And the moon landings were faked.

tell me again how the Publishers just pulled a random country out of the air, because that's how all publishers operate

I love that story!
Why should I explain it to you again, when I already have?

You're just going to keep drinking the piss anyway.

P.S. Bigfoot is real.
If anyone knows or understands TQM you will understand the where and the why the Obama Administration has manipulated the fed.

Whoever gets the next administration is economically FUBAR'D.

And the liberal media won't allow Republicans to blame the previous administration even though Obama is still doing that after 7 years.
tell me again how the Publishers just pulled a random country out of the air, because that's how all publishers operate

I love that story!

Me, too. Especially when it happened twice with the publisher and again when Obama ran for the Illinois senate. Three different times, they pulled Kenya out of their ass. I think Obama was lying about being from Kenya because it helped him during college. Then later, he decided it worked against him so wanted to erase the past. Libs do this a lot.
The tradition in the US is that when Republicans are in office for a time, a recession/depression begins. Democrats are then elected to solve the disaster.
This time, however, the Republicans have started blaming their recession on the Democrats before they are even elected. Their reasoning seems to be: "Elect Republicans and Democrats will cause a depression/recession." In short they blame their coming recession, if elected, on the Democrats. How stupid can one party be?

FDR "Solved" the Great Depression


No one it seemed had an answer for the Great Depression. Hoover's RFC loaned money to companies to make more of their products which they were unable to sell as it was. FDR said he would experiment and he did. In any case the people elected FDR four times in row, a record, and historians have never placed FDR below third greatest president, and recently 238 of America's most noted historians rated FDR as America's greatest president. The same rating that placed Bush fifth worst president.
The primary problem was that FDR did not spend enough money, America discovered it took war-time spending to solve the Great Depression.

Well, we all know Trump is a conspiracy theorist. Just like with the birther thing.

Nothing new here.
Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya
And the moon landings were faked.

tell me again how the Publishers just pulled a random country out of the air, because that's how all publishers operate

I love that story!
Why should I explain it to you again, when I already have?

You're just going to keep drinking the piss anyway.

P.S. Bigfoot is real.


You believe the publisher got the wrong country back when Obama was a nobody!


Good thing you have those Obama kneepads on Amazon One Click!
Idiots blame Obama...

So....Big Ears gets all the credit for the good, but not the bad.
Partisans...they're nuts.
You get kudos when you inherit the worst economy since the Great Depression and you get the unemployment rate down to 5.1%
But do you get any criticism for nearly doubling the national debt, big increase in food stamp usage, credit downgrade, low worker participation rate, failing to prosecute wall street bad actors (actually enriching them), slow growth, raising income inequality, more small businesses closing than opening, trade deal that harms middle and low income Americans, big increase in part time workers, open borders flooding nation with low income illiterate welfare users, ......what have I missed???
Apparently, what you missed are some of the benefits from Obama's policies. Stock market doubled and unemployment down to 5.1%. Most of the issues you listed also occurred under Bush... debt almost doubled, food stamps skyrocketed, labor force participation rate dropped, part time workers are actually barely up under Obama, they increased in much bigger numbers under Bush.
But while both presidents experienced those issues on their watch, unlike under Obama, we got nothing for it. Unemployment nearly doubled under Bush and the stock market plummeted under his watch.
Don't change the subject.

You stated he deserved credit for lowering unemployment. Does he deserve ANY criticism for the many economic problems I outlined?
Those were all issues which began under Bush. So no, he doesn't get blamed for problems he inherited.

Well, we all know Trump is a conspiracy theorist. Just like with the birther thing.

Nothing new here.
Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya
And the moon landings were faked.

tell me again how the Publishers just pulled a random country out of the air, because that's how all publishers operate

I love that story!
Who said it was random? Oh, wait, you did. The guy who can't prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya despite claiming he did.

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