Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration

Riiiiiight, she didn't do her job, but she miraculously got everything else right AND Obama still works with her.


You Fluffers gotta Fluff

Didn't vote for Obama in 2008 and I only voted for him in 2012 because you fuckwads nominated a Mormon Cultist.

But to the point.

Evidence for Obama being born in Kenya - One book brochure had wrong information in it.

Evidence for him being born in Hawaii- Birth announcements, birth certificates, testimony from people who knew the Obama's at the time, documentation of where he was pretty much his entire life. The fact his mother was enrolled in college in Hawaii and was a resident there.

But here's the rub. Even IF you guys were right, Obama would still be eligible to run for president because - get this- his mother was a citizen so he was a citizen when he was born.

I really and truly do not understand birthers. They cling to a pointless conspiracy theory.

So let's say the last day of his presidency, Obama comes out and announces. "Hey, guess what, I was REALLY born in Kenya".

How does that change anything, exactly?
So you prefer an Islamic cultist to a Mormon cultist.

Or a researcher didn't do her job.

Now, wait, a simple explanation is just too horrible for you to contemplate. Clearly, Obama has been plotting since Childhood to become president despite his ineligibility. Yeah. That's it. His parents deviously put birth notices in Hawaiian papers to futher the conspiracy.

Riiiiiight, she didn't do her job, but she miraculously got everything else right AND Obama still works with her.


You Fluffers gotta Fluff
She got her information from newspapers. So what if she got one thing wrong?

She Googled Obama and got just that one fact wrong


You're an idiot. Google didn't exist then. The publisher got their material for Obama's bio from newspapers.

The Boston Globe said he was born in Kenya?
No, the publisher clarified that was a mistake on their part. But you thought Obama supplied the publisher the material for his bio and I showed you where that material came from.
Obama was a nobody who like Lizzy Cheekbones lied about who he was in order to get admitted to college because he'd never make it on his own merit. So, he lied and said he was born in Kenya. That's what made his academic career. According to Joe Biden its amazing enough for a black to shower and speak English, a black guy with an ivy league education, that's storybook!

That's why Obama won't release his records, that why Kagan got SCOTUS
Why should I explain it to you again, when I already have?

You're just going to keep drinking the piss anyway.

P.S. Bigfoot is real.


You believe the publisher got the wrong country back when Obama was a nobody!


Good thing you have those Obama kneepads on Amazon One Click!
Translation: You can't back up your assertion that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

Of course he did! It was his biography!
Nope. Virtually everything written in that bio can be found in newspapers from back then. With the lone exception of Obama being born in Kenya.

So the publisher decided to make up a birthplace?

More likely Obama told the publisher the same Kenyan birth story he told his colleges to get admitted and free tuition
No, more likely, the publisher read somewhere how Barack Obama was from Kenya and didn't realize it was talking about his father, whose name is Barack Obama and was born in Kenya.

But even worse for your mass delusion that Obama told a publisher he was born in Kenya to get free tuition...

a) Obama was already finished with school when that pamphlet was published.

b) Harvard doesn't give free scholarships to people just because they're from Kenya..

c) Every other publication at the time reported Obama was born in Hawaii.

d) You still have no evidence Obama told his publisher he was born in Hawaii. As I said from the start, you are making this up from your own brain-dead conservative hallucinations.
Obama was a nobody who like Lizzy Cheekbones lied about who he was in order to get admitted to college because he'd never make it on his own merit. So, he lied and said he was born in Kenya. That's what made his academic career. According to Joe Biden its amazing enough for a black to shower and speak English, a black guy with an ivy league education, that's storybook!

That's why Obama won't release his records, that why Kagan got SCOTUS
If Obama lied to a publisher that he was born in Kenya for a pamphlet destined to reach a few thousand people, then why did he tell newspapers, who reach millions, he was born in Hawaii?

You see, your hallucinations make no sense to anyone but retards.
^^^^ the extent sycophants will go to protect their Dear Leader, no known and serial liar, is truly amazing.
^^^^ the extent sycophants will go to protect their Dear Leader, no known and serial liar, is truly amazing.
You mean you also believe Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya?
^^^^ the extent sycophants will go to protect their Dear Leader, no known and serial liar, is truly amazing.
You mean you also believe Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya?
Seems likely since HE IS A LIAR.

Plus, if you know anything about publishing a book from an unknown author, you would know the author typically provides his bio. The publisher getting his birth place wrong is inconceivable. It had to be offered by him or someone representing him.
^^^^ the extent sycophants will go to protect their Dear Leader, no known and serial liar, is truly amazing.
You mean you also believe Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya?
Seems likely since HE IS A LIAR.

Plus, if you know anything about publishing a book from an unknown author, you would know the author typically provides his bio. The publisher getting his birth place wrong is inconceivable. It had to be offered by him or someone representing him.
Seems you're just as deranged as the other idiot. You have no evidence that Obama told his publisher is born in Kenya, and worse for your delusions ...your claim that he would have been the source for his bio is rejected by his own publisher, who said that almost none of his clients wrote their own bios.

Now what?
^^^^ the extent sycophants will go to protect their Dear Leader, no known and serial liar, is truly amazing.
You mean you also believe Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya?
Seems likely since HE IS A LIAR.

Plus, if you know anything about publishing a book from an unknown author, you would know the author typically provides his bio. The publisher getting his birth place wrong is inconceivable. It had to be offered by him or someone representing him.
Seems you're just as deranged as the other idiot. You have no evidence that Obama told his publisher is born in Kenya, and worse for your delusions ...your claim that he would have been the source for his bio is rejected by his own publisher, who said that almost none of his clients wrote their own bios.

Now what?

You have no evidence Obama did not tell his publisher. However, I have a great deal of evidence proving Obama is a liar.
The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Seven out of the last seven recessions were in GOP Presidencies and five of them were in the first months of those Presidencies before the President could have possibly affected the economy.

No, Trump is NOT blowing smoke; look it up for yourself.
The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Seven out of the last seven recessions were in GOP Presidencies and five of them were in the first months of those Presidencies before the President could have possibly affected the economy.

No, Trump is NOT blowing smoke; look it up for yourself.
My post has nothing to do with partisan politics.

The notion that the Fed is delaying a depression for a Republican administration is absurd and bizarre.
The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Seven out of the last seven recessions were in GOP Presidencies and five of them were in the first months of those Presidencies before the President could have possibly affected the economy.

No, Trump is NOT blowing smoke; look it up for yourself.
My post has nothing to do with partisan politics.

The notion that the Fed is delaying a depression for a Republican administration is absurd and bizarre.
The Fed works in mysterious ways and is designed to enrich and empower the banks and Wall Street. So, I put nothing past them.

Secondly, the D party is very happy with the current state of the bureaucracy and the Fed's control of the monetary system. Top down control is a management system liked by the Ds...and many Rs. However, the only people adverse to the Fed and wanting it audited and controlled, are a small minority of the R party.

As such, is it that absurd and bizarre to think the Fed willing to protect a D POTUS from economic turmoil?
My post has nothing to do with partisan politics.

The notion that the Fed is delaying a depression for a Republican administration is absurd and bizarre.

And yet 100% supported by the track record of seven out of seven recessions since the Fed was created.

I rest my case your honor.
The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Seven out of the last seven recessions were in GOP Presidencies and five of them were in the first months of those Presidencies before the President could have possibly affected the economy.

No, Trump is NOT blowing smoke; look it up for yourself.
My post has nothing to do with partisan politics.

The notion that the Fed is delaying a depression for a Republican administration is absurd and bizarre.
The Fed works in mysterious ways and is designed to enrich and empower the banks and Wall Street. So, I put nothing past them.

Secondly, the D party is very happy with the current state of the bureaucracy and the Fed's control of the monetary system. Top down control is a management system liked by the Ds...and many Rs. However, the only people adverse to the Fed and wanting it audited and controlled, are a small minority of the R party.

As such, is it that absurd and bizarre to think the Fed willing to protect a D POTUS from economic turmoil?
I guess it depends on context.

In the political environment we're in right now, with wild conspiracy theories flying all over the place every single day, with rampant hyperbole polluting virtually every conversation that can be politicized, with virtually no thought or accusation considered out of bounds, this one isn't any more absurd and bizarre than any other theory I've heard.

But in a vacuum, yeah, I think this is pretty silly.
My post has nothing to do with partisan politics.

The notion that the Fed is delaying a depression for a Republican administration is absurd and bizarre.

And yet 100% supported by the track record of seven out of seven recessions since the Fed was created.

I rest my case your honor.
So - and I'm not sure here - this thing about prior recessions means you believe that the Federal Reserve is purposely somehow holding off a depression until there is a Republican President.

Is that correct?
I guess it depends on context.

In the political environment we're in right now, with wild conspiracy theories flying all over the place every single day, with rampant hyperbole polluting virtually every conversation that can be politicized, with virtually no thought or accusation considered out of bounds, this one isn't any more absurd and bizarre than any other theory I've heard.

But in a vacuum, yeah, I think this is pretty silly.

Despite the 100% support for Gippers assertion by all available evidence.

You know there is a word for that; stubborn.
I guess it depends on context.

In the political environment we're in right now, with wild conspiracy theories flying all over the place every single day, with rampant hyperbole polluting virtually every conversation that can be politicized, with virtually no thought or accusation considered out of bounds, this one isn't any more absurd and bizarre than any other theory I've heard.

But in a vacuum, yeah, I think this is pretty silly.

Despite the 100% support for Gippers assertion by all available evidence.

You know there is a word for that; stubborn.
I don't know what this means.

Whose 100% support for which assertion and what evidence?

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