Is Trump Right? Fed holding back Depression until next (R) Adminsitration

The Fed is keeping rates low because it has no choice, there simply isn't enough juice in the economy to support it.

A 25 basis point increase wouldn't really do any harm, but the psychology of the market is so fucked up right now that many would still panic.

The mistake the Fed made was signaling that an increase was imminent, forcing its own hand. So they may end up increasing a bit early.

Trump is just blowing smoke, as usual.
Seven out of the last seven recessions were in GOP Presidencies and five of them were in the first months of those Presidencies before the President could have possibly affected the economy.

No, Trump is NOT blowing smoke; look it up for yourself.
My post has nothing to do with partisan politics.

The notion that the Fed is delaying a depression for a Republican administration is absurd and bizarre.
The Fed works in mysterious ways and is designed to enrich and empower the banks and Wall Street. So, I put nothing past them.

Secondly, the D party is very happy with the current state of the bureaucracy and the Fed's control of the monetary system. Top down control is a management system liked by the Ds...and many Rs. However, the only people adverse to the Fed and wanting it audited and controlled, are a small minority of the R party.

As such, is it that absurd and bizarre to think the Fed willing to protect a D POTUS from economic turmoil?
I guess it depends on context.

In the political environment we're in right now, with wild conspiracy theories flying all over the place every single day, with rampant hyperbole polluting virtually every conversation that can be politicized, with virtually no thought or accusation considered out of bounds, this one isn't any more absurd and bizarre than any other theory I've heard.

But in a vacuum, yeah, I think this is pretty silly.
I don't find it silly.

The Fed loves it's power. They will do ANYTHING to keep their power. You must know that.

The Fed knows they have nothing to fear from the D party. They also know that some in the R party are not their friends.

We have had ZIRP for all of BO's presidency. This is unprecedented. How easy it will be to increase rates once an R is elected, then blame the R?
So - and I'm not sure here - this thing about prior recessions means you believe that the Federal Reserve is purposely somehow holding off a depression until there is a Republican President.

Is that correct?

Yes, the fed can easily maintain asset bubbles by keeping interest rates low, then pops the bubble by raising interest rates. They raise the rates to achieve asset bubble popping during Republican Presidencies 100% of the time.
I don't know what this means.

Whose 100% support for which assertion and what evidence?
Seven out of the last seven recessions were in GOP Presidencies and five of them were in the first months of those Presidencies before the President could have possibly affected the economy.
I don't find it silly.

The Fed loves it's power. They will do ANYTHING to keep their power. You must know that.

The Fed knows they have nothing to fear from the D party. They also know that some in the R party are not their friends.

We have had ZIRP for all of BO's presidency. This is unprecedented. How easy it will be to increase rates once an R is elected, then blame the R?
So - and I'm not sure here - this thing about prior recessions means you believe that the Federal Reserve is purposely somehow holding off a depression until there is a Republican President.

Is that correct?

Yes, the fed can easily maintain asset bubbles by keeping interest rates low, then pops the bubble by raising interest rates. They raise the rates to achieve asset bubble popping during Republican Presidencies 100% of the time.
Well guys, from my perspective from within the industry, I'll just have to disagree.
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge

Frank, send your Devry University Economics degree back, and demand a refund. You have definitely been shortchanged.
^^^^ the extent sycophants will go to protect their Dear Leader, no known and serial liar, is truly amazing.
You mean you also believe Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya?
Seems likely since HE IS A LIAR.

Plus, if you know anything about publishing a book from an unknown author, you would know the author typically provides his bio. The publisher getting his birth place wrong is inconceivable. It had to be offered by him or someone representing him.
Seems you're just as deranged as the other idiot. You have no evidence that Obama told his publisher is born in Kenya, and worse for your delusions ...your claim that he would have been the source for his bio is rejected by his own publisher, who said that almost none of his clients wrote their own bios.

Now what?

You have no evidence Obama did not tell his publisher. However, I have a great deal of evidence proving Obama is a liar.
Looks like you're an even bigger liar than Obama. Of course I have evidence that Obama did not tell the agent he was born in Kenya. You're the one who has no evidence your delusions are real. First of all, the publisher himself said that almost none of his clients wrote their own bios. Secondly, the editor of the pamphlet said it was her fault. Then you have the reality that with the exception of the error on his birthplace, everything in that pamphlet was public information.
I don't find it silly.

The Fed loves it's power. They will do ANYTHING to keep their power. You must know that.

The Fed knows they have nothing to fear from the D party. They also know that some in the R party are not their friends.

We have had ZIRP for all of BO's presidency. This is unprecedented. How easy it will be to increase rates once an R is elected, then blame the R?
So - and I'm not sure here - this thing about prior recessions means you believe that the Federal Reserve is purposely somehow holding off a depression until there is a Republican President.

Is that correct?

Yes, the fed can easily maintain asset bubbles by keeping interest rates low, then pops the bubble by raising interest rates. They raise the rates to achieve asset bubble popping during Republican Presidencies 100% of the time.
Well guys, from my perspective from within the industry, I'll just have to disagree.
The first rule of the bureaucracy, is to protect the bureaucracy.
The Democrats must have a number of depressions/recessions in their storage bin, probably some big depressions and some baby depresssions, some lasting for years some over in a short time. I wonder which type they will use next? Maybe with Republicans in power in Congress they should pass a law restricting the use of depression/recessions for political purposes. And if they pass that law, they should also pass a law restricting the use of Congressional investigations for law-making purposes not political purposes.
The Democrats must have a number of depressions/recessions in their storage bin, probably some big depressions and some baby depresssions, some lasting for years some over in a short time. I wonder which type they will use next? Maybe with Republicans in power in Congress they should pass a law restricting the use of depression/recessions for political purposes. And if they pass that law, they should also pass a law restricting the use of Congressional investigations for law-making purposes not political purposes.

All the recessions that came during Democrat presidencies were before the creation of the Federal Reserve; FACT.
The Democrats must have a number of depressions/recessions in their storage bin, probably some big depressions and some baby depresssions, some lasting for years some over in a short time. I wonder which type they will use next? Maybe with Republicans in power in Congress they should pass a law restricting the use of depression/recessions for political purposes. And if they pass that law, they should also pass a law restricting the use of Congressional investigations for law-making purposes not political purposes.

All the recessions that came during Democrat presidencies were before the creation of the Federal Reserve; FACT.
And the recessions in 1920, 1945, 1948 and 1980?
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge
Well, if you want a depression, no one can give it to you like Republican policies.
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms. The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking". The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 19:54
"Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession - or worse- in his administration. I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession - and it could be a beauty - into the next administration."

Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama | Zero Hedge
Well, if you want a depression, no one can give it to you like Republican policies.
To date, there has been only one Republican president who didn't have a recession while in office ... James Garfield.

And that's only because he was president for just 6 months. Had he been given the chance, he would have had a recession too.
From what I gather

The Feds do not like Republicans
The Banks do not like Republicans
Big Corp, especially those that benefit from crony capitalism, do not like Republicans
Unions, environmentalist and AGW believers do not like Republicans
Most minorities do not.

Yet, they keep gaining power!!
Republicans love to campaign on "F$$ you, now vote for me!"

...and it works
So you prefer an Islamic cultist to a Mormon cultist.


Seems likely since HE IS A LIAR.

Plus, if you know anything about publishing a book from an unknown author, you would know the author typically provides his bio. The publisher getting his birth place wrong is inconceivable. It had to be offered by him or someone representing him.

Or that between ten copy editors sending e-mails, something got confused.

Or maybe they did a search and found his FATHER was born in Kenya, since they have the same name.

Or maybe the copy editor didn't give a fuck.
^^^ I see the DNC has you up early today....Lil Joe.
If that's the case, then explain why Obama would put he was born in Kenya into a pamphlet which was targeted to reach just thousands of people after telling newspapers who reached millions, that he was born in Hawaii?
"My mentor, Dale Jorgenson [of Harvard], used to say — and Larry Summers used to say this, too — that, ‘If you never miss a plane, you’re spending too much time in airports.’ If you absolutely rule out any possibility of any kind of financial crisis, then probably you’re reducing risk too much, in terms of the growth and innovation in the economy.” -- Ben Bernanke

Yeah, the Fed isn't fucking the US economy on a planned schedule.

Not at all

Go back to sleep
The US Economy is as awful as it was during FDR's first 2 terms.

Says who? And by what metric?

Remember, outside the right wing echo chamber you've actually got to be able to back up your claims.

The only reason we don't have 20% average unemployment over 2 terms, like FDR, is that the government is paying now people to stay unemployed and moving them off the "unemployed" to "Just stopped looking".

Paying them how? All federal extended unemployment programs ended in at the end of 2012.

The twin engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment and we soak up tax revenues and send out debt, it is a classic unsustainable enterprise. But that's what been driving the Obama economy

Who says that the engines of the Obama economy are food stamps and unemployment? Remember, Tier 4 UI extensions have been over for years. If this was one of the two 'engines of the economy' as you claim, then the economy would have collapsed after the Tier 4 extensions ended.

But it didn't. How do you explain this vast inconsistency between what your claims.....and reality?

The Fed started the FDR Depression by cutting the money supply by 1/3 under Hoover. Will they do the same for President Trump or which ever Republican tries to clean up the mess Obama left them?

The Great Depression began 3 years before FDR took office. Even looking back at history, your argument is nonsense.

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