Is Trump right, is Baltimore a national embarrassment

People who support President Donald Trump, no matter what he says or does, are beyond reach with reason and facts. To continue to support this president, you have to either agree with every bit of what he says and does or put yourself in a kind of bubble where you never hear his racism and never see his ignorance and cruelty. For you, Trump is all about conservative judges and a strong economy. Life is good, and so what if the president is a high-grade bigot?
People who support President Donald Trump, no matter what he says or does, are beyond reach with reason and facts. To continue to support this president, you have to either agree with every bit of what he says and does or put yourself in a kind of bubble where you never hear his racism and never see his ignorance and cruelty. For you, Trump is all about conservative judges and a strong economy. Life is good, and so what if the president is a high-grade bigot?

I just don't see where Trump is a bigot, especially here, where he is treating Rep. Cummings the same as he has treated Honky Congresspeople like Rep. Pelosi or wise latinas like AOC.
The President is absolutely correct saying that Baltimore is a national embarrassment!

Because it is!
People who support President Donald Trump, no matter what he says or does, are beyond reach with reason and facts. To continue to support this president, you have to either agree with every bit of what he says and does or put yourself in a kind of bubble where you never hear his racism and never see his ignorance and cruelty. For you, Trump is all about conservative judges and a strong economy. Life is good, and so what if the president is a high-grade bigot?

I just don't see where Trump is a bigot, especially here, where he is treating Rep. Cummings the same as he has treated Honky Congresspeople like Rep. Pelosi or wise latinas like AOC.
"So, yeah, Baltimore has had a long spell of violent crime, and we are per capita one of the most violent cities in the country. It has been a miserable fact of life here for a long time, the last four years particularly. And yes, we have rats and we have trash.

But we do not need the president of the United States to rub it all in our faces, especially a president of a political party that has done as little as possible over the last half-century to relieve us of these problems."
The President is absolutely correct saying that Baltimore is a national embarrassment!

Because it is!

Baltimore has very severe problems, and President Donald J Trump didn't cause them. All that Mr. Trump is doing is to recognize them.

Until Baltimore recognizes how fucked up they are, they aren't going to resolve their problems.
People who support President Donald Trump, no matter what he says or does, are beyond reach with reason and facts. To continue to support this president, you have to either agree with every bit of what he says and does or put yourself in a kind of bubble where you never hear his racism and never see his ignorance and cruelty. For you, Trump is all about conservative judges and a strong economy. Life is good, and so what if the president is a high-grade bigot?

I just don't see where Trump is a bigot, especially here, where he is treating Rep. Cummings the same as he has treated Honky Congresspeople like Rep. Pelosi or wise latinas like AOC.
"So, yeah, Baltimore has had a long spell of violent crime, and we are per capita one of the most violent cities in the country. It has been a miserable fact of life here for a long time, the last four years particularly. And yes, we have rats and we have trash.

But we do not need the president of the United States to rub it all in our faces, especially a president of a political party that has done as little as possible over the last half-century to relieve us of these problems."

The Republicans have run Baltimore since 1967, the party hasn't been in position to clean up the city.

Trump isn't rubbing the city's nose in it, just the do-nothing leadership of Elijah Cummings.

A lot of Republicans really haven't done what they should have as far as Oversight over failed cities like Baltimore.

This is changing, Trump will oversee the city
People who support President Donald Trump, no matter what he says or does, are beyond reach with reason and facts. To continue to support this president, you have to either agree with every bit of what he says and does or put yourself in a kind of bubble where you never hear his racism and never see his ignorance and cruelty. For you, Trump is all about conservative judges and a strong economy. Life is good, and so what if the president is a high-grade bigot?

I just don't see where Trump is a bigot, especially here, where he is treating Rep. Cummings the same as he has treated Honky Congresspeople like Rep. Pelosi or wise latinas like AOC.
"So, yeah, Baltimore has had a long spell of violent crime, and we are per capita one of the most violent cities in the country. It has been a miserable fact of life here for a long time, the last four years particularly. And yes, we have rats and we have trash.

But we do not need the president of the United States to rub it all in our faces, especially a president of a political party that has done as little as possible over the last half-century to relieve us of these problems."

The Republicans have run Baltimore since 1967, the party hasn't been in position to clean up the city.

Trump isn't rubbing the city's nose in it, just the do-nothing leadership of Elijah Cummings.

A lot of Republicans really haven't done what they should have as far as Oversight over failed cities like Baltimore.

This is changing, Trump will oversee the city
It’s clear by now that Trump only cares about his #MAGA base of support, the people who ignore his racism and cruelty, or relish it. His attack on Cummings was an attack on a black congressman who represents, in part, a majority African-American city, and a city with a host of problems that, with his tweet, Trump exploited for political gain.

No one who lives in Baltimore is happy with the state of the city. We have people being shot and killed all the time, even as cranes and construction workers deliver new, classy places for people to live, even as dozens of nonprofits do the hard work of trying to save and improve lives, even as a new police commissioner tries to stem crime while making his officers effective and trusted. The violence is a 10-ton burden we all feel here. It is a drag on the city’s progress. Trump used it as an ax against us.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

"Baltimore’s numbers are the worst in the United States on Crime and the Economy. Billions of dollars have been pumped in over the years, but to no avail. The money was stolen or wasted. Ask Elijah Cummings where it went. He should investigate himself with his Oversight Committee! "

:clap: I agree!
Nof to worry, Trump is the president and all of the states are his responsibility. As Trump promised he will make America great again and that includes Baltimore. It's as good as cleaned up.
People who support President Donald Trump, no matter what he says or does, are beyond reach with reason and facts. To continue to support this president, you have to either agree with every bit of what he says and does or put yourself in a kind of bubble where you never hear his racism and never see his ignorance and cruelty. For you, Trump is all about conservative judges and a strong economy. Life is good, and so what if the president is a high-grade bigot?

I just don't see where Trump is a bigot, especially here, where he is treating Rep. Cummings the same as he has treated Honky Congresspeople like Rep. Pelosi or wise latinas like AOC.
"So, yeah, Baltimore has had a long spell of violent crime, and we are per capita one of the most violent cities in the country. It has been a miserable fact of life here for a long time, the last four years particularly. And yes, we have rats and we have trash.

But we do not need the president of the United States to rub it all in our faces, especially a president of a political party that has done as little as possible over the last half-century to relieve us of these problems."

The Republicans have run Baltimore since 1967, the party hasn't been in position to clean up the city.

Trump isn't rubbing the city's nose in it, just the do-nothing leadership of Elijah Cummings.

A lot of Republicans really haven't done what they should have as far as Oversight over failed cities like Baltimore.

This is changing, Trump will oversee the city
It’s clear by now that Trump only cares about his #MAGA base of support, the people who ignore his racism and cruelty, or relish it. His attack on Cummings was an attack on a black congressman who represents, in part, a majority African-American city, and a city with a host of problems that, with his tweet, Trump exploited for political gain.

No one who lives in Baltimore is happy with the state of the city. We have people being shot and killed all the time, even as cranes and construction workers deliver new, classy places for people to live, even as dozens of nonprofits do the hard work of trying to save and improve lives, even as a new police commissioner tries to stem crime while making his officers effective and trusted. The violence is a 10-ton burden we all feel here. It is a drag on the city’s progress. Trump used it as an ax against us.

Our President is just providing Oversight to the City of Baltimore. The fact that Rep. Cummings is a black man does not exempt him from oversight from the People's President.

I believe that the people in Baltimore aren't happy with people getting killed all over the place. And yes, Trump is going tor Political gain, to let the people of Baltimore know that their reps aren't doing their job but he's running for reelection and cares about them.
I wonder how the voice of the nation would respond if a Democrat president called out districts and congressmen who represent districts in rural Appalachia or the Mississippi Delta? Is the opioid crisis one of the jewels in the crown? What conditions there are the tangible evidence rural America are great places to live?
Not any more than the poor trailer park infested dumps of rural red state Kentucky.

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I wonder how the voice of the nation would respond if a Democrat president called out districts and congressmen who represent districts in rural Appalachia or the Mississippi Delta? Is the opioid crisis one of the jewels in the crown? What conditions there are the tangible evidence rural America are great places to live?

Actually, Democrat Presidents have.

They've denounced the Honky population as "the Basket of Deplorables clinging to the firearms and Holy Bibles"

Plenty of Republicans in Congress have been "called out" by Leftards. The Turtle is the favorite target nowadays, but in the not so distant past, men like Tancredo, Alan West, Santorum, and others. The amount of money that the liberal demagogues raised over the years to denounce Jesse Helms was incredible.
Not any more than the poor trailer park infested dumps of rural red state Kentucky.

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The film Deliverance taught us how violent the Gay Community can be in the rural south, but I don't remember any congressman crying foul when this was noticed.

The problem in Baltimore is that fact that the politicians want to make everyone think that everything is hunkydory there.
Not any more than the poor trailer park infested dumps of rural red state Kentucky.

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The film Deliverance taught us how violent the Gay Community can be in the rural south, but I don't remember any congressman crying foul when this was noticed.

The problem in Baltimore is that fact that the politicians want to make everyone think that everything is hunkydory there.

You were "taught about gays" by watching the film, Deliverance"? Jesus on a pogo stick. no wonder you are so retarded. I had just chalked it up to home schooling.
Have you been there? Take the Amtrak from NY to DC one day.

Another democrat disaster

Many major cities are national embarrassment...

Houston roads are so bad that you can start lakes in some of the potholes...

Name one Houston high school that didn't have a single person pass the States test for math, Baltimore had 13.


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