Is Trump right, is Baltimore a national embarrassment

Here's a novel idea.
Let's send most of the Honduran, Salvadoran, and Guatamalen illegal border jumpers to Baltimore in order to fill up the 20+ blocks of decrepit rowhomes in Baltimore!
Once they find work, they can start fixin' up those fixer-uppers!
Then Democrats can say, see!, open borders is a good thang......
Deflect again. When was trump an American worker who put his sweat into it? He spent all of his time playing golf and trying to find a woman to bed. I can't find any honest days work in any of this. How many days spent on buses and subways? On farms and herding cattle and pigs Pouring asphalt? Yeah. He was out there cleaning up after 9/11 all right. Big volunteer.
Trump is the biggest piss aunt we've ever had in Office.

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Have you been there? Take the Amtrak from NY to DC one day.

Another democrat disaster

8 out of [the] 10 states with the lowest poverty levels are blue states. And 8 out of [the] 9 states with the highest level of poverty are red states.

CITIES "AntiTrump", CITIES. That is what the discussion is about.

It also appears that you forgot the reliable source and working link supporting your allegations.

Aside from pointing out the glaring errors in your post, people can and do live in poverty and still live in a clean, respectable manner.

This is NOT the result of simply living below the poverty level.


The truth hurts doesn't it also I bring facts plus Trump said before he become president aka Russia he said he would do something about it so where is he.

What facts?

Your desperate comment to include RUSSIA as the reason President Donald Trump was elected is just more desperation on your part. Under whose administration did Russia's interference occur? How many decades has it been going on? Who has said it affected the outcome of the election?

IF President Donald Trump was mayor of Baltimore or Detroit, yes he would solve the problem.

Are there many, if any Democrat-led cities with more corruption than Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago or others?

If Trump was mayor he wouldn't do anything just like right now with him being president.I need you to do me a favor go read up on stuff like Russia they helped him get in.
If Trump was mayor he wouldn't do anything just like right now with him being president.I need you to do me a favor go read up on stuff like Russia they helped him get in.

It seems that you're the one who needs to do a bit of research.

Donald Trump wasn't the Mayor of New York or had any official responsibility whatsoever when he took it on himself to refurbish the Wollman Rink in Central Park. Private citizen Donald Trump got tired of the city wasting times and money so he did it himself.

ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

FOLLOWING the grand opening of the Wollman Rink this week, New Yorkers can now set their sights on the gala grand opening of the Wollman Rink next week.

"Donald J. Trump refurbished the Central Park -skating rink two and a half months ahead of his own speedy six-month schedule and $750,000 below his own projected $3 million budget, having taken over the project after the city spent six years and $12 million unsuccessfully trying to get the job done."
ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink
If Trump was mayor he wouldn't do anything just like right now with him being president.I need you to do me a favor go read up on stuff like Russia they helped him get in.

It seems that you're the one who needs to do a bit of research.

Donald Trump wasn't the Mayor of New York or had any official responsibility whatsoever when he took it on himself to refurbish the Wollman Rink in Central Park. Private citizen Donald Trump got tired of the city wasting times and money so he did it himself.

ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

FOLLOWING the grand opening of the Wollman Rink this week, New Yorkers can now set their sights on the gala grand opening of the Wollman Rink next week.

"Donald J. Trump refurbished the Central Park -skating rink two and a half months ahead of his own speedy six-month schedule and $750,000 below his own projected $3 million budget, having taken over the project after the city spent six years and $12 million unsuccessfully trying to get the job done."
ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

I still haven't read anything that would suggest that he ever did an honest day's labor. Poor little rich kid. Oh, he saw people laughing in Jersey City. Bullshit. Why was it so hard to fund the needs of those brave souls who actually climbed those stairs to save others and combed through the wreckage, sacrificing themselves to cancer? I did one little bit part on 9/11, after I felt the shock of the plane hitting the Pentagon underneath my feet in my apartment when the explosion went off. The most that I could do was cold drinks for police and fire and a pint of my A-positive. I want to know what he did. I don't like cheap stuff.

People like the orange whore make me really, really angry. I am no 9/11 hero. I was just taught to do my little bit.
If Trump was mayor he wouldn't do anything just like right now with him being president.I need you to do me a favor go read up on stuff like Russia they helped him get in.

It seems that you're the one who needs to do a bit of research.

Donald Trump wasn't the Mayor of New York or had any official responsibility whatsoever when he took it on himself to refurbish the Wollman Rink in Central Park. Private citizen Donald Trump got tired of the city wasting times and money so he did it himself.

ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

FOLLOWING the grand opening of the Wollman Rink this week, New Yorkers can now set their sights on the gala grand opening of the Wollman Rink next week.

"Donald J. Trump refurbished the Central Park -skating rink two and a half months ahead of his own speedy six-month schedule and $750,000 below his own projected $3 million budget, having taken over the project after the city spent six years and $12 million unsuccessfully trying to get the job done."
ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

I still haven't read anything that would suggest that he ever did an honest day's labor. Poor little rich kid. Oh, he saw people laughing in Jersey City. Bullshit. Why was it so hard to fund the needs of those brave souls who actually climbed those stairs to save others and combed through the wreckage, sacrificing themselves to cancer? I did one little bit part on 9/11, after I felt the shock of the plane hitting the Pentagon underneath my feet in my apartment when the explosion went off. The most that I could do was cold drinks for police and fire and a pint of my A-positive. I want to know what he did. I don't like cheap stuff.

People like the orange whore make me really, really angry. I am no 9/11 hero. I was just taught to do my little bit.

what do you call "an honest day's labor"??? He seems to have had engaged in the business of real estate. Have you ever "labored" ?
I have never been a brick layer,, have never plowed a field, lifted garbage cans, paved roads or picked grapes. ... never even drove a truck. sheeeeesh----an honest day's labor. NUTHIN' Donating blood is an honest day's labor? A+ is such common stuff. Mine is far more
rare----------but actually selfish. I AM THE UNIVERSAL RECEIVER
If Trump was mayor he wouldn't do anything just like right now with him being president.I need you to do me a favor go read up on stuff like Russia they helped him get in.

It seems that you're the one who needs to do a bit of research.

Donald Trump wasn't the Mayor of New York or had any official responsibility whatsoever when he took it on himself to refurbish the Wollman Rink in Central Park. Private citizen Donald Trump got tired of the city wasting times and money so he did it himself.

ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

FOLLOWING the grand opening of the Wollman Rink this week, New Yorkers can now set their sights on the gala grand opening of the Wollman Rink next week.

"Donald J. Trump refurbished the Central Park -skating rink two and a half months ahead of his own speedy six-month schedule and $750,000 below his own projected $3 million budget, having taken over the project after the city spent six years and $12 million unsuccessfully trying to get the job done."
ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

I still haven't read anything that would suggest that he ever did an honest day's labor. Poor little rich kid. Oh, he saw people laughing in Jersey City. Bullshit. Why was it so hard to fund the needs of those brave souls who actually climbed those stairs to save others and combed through the wreckage, sacrificing themselves to cancer? I did one little bit part on 9/11, after I felt the shock of the plane hitting the Pentagon underneath my feet in my apartment when the explosion went off. The most that I could do was cold drinks for police and fire and a pint of my A-positive. I want to know what he did. I don't like cheap stuff.

People like the orange whore make me really, really angry. I am no 9/11 hero. I was just taught to do my little bit.

what do you call "an honest day's labor"??? He seems to have had engaged in the business of real estate. Have you ever "labored" ?
I have never been a brick layer,, have never plowed a field, lifted garbage cans, paved roads or picked grapes. ... never even drove a truck. sheeeeesh----an honest day's labor. NUTHIN' Donating blood is an honest day's labor? A+ is such common stuff. Mine is far more
rare----------but actually selfish. I AM THE UNIVERSAL RECEIVER

He was only in his position because of his parents' money. The bitch never sweated a day in his life. I never had to clean anyone's toilets or vacuum their carpets. I came from a never-wealthy family that put their dollars together to see that their children went to college, so we never had a student debt. But I do recognize WORK.

I never said that donating blood was an honest day's labor, you thick-head. If you read my comment you would know that this was something that Americans were called out to do at that terrible moment. My career-military aunt taught me many years before that it is okay to cry, but you had to actually DO something in times of crisis. I did what I could think of to do, what my position in life allowed me to do. Load the car up with drinks and sandwiches. You couldn't get near the Pentagon. Traffic on 395 was totally stopped. No way forward. So what to do? Go to the nearest hospital. Offer your goods to police and fire. I thought that I could serve in the ER as I had some experience, but it turned out that this hospital did not have a burn unit and hospitals that did have burn units where were the patients were transported to. Some woman asked me if I could give blood. I did, and I couldn't stop bleeding afterwards even holding my arm up and eating the cookies. When I went outside, there were hundreds of people lining the walls waiting for their turn. We all just did what we could.
If Trump was mayor he wouldn't do anything just like right now with him being president.I need you to do me a favor go read up on stuff like Russia they helped him get in.

It seems that you're the one who needs to do a bit of research.

Donald Trump wasn't the Mayor of New York or had any official responsibility whatsoever when he took it on himself to refurbish the Wollman Rink in Central Park. Private citizen Donald Trump got tired of the city wasting times and money so he did it himself.

ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

FOLLOWING the grand opening of the Wollman Rink this week, New Yorkers can now set their sights on the gala grand opening of the Wollman Rink next week.

"Donald J. Trump refurbished the Central Park -skating rink two and a half months ahead of his own speedy six-month schedule and $750,000 below his own projected $3 million budget, having taken over the project after the city spent six years and $12 million unsuccessfully trying to get the job done."
ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

I still haven't read anything that would suggest that he ever did an honest day's labor. Poor little rich kid. Oh, he saw people laughing in Jersey City. Bullshit. Why was it so hard to fund the needs of those brave souls who actually climbed those stairs to save others and combed through the wreckage, sacrificing themselves to cancer? I did one little bit part on 9/11, after I felt the shock of the plane hitting the Pentagon underneath my feet in my apartment when the explosion went off. The most that I could do was cold drinks for police and fire and a pint of my A-positive. I want to know what he did. I don't like cheap stuff.

People like the orange whore make me really, really angry. I am no 9/11 hero. I was just taught to do my little bit.

what do you call "an honest day's labor"??? He seems to have had engaged in the business of real estate. Have you ever "labored" ?
I have never been a brick layer,, have never plowed a field, lifted garbage cans, paved roads or picked grapes. ... never even drove a truck. sheeeeesh----an honest day's labor. NUTHIN' Donating blood is an honest day's labor? A+ is such common stuff. Mine is far more
rare----------but actually selfish. I AM THE UNIVERSAL RECEIVER

He was only in his position because of his parents' money. The bitch never sweated a day in his life. I never had to clean anyone's toilets or vacuum their carpets. I came from a never-wealthy family that put their dollars together to see that their children went to college, so we never had a student debt. But I do recognize WORK.

I never said that donating blood was an honest day's labor, you thick-head. If you read my comment you would know that this was something that Americans were called out to do at that terrible moment. My career-military aunt taught me many years before that it is okay to cry, but you had to actually DO something in times of crisis. I did what I could think of to do, what my position in life allowed me to do. Load the car up with drinks and sandwiches. You couldn't get near the Pentagon. Traffic on 395 was totally stopped. No way forward. So what to do? Go to the nearest hospital. Offer your goods to police and fire. I thought that I could serve in the ER as I had some experience, but it turned out that this hospital did not have a burn unit and hospitals that did have burn units where were the patients were transported to. Some woman asked me if I could give blood. I did, and I couldn't stop bleeding afterwards even holding my arm up and eating the cookies. When I went outside, there were hundreds of people lining the walls waiting for their turn. We all just did what we could.

thanks for answering. You never did an honest day's work in your life either. Your parents had enough money for YOU to go to school without incurring debt---------sheeeesh----you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. I and my four brothers were not so lucky------
we all did what is called "work" but not what some people call an 'HONEST DAY'S WORK" I did not dig ditches. I did lazy stuff-----like Trump. ----baby sitting, unskilled clerical stuff etc and I did incur debt while lazy good for nothing Trump managed buildings. As far as I know----most of the people who attend state school did as I and my brothers did. I have had minor experience "managing" mini-real estate------IT'S DAMNED HELL!!!!! I would rather dig ditches. As to your continued bleeding after phlebotomy-------someone screwed up or
you need to be tested for a bleeding dyscrasia

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