Is Trump right, is Baltimore a national embarrassment

"Cummings never even went to the Southern Border then he screams at the very good people who, despite Congresses failure to fix the Loopholes & Asylum, make it work (crossings are way down and the Wall is being built). Even with 0 Dem help, Border getting strong!" - Trump just now
I live 90 minutes south of Baltimore and have been there many times. There are huge parts of the city where it is not safe to be.

There is not a black community in any large Ameican city where it is safe to be, especially if you are not of them and but even for them still not very safe. That is the way it is in all the big cities of Ameica.

and everyone pretends not to know the answer. go and figure ah yes taboo time.
The thing of it is that Americans still depend on the mainstream media for information even in the age of information. If the mainstream media ignores the carnage in Baltimore so will the majority of Americans.
just look at the way the residents of baltimore live and serve their community...they are true americans!
just look at the way the residents of baltimore live and serve their community...they are true americans!

They are certainly Brave Americans. Hundreds of Baltimoreites are slaughtered in the killing fields of the city every year, and the liberal leaders of that city like Rep. Cummings could give a shit less.
The City of Baltimore CAN move quickly, if and when they want to.

When they decided to remove the Confederate statues, they did it in 72 hours. I guess the city fathers are more concerned about statues of stone and plaster, than they are with the Criminal element that rules in Baltirmoe.
“I don’t know what it’s going to take. A lot of Democratic run cities all over America look like this, it’s not just Baltimore, unfortunately.” Kimberly Klacik, Baltimore journalist

"Remember, Vote for Trump, what the hell. do you have to lose? Best unemployment numbers!" - Trump
Of course Baltimore is in shambles. It is a disgrace just like every large northern city run by Democrats for half a century. Its so bad that they are begging illegal immigrants to come and live there just in hopes they will pay the property taxes on some of the thousands of abandoned houses there. Its so bad, the Rats are starting to leave for New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

But, that is not the issue. The issue is that Trump has yet again violated the rule that you can never ever criticize the job performance of a Black or Brown Person even if he attacks your job performance first.

Never mind that he regularly uses and abuses every Dumb-ass Democrat who crosses him....and there are a lot. When he criticises the job performance of a Black or Brown Dumb-ass Democrat, it is obviously RAAAAACISM.

Excuse me, northern city? How about LA, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle etc.. they aren't exactly northern but they are ALL run by demoshitheads and they are ALL so called sanctuary cities where crime runs rampant while human excrement and urine runs in the streets instead of under the streets in sewers. They are all literally open sewers today.
my friends, if let Trump make his racist comments without calling him out, we normalize his behavior, and that is unacceptable.

Rep Cummings is a passionate leader who loves Baltimore!
my friends, if let Trump make his racist comments without calling him out, we normalize his behavior, and that is unacceptable.

Rep Cummings is a passionate leader who loves Baltimore!

If Cummings "loves Baltimore" as you say, he should be working to clean it up.

330 brave Baltimoreites being slaughtered in the killing fields of the city every year isn't acceptable.
New York City used to have a terrible rat problem before Giuliani, and it may be coming back with the Warren Wilhelm as mayor.

In 1990, NYC native Bad News Brown of Harlem shows some of his mutant rats.


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