Is Trump right, is Baltimore a national embarrassment

Have you been there? Take the Amtrak from NY to DC one day.

Another democrat disaster

First of all, no president should be talking about a major U.S. city like it's some third world country. So the racist traitor Trump can go fuck himself.

Secondly, Cummings' district has a median household income above the national average, with a higher education level than the national average. Trump made the comments simply because he is a racist, nothing more. And his fellow racists such as yourself love to eat that shit up.

Thirdly, I can say that I would much rather live in Baltimore than Alabama or Mississippi.

The Crime Rate in the Cummings district is Freaking Atrocious, MMM.

Our President made the remarks because of the attacks Cummings made on him FIRST. Why isn't Cummings so obsessed with his hatred for Trump, that he neglects his own Shithole District?

Remember this about President Trump- he's not a bully, he's a counter puncher. And if Cummings doesn't want pummeled by The Donald he should probably quit with the senseless attacks on our nation and its President.

Trump attacks everyone and is most definitely a bully, so I don't know how your dumb Repug racist ass can otherwise.

And Trump is President (unfortunately). If he thinks Baltimore is that terrible, then he should try to do something about it.

Trump is insulting a major U.S. city because he doesn't like Cummings comments. Total class act. And what's more disturbing is that Repug idiots like you are too stupid to understand that a President should be above these types of childish and racist attacks.

President Trump IS trying to help Baltimore, and has helped them out already by reducing unemployment. He's just trying to get Cummings to quit attacking him and get to work on his own city improving the place. And there is nothing "racist" about it. Remember that one of the President's top advisors, Dr. Ben Carson, is a distinguished black Baltimoreite.
Of course you can.. republican ideas work.. because they are traditional American ideas.. these inner cities are run by democrats.. but most of these inner cites have City council representatives .. they help break The governance down, and they are still out of control.

Unfortunately you apparently have a dog in this fight as you definitely sound like a Republican. As someone who despises both parties, I think I’ve got a clearer vision on this matter.

Republicans preach family values, which work great in smaller communities. They’re far more difficult to incorporate into larger Metropolitan areas because the nuclear family doesn’t exist as much in those places. I’m not saying the Democrat way of doing things works either. It doesn’t.

The entire Urban experience in this country needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from the foundations up. I don’t believe either party is fit to do so. The Democrats have the wrong ideas and the Republicans are either too interested in politics or unable/unwilling to actually walk the talk.

That’s why the answer is Ultra-Conservative Authoritarianism.
You are plain WRONG! I live and am from a urban area we have WAY MORE local representation then any red town in America .. we have city councilors EVERYWHERE! They minimize large metropolitan areas. We get our representatives,, BUT DEMOCRATS POLICIES DONT WORK..
and if you look at the poorest towns in America according democrats they are mostly republican.. and NO CRIME, everyone owns guns, no rioting.

LESS GOVERNMENT means more opportunity under the idea of America.

Democrat policies encourage segregation

I live in a Republican state and there is rampant crime and in podunk rural towns.
Give me a name
I live in a Republican state and there is rampant crime and in podunk rural towns.

I’ve lived in Massachusetts for 21 years. All but four with a Republican Governor. There have been 31 Republican Governors here in Massachusetts since 1780, more than any other party, but a good bit. This is still one of the most Liberal states in the country. The Communistwealth on Taxachusetts as I call it.
I live in a Republican state and there is rampant crime and in podunk rural towns.

I’ve lived in Massachusetts for 21 years. All but four with a Republican Governor. There have been 31 Republican Governors here in Massachusetts since 1780, more than any other party, but a good bit. This is still one of the most Liberal states in the country. The Communistwealth on Taxachusetts as I call it.

At this point, I don't think it matters which party is elected.
Trumps a truth teller and liberal feelings mongers don’t like the push of the truth so naturally Trump is a bully for pushing the truth and thus pushing them around.
Of course you can.. republican ideas work.. because they are traditional American ideas.. these inner cities are run by democrats.. but most of these inner cites have City council representatives .. they help break The governance down, and they are still out of control.

Unfortunately you apparently have a dog in this fight as you definitely sound like a Republican. As someone who despises both parties, I think I’ve got a clearer vision on this matter.

Republicans preach family values, which work great in smaller communities. They’re far more difficult to incorporate into larger Metropolitan areas because the nuclear family doesn’t exist as much in those places. I’m not saying the Democrat way of doing things works either. It doesn’t.

The entire Urban experience in this country needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from the foundations up. I don’t believe either party is fit to do so. The Democrats have the wrong ideas and the Republicans are either too interested in politics or unable/unwilling to actually walk the talk.

That’s why the answer is Ultra-Conservative Authoritarianism.
You are plain WRONG! I live and am from a urban area we have WAY MORE local representation then any red town in America .. we have city councilors EVERYWHERE! They minimize large metropolitan areas. We get our representatives,, BUT DEMOCRATS POLICIES DONT WORK..
and if you look at the poorest towns in America according democrats they are mostly republican.. and NO CRIME, everyone owns guns, no rioting.

LESS GOVERNMENT means more opportunity under the idea of America.

Democrat policies encourage segregation

I live in a Republican state and there is rampant crime and in podunk rural towns.

You have no statistics to support your biased opinion. Which means you are a democrat.

So typical of democrats.
Trumps a truth teller and liberal feelings mongers don’t like the push of the truth so naturally Trump is a bully for pushing the truth and thus pushing them around.

This is why the inner cities are such a mess. Anyone who dares talk about them is quickly labeled a racist. Trump deserves tremendous credit for his willingness and courage to talk about a huge problem most politicians be they democrat or republican a too cowardly to address because they value their careers more than they do the sorry state of our inner cities.
At this point, I don't think it matters which party is elected.

Exactly. That’s why I hold no allegiance or faith in either party at this point.

That is a good thing which will be another factor insuring the election of Trump. The democratic candidates are so weak and so radical that huge numbers of democrats will not be motivated to vote. That is a very good thing.
What was the body count in Chicago this week though I think St. Louis is the murder capital of America at least the last time i heard the stats

All those Amish folk living there must be the reason.. Wait I cant say that as in thats probably racist, oh wait now amish is not a race. So what is the reason for all the violence? I guess that is toooooo controversial to deal with in our society as in the emperor has no clothes as in taboo taboo shame on you as in let us all sing the praises of elijah cummings i think that is his name the black politician dud from the jewel of ameica baltimore, surely i jest, who can dish it out but cannot take it as in the perfect example of someone who follows the golden rule of there always being a double standard when it comes to talking the black and white problem as in it is not a black and white problem, just a black problem, oh forgive me all you masters of the universe i just forgot that is taboo.
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scarcity of capital creates a vicious cycle because new, organic and home-grown business formation is a rarity, so the new jobs that come with new businesses never appear.

Even worse, aspiring business owners and inventors in the inner city are often precluded from receiving sustaining government assistance while they pursue their dreams.

"Unemployment and disability insurance, for example, often have bars on self-employment and outside income while receiving benefits. Only a handful of states (which administer unemployment) allow entrepreneurs to collect benefits (and stop seeking salaried and hourly work) while they start-up. Maryland, for example, stopped accepting the funds available under federal law to administer such a program"
"According to Cummings’ congressional website, the John Hopkins University, the John Hopkins Hospital & Health System, and the University of Maryland System are the top three employers in the state’s 7th district. Two federal agencies, the U.S. Social Security Administration and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, fall within the district’s top 10 employers as well."
I live 90 minutes south of Baltimore and have been there many times. There are huge parts of the city where it is not safe to be.
Why is it that it would appear that LIVING IN A CITY turns you into a MORON LEFTIST?

Trump is the archetypical city slicker and is no moron leftist.

Neither am I, who lived in the mid west Youngstown metropolis before moving to the east coast city of Hermitage.
Why is it that it would appear that LIVING IN A CITY turns you into a MORON LEFTIST?

Trump is the archetypical city slicker and is no moron leftist.

Neither am I, who lived in the mid west Youngstown metropolis before moving to the east coast city of Hermitage.
OK... let me rephrase that... why is it that it would appear that living in a city turns the MAJORITY of people there into leftist morons?
"In deep-blue Baltimore, Hillary Clinton won roughly 177,000 more votes in the 2016 election than Trump. He netted just about 25,000 votes."

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