Is Trump right, is Baltimore a national embarrassment

Why is this person who pretends to be president trying to divide us? He is a rodent. I was born and raised within a bus ride to Manhattan. I lived and still live a car ride to Baltimore. I can be there within an hour. I have been there many times. What is this trump trying to do? Why does he attack our cities when he is supposed to be president of all of us? I have a favorite bar in Baltimore, close by the water. It is called "The Horse You Rode In On."

No one cares what bar you go to

I haven't been there in years. What are your lovers trump and frankie trying to do? Baltimore is a good a place as any. It's got good and bad, the same as the place that you live in. Why do you folks keep trying to pit one section of the United States against another? Why do you folks keep trying to pit one religious group against another?

I, too, was in Europe and Turkey as a teen. I remember in London asking a man for directions to, what I thought was pronounced "Duke of GlouCHESTER Street. I was fortunate that he understood what I was talking about and gave me good direction. He probably laughed about it all the way home. London is one of my favorite cities. NYC, DC, and Istanbul, included.

Now say again why the person who purports to be the President of the United States attacks American cities?

Just go back to playing with your paper dolls Hysteria

I do not think that the United States of America is a shithole. You apparently do.
Why is this person who pretends to be president trying to divide us? He is a rodent. I was born and raised within a bus ride to Manhattan. I lived and still live a car ride to Baltimore. I can be there within an hour. I have been there many times. What is this trump trying to do? Why does he attack our cities when he is supposed to be president of all of us? I have a favorite bar in Baltimore, close by the water. It is called "The Horse You Rode In On."

No one cares what bar you go to

I haven't been there in years. What are your lovers trump and frankie trying to do? Baltimore is a good a place as any. It's got good and bad, the same as the place that you live in. Why do you folks keep trying to pit one section of the United States against another? Why do you folks keep trying to pit one religious group against another?

I, too, was in Europe and Turkey as a teen. I remember in London asking a man for directions to, what I thought was pronounced "Duke of GlouCHESTER Street. I was fortunate that he understood what I was talking about and gave me good direction. He probably laughed about it all the way home. London is one of my favorite cities. NYC, DC, and Istanbul, included.

Now say again why the person who purports to be the President of the United States attacks American cities?

Just go back to playing with your paper dolls Hysteria

I do not think that the United States of America is a shithole. You apparently do.

That paper doll dress doesn't fit me. Try on another one.
Have you been there? Take the Amtrak from NY to DC one day.

Another democrat disaster
A Border Patrol Agent From Liberal North East Hellhole Reveals What It’s Really Like to Guard Migrant Children

he said, when he landed in McAllen. It was his first time on the border since he was a rookie. He’d spent most of his career posted in the eastern part of the United States, investigating smuggling organizations rather than intercepting undocumented immigrants. But as huge numbers of Central American migrants came to the Rio Grande Valley, he and hundreds of agents across the country were summoned to help.

In his journal entry, the agent described what he saw when he arrived at the Border Patrol detention center as a “scene from a zombie apocalypse movie.”

His colleagues, he said, wore surgical masks and rubber gloves because there was “sickness and filth everywhere.” And he said the facility “looked like a walled-off compound where the government had the last safe zone and was taking in refugees fleeing the deadly zombie virus.”

The scene that struck the agent the hardest that first day was the sight of dozens of children being held in cages — an image publicized this year to widespread condemnation. The children seemed about the same age as his 2-year-old son, but that’s where the similarities ended. “My kid would have been running laps around that entire building, nonstop,” the agent said. “But the boys my kid’s age, they were just there. They weren’t running or playing, even though they had been pent up all day.”

The agent said he suspected that the kids were lethargic because they hadn’t been given enough to eat. He said he wondered, “Why are things like this?” He said he didn’t look for answers because he didn’t expect he’d find any. “I decided not to dwell on it, and just do my job.”

He went on that way for weeks, seeing things without dwelling on them. His interactions with individual immigrants, he said, are a blur. He vaguely recalled a government staffer combing lice out of a little girl’s hair; 7- and 8-year-olds pacing in circles and sobbing inconsolably because they’d been separated from their parents; a teenage mother who’d swaddled her baby in a filthy sweatshirt that she’d borrowed from another detainee because she’d been forced to throw away the clothes she brought.
The rats are quite large, but a game cat can easily kill a dozen a day. My Ocicat (6 lbs) actually killed a young Fisher Cat (a giant mink type thing renowned for killing house cats). Rodents have really small mouths and have no claws. There are little dogs that are great at rat removal and of course mink type critters. Why most Negroes only vote for Negroes means only one thing. Most Negroes are racist idiots.
You got
Have you been there? Take the Amtrak from NY to DC one day.

Another democrat disaster

You got it backwards. It’s Baltimore that’s right. Trump is a national embarrassment.

And since Jared Kushner owns apartments there, tell him to stop being a slumlord, and clean up his mess.
...All big cities are guided by state and federal policy. Since the majority of states are run by republicans and that since 2000 we have had 14 years of republican control of national policy, selectively picking on 2-3 cities is weak.
Biggest lying-sack-of-$hit excuse I've heard from a Democrat in a very, very long time around here.

Weasel-Words from the party of "I blame everybody but me".

Each-and-every Democrat-run Urban Plantation and $hithole has control over its own tax base and resources.

There is nothing about Federal statute that keeps your Neanderthals "down", in a municipal governance context.

Do you want to know what happened to Baltimore?

The Great Migration.

The truth is, the Southern "Migrants" showed-up, and decent White Folk, their money, and their businesses, bailed out.

In the case of many Northern cities, it took a generation or two, to complete the White Flight sequence, but it was inevitable.

BTW... it's not "2 or 3" cities - it's damned-near all of 'em, whereever there is a large Black population; hard-to-hear, but also true.

Rather than blaming yourselves, despite having local political power for decades, you continue to delude yourselves it's Whitey's fault.

Well, it appears that Whitey is tired of listening to your $hit, and your lame-a$$ed excuses, and is turning a deaf ear.

You - collectively - have gone to the well once too often in that context, and you're delusional enough to pretend that it's not your fault.

Funny stuff.
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Not any more than the poor trailer park infested dumps of rural red state Kentucky.

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But they have no voice and are definitely not privileged like inner city residents. You type of all the nasty side of things. Why don't you give Trump the benefit of the doubt? His way is not perfect. However he is trying to provide better jobs. And if people like Cummings worked with him, there may be for people in the neighborhoods. All it is, is a little more time. Progs are not going to change a damn thing in the hoods.
Cummings is not out there calling a segment of Americans subhuman. Both you and Trump need to go take a long walk off a short cliff.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Why is this person who pretends to be president trying to divide us? He is a rodent. I was born and raised within a bus ride to Manhattan. I lived and still live a car ride to Baltimore. I can be there within an hour. I have been there many times. What is this trump trying to do? Why does he attack our cities when he is supposed to be president of all of us? I have a favorite bar in Baltimore, close by the water. It is called "The Horse You Rode In On."
Because he is a walking, talking and squawking POS.

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All part of the stacked Race Card deck...

For Democrats, the trouble is, they've overplayed that ragged, stained, soiled ancient deck, and it's falling apart...

Must be a bitch-kitty, not to be able to play your favorite marked, stacked deck anymore...

Somebody finally decided to bring-in a fresh deck and to cut the cards... :21:

It's refreshing to see the table running an Honest Game once again.
Remember when President Obama rightly said that some conservatives were bitterly clinging to their God and guns and all self-proclaimed conservatives instantly soiled themselves, they were so offended. Or so they claimed.

Now each and every one of them, to a man, is defending this willful and blatant offence spewing from our current mango menace of a President.

Utter guttersnipe, the lot of them.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Remember when President Obama rightly said that some conservatives were bitterly clinging to their God and guns and all self-proclaimed conservatives instantly soiled themselves, they were so offended. Or so they claimed.

Now each and every one of them, to a man, is defending this willful and blatant offence spewing from our current mango menace of a President.

Utter guttersnipe, the lot of them.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Oh, he's a piece of crap, alright, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, and he's right about this...

The nature of the messenger does not signify when contemplating the truthfulness of the message.
Kushner, the slumlord son in law, could begin helping Baltimore by getting rid of the Rodents, fixing leaking roofs, getting rid of the Black mold in the 7000 apartments he owns and rents out in Baltimore.... it would make a huge difference in making it less of a shit hole, eh?
And what would he do for tenants if he got rid of the rodents and black mould?

are you British? mold vs mould
Kushner, the slumlord son in law, could begin helping Baltimore by getting rid of the Rodents, fixing leaking roofs, getting rid of the Black mold in the 7000 apartments he owns and rents out in Baltimore.... it would make a huge difference in making it less of a shit hole, eh?
And what would he do for tenants if he got rid of the rodents and black mould?

are you British? mold vs mould
No, but I've lived in Eurpope a lot longer than in the US
Have you been there? Take the Amtrak from NY to DC one day.

Another democrat disaster

Baltimore probably isn't that bad if you overlook their ANNUAL rioting.
Ya just gotta give 'em a "little space to destroy".. :21:

Why do you support allowing these destructive criminal thugs to run free, but spend $776 per migrant per day to torture to death clean polite hard working migrant families in concentration camps?
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Amazing how well trump is at changing the topic!

he has mastered it...!!!!

everyone is talking about Baltimore and racism instead of Cumming's oversight committee's findings on the despicable conditions and abusive conditions at the children detention places at the border and the border patrol etc that the IG Report pointed out...

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