Is Trump’s CPAC speech still not enough to convince republicans that he is an idiot?

They share the same infantile mindset.

But we GOT the power.
And POWER begets power!

You can now resume your normal activities...:9-21:
Support for tRump is on the want.

Thank God people who know how to spell know better.
That's an auto correct error, I should have proofread better.

Wane, not want.

Thats why I dont use auto correct.
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.
The whole thing was bizarre, childish and full of non-sense. It’s just incredible to me that Trump would actually bring up the size of his inauguration crowd after 2 years. What the absolute fuck?

If that wasn’t enough, he had to bring up Hillary and of course the mindless drones in the audience shouted the “lock her up!” Are you fucking kidding me? They are still talking about Hillary? God I wish they would lock her up so republicans can just shut the fuck up about her. It’s astounding how republicans pretend she is still relevant to anything.

Also, how could any grown adult not realize how ridiculous Trump looks when he hugs the American flag? He could start humping it and his supporters would still go ape shit in applause I guess.
The blind partisan right will never be critical of a Republican president no matter how wrong on the issues or unfit to be president he might be.

A perfect example is the national deficit. The increase in the deficit is at record levels, nearly a trillion dollars a year, and in a Good Economy. Not a whimper from the GOP. Not a whine from the RW budget hawks. Why?

Because there is a Repub, so called, president office. But, give the GOP a year and they will be blaming it on the Democratic House. REMEMBER THAT YOU HEARD THAT HERE FIRST.
Your president gives speeches that could either be amazing at a middle school or enlightening during the filming of Animal House....funny shit!

As long as he is sticking it to you Tards we are loving it.....

Actually, he is sticking it to the country. The King of Bankruptcy is hard at work to take a good economy and put it in the dumpster...
Actually, he is sticking it to the country. The King of Bankruptcy is hard at work to take a good economy and put it in the dumpster...

That’s nice. I couldn’t care any less about the economy. It’s all about Social Issues for me.
But we GOT the power.
And POWER begets power!

You can now resume your normal activities...:9-21:
Support for tRump is on the want.

Thank God people who know how to spell know better.
That's an auto correct error, I should have proofread better.

Wane, not want.

Thats why I dont use auto correct.
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
Actually, he is sticking it to the country. The King of Bankruptcy is hard at work to take a good economy and put it in the dumpster...

That’s nice. I couldn’t care any less about the economy. It’s all about Social Issues for me.
I’m guess by “social” you refer to women being compelled by law to be subservient to their husbands. Yeah, dude, you’re a real social justice hero, let me tell you.
Support for tRump is on the want.

Thank God people who know how to spell know better.
That's an auto correct error, I should have proofread better.

Wane, not want.

Thats why I dont use auto correct.
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.
Your president gives speeches that could either be amazing at a middle school or enlightening during the filming of Animal House....funny shit!

As long as he is sticking it to you Tards we are loving it.....

Actually, he is sticking it to the country. The King of Bankruptcy is hard at work to take a good economy and put it in the dumpster...

President Donald J. Trump is MAGA...……..

I wonder what Hillary clinton is doing tonight? :fu:
I’m guess by “social” you refer to women being compelled by law to be subservient to their husbands. Yeah, dude, you’re a real social justice hero, let me tell you.

Yes, but that’s far lower on the list than things like putting criminals in jail and throwing away the key, getting rid of Government assistance for anyone, and getting all the foreigners out of this country.
Thank God people who know how to spell know better.
That's an auto correct error, I should have proofread better.

Wane, not want.

Thats why I dont use auto correct.
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.

Same here.
I hated school and math was my worst subject. Dropped out in the tenth grade and went to work in a machine shop.
Kinda funny,worked my way up from a shop grunt to a 1st class machinist.
I learned math real quick when I could apply it to making money in something that I found fascinating.
Always been a hands on type when it comes to education.
The thing that made the most difference was I was a voracious reader from the 3rd grade up until today.
I read everything I could get my hands on about machining and it paid off.
Later in life I started reading about the stock market and how it worked. Again I had motivation.
School to me was a huge waste of time because I couldnt apply it to everyday life.
That's an auto correct error, I should have proofread better.

Wane, not want.

Thats why I dont use auto correct.
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.

Same here.
I hated school and math was my worst subject. Dropped out in the tenth grade and went to work in a machine shop.
Kinda funny,worked my way up from a shop grunt to a 1st class machinist.
I learned math real quick when I could apply it to making money in something that I found fascinating.
Always been a hands on type when it comes to education.
The thing that made the most difference was I was a voracious reader from the 3rd grade up until today.
I read everything I could get my hands on about machining and it paid off.
Later in life I started reading about the stock market and how it worked. Again I had motivation.
School to me was a huge waste of time because I couldnt apply it to everyday life.
Amazing how that works huh?
Thats why I dont use auto correct.
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.

Same here.
I hated school and math was my worst subject. Dropped out in the tenth grade and went to work in a machine shop.
Kinda funny,worked my way up from a shop grunt to a 1st class machinist.
I learned math real quick when I could apply it to making money in something that I found fascinating.
Always been a hands on type when it comes to education.
The thing that made the most difference was I was a voracious reader from the 3rd grade up until today.
I read everything I could get my hands on about machining and it paid off.
Later in life I started reading about the stock market and how it worked. Again I had motivation.
School to me was a huge waste of time because I couldnt apply it to everyday life.
Amazing how that works huh?

They need to bring back shop classes that can actually lead to a career.
And I aint talken woodshop. Schools need to teach machining,plumbing,electrical and other blue collar work.
Not everyone is cut out for college.
I loved working with my hands and stumbled into machining purely by accident.
Was into racing BMX as a kid and worked in a lot of bike shops in my youth.
A buddy was quitting his job at the machine shop I mentioned and he put in a good word.
I was hooked the first time I saw a guy running a lathe.
That's an auto correct error, I should have proofread better.

Wane, not want.

Thats why I dont use auto correct.
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.

Same here.
I hated school and math was my worst subject. Dropped out in the tenth grade and went to work in a machine shop.
Kinda funny,worked my way up from a shop grunt to a 1st class machinist.
I learned math real quick when I could apply it to making money in something that I found fascinating.
Always been a hands on type when it comes to education.
The thing that made the most difference was I was a voracious reader from the 3rd grade up until today.
I read everything I could get my hands on about machining and it paid off.
Later in life I started reading about the stock market and how it worked. Again I had motivation.
School to me was a huge waste of time because I couldnt apply it to everyday life.

Those are awesome stories for both of you. Glad things worked out so well with all your hard work. Most stories that start like this do not have good endings. Good on both of you!!!
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.

Same here.
I hated school and math was my worst subject. Dropped out in the tenth grade and went to work in a machine shop.
Kinda funny,worked my way up from a shop grunt to a 1st class machinist.
I learned math real quick when I could apply it to making money in something that I found fascinating.
Always been a hands on type when it comes to education.
The thing that made the most difference was I was a voracious reader from the 3rd grade up until today.
I read everything I could get my hands on about machining and it paid off.
Later in life I started reading about the stock market and how it worked. Again I had motivation.
School to me was a huge waste of time because I couldnt apply it to everyday life.
Amazing how that works huh?

They need to bring back shop classes that can actually lead to a career.
And I aint talken woodshop. Schools need to teach machining,plumbing,electrical and other blue collar work.
Not everyone is cut out for college.
I loved working with my hands and stumbled into machining purely by accident.
Was into racing BMX as a kid and worked in a lot of bike shops in my youth.
A buddy was quitting his job at the machine shop I mentioned and he put in a good word.
I was hooked the first time I saw a guy running a lathe.
I'm good with my hands as well, but not a machinist. I build dragsters on the weekends, so I visit machine shops fairly often though. I'm working a junkyard project right now. Fitting a pair of M90 superchargers on a 5.2 Dakota, just to see if I can.
Thats why I dont use auto correct.
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.

Same here.
I hated school and math was my worst subject. Dropped out in the tenth grade and went to work in a machine shop.
Kinda funny,worked my way up from a shop grunt to a 1st class machinist.
I learned math real quick when I could apply it to making money in something that I found fascinating.
Always been a hands on type when it comes to education.
The thing that made the most difference was I was a voracious reader from the 3rd grade up until today.
I read everything I could get my hands on about machining and it paid off.
Later in life I started reading about the stock market and how it worked. Again I had motivation.
School to me was a huge waste of time because I couldnt apply it to everyday life.

Those are awesome stories for both of you. Glad things worked out so well with all your hard work. Most stories that start like this do not have good endings. Good on both of you!!!

I think it can still be done.
They need to bring back shop classes that can actually lead to a career.
And I aint talken woodshop. Schools need to teach machining,plumbing,electrical and other blue collar work.
Not everyone is cut out for college.
I loved working with my hands and stumbled into machining purely by accident.
Was into racing BMX as a kid and worked in a lot of bike shops in my youth.
A buddy was quitting his job at the machine shop I mentioned and he put in a good word.
I was hooked the first time I saw a guy running a lathe.

They already exist. They’re called Vocatiooor TechnioHigh Schools and at some you can learn anything from Hair Cutting to CAD Design, and Carpentry to Advanced Machinist skills. They do, however, still require students to complete the basic criteria for high school graduation in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, etc...
I still have it on this phone, and usually it works pretty well when I fat-fingered the keyboard. I got in a hurry and didn't proofread this time though.

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.

Same here.
I hated school and math was my worst subject. Dropped out in the tenth grade and went to work in a machine shop.
Kinda funny,worked my way up from a shop grunt to a 1st class machinist.
I learned math real quick when I could apply it to making money in something that I found fascinating.
Always been a hands on type when it comes to education.
The thing that made the most difference was I was a voracious reader from the 3rd grade up until today.
I read everything I could get my hands on about machining and it paid off.
Later in life I started reading about the stock market and how it worked. Again I had motivation.
School to me was a huge waste of time because I couldnt apply it to everyday life.

Those are awesome stories for both of you. Glad things worked out so well with all your hard work. Most stories that start like this do not have good endings. Good on both of you!!!

I think it can still be done.

I absolutely do as well, just admiring the odds that the 2 of you overcame. That is awesome.
Trumpettes must be the most gullible people in the world. They have allowed a flim flam....charlatan to drag them into a cult like following....I would love to play some five card draw with these people. They would be easy to bluff nearly every hand.

Me: "I am holding four aces."

LOL...when I first got into political forums I couldnt spell for shit!
Every time I played the wife in scrabble she'd kick my ass,not due to the words being wrong but on the spelling.
I now keep trying to spell words until I get em right,if I cant manage to do that I look em up.
It's improved my spelling dramatically over the years.
My work involved numbers with very little spelling involved.
I was a very poor student in school, then at 18 I ended up in a job overseas. I excelled and got promoted, the only problem was my dumb ass couldn't write a decent report to save my life. The guy who promoted me took me under his wing and drilled grammar and spelling into my head. Only problem is he was English so sometimes I use that spelling rather than the usual American version. Like "realize" vs "realise".

Anyway, it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Came back to the States, went to college, got educated, yadda yadda.

Same here.
I hated school and math was my worst subject. Dropped out in the tenth grade and went to work in a machine shop.
Kinda funny,worked my way up from a shop grunt to a 1st class machinist.
I learned math real quick when I could apply it to making money in something that I found fascinating.
Always been a hands on type when it comes to education.
The thing that made the most difference was I was a voracious reader from the 3rd grade up until today.
I read everything I could get my hands on about machining and it paid off.
Later in life I started reading about the stock market and how it worked. Again I had motivation.
School to me was a huge waste of time because I couldnt apply it to everyday life.
Amazing how that works huh?

They need to bring back shop classes that can actually lead to a career.
And I aint talken woodshop. Schools need to teach machining,plumbing,electrical and other blue collar work.
Not everyone is cut out for college.
I loved working with my hands and stumbled into machining purely by accident.
Was into racing BMX as a kid and worked in a lot of bike shops in my youth.
A buddy was quitting his job at the machine shop I mentioned and he put in a good word.
I was hooked the first time I saw a guy running a lathe.
I'm good with my hands as well, but not a machinist. I build dragsters on the weekends, so I visit machine shops fairly often though. I'm working a junkyard project right now. Fitting a pair of M90 superchargers on a 5.2 Dakota, just to see if I can.

Looking at putting a Magnuson SC on my Tundra.
Put one on my 98 Tacoma..What a difference!!!

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