Is war beginning in the Middle East...........Israel attacks Iran in Syria

md-6 and ah-6


That could be the chopper. I can't tell the Army what to do, but it's clear why people are losing limbs...………..

Thanks for admitting you are a fucktard!

LOL coming from the turd who argued that rule number 5 does not apply to anchored dive boats.

Again anyone who goes into a war zone hanging out of a helicopter designed for crop dusting is a retard......

Putting Venezuela so high up is misleading because it is all thick tar sands that is not very useful.
More like asphalt than oil.
But notice how little the US has?


A decade old graph that wasn't accurate even at the time.

Tell me, have you ever heard of "fracking?"

Fracking is mostly for natural gas, but all it does is increase the extraction, not the actual amount of oil.
And fracking is very wasteful and harmful to ground water supplies.
Fracking has nothing to do with the total, just allows us to use up the oil reserves faster.
Fracking have been around for well over 100 years, and is not recommended in the extremes we are doing it now.



Putting Venezuela so high up is misleading because it is all thick tar sands that is not very useful.
More like asphalt than oil.
But notice how little the US has?

So, according to your decade old chart ... we should invade Canada. At least they won't put up much of a fight.

No, because Canada sells us their oil cheap, and it is mostly tar sands with is not useful.

Why is it not useful? Are you joining the fucktard parade?

Tar sands are not very useful because they are like asphalt and have to use a large amount of water and heat to extract. The process is very expensive and dirty due to the residue it leaves in the water, like xylene and benzine, which are carcinogens.
Tell that to the Somalians that got wasted by them in 1993...........LOL

Were you there.............


LOL Somalia had slingshots and spears. That glass is not even thick enough to be bulletproof, in fact any bulletproofing or armor would prevent a lawnmower engine chopper from even getting off the ground

Whatever.............they had a hell of lot more than a slingshots and spears...........

I guess a slingshot took down the Black Hawks back then........Where da hell you getting this info from........You need to find another source.

And WTF does it have to do with Syria.......and the IDF killing the Quds Forces there.............

Seriously dude, would you go into a battle zone hanging out of a toy chopper just saying shoot me now.

Jesus that chopper must have been designed for the USA by the KGB

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

You first have to find it before you hit it. It can hide behind many buildings and can fly as low as a few feet off the ground.
Only retarded Admirals work for the Army. Saw an Army recruiting commercial on TV, had two numbnuts hanging outside of a glass bubble helicopter typically used for crop dusting, no armor. This was absolutely the dumbest thing I ever saw, had their guns drawn just waiting to get pegged, right out in the open. The chopper was probably overloaded with the second guy, can you tell me if the Army really uses crop dusting choppers to bring 2 morons into the field?

The only thing I can find remotely like what they ran on TV was this chopper from MASH which is not a battle ready machine ever.....

The Army really is retarded which is why they hired U

I don't know what you saw, but this is the current Army commercial. You were probably drunk or high at the time.

Are you sure it wasn't this?

First of all that is clearly a photoshop, second a single well placed 50cal round would take down both the chopper 1 or 2 men and the rest would bleed out on the ground.

Seriously I wish I could find the ad, it was the most reckless thing I ever saw

The bottom picture is a model of the MH-6 Little Bird, flown by the 160th SOAR. You once again prove you don't know what you think you are talking about.

I couldn't get any one of the other hundreds of images to upload on this screwed up message board.

Here is a link for you to educate yourself with.

MH-6 Little Bird

Again anyone going into a combat zone in that fucking toy is retarded

What kind of combat zone do you think they go into?

They fly mostly at night with no lights, and all you hear is the rotors.They are designed for urban combat environments.

They drop onto roof tops or have the troops fast rope down to the ground. Seen it done hundreds of times.

LOL you saw toy bubble choppers land on roofs hundreds of times while you were an acting destroyer captain.

Look pop at some point you will ascertain that my memory is infallible
LOL Somalia had slingshots and spears. That glass is not even thick enough to be bulletproof, in fact any bulletproofing or armor would prevent a lawnmower engine chopper from even getting off the ground

Whatever.............they had a hell of lot more than a slingshots and spears...........

I guess a slingshot took down the Black Hawks back then........Where da hell you getting this info from........You need to find another source.

And WTF does it have to do with Syria.......and the IDF killing the Quds Forces there.............

Seriously dude, would you go into a battle zone hanging out of a toy chopper just saying shoot me now.

Jesus that chopper must have been designed for the USA by the KGB

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

You first have to find it before you hit it. It can hide behind many buildings and can fly as low as a few feet off the ground.

Were you in Journey to the center of the earth in the cup that flew out of the volcano

Whatever.............they had a hell of lot more than a slingshots and spears...........

I guess a slingshot took down the Black Hawks back then........Where da hell you getting this info from........You need to find another source.

And WTF does it have to do with Syria.......and the IDF killing the Quds Forces there.............

Seriously dude, would you go into a battle zone hanging out of a toy chopper just saying shoot me now.

Jesus that chopper must have been designed for the USA by the KGB

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

Nope hit most any part of that toy chopper with a 50 cal round and it will likely be totally ripped apart. There is a reason for armor you know, it keeps birds in the air and people alive

How do you hit something with a 50 cal that you cannot see? Are you carrying a crystal ball in your scrotum?

Whatever.............they had a hell of lot more than a slingshots and spears...........

I guess a slingshot took down the Black Hawks back then........Where da hell you getting this info from........You need to find another source.

And WTF does it have to do with Syria.......and the IDF killing the Quds Forces there.............

Seriously dude, would you go into a battle zone hanging out of a toy chopper just saying shoot me now.

Jesus that chopper must have been designed for the USA by the KGB

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

You first have to find it before you hit it. It can hide behind many buildings and can fly as low as a few feet off the ground.

Were you in Journey to the center of the earth in the cup that flew out of the volcano

I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, because you apparently don't either.
Tar sands are not very useful because they are like asphalt and have to use a large amount of water and heat to extract. The process is very expensive and dirty due to the residue it leaves in the water, like xylene and benzine, which are carcinogens.

So, OPEC is 100% in control and America better bow down then, right Baghdad Bob? :lmao:
Seriously dude, would you go into a battle zone hanging out of a toy chopper just saying shoot me now.

Jesus that chopper must have been designed for the USA by the KGB

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

Nope hit most any part of that toy chopper with a 50 cal round and it will likely be totally ripped apart. There is a reason for armor you know, it keeps birds in the air and people alive

How do you hit something with a 50 cal that you cannot see? Are you carrying a crystal ball in your scrotum?

Well God did give me two ears, not sure about U
I don't know what you saw, but this is the current Army commercial. You were probably drunk or high at the time.

Are you sure it wasn't this?

First of all that is clearly a photoshop, second a single well placed 50cal round would take down both the chopper 1 or 2 men and the rest would bleed out on the ground.

Seriously I wish I could find the ad, it was the most reckless thing I ever saw

The bottom picture is a model of the MH-6 Little Bird, flown by the 160th SOAR. You once again prove you don't know what you think you are talking about.

I couldn't get any one of the other hundreds of images to upload on this screwed up message board.

Here is a link for you to educate yourself with.

MH-6 Little Bird

Again anyone going into a combat zone in that fucking toy is retarded

What kind of combat zone do you think they go into?

They fly mostly at night with no lights, and all you hear is the rotors.They are designed for urban combat environments.

They drop onto roof tops or have the troops fast rope down to the ground. Seen it done hundreds of times.

LOL you saw toy bubble choppers land on roofs hundreds of times while you were an acting destroyer captain.

Look pop at some point you will ascertain that my memory is infallible

I was never on a destroyer, but I volunteer to help train special operations troops as a member of the opposition force in urban combat since 2007. My daughter also did the same and she was recently selected for Captain in the US Army.

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

Nope hit most any part of that toy chopper with a 50 cal round and it will likely be totally ripped apart. There is a reason for armor you know, it keeps birds in the air and people alive

How do you hit something with a 50 cal that you cannot see? Are you carrying a crystal ball in your scrotum?

Well God did give me two ears, not sure about U

Your ears do well seeing where a helo is, totally blacked out, and with buildings echoing the sound of the aircraft from every single direction possible?

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

Nope hit most any part of that toy chopper with a 50 cal round and it will likely be totally ripped apart. There is a reason for armor you know, it keeps birds in the air and people alive
The little bird is fast...........and battle tested.........plenty of dead would testify to that if they were still alive.......

You want an armored flying want a Warthog.

How many 50 cal anti aircraft rounds would be needed to destroy the toy, and all it's dumb occupants

You can't shoot what you cannot see.
Seriously dude, would you go into a battle zone hanging out of a toy chopper just saying shoot me now.

Jesus that chopper must have been designed for the USA by the KGB

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

You first have to find it before you hit it. It can hide behind many buildings and can fly as low as a few feet off the ground.

Were you in Journey to the center of the earth in the cup that flew out of the volcano

I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, because you apparently don't either.

Haven't seen this since I was a kid, but unlike you I forget nothing...……..

You remind me of Gertrude the duck
Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

Nope hit most any part of that toy chopper with a 50 cal round and it will likely be totally ripped apart. There is a reason for armor you know, it keeps birds in the air and people alive

How do you hit something with a 50 cal that you cannot see? Are you carrying a crystal ball in your scrotum?

Well God did give me two ears, not sure about U

Your ears do well seeing where a helo is, totally blacked out, and with buildings echoing the sound of the aircraft from every single direction possible?

You got lots of experience at this as acting destroyer captain of the head
There's this thing about armor in aircraft, it's heavy and it takes away from payload. For every pound of payload, you have to have more than a pound of lift, or you don't get off the ground. Helicopters are vulnerable to groundfire, they always have been. There is no such thing as a bulletproof helicopter.

Get in quick, get out quick, before the enemy can react is the mission of the Little Bird.
But if the men are hanging outside the firkin toy like paper targets it's pretty stupid...……….
Spec Ops insertion............small alleys and roof tops...........They are only catching a ride.
3 to 4 inch thick walls, normal, no bubble

You think that aircrafts has 3-4 inch thick walls?

My God, you are a fucking dumbass!

The Little Bird is Bad Ass...........and it is a killing machine...........Got to hit the target to take it down...... killed the hell out of Somalians...........and been used for quite some time.

Let me think...........should I listen to you or the people that used it.........I think I'll listen to them

Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

You first have to find it before you hit it. It can hide behind many buildings and can fly as low as a few feet off the ground.

Were you in Journey to the center of the earth in the cup that flew out of the volcano

I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, because you apparently don't either.

Haven't seen this since I was a kid, but unlike you I forget nothing...……..

You remind me of Gertrude the duck

Don't fucking care about your sex life!
Give me 10 50 cal rounds and 10 bubbles and 10 bubbles are popped. Are you saying armor is stupid?

Nope hit most any part of that toy chopper with a 50 cal round and it will likely be totally ripped apart. There is a reason for armor you know, it keeps birds in the air and people alive
The little bird is fast...........and battle tested.........plenty of dead would testify to that if they were still alive.......

You want an armored flying want a Warthog.

How many 50 cal anti aircraft rounds would be needed to destroy the toy, and all it's dumb occupants

You can't shoot what you cannot see.

Actually I can, besides all you need to do is fire one round into the ground and that unarmored toy will flee for it's life

Nope hit most any part of that toy chopper with a 50 cal round and it will likely be totally ripped apart. There is a reason for armor you know, it keeps birds in the air and people alive

How do you hit something with a 50 cal that you cannot see? Are you carrying a crystal ball in your scrotum?

Well God did give me two ears, not sure about U

Your ears do well seeing where a helo is, totally blacked out, and with buildings echoing the sound of the aircraft from every single direction possible?

You got lots of experience at this as acting destroyer captain of the head

I have had two full careers and a lot of volunteer work. What have you accomplished in your miserable existence other than claiming to own a fishing boat?

Nope hit most any part of that toy chopper with a 50 cal round and it will likely be totally ripped apart. There is a reason for armor you know, it keeps birds in the air and people alive
The little bird is fast...........and battle tested.........plenty of dead would testify to that if they were still alive.......

You want an armored flying want a Warthog.

How many 50 cal anti aircraft rounds would be needed to destroy the toy, and all it's dumb occupants

You can't shoot what you cannot see.

Actually I can, besides all you need to do is fire one round into the ground and that unarmored toy will flee for it's life

Wrong answerfucktard! It will be in, drop the troops and be gone before you even figure out where they are.

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