Is wishing death upon a billion+ people compatible with the word of Jesus?

Is wishing for genocide compatible with Jesus Christ's teaching?

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Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
If you wish harm, disaster, and destruction on an entire group of people can you still be considered a Christian?
You're thinking of Islam,OS. The religion you're obsessed with promoting. Remember?
You'll need a new poll for that one.
You are making the mistake of thinking Republican Christianity is the same as traditional Christianity. They have bastardized the name for their new religion. Their Jesus would wear a Brookes Brothers Suit. He would be white.

He would talk Ya'll.
They haven't adopted a new Bible yet, but it would include:
Let him die.
Feed the poor and they will breed.
Children work better hungry.
Considering the number of wars started by the church, why not?
If you wish harm, disaster, and destruction on an entire group of people can you still be considered a Christian?

Yes and no.
Christians aren't perfect, nobody is.
Even the Dalai Lama admitted it is very difficult not to think negative thoughts, in his case with the Chinese abuses.

The spirit of Christ Jesus is Restorative Justice.
Retributive Justice or revenge is for the Lord not for us, for the Laws of Justice to determine,
we don't wish or act on retribution toward others. This kind of ill will is antichrist.
Good will is God's Will and Christ or Conscience is on the side of justice and peace for all humanity.

So ideally we should align with God's will through Christ.
We are called to love all people, including those opposed and persecuting us,
with the same unconditional love God uses to heal all wrongs through saving Grace in Christ.

When we can't forgive but hold onto fear, anger, ill will or resentment,
we ask help to forgive to remove fear and restore our faith in better.
Especially Christians who know to call for divine grace should ask for this help.
Of course there are times we will just wish angry, hateful thoughts;
we are human and will experience the stages of grief in reaction to injustice,
and anger is one of them. We aren't going to stop being human just because we receive understanding and power of grace.

As Christians we are called to rise above this, but that doesn't mean we won't think feel and experience that.
Who wants all Muslims dead? I just want them to find sanctuary somewhere else, like maybe another Middle East country that shares their culture?
You are making the mistake of thinking Republican Christianity is the same as traditional Christianity. They have bastardized the name for their new religion. Their Jesus would wear a Brookes Brothers Suit. He would be white.

He would talk Ya'll.
They haven't adopted a new Bible yet, but it would include:
Let him die.
Feed the poor and they will breed.
Children work better hungry.

Dear rdean
Each group is going to add Christ to the path they are on and it will be different.
The Buddhists, the Jewish, the Muslims who receive Christ merely fulfill their purpose and unite while keeping their home culture and native traditions. In Christ all tribes will be one in harmony. But of course our laws and languages will be different, like the 50 states under one union retains their local laws for themselves.

With Republicans who receive Christ, then fellow Christians can give and receive rebuke using Constitutional language or the Bible to keep each other in line. It helps us to be better neighbors, it is for correction and rebuke.
We don't magically become perfect overnight; we as humans still need to help each other see our own faults and work these out MUTUALLY. We use common laws and language, whether the Bible or Constitution, science or common experience, to explain our points to each other to reach understanding and agreement. What is wrong with that?

Of course each group has major flaws and self-contradictions to address.
But flipside is each group has major CONTRIBUTIONS to make as their purpose for being.

Left and right, church and state, secular and religious are supposed to help check and balance each other, to catch things we miss from a different angle. Why not maximize the diversity of resources and goals to cover the entire base? Surely not one group can solve all the world's problems singlehandedly, but this requires all of us working in teams. Organized by groups!

Why rag on people who are caught in the same process of sharing mutual corrections.
Does this help or hurt the process of working out errors and finding better approaches?

rdean it is always more effective to work on your own faults before approaching others.
as far as I can see
and especially on boards like this
it comes across as whiny and nonproductive to naysay and blame others
and then jump on others who do that to you

If that is your idea of the Golden Rule,
to abuse and judge others as they abuse and judge you
how is that working for you? Are you happy with results you are getting?

I prefer we help forgive and correct one another as equals.
Learn and share from one another's perspectives.

This left/right business is a huge challenge otherwise dividing our country.
I hope you can see if we can manage those differences here, how much better we can
work together and change political dynamics on a larger scale by approaching things collaboratively
not competitively to cut each other down. Why not lift each other up.

Your choice, to use the Golden Rule in the negative or the positive.
Either way rdean you reap what you sow
If you want better results, why not plant better seeds?
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Turn the other cheek.

RE: Turning the Other Cheek as a form of Reverse Psychology:

About Life And Love: What It Really Means To Turn The Other Cheek

Contrary to popular belief that turning the other cheek means being a push over, turning the other cheek actually means demanding to be treated as an equal.

Here's why:

Jesus lived in a different time during which people have different cultures. During His time, there are different types of slaps.

Open-palm slap is the slap of a master to a slave. A backhand slap is the slap of equals.

When Jesus said, “If someone slaps you on the right cheek (an open-palm slap), turn your left cheek". Meaning, ask the other person to give you a backhand slap. Demand your abuser to treat you not as his subordinate or slave, but as his equal.

To turn the other cheek is to show your disapproval of how you're being treated.

It was a hallelujah moment when I first heard this at The Feast.

Jesus does not want us to be powerless after all. He wants us to know our worth and demand to be treated justly, not to be belittled.

He urges us to know our right and fight for it.

He's teaching us to demand respect.

He indeed came to give us life and have it in full.

So the next time someone treats you badly, go ahead and turn the other cheek. It's the right thing to do.

NOTE: I use this all the time verbally. If someone is venting personal insults attacking me or another person that goes emotionally off topic, I ask to stick to the content and address the corrections, and encourage participants to resolve the conflict for mutual benefit. Not slap each other around verbally. Respect the issues and principles first, respecting each other will follow when we focus on what we're really trying to say, and what objections really need resolution.
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According to the jewish/christian bible, yes yahweh/jesus was genocidal. According to Revelation, jesus was supposed to return and kill Vespian and overturn the Roman Empire leaving only 144,000 jews alive.
According to the jewish/christian bible, yes yahweh/jesus was genocidal. According to Revelation, jesus was supposed to return and kill Vespian and overturn the Roman Empire leaving only 144,000 jews alive.

Dear Snouter
1. The Bible also warns there is the ANTICHRIST that has always been in the world,
this is abuse of political power to claim authority as justice but wreak injustice,
to come in the name of the law or Lord but instead abuse it lawlessly,
to claim to be acting in Christ or by Conscience yet be Unconscionable and corrupt.

So yes, this leads to abuse of church and state power to commit genocide.
To abuse free will and free market to destroy people and the planet for profits.

Sure, since humans have free will and will tend toward being selfish, protecting their interests first,
then when this will is concentrated collectively in church, state or business corporate entities, of course there is going to be abuses and damage done.
All in the name of freedom. Yet when abused this freedom robs others of freedom and becomes self-destructive.

The point of Jesus in the Bible is to break this cycle of self-destructive selfish behavior.
It is to forgive and to correct the root causes of 'scarcity mentality' that make
people think they have to clobber and kill to survive.

We are supposed to restore faith, and be able to "live like the lilies in the field"
who can live happily on resources we are given by using them wisely,
by sharing and multiplying wealth, not destroying by greed for control.

2. as for the 144,000 elders I would not interpret this so literally as you do.

This is a spiritual calling where certain people of each tribe will come forth,
and organize plans as group to lead their tribes and the world in peaceful means of establishing truth and justice collaboratively.
This will bring peace and restore life, not more war and death.

The ways of death and destruction are of the past. There is only so much "karma" to play out and that ill will is gone, bled out of the system
when we agree not to pay back more and more and we stop adding to the debts and damages from past wars.

When we agree, as the tribes in Africa have done, to rebuild in peace, then we can break the cycle of tribal wars, suffering and destruction.
And invest our energies and resources into restoring good faith relations, rebuilding our communities and economy,
and quit wasting so much on war that we starve and suffer as a global society.

The elders will be called to come together in agreement, and build a consensus
among the tribes. this is what it means for all to become one in Christ, where
there are no Jews or Gentiles, bond nor free, male or female. We remain
distinct in our diverse roles and cultures, but we work together in harmony to establish truth, justice and peace for all humanity.

This is what the Bible is telling us our history is heading towards,
where the arc, the learning curve is heading toward equal justice for all.
And all people agree and submit equally to laws that govern us democratically and inclusively.
According to the jewish/christian bible, yes yahweh/jesus was genocidal. According to Revelation, jesus was supposed to return and kill Vespian and overturn the Roman Empire leaving only 144,000 jews alive.

How do you get the Roman Empire out of this?

Rev_17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Rev_17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

17:8 says the beast was. Yes the beast was prior to John receiving the Revelation in AD 90-95. The next parts of the scripture says the beast was not. This would seem to rule out the Roman Empire since the Roman Empire is the very one in existence in AD 90-95 that had sentenced John to exile.
According to the jewish/christian bible, yes yahweh/jesus was genocidal. According to Revelation, jesus was supposed to return and kill Vespian and overturn the Roman Empire leaving only 144,000 jews alive.

How do you get the Roman Empire out of this?

Rev_17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Rev_17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

17:8 says the beast was. Yes the beast was prior to John receiving the Revelation in AD 90-95. The next parts of the scripture says the beast was not. This would seem to rule out the Roman Empire since the Roman Empire is the very one in existence in AD 90-95 that had sentenced John to exile.

Dear the_human_being and Snouter
I'd say any government or political force that abuses authority to oppress and kill the masses
is on the side of Antichrist, which "was always in the world"
(the same as how Jesus was always in heaven with God since the beginning)

These both manifest in different ways.
Hitler and the Holocaust is seen as a manifestation of the Antichrist influence in the world.
Terrorism and the genocides going on in Africa and Europe now from ISIS and Boko Haram are Antichrist.
The tribal wars in America dividing the nation are like False Prophet (hate speech in the media that
foments war instead of resolving conflicts and restoring relations in peace) and Antichrist (abuse of govt by party power and corporate interests
to wrong the taxpayers and take advantage of the system at our expense instead of respecting equal justice and protection of the laws for all people)

These patterns occur in our daily relations and collectively in the global arena.
These are universal power struggles and the point is to resolve conflicts, break the cycles of abuse, and heal of the
damages of the past so wrongs can be righted and quit repeating these patterns of oppression and abuse for control.
According to the jewish/christian bible, yes yahweh/jesus was genocidal. According to Revelation, jesus was supposed to return and kill Vespian and overturn the Roman Empire leaving only 144,000 jews alive.

How do you get the Roman Empire out of this?

Rev_17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Rev_17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

17:8 says the beast was. Yes the beast was prior to John receiving the Revelation in AD 90-95. The next parts of the scripture says the beast was not. This would seem to rule out the Roman Empire since the Roman Empire is the very one in existence in AD 90-95 that had sentenced John to exile.

Dear the_human_being and Snouter
I'd say any government or political force that abuses authority to oppress and kill the masses
is on the side of Antichrist, which "was always in the world"
(the same as how Jesus was always in heaven with God since the beginning)

These both manifest in different ways.
Hitler and the Holocaust is seen as a manifestation of the Antichrist influence in the world.
Terrorism and the genocides going on in Africa and Europe now from ISIS and Boko Haram are Antichrist.
The tribal wars in America dividing the nation are like False Prophet (hate speech in the media that
foments war instead of resolving conflicts and restoring relations in peace) and Antichrist (abuse of govt by party power and corporate interests
to wrong the taxpayers and take advantage of the system at our expense instead of respecting equal justice and protection of the laws for all people)

These patterns occur in our daily relations and collectively in the global arena.
These are universal power struggles and the point is to resolve conflicts, break the cycles of abuse, and heal of the
damages of the past so wrongs can be righted and quit repeating these patterns of oppression and abuse for control.

Anything or anyone that is against God is antichrist. There have been antichrists throughout all of history. The Book or Revelation as well as the Book of Daniel and some other Scriptural references speak of an end time entity to appear just prior to the Second Advent. What you are referring to is the "spirit of antichrist" which is indeed a prevalent spirit of rebellion against God. This spirit is found in many people.

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