ISIS fatwa on disabled children


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
ISIS slaughtering disabled children...

ISIS issues fatwa to exterminate disabled children, 38 cases of babies killed through lethal injection or suffocation
Monday, December 14, 2015 - ISIS has hit a new low with its latest innocent target, going after and killing disabled children. The radical terrorist group has issued an order to exterminate children with Down syndrome, the Mosul Eye reported.
The Shar’i Board of the deranged Islamic State group issued a fatwa to “kill newborn babies with Down syndrome and congenital deformities and disabled children,” the Iraqi watchdog blog reported. The group confirmed more than 38 cases where the terrorist organization executed babies born with disabilities using either lethal injection or suffocation.


ISIS has issued a fatwa calling for the extermination of disabled children, the Mosul Eye reported.​

The victims were ages 1 week to 3 months, and killed in Syria and Mosul. ISIS claimed that children born with Down syndrome came from “foreign fighters” who married Iraqi, Syrian and Asian women. The order was issued by the bloodthirsty terror group's Saudi judge Abu Said Aljazrawi, according to reports.


There have been 38 confirmed cases of disabled children being slaughtered through lethal injection or suffocation, the Iraqi watchdog blog reported.​

“As if it is not enough for ISIL to kill men, women and the elderly, and now, they kill children,” the Mosul Eye said. A chilling video in November showed ISIS militants allegedly slaughtering 200 Syrian children on a firing range.

ISIS issues fatwa to exterminate disabled children
ISIS slaughtering disabled children...

ISIS issues fatwa to exterminate disabled children, 38 cases of babies killed through lethal injection or suffocation
Monday, December 14, 2015 - ISIS has hit a new low with its latest innocent target, going after and killing disabled children. The radical terrorist group has issued an order to exterminate children with Down syndrome, the Mosul Eye reported.
The Shar’i Board of the deranged Islamic State group issued a fatwa to “kill newborn babies with Down syndrome and congenital deformities and disabled children,” the Iraqi watchdog blog reported. The group confirmed more than 38 cases where the terrorist organization executed babies born with disabilities using either lethal injection or suffocation.


ISIS has issued a fatwa calling for the extermination of disabled children, the Mosul Eye reported.​

The victims were ages 1 week to 3 months, and killed in Syria and Mosul. ISIS claimed that children born with Down syndrome came from “foreign fighters” who married Iraqi, Syrian and Asian women. The order was issued by the bloodthirsty terror group's Saudi judge Abu Said Aljazrawi, according to reports.


There have been 38 confirmed cases of disabled children being slaughtered through lethal injection or suffocation, the Iraqi watchdog blog reported.​

“As if it is not enough for ISIL to kill men, women and the elderly, and now, they kill children,” the Mosul Eye said. A chilling video in November showed ISIS militants allegedly slaughtering 200 Syrian children on a firing range.

ISIS issues fatwa to exterminate disabled children
islamonazis ..Nazis..Whats the difference:dunno:
Evil is what these people are. If we had any balls we'd mass a few hundred thousand troops and slaughter every fucking one of them.
you can trace this story back to fakebook? i am not sure of the credibility of these sources...

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