Isis threatens to behead Barack Obama and 'transform America into a Muslim province'

I very much believe in jihad but my emotions got the better of me

How so? Perhaps it was the LORD that restrained you. Did you ever think of that? That the LORD has been trying to get your attention?
Yes my Lord cares for me very much

Jesus is LORD. You do realize that right? Have you ever read the Bible?
Yes I was actually on my way to become a reverend
Don't worry

As a Muslim, you have to have a pretty thick skin to post here, but welcome to USMB. There are many places to post, not just religion - put up your feet, grab a glass of tea and try to not take things to seriously :)
Don't worry

Trust me. I'm not worried for myself. I'm worried about you. You need to be saved, Amir. You cannot go to heaven unless you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That he died for your sins and took your place for that penalty at the cross. If you believe Jesus died on the cross, rose on the 3rd day and is seated next to the Father - and if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart - this is true? You shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That means you. Would you be willing to do that? Jesus won the battle against Satan at the cross. That is what he meant when he said, It is finished.
Don't worry

As a Muslim, you have to have a pretty thick skin to post here, but welcome to USMB. There are many places to post, not just religion - put up your feet, grab a glass of tea and try to not take things to seriously :)

I will do my best to be thoughtful in discussions with you and hope you stick around. I do believe in divine providence and it is no mistake you are here!
Don't worry

As a Muslim, you have to have a pretty thick skin to post here, but welcome to USMB. There are many places to post, not just religion - put up your feet, grab a glass of tea and try to not take things to seriously :)
Okay understood

And if you were to receive Jesus Christ and become a born again Christian you will still need to be aware that this place won't be some bed of roses. Ha. I can attest to that one. But the people grow on you so it all works out.
Don't worry

As a Muslim, you have to have a pretty thick skin to post here, but welcome to USMB. There are many places to post, not just religion - put up your feet, grab a glass of tea and try to not take things to seriously :)
Okay understood

And if you were to receive Jesus Christ and become a born again Christian you will still need to be aware that this place won't be some bed of roses. Ha. I can attest to that one. But the people grow on you so it all works out.

That is true, religion does seem to get attacked a good bit :)
I very much believe in jihad but my emotions got the better of me

How so? Perhaps it was the LORD that restrained you. Did you ever think of that? That the LORD has been trying to get your attention?
Yes my Lord cares for me very much

Jesus is LORD. You do realize that right? Have you ever read the Bible?
Yes I was actually on my way to become a reverend

really? That is interesting, Amir! What happened?
So these three guys are walking down the street, a Jew, a Christian, and a Muslim. They come to a window that has this very nice but really expensive. The Jew guy says to himself, "I will come back when few people are around so I can talk the store owner into selling me the suit for 60% off. God will see that I am wise and frugal and fit in well in heaven." The Christian guys says to himself, "I will come back when my friends are around so they see me use my gold card to buy this suit. God will see that I am well deserving to walk down those streets of gold." The Muslim guy says, "I will come back when the store is very full and blow myself up. My god will see that I follow the will of Satan."
First of all, Random. The Muslim people of the Middle east are quite good at negotiating a price because that is how it is done over there. Second, the Christians who follow the bible are not following the false teachings of prosperity gospel and are following the narrow path - and are wise stewards of their money. Third the Jews are no different than any other people group. That joke does not pan out. ( no pun intended )
Don't worry

Trust me. I'm not worried for myself. I'm worried about you. You need to be saved, Amir. You cannot go to heaven unless you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That he died for your sins and took your place for that penalty at the cross. If you believe Jesus died on the cross, rose on the 3rd day and is seated next to the Father - and if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart - this is true? You shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That means you. Would you be willing to do that? Jesus won the battle against Satan at the cross. That is what he meant when he said, It is finished.

Not sure there is cause to be too concerned. Te Bible states that every knee shall bow and all tongues shall confess that Jesus is Lord.
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First of all, Random. The Muslim people of the Middle east are quite good at negotiating a price because that is how it is done over there. Second, the Christians who follow the bible are not following the false teachings of prosperity gospel and are following the narrow path - and are wise stewards of their money. Third the Jews are no different than any other people group. That joke does not pan out. ( no pun intended )
If you say Muslims are good at negotiating a price are you saying they are different from other people?
First of all, Random. The Muslim people of the Middle east are quite good at negotiating a price because that is how it is done over there. Second, the Christians who follow the bible are not following the false teachings of prosperity gospel and are following the narrow path - and are wise stewards of their money. Third the Jews are no different than any other people group. That joke does not pan out. ( no pun intended )
If you say Muslims are good at negotiating a price are you saying they are different from other people?

no. I'm good at negotiating a price while others in my family are not, I know Jews who are good at negotiating a price and some who are not - likewise some Muslims in the US are probably not as good at negotiating a price as those born in the middle east. When it comes to buying - people are people.

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