Israel and Bibi should negotiate with Gaza citizens to replace Hamas with a new government that the citizens will elect

Israel was not forced to leave Gaza. Sharon naively thought withdrawing from Gaza and closing some outlying Israeli settlement in area C would lead to a peace treaty with the PA, but clearly it was a mistake, and now it is clear that Israel must reoccupy Gaza and eliminate the terrorists.
What I meant was the Israelis were forced to leave Gaza hoping that a total withdrawal would help bring peace ☮️
The Israelis pretend to be intelligent. They have had a problem for seven decades and are still clueless. :eusa_doh:
Hamas is now going to be eliminated and Gaza citizens will need a new government there. As IDF hunt down and bring to justice the terrorists this should be considered. Many if not most citizens there are discontented anyways so why not ask them if they have a moderate, non-militant government that can replace their current government that is on the run? This would probably save more lives in the long run.
End the occupation and you end the violence.
Well, it's not like they are white or anything, amiright?

There you go again with the race thing….

You claimed the IDF targets women and children. They target terrorists who essentially hide behind the skirts of women and the playgrounds of kids. Killing them will result in some innocent people being killed. This is quite a bit different than targeting women and children, taking them hostage, decapetling infants, etc. You are trying to equate Hamas with the IDF. That in itself shows that you are clueless.

Yes, but some can say it with credibility, Cleetus.

Who determines what is credible? It seems as though if left up to you, they must be non-white for starters. Race is at the forefront of all your thoughts.

Actually, it has everything to do with it. Murder is wrong.

Ok, I’m glad you feel that way despite having no moral foundation that bounds you to that belief.

Oh, please... if the one thing we should be reminded, the Zionist Entity talks tough shit, but they really aren't. They haven't won a war since 1967. (We had to bail them out in 1973).

Being an anti-Zionist is virtually the same as being an antisemite at this point. As much as you talk about not being a racist, virtually everything you say has racial undertones. Yes, I realize Jewish is not a race, but its the same idea.

Oooh, Scary Brown People... that must keep you up all night, Cleetus.

Again, with the race thing. I didn’t mention race and it is not part of the equation to me. It Is a convenient out and a way to be intellectually dishonest when ou don’t have a legitimate argument. The left knows it well and uses it often because the majority of their policies and positions are intellectually indefensible.

PS: I love how you don’t have a problem using a Southern stereotype by calling me ‘Cleetus’. I guess stereotyping is ok in your word, but I am assuming it is only ok in certain cases. Those rules for stereotyping just happen to be, surprise, based on political affiliation first and foremost and race second. A black Republican is fair game for name calling or stereotyping. A black Democrat off limits. I know your game and your rules.

In 50 years, the Zionist Entity will be gone and the world will be better off for it.

You think the world will be better off without Israel? Wow, what a nut you are. Would the world be better off without all the Islamic countries?
I am kind of wondering if this is a false flag.

Think about it, Bibi was under massive international criticism for undermining democracy and rolling back institutions that checked his power.

And then lo and behold, the Mossad just happens to miss a huge complex operation by Hamas. You had one job, Mossad!

Suddenly, all the opposition noise stops and Biden is taking his phone calls again.
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An occupational force cannot claim self defense!

Why is Israel an occupational force? That area of the world has changed hands many times over the last 3k+ years. Many countries around the world have been conquered and territories have been re-drawn in that period of time. We can’t roll it all back and if we did the Palestinians may not own all the land either. How do you think people would view the Palestinians still fighting for ”their” land 1000 years from now?

In short, WWII changed the landscape in that area yet again and the Jewish people regained control of the old Kingdom of Israel they they lost by being conquered by the Assyrians.
There you go again with the race thing….

You claimed the IDF targets women and children. They target terrorists who essentially hide behind the skirts of women and the playgrounds of kids. Killing them will result in some innocent people being killed. This is quite a bit different than targeting women and children, taking them hostage, decapetling infants, etc. You are trying to equate Hamas with the IDF. That in itself shows that you are clueless.

Oh, I see, when Hamas kills women and children, it's "terrorism", but when the Zionists kill women and children, it's legitimate self defense.

Who determines what is credible? It seems as though if left up to you, they must be non-white for starters. Race is at the forefront of all your thoughts.

Well, yes, the last 500 years of HISTORY prove the credibility of white oppression of the rest of the world. And frankly, you are still doing it, cowering in fear you might get a little bit of Karma for what your ancestors did. So you live in mortal fear that some Mexicans might move in next door, without questioning all the Shitty Stuff America did to Mexico between 1836 to today.

Ok, I’m glad you feel that way despite having no moral foundation that bounds you to that belief.

I'm glad your fear of an imaginary sky man is the only thing keeping you from going out on a rampage of murder and rape. You God-Botherers act shitty enough with your fear of a God-Man. I would hate to think what happens when you wake up one morning and find out there is no Santa Claus.

Being an anti-Zionist is virtually the same as being an antisemite at this point. As much as you talk about not being a racist, virtually everything you say has racial undertones. Yes, I realize Jewish is not a race, but its the same idea.

The key thing is Jewish is not a race. It's a religion.
Religion is a choice. You are presented with a bunch of absurd positions with no evidence, and you choose to believe them anyway.
Zionism is religious stupidity cranked up to 11.

"I'm going to steal land from some brown people, giving them a pretty darned good reason to hate me, and then whine like a stuck pig when some of them kill us. All because God promised me this strip of desert 3000 years ago."

Yes, that is deserving of mockery.

Again, with the race thing. I didn’t mention race and it is not part of the equation to me. It Is a convenient out and a way to be intellectually dishonest when ou don’t have a legitimate argument. The left knows it well and uses it often because the majority of their policies and positions are intellectually indefensible.

No, you guys want to pretend racism doesn't exist while relying on it. We get that.

PS: I love how you don’t have a problem using a Southern stereotype by calling me ‘Cleetus’. I guess stereotyping is ok in your word, but I am assuming it is only ok in certain cases. Those rules for stereotyping just happen to be, surprise, based on political affiliation first and foremost and race second. A black Republican is fair game for name calling or stereotyping. A black Democrat off limits. I know your game and your rules.

Again, Southerners are kind of an embarrassment to the rest of us. That's why when a Hollywood Writer wants to establish that a character is an ignorant bigot, the shorthand is to give him a southern accent. If you want people to stop thinking you are rubes, learn to speak English properly, stop clinging to backwards superstitions, and stop being proud of that time you almost destroyed the country so a few rich assholes could keep owning other people.

You think the world will be better off without Israel? Wow, what a nut you are. Would the world be better off without all the Islamic countries?
Oh, the world would be fantastically better off without the Zionist Entity. First, the Islamic World wouldn't have a constant source of resentment towards the west. Secondly, you wouldn't have the Israeli Lobby constantly dragging us into wars in the Middle East.
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I am kind of wondering if this is a false flag.

Think about it, Bibi was under massive international criticism for undermining democracy and rolling back institutions that checked his power.

And then lo and behold, the Mossad just happens to miss a huge complex operation by Hamas. You had one job, Mossad!

Suddenly, all the opposition noise stops and Biden is taking his phone calls again.

NOBODY takes Biden seriously and starting a war was not necessary to get the dottering old fool on the phone.
Why is Israel an occupational force? That area of the world has changed hands many times over the last 3k+ years. Many countries around the world have been conquered and territories have been re-drawn in that period of time. We can’t roll it all back and if we did the Palestinians may not own all the land either. How do you think people would view the Palestinians still fighting for ”their” land 1000 years from now?

In short, WWII changed the landscape in that area yet again and the Jewish people regained control of the old Kingdom of Israel they they lost by being conquered by the Assyrians.

Not really.

The people who lived in Judea and Israel 3000 years ago (and they weren't the only people who lived in the region) were a brown Semitic people.
The people who went to Palestine after World War II were EUROPEANS. They are whiter than I am.
NOBODY takes Biden seriously and starting a war was not necessary to get the dottering old fool on the phone.

Oh, quite the contrary, Biden holding Bibi to account was his worst nightmare.
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Why is Israel an occupational force? That area of the world has changed hands many times over the last 3k+ years. Many countries around the world have been conquered and territories have been re-drawn in that period of time. We can’t roll it all back and if we did the Palestinians may not own all the land either. How do you think people would view the Palestinians still fighting for ”their” land 1000 years from now?

In short, WWII changed the landscape in that area yet again and the Jewish people regained control of the old Kingdom of Israel they they lost by being conquered by the Assyrians.
Israel holds onto land it seized in the '67 war. That is illegal. The only thing you can do with an occupation, is to end it. Saying Israel has a right to the occupied territories, is like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.
Oh, I see, when Hamas kills women and children, it's "terrorism", but when the Zionists kill women and children, it's legitimate self defense.

The fact that you can’t tell the difference between targeting civilians, including infants, vs civilians being caught in the cross fire is very telling. Using your metric, any nation that has been at war is equivalent to terrorist. Normal people don’t have that radical view.

Well, yes, the last 500 years of HISTORY prove the credibility of white oppression of the rest of the world. And frankly, you are still doing it, cowering in fear you might get a little bit of Karma for what your ancestors did. So you live in mortal fear that some Mexicans might move in next door, without questioning all the Shitty Stuff America did to Mexico between 1836 to today.

Do you ever stop with the constant victimhood stuff? So now, Mexico is oppressed and we own them. I don’t care about the race of any of the people coming into the country. I do have a lot more common sense that you and live in the real world, not some sheltered Utopia where all past wrongs can be made right by persecuting “whitey”.

I'm glad your fear of an imaginary sky man is the only thing keeping you from going out on a rampage of murder and rape. You God-Botherers act shitty enough with your fear of a God-Man. I would hate to think what happens when you wake up one morning and find out there is no Santa Claus.

We know what happens when your kind are in control. Cities start to smoke and buisness leave town. The secular ideology breeds this type of behavior.

The key thing is Jewish is not a race. It's a religion.
Religion is a choice. You are presented with a bunch of absurd positions with no evidence, and you choose to believe them anyway.
Zionism is religious stupidity cranked up to 11.

"I'm going to steal land from some brown people, giving them a pretty darned good reason to hate me, and then whine like a stuck pig when some of them kill us. All because God promised me this strip of desert 3000 years ago."

Yes, that is deserving of mockery.

You believe much more absurd things regaring our creation. Believing that it took an intelligent being vs that it all just happened by chance. Both take a level of faith for certain. We have faith that God created everything and you have faith that science will figure out how to get something from nothing and for that something to randomly mutate countless centillion times into something as complex as life. Honestly, for those that study microbiology, it takes a lot of faith to believe that the extremely complex mechanisms they see under the microscope was by chance. If I am walking in the woods and see a cabin, I make the assumption that it was built by an intelligent being and that it didn’t just fall into place that way, though technically it is possible and far, far more likely than scientific theory regarding the origins of life.

No, you guys want to pretend racism doesn't exist while relying on it. We get that.

How do rely on it? I never mention it. I stated the reasons why I think Hamas is bad and why we need to protect our border and none of those reasons have to do with race. You project race into every conversation because you have been indoctrinated to do so.

Again, Southerners are kind of an embarrassment to the rest of us. That's why when a Hollywood Writer wants to establish that a character is an ignorant bigot, the shorthand is to give him a southern accent. If you want people to stop thinking you are rubes, learn to speak English properly, stop clinging to backwards superstitions, and stop being proud of that time you almost destroyed the country so a few rich assholes could keep owning other people.

You mean Hollywood stereotypes people? No way. Chicago is a town full of gangs and thugs. I mean that is what others think of your city if you step outside your little circle. Are all Chicagoans thugs and gang members? Hollywood wouldn’t likely create a character that was a gang banging thug and place him in a small Southern town, but would rather place in a place like Chicago.

We have been through this. My standard of living is eons better than yours. I want you to downplay all of the South to all your liberal buddies. We don’t want nor need your problems here.

Oh, the world would be fantastically better off without the Zionist Entity. First, the Islamic World wouldn't have a constant source of resentment towards the west. Secondly, you wouldn't have the Israeli Lobby constantly dragging us into wars in the Middle East.

LOL..You still don’t get it. To Islamic radicals, anyone that doesn’t agree with them needs to die. We can’t make nice with them. Appeasement doesn’t work, but liberals are far too dumb to recognize this.

What if I said the world would be a better place without the Islamic World? I mean if Israel was the only country standing over there, wouldn’t there be peace?
Hamas is now going to be eliminated and Gaza citizens will need a new government there. As IDF hunt down and bring to justice the terrorists this should be considered. Many if not most citizens there are discontented anyways so why not ask them if they have a moderate, non-militant government that can replace their current government that is on the run? This would probably save more lives in the long run.

As long as it's a Baghdad purple finger election and not a 2020 democrat/Sinaloa Cartel steal, go for it
Reality check. Hamas won the election because most Palestinians don't want to negotiate with the Zionist Squatters.
I didn't know Iran and Syria were Zionists, on what planet is this your sound reality?
Cleetus rides again.

The fact that you can’t tell the difference between targeting civilians, including infants, vs civilians being caught in the cross fire is very telling. Using your metric, any nation that has been at war is equivalent to terrorist. Normal people don’t have that radical view.

I don't think killing civilians becomes less atrocious because you use a 500 million-dollar airplane to do it. War is terror. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I don't say this as a hippy pacifist, I served in the military for 11 years and I knew darned well that if I was called on to kill people, I would do that.

Do you ever stop with the constant victimhood stuff? So now, Mexico is oppressed and we own them. I don’t care about the race of any of the people coming into the country. I do have a lot more common sense that you and live in the real world, not some sheltered Utopia where all past wrongs can be made right by persecuting “whitey”.

How is admitting wrongs "persecuting" you? We have wronged Mexico, any study of history will show that.

We know what happens when your kind are in control. Cities start to smoke and buisness leave town. The secular ideology breeds this type of behavior.

You missed a few steps in that equation, bud. Frankly, I look at the Chicago Skyline, vibrant and bustling, and no smoke. But never mind. You won't even tell us what city you live in so we can compare.

You believe much more absurd things regaring our creation. Believing that it took an intelligent being vs that it all just happened by chance. Both take a level of faith for certain.
No, not really. Most of what we believe is backed up by evidence. We KNOW life changed over time, we have fossils. We see examples of adaptive radiation/natural selection in the real world. We have microbiology that show genetic links between life.

You guys have an old book with a talking snake in it.

We have faith that God created everything and you have faith that science will figure out how to get something from nothing and for that something to randomly mutate countless centillion times into something as complex as life. Honestly, for those that study microbiology, it takes a lot of faith to believe that the extremely complex mechanisms they see under the microscope was by chance.

Well, no, it really doesn't. What you leave out of that equation is TIME. We now know this process happened over BILLIONS of years.

If I am walking in the woods and see a cabin, I make the assumption that it was built by an intelligent being and that it didn’t just fall into place that way, though technically it is possible and far, far more likely than scientific theory regarding the origins of life.

Except you can document when that Cabin was built by checking records of property ownership and building permits. Not so much the existence of life. Where's Jehovah's permit? And how do we know it was Jehovah and not Krishna or Amaterasu or Allah or Odin or Zeus?

How do rely on it? I never mention it. I stated the reasons why I think Hamas is bad and why we need to protect our border and none of those reasons have to do with race. You project race into every conversation because you have been indoctrinated to do so.
No, we always need to protect ourselves from people who are brown and have less than we have. Amazing how that works.
You mean Hollywood stereotypes people? No way. Chicago is a town full of gangs and thugs. I mean that is what others think of your city if you step outside your little circle. Are all Chicagoans thugs and gang members?
Except we embrace our image. We've turned Al Capone into an icon.
We have been through this. My standard of living is eons better than yours.
That's why you won't tell me where your Trailer is located, Cleetus, because you are so proud.
We have been through this. My standard of living is eons better than yours. I want you to downplay all of the South to all your liberal buddies. We don’t want nor need your problems here.
Except you miss why they need to bring people from the north. They move that factory to get the better tax break, but then they realize that Cleetus and Bubba can't do complex work involving math.

So they have to bring down some of them there city folk to keep things running.

You need to appreciate your betters.
LOL..You still don’t get it. To Islamic radicals, anyone that doesn’t agree with them needs to die. We can’t make nice with them. Appeasement doesn’t work, but liberals are far too dumb to recognize this.
Again, we don't have a problem with the Islamic world because their religion is any crazier than your religion. We have a problem because we keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.
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