Israel and Bibi should negotiate with Gaza citizens to replace Hamas with a new government that the citizens will elect

Didn’t realize the Israelis still lived in Gaza Thought they were forced to leave in 2005
Israel holds onto land it seized in the '67 war. That is illegal. The only thing you can do with an occupation, is to end it. Saying Israel has a right to the occupied territories, is like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.
Here we go again… Denying the Arabs initiated the 67 War which is a lie
Why is Israel an occupational force? That area of the world has changed hands many times over the last 3k+ years. Many countries around the world have been conquered and territories have been re-drawn in that period of time. We can’t roll it all back and if we did the Palestinians may not own all the land either. How do you think people would view the Palestinians still fighting for ”their” land 1000 years from now?

In short, WWII changed the landscape in that area yet again and the Jewish people regained control of the old Kingdom of Israel they they lost by being conquered by the Assyrians.
Israel sits on unceded Palestinian territory.
I am kind of wondering if this is a false flag.
No, not a 'false flag' operation.

But if you're looking for a conspiracy (as usual) Israel and Saudi Arabi were about to become BFF's and that would have put Iran in a bad spot.

Iran is Persian, not Arab. Very much not Arab. In fact, they were self-described Aryans. "Iran" in Persian is pronounced and means "Aryan".

Plus, they are Shia Muslims and they do not like Sunni Muslims. The feelings are mutual They hate each other.

So with the Sauds and the Israelis becoming buddies, Iran would have been isolated.

Not anymore. But the Saudis under MBS are pretty sharp and that stand with Hamas was almost certainly not from MBS. So he won't have any trouble walking that back in the near future. The problem, IMO, will be if Israel cares anymore.

go away
I know this, that is my point. The have abandoned any desire.for governing and are now on the run. Their citizens need new, stable representation.
They have little place to run... They are War Criminals and most countries will hand them over to the Hague at least..
They have little place to run... They are War Criminals and most countries will hand them over to the Hague at least..
Last I heard Israel have arrested at least 44 terrorists, so many of them will receive justice outside paying the ultimate price. They simply cannot exist as a Party or movement, their onky objective is to kill Jews and destroy.Israel, how is that even defined as a government in 2023?
Netanyahu in 2019


This has been Israeli strategy for years, ever since Hamas slaughtered Fatah in the Gaza Strip 15 years ago. They were all lying there with their throats slit. And Hamas took power in the Gaza Strip. And Israel supported hamas as a counterbalance to Fatah. Moreover, Israel's supreme court has a policy of multiculturalism and tolerance. This is not the first time Hamas tried to destroy the fence, but the Israeli court forbade shooting at people who try to destroy the fence. After every special operation in Gaza, many military officers are sent to prison for years for unjustified, from the point of view of the court, use of violence against Hamas members. So even if the military had detected the beginning of the invasion, they would hardly shoot at the militants without orders. Although they probably fucked it up. In general, Hamas, in fact, was created by Israel, just as Al Qaeda was created by the US. The results in both cases are quite similar.
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You’re Correct . Israeli tanks entered AFTER Nasser closed the Straits barring Israel’s access to INTERNATIONAL WATERS Please tell us why the UN “ peacekeepers “ left?
It doesn't matter. Israel was not attacked. Therefore, their invasion of Egypt was illegal according to UN Charter Article 51.
It doesn't matter. Israel was not attacked. Therefore, their invasion of Egypt was illegal according to UN Charter Article 51.
No; It wasn’t . They we’re INTERNATIONAL WATERS and Nasser bragged he was going to destroy Israel; one way or the other Nothing in; nothing out Please tell us why the UN “ peacekeepers “ left
No; It wasn’t . They we’re INTERNATIONAL WATERS and Nasser bragged he was going to destroy Israel; one way or the other Nothing in; nothing out Please tell us why the UN “ peacekeepers “ left
Because Nassar kicked them out. But that doesn't justify the Israeli invasion of Egypt. Israel should have worked with the UN to resolve the conflict. You cannot attack a country unless you, yourself are attacked. And Israel was not attacked.
Because Nassar kicked them out. But that doesn't justify the Israeli invasion of Egypt. Israel should have worked with the UN to resolve the conflict. You cannot attack a country unless you, yourself are attacked. And Israel was not attacked.
Try to READ The UN did try to no avail How long can a Country exist without anything coming in or out? They are INTERNATIONAL WATERS and Israel had a right to them

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