Israel and Bibi should negotiate with Gaza citizens to replace Hamas with a new government that the citizens will elect

How long can a country exist without anything coming in or out? I don't know, ask Gazan's!
Gaza is being surrounded without ANY goods coming in? Another lie! MAYBE if they weren’t caught smuggling weapons there wouldn’t be ANY Blockade
Sounds so easy. What the hell have others been doing for 4,000 years of constant fighting until the OP came around to solve it?
Are you saying Gazans don't have the right to defend themselves? Well, you need weapons for that!
So you figure rockets and AKs are not weapons. Your problem is obvious to everyone else, when you pull your head out of your ass, maybe you'll discover what everyone else knows.
Freedom doesn't have anything to do with it. They've enjoyed autonomy in Gaza for decades. They are on record as calling for the annihilation of Israel. Run along, your ignorance is showing.
Man, you're such a fuckin' liar! You're also an inhuman POS for saying the brutal siege on Gaza is "autonomy". If Gazans were autonomous, they would be able to get medical and humanitarian aid without Israeli harassment.

They can't even fucking fish without getting shot at by the IDF! WHO THE FUCK SHOOTS AT PEOPLE FISHING, you Naziesque asshole!?
Man, you're such a fuckin' liar! You're also an inhuman POS for saying the brutal siege on Gaza is "autonomy". If Gazans were autonomous, they would be able to get medical and humanitarian aid without Israeli harassment.

They can't even fucking fish without getting shot at by the IDF! WHO THE FUCK SHOOTS AT PEOPLE FISHING, you Naziesque asshole!?
This look homemade to you? Educate yourself moron. Gaza has a border with Egypt as well.
They voted for them in a free and fair election. And to say all 2.2 million Gazans are complicit, is right out of Josef Goebbels playbook.
Hey stupid, you keep calling everyone else nazis as you call for the annihilation of Israel. Do you ever pay attention to the shit you spew? Moron.
Hey stupid, you keep calling everyone else nazis as you call for the annihilation of Israel. Do you ever pay attention to the shit you spew? Moron.
When have I called for the annihilation of Israel. Show me the post where I say that? Or is ad hominems and bullshit innuendos is as far as you go?

You really like to lie a lot!

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