Israel and Bibi should negotiate with Gaza citizens to replace Hamas with a new government that the citizens will elect

For starters, nobody is scared of Mexicans, but some of us have some common sense. We can't support the world and allowing an open border is a huge security risk. I know in your cum-by-ya fantasy world bad people would never attempt to walk across our border and take advantage of our system or do harm to us, but some of us live in reality.

Let me preface this by pointing out my father was an immigrant (from Germany) and my wife is an immigrant (from China). Both have had to put up with nonsense from bigots.

Taking in a few million refugees is hardly "Supporting the world". in fact, if anything, we need immigrants right now because white people aren't replacing themselves at retirement rates.

We knew we had an immigration problem for 20 years, but we've taken no steps other than pandering to the bigots who live in mortal fear a Mexican might date their daughter.

Secondly, your mixed analogy exemplifies your general confusion. Israel's territory is theirs, unless of course you want to reverse all land exchanges that have taken place throughout history as the result of war?. Good luck with that. Israel gives work permits to Palestinians in Gaza to come and work.

Except the Zionist Entity isn't entitled to that land; they stole it. To maintain their control, they have to engage in apartheid policies. If Israel lived in a one-person, one-vote system like any other democracy, it would be a very different country when the 6 million Arabs are on an equal footing with the 6 million Jews. (not to mention the 1.5 million or so Palestinians in exile being given a right to return.

Yes, the Israelis want to exploit Arab labor. I'm always amused by people who exploit you and then act like they are doing you a favor.

In return, they elect Hamas who in turn randomly attacks Israel. Israel responds and people like you act as if they shouldn't do so, or must do so proportionally, because they are the "occupiers" and deserve the random attacks on its citizens.

Hamas got elected because the Zionist Entity has dealt with Palestinians in Bad faith since 1948.

Would it be justified for Native Americans to indiscriminately kill people in the US? It seems as though in the minds of the average lefty, if a group claims to be a victim are justified to do virtually anything they want. Again, back in reality, things can't work like that.

You are making my point. Native Americans did EXACTLY what you think Palestinians should do. They live on reservations, in hopelessness. Their culture is destroyed with massive crime and substance abuse.

If I were a Palestinian, I would say, "Better to die on my feet than live on my knees!"

All religion is not evil. To say otherwise is ignorant.
Nope, religion is evil because it's people trying to exert control over other people. Do what I say or some awful thing will happen to you in an afterlife I can't prove actually is there. Because people fear death, they often go along with the most absurd shit.

Hamas started this war you dolt. Just like a lefty, you always have an excuse on hand for criminals.
Nope, Israel started it in 1948 when they stole Arab land.

I couldn't care less about ticking anybody off. Terrorists are evil. If terrorists control a region or a country, that country or region needs to be eliminated. Pretty simple really.

Do you really want to go by that standard? I am sure that the world is full of Iraqis, Afghans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, etc., who consider the US the terrorists for what we've done to them in the past.

Some 3000+ years ago, the Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians and yes many Jews relocated. How far back do you wish to go? The area was once part of the Roman Empire, then the Byzantine Empire. Are we to evaluate the origins of everyone in the world and locate them accordingly? Is that even remotely feasible? Maybe Israel and Palestine should be given to Europe, but which country/countries? Are we to reverse thousands of years worth of conquest? Where does it stop? That makes little sense, but I have come to expect such from you and your ilk.

Actually, a very simple solution.

One person, one vote. With a right to return for all of the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Jordan and Lebanon.
I know this, that is my point. The have abandoned any desire.for governing and are now on the run. Their citizens need new, stable representation.
I didn't realize Hamas was on the run....

I do agree they have no interest in governing, their only interest is war. There is reason the leader of Hamas is worth millions, he has an interest in keeping the conflict a live
Israel helped to create Hamas to get rid of the PLO.
I believe they saw Hamas as 'manageable' and so, tolerated them.

That's over. They're all gonna die now.

'bout time
Let me preface this by pointing out my father was an immigrant (from Germany) and my wife is an immigrant (from China). Both have had to put up with nonsense from bigots.

Taking in a few million refugees is hardly "Supporting the world". in fact, if anything, we need immigrants right now because white people aren't replacing themselves at retirement rates.

We knew we had an immigration problem for 20 years, but we've taken no steps other than pandering to the bigots who live in mortal fear a Mexican might date their daughter.

Except the Zionist Entity isn't entitled to that land; they stole it. To maintain their control, they have to engage in apartheid policies. If Israel lived in a one-person, one-vote system like any other democracy, it would be a very different country when the 6 million Arabs are on an equal footing with the 6 million Jews. (not to mention the 1.5 million or so Palestinians in exile being given a right to return.

Yes, the Israelis want to exploit Arab labor. I'm always amused by people who exploit you and then act like they are doing you a favor.

Hamas got elected because the Zionist Entity has dealt with Palestinians in Bad faith since 1948.

You are making my point. Native Americans did EXACTLY what you think Palestinians should do. They live on reservations, in hopelessness. Their culture is destroyed with massive crime and substance abuse.

If I were a Palestinian, I would say, "Better to die on my feet than live on my knees!"

Nope, religion is evil because it's people trying to exert control over other people. Do what I say or some awful thing will happen to you in an afterlife I can't prove actually is there. Because people fear death, they often go along with the most absurd shit.

Nope, Israel started it in 1948 when they stole Arab land.

Do you really want to go by that standard? I am sure that the world is full of Iraqis, Afghans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, etc., who consider the US the terrorists for what we've done to them in the past.

Actually, a very simple solution.

One person, one vote. With a right to return for all of the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Jordan and Lebanon.
If you knew anything about history (you don't) you'd know that 'By Right of Military Conquest' is the oldest Law in the books.

If you have a deed to your property and research it back far enough, you are very likely to find that term somewhere.

It's real and it is very, very legal. So I don't know where you get off applying your College Freshman morals onto the political stage when you know nothing about much of anything.

Too much stupidity in your one post to address without writing a book on it. Not in the mood.

Hope you watched The View today. betcha
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This weekend Hamas were the bad guys, look at Gazza right now, there is no military aim in what they are doing... It is just bombing innocent people with disregard..

The clear aim is to rid Gaza of Hamas. They are cowards and mingle with citizens. There is plenty of regard, but only so much you can do. Blame it on the wimp, cowards that make up Hamas.

We knew we had an immigration problem for 20 years, but we've taken no steps other than pandering to the bigots who live in mortal fear a Mexican might date their daughter.

It isn't about racism, it is about maintain sovereignty and safety. Your world revolves around racism. You need to get out.

Except the Zionist Entity isn't entitled to that land; they stole it.

Hamas got elected because the Zionist Entity has dealt with Palestinians in Bad faith since 1948

I couldn't care less why they were elected. They are terrorist that target anyone that doesn't agree with them, including women and children. They are evil.

You are making my point. Native Americans did EXACTLY what you think Palestinians should do. They live on reservations, in hopelessness. Their culture is destroyed with massive crime and substance abuse.

If I were a Palestinian, I would say, "Better to die on my feet than live on my knees!"

So in your view Native Americans should start killing innocent women and children? Applying your logic, they should and it would be totally justified.

Nope, religion is evil because it's people trying to exert control over other people. Do what I say or some awful thing will happen to you in an afterlife I can't prove actually is there. Because people fear death, they often go along with the most absurd shit.

Non-believers could argue that it was meant to control people. The thing is, certain religions promote good behavior, whether you believe in them or not. You act as if the tenants of Christianity are bad. That is as a hard argument to make. You and many other secular people don't answer to anyone, which is exactly why you are evil. Do what makes you feel good. Who cares, right? You die and you become dirt. What difference does it make really what you do on this earth? Do what helps YOU and YOU only.

Nope, Israel started it in 1948 when they stole Arab land.

History didn't begin in the 20th century.

Do you really want to go by that standard? I am sure that the world is full of Iraqis, Afghans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, etc., who consider the US the terrorists for what we've done to them in the past.

Are you trying to justify Hamas? It sure seems like it. I am not at all surprised. Most lefties do it, just like they support looters and other criminals. I guess you can't help it.

Spew your anti-American hatred elsewhere.

Actually, a very simple solution.

One person, one vote. With a right to return for all of the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Jordan and Lebanon.

Sure, really simple.
In reality IDF (under hardline Israelis) have been cooking this already this year.. IDF have killed 250 people before this weekend and have removed Palestinians out of thousands of their own homes..

There are Isrealis that don't want peace, there are Palestinians that don't want peace. What Hamas did was very wrong and I totally condemn. But lets be clear there are certain Israelis who have blood on their hands and are loving this... They want this war just as much a jihadist..

I think Robert Fisk said it best when he said both sides are wrong and any one trying to justify their side is just trying to justify murder...

This weekend Hamas were the bad guys, look at Gazza right now, there is no military aim in what they are doing... It is just bombing innocent people with disregard..

You morons just don't get it! There are zero troops from the IDF in Gaza. How could they force someone out of their home if they are not there?

Let's see a link to your imagined expulsions from their homes in Gaza!
If you knew anything about history (you don't) you'd know that 'By Right of Military Conquest' is the oldest Law in the books.

Um, sorry, man, that concept went out the window after WWII with the UN Charter.

Too much stupidity in your one post to address without writing a book on it. Not in the mood.
Well, we know basic literacy is a challenge for you.
I couldn't care less why they were elected. They are terrorist that target anyone that doesn't agree with them, including women and children. They are evil.

We know you Plutocrats don't care about elections... but that's the point, isn't it? The IDF targets women and children, as well.

So in your view Native Americans should start killing innocent women and children? Applying your logic, they should and it would be totally justified.

Oh, I think any oppressed people have a right to fight back. It's the only language the oppressor understands. Shouldn't be that way, we should do the right thing without prompting.

Non-believers could argue that it was meant to control people. The thing is, certain religions promote good behavior, whether you believe in them or not. You act as if the tenants of Christianity are bad. That is as a hard argument to make.
Not hard at all. The problem with religion is that it forces conformity. You have to believe what we believe or we are going to do terrible things to you in this life. 2000 years of witch burning, crusades, inquisitions, etc.

You and many other secular people don't answer to anyone, which is exactly why you are evil. Do what makes you feel good. Who cares, right? You die and you become dirt. What difference does it make really what you do on this earth? Do what helps YOU and YOU only.

Enlightened self-interest isn't a bad thing. Religion is about getting us all to bow down to interests that are not our own.

I would argue that atheists have a superior morality because it isn't based on fear. I don't murder people because murdering people is wrong, not because I am afraid Magic Sky Man will punish me in an afterlife that never happens. On the other hand, what kind of sex I am having is really my own business. (Note, my sex life is about vanilla as you can get, but again, my choice.)

Are you trying to justify Hamas? It sure seems like it. I am not at all surprised. Most lefties do it, just like they support looters and other criminals. I guess you can't help it.

Spew your anti-American hatred elsewhere.
I don't conflate Israel's interests with America's interests, like a lot of people on the right do. And only one of will get a flag on his coffin when he dies.

Frankly, if Isarel is pushed into the sea, that's really, really not our problem.

Any problem they have with the Palestinians are ones they've created.
Hamas is now going to be eliminated and Gaza citizens will need a new government there. As IDF hunt down and bring to justice the terrorists this should be considered. Many if not most citizens there are discontented anyways so why not ask them if they have a moderate, non-militant government that can replace their current government that is on the run? This would probably save more lives in the long run.
Fuck negotiation. Negotiation should have been the option before Hamas killed 1000+ Israelis. The proper course is to level Gaza. Take no prisoners. Salt the earth. Hamas is torturing and killing innocent people.
They were elected AFTER Israel completely withdrew from Gaza.
Not sure what your point is. The point is, they got elected because unlike Fatah, they took a strong position against Zionism.
So you're OK with another Shoah? The elimination of roughly 50% of the world's Jews?
Oh, they will all have money to leave... please give me a break.

If you are stupid enough to move in to a place where people want to kill you, that's kind of on you.

You see, if my neighbors started strapping bombs on themselves to try to kill me... I'd move.
Not sure what your point is. The point is, they got elected because unlike Fatah, they took a strong position against Zionism.

Oh, they will all have money to leave... please give me a break.

If you are stupid enough to move in to a place where people want to kill you, that's kind of on you.

You see, if my neighbors started strapping bombs on themselves to try to kill me... I'd move.
Our ancestral land. A tiny, at the time mostly worthless piece of land that we could return to. As opposed to all the rest of the Arab world. We are not going anywhere. Deal with it.
The IDF targets women and children, as well.

Patently and demonstrably false. You must be getting your news from hard-core Islamic terrorist media. You wouldn't be the first Democrat to do so.

Oh, I think any oppressed people have a right to fight back. It's the only language the oppressor understands.

The problem is that everybody can claim to be oppressed and thus have an excuse for violence.

Enlightened self-interest isn't a bad thing.

Everyone has some self-interest in mind. Being "enlightened" only means you know how to benefit yourself. It has nothing to do with whether or not your actions harm someone else.

I don't murder people because murdering people is wrong, not because I am afraid Magic Sky Man will punish me in an afterlife that never happens.

Why is it wrong? Who says so? The law? If you could legally get away with it and it benefitted you in some way, why wouldn't you do it? You live, you die and you return to dust. Who cares, right? Why would you care how anyone remembered you or the damage you may have caused as long as you had fun while you were alive. You only live one time and you may as well enjoy it at all costs. Getting caught is the only deterrent. Don't give me this crap about having some innate sense of morality. Bottom line is that it is easy to be a non-believer because there are no constraints other than the law. It is like being a kid with their parents away from home. Being a perpetual child seems to be a popular trait among Democrats and the secular, anti-religious crowd.

Frankly, if Isarel is pushed into the sea, that's really, really not our problem.

Any problem they have with the Palestinians are ones they've created.

Israel can take care of the problem on their own. They actually show quite a bit of restraint. If left on their own, they would destroy these terrorists countries who have said point blank that they will not stop until all Jews are dead. Maybe you are on to something. The US should stop asking them to exercise constraint and let them do their thing.
I'm not worried about 2 million oppressed Palestinians coming here.

Right, because there is no way that Hamas would play the part of an oppressed Palestinian to gain entry. In case you didn't know it, our vetting process isn't exactly what most would call reliable and through. Heck, these people can walk over our Southern border now and head to a sanctuary city for some freebees. You guys are on another level of stupid.
Patently and demonstrably false. You must be getting your news from hard-core Islamic terrorist media. You wouldn't be the first Democrat to do so.

Palestinian authorities said at least 830 people have been killed and another 4,250 have been injured in Gaza due to Israeli retaliatory attacks.

Well, it's not like they are white or anything, amiright?

The problem is that everybody can claim to be oppressed and thus have an excuse for violence.

Yes, but some can say it with credibility, Cleetus.

Everyone has some self-interest in mind. Being "enlightened" only means you know how to benefit yourself. It has nothing to do with whether or not your actions harm someone else.

Actually, it has everything to do with it. Murder is wrong. Eating meat on Friday during Lent isn't. Having sex outside of marriage isn't. See how that works?

Why is it wrong? Who says so? The law? If you could legally get away with it and it benefitted you in some way, why wouldn't you do it?

I live in a city where the clearance rate for murder is only 18%. If I really, really wanted to plan out a murder, I could. Shit, the Army taught me a whole bunch of ways to take human life if I were so inclined. Of course, I wouldn't because - wait for it - I know that as awful as certain people I dislike are, they have families and friends who would miss them. See, morality without an Imaginary Sky Friend.

Israel can take care of the problem on their own. They actually show quite a bit of restraint. If left on their own, they would destroy these terrorists countries who have said point blank that they will not stop until all Jews are dead. Maybe you are on to something. The US should stop asking them to exercise constraint and let them do their thing.

Oh, please... if the one thing we should be reminded, the Zionist Entity talks tough shit, but they really aren't. They haven't won a war since 1967. (We had to bail them out in 1973).

Right, because there is no way that Hamas would play the part of an oppressed Palestinian to gain entry. In case you didn't know it, our vetting process isn't exactly what most would call reliable and through. Heck, these people can walk over our Southern border now and head to a sanctuary city for some freebees. You guys are on another level of stupid.

Oooh, Scary Brown People... that must keep you up all night, Cleetus.
Our ancestral land. A tiny, at the time mostly worthless piece of land that we could return to. As opposed to all the rest of the Arab world. We are not going anywhere. Deal with it.

I'm sorry, guy, your "Claim" is in a book that has talking snakes and giants in it.

Just because you've adopted a distorted version of the religion that was practiced there 3000 years ago doesn't give you a claim.

In 50 years, the Zionist Entity will be gone and the world will be better off for it. Hopefully peacefully like South Africa's apartheid was ended.
Didn’t realize the Israelis still lived in Gaza Thought they were forced to leave in 2005
Israel was not forced to leave Gaza. Sharon naively thought withdrawing from Gaza and closing some outlying Israeli settlement in area C would lead to a peace treaty with the PA, but clearly it was a mistake, and now it is clear that Israel must reoccupy Gaza and eliminate the terrorists.

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