Israel attacks civilians

WEST BANK, (PIC)-- 21 Palestinians were wounded and 12 homes and buildings were demolished in the occupied West Bank last week, according to a report on Israeli violations issued by the UN office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (OCHA).

The report stated the income sources of 36 Palestinians were affected by Israel's demolition of nine buildings last week.

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) also issued demolition orders against two homes in occupied Jerusalem and Jericho, and other five structures in Nablus city, the report said.

OCHA also stated in its report that 18 Palestinians were shot by Israeli soldiers during the week and three others were wounded by Jewish settlers.

As part of their weekly attacks, the Jewish settlers sabotaged 40 olive trees near Kfar Tapuah settlement, damaged or burnt eight Palestinian vehicles in Salfit, Nablus, Ramallah and Al-Khalil cities and painted racist slurs on the walls of Deir Estia village near Salfit.

OCHA: 21 Palestinians injured, 12 structures razed last week
Five days after the Jewish state lurched into existence the Palestinian village of Tantura was attacked in the middle of the night by the armed forces of Israel. A descendant of one of the survivors, Hala Gabriel, is making a documentary film about that particular war crime.
A typical stinking arab liar, of course. The drivel originates from commie Ilan Pappe's book, who freely admitted in his own memorable words "My bias is apparent despite the desire of my peers that I stick to facts and the "truth" when reconstructing past realities. I view any such construction as vain and presumptuous." At least he's honest about spreading garbage.
Which places him several moral notches above racist apologists like yourself.
Five days after the Jewish state lurched into existence the Palestinian village of Tantura was attacked in the middle of the night by the armed forces of Israel. A descendant of one of the survivors, Hala Gabriel, is making a documentary film about that particular war crime.
A typical stinking arab liar, of course. The drivel originates from commie Ilan Pappe's book, who freely admitted in his own memorable words "My bias is apparent despite the desire of my peers that I stick to facts and the "truth" when reconstructing past realities. I view any such construction as vain and presumptuous." At least he's honest about spreading garbage.
Which places him several moral notches above racist apologists like yourself.
Meaning, nothing, coming out of anyone, cheerleading liars like Pappe, can be taken seriously, of course.
You can take Benzion Pridan seriously.

"She (Hala) soon learnt that Tantura was attacked on May 23, 1948 by the Alexandroni brigade led by American born Colonel Benzion Pridan..."

"With some help, Hala managed to meet Benzion Pridan or the ‘Boogie Man’ as she refers to him. “Pridan himself admitted that a mass grave exists under the parking lot in Tantura. Israel refuses to exhume the bodies.”

“My only objective was to keep them (Pridan and two of his former soldiers) there long enough to have some footage. Pridan repeatedly said he would never have shown up had he known who I was.

"Many of my relatives were thrown into that mass grave under the parking lot … I had difficulty sleeping that night.'”

Don't you ever tire of cheerleading for racist psychopaths who fill mass graves.
Would you feel differently if it were your relatives under that parking lot?

Live, from Israel
Point out the fabrication:

"In Syria(specifically the Yarmouk refugee camp which is one of the largest refugee camps today), Hala met over 25 villagers who witnessed the attack. 'After 62 years they are still classified as refugees, exiled from their homeland, living without a valid citizenship, nationality or country.'

Live, from Israel
Point out the fabrication:"In Syria(specifically the Yarmouk refugee camp which is one of the largest refugee camps today),
Why do arabs hate their brethren so much?
Hala met over 25 villagers who witnessed the attack.
Did they fabricate a "massacre" too?
'After 62 years they are still classified as refugees, exiled from their homeland, living without a valid citizenship, nationality or country.'
Churchill noted that "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.", so what "homeland" have those arab settlers been babbling about?
Palestinians kill their own. Syria kills their own. Egypt kills their own. Libya kills their own.

Just in the last year.
Point out the fabrication:"In Syria(specifically the Yarmouk refugee camp which is one of the largest refugee camps today),
Why do arabs hate their brethren so much?
Hala met over 25 villagers who witnessed the attack.
Did they fabricate a "massacre" too?
'After 62 years they are still classified as refugees, exiled from their homeland, living without a valid citizenship, nationality or country.'
Churchill noted that "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.", so what "homeland" have those arab settlers been babbling about?
Churchill was just another white, racist aristocrat who confused empire with civilization. More than anyone else it was Churchill who cobbled the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds together to make the sovereign state of Iraq. When the natives objected to British experiments with mustard gas, Winnie complained about the practice of British troops to fire willfully on women and children but did less than nothing to stop it.

Think he might have had a Zionist gene?

The Arab homeland you drivel about was called Palestine before one third of its citizens inflicted a Jewish state by force of arms in order to steal their neighbors' land and water.

What makes Jews so special?
Nationality or citizenship?
Arabs killing their own George and all over the arena where you are posting your outrage. Where's your faux outrage at the endemic nature of such a thing as thousands of Arabs dying daily from their own leaders hands?

Thousands of Arabs dying daily?

How many or those dead Arabs were killed by weapons supplied by the US government to dictators and puppets for the sole purpose of controlling Arab oil production and distribution?

Clean your own house first, Iggy.
Where is your outcry at them killing each other? You cry about their weapons, where they got them and financed them but not what they do with them.

Now that's faux outrage.
Where is your outcry at them killing each other? You cry about their weapons, where they got them and financed them but not what they do with them.

Now that's faux outrage.

That is not necessarily true. In Palestine, for example, the US arms, pays, and trains forces to attack other Palestinians. When the Palestinians defend themselves from these US attacks, the liars in the media call it "killing their own."
The Palestinians can't stop killing each other long enough to talk peace with anyone else. The Syrians are killing each other. The Egyptians are killing each other. The Libyans are killing each other. It's happening all over the middle east at the moment. An Arab spring of death is what I am seeing.
[ame=]Laila El-Haddad reporting on Gaza violence - YouTube[/ame]
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Point out the fabrication:"In Syria(specifically the Yarmouk refugee camp which is one of the largest refugee camps today),
Why do arabs hate their brethren so much?Did they fabricate a "massacre" too?
'After 62 years they are still classified as refugees, exiled from their homeland, living without a valid citizenship, nationality or country.'
Churchill noted that "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.", so what "homeland" have those arab settlers been babbling about?
Churchill was just another white, racist aristocrat who confused empire with civilization. More than anyone else it was Churchill who cobbled the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds together to make the sovereign state of Iraq. When the natives objected to British experiments with mustard gas, Winnie complained about the practice of British troops to fire willfully on women and children but did less than nothing to stop it.
Whatever the allegations, they doesn't alter, or diminish, or invalidate the fact that, "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.", of course.
Think he might have had a Zionist gene?
Of course! Scotch and cigars!
The Arab homeland you drivel about
It's arabs, who drivel about their alleged "homesty", of course.
What makes Jews so special? Nationality or citizenship?
Nah, judophobia, of course! Getting a life and job helps.
Not to mention killing their neighbors and stealing their land.

"Haim Cohen, a former judge of the Supreme Court of Israel stated: 'The bitter irony of fate decreed that the same biological and racist argument extended by the Nazis, and which inspired the inflammatory laws of Nuremberg, serve as the basis for the official definition of Jewishness in the bosom of the state of Israel' (quoted in Joseph Badi, Fundamental Laws of the State of Israel NY, 1960, P.156)

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"What...sources reveal for the formative period of U.S. policy in 1945-49 speaks directly to the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the roots of the Israeli-U.S. relationship in 1948, and its connection to U.S. interests in the region.

"For example, following President Truman’s recognition of Israel, both the State and Defense Departments made a major shift in their evaluation of the new state.

"This was based on their enhanced appreciation of Israel’s military capacity after its unchallenged territorial expansion beyond the lines proposed by the 1947 UN Partition Resolution exposed the military inferiority of Palestinians and surrounding Arab states. Israel came to be viewed as a potentially significant ally in protecting U.S. regional interests, including oil. This, as early as 1948."

Money was the root of Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine and money will spell its end.
Boycotts, divestment and sanctions will strangle the Israeli economy.
The sooner the better.

Irene Gendzier: US policy in Israel/Palestine, 1948 – the forgotten history | Israeli Occupation Archive

the military inferiority of Palestinians and surrounding Arab states.

They forget to mention the intellectual inferiority.
You're forgetting the moral inferiority of Zionists:

Five days after the Jewish state lurched into existence the Palestinian village of Tantura was attacked in the middle of the night by the armed forces of Israel. A descendant of one of the survivors, Hala Gabriel, is making a documentary film about that particular war crime.

"(Hala) soon learnt that Tantura was attacked on May 23, 1948 by the Alexandroni brigade led by American born Colonel Benzion Pridan. 'Approximately 300 villagers were killed. Many of the victims were lined up against a wall and shot dead after the village was captured. Young survivors, including my uncle, were ordered to bury the bodies in a mass grave.'

"'The men who survived were then taken to Israeli prison camps — including my father, uncles and grandfather. The women and children, including my grandmother and aunts, were sent by the Red Cross to refugee camps in neighbouring countries.'”

Hala's father was 14 years old when the Zionists shipped him off to a prisoner-of-war camp for two years.

Live, from Israel

All nonsense. First of all Hala Gabriel is not, as the article claims, and award winning film maker. She is an accountant who has worked for various tv and movie production companies.

Hala Gabriel - IMDb

Second, the story of the alleged massacre was invented by a graduate student, Theodore Katz, for his master's thesis. When Katz's charges were reprinted in a newspaper article, he was sued for libel by veterans of the Alexandroni Brigade and confessed to the court

"After checking and re-checking the evidence, it is clear to me now, beyond any doubt, that there is no basis whatsoever for the allegation that the Alexandroni Brigade, or any other fighting unit of the Jewish forces, committed killing of people in Tantura after the village surrendered."

Tantura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the same Katz with whom she entered the West Bank from Jordan. The rest of her story are just embellishments on the original lie told by Katz.
Point out the fabrication:

"In Syria(specifically the Yarmouk refugee camp which is one of the largest refugee camps today), Hala met over 25 villagers who witnessed the attack. 'After 62 years they are still classified as refugees, exiled from their homeland, living without a valid citizenship, nationality or country.'

Live, from Israel

There was an attack but not a massacre. Terrorists were launching attacks on traffic in and out of Haifa from Tantura and other Arab villages on Mount Carmel, and the Alexandroni Brigade was charged with ending the terrorism. Most of the villagers fled the battle to Arab occupied territory and as the front lines advanced, they eventually ended up fleeing to Arab countries. Some who stayed behind were expelled from Israel during the war, but shortly after the war, Israel passed laws allowing any refugee to petition the Israeli government or courts to return to their homes and reclaim their property or compensation for it. Few of the refugees did this because it would have amounted to recognizing the jurisdiction of the state of Israel, and they preferred to make a political statement, and probably keep from being executed as collaborators by their Arab brothers and sisters, than to claim their political or property rights. By choosing this course, they effectively abandoned their claims.

Benny Morris, a noted revisionist historian and a stern critic of Israeli actions during the War of Independence, noted that in nearly all the cases of forced expulsions from Israel, the Arab villages effected had been launching terrorist attacks on Jews for decades. What is remarkable about this story is not that some villagers who had been harboring terrorists for decades were expelled but that the new state of Israel, still traumatized by the war and suffering daily terror attacks on all fronts and struggling to find homes and food for a flood of Jewish refugees was willing to seek reconciliation with Arabs who had been attacking them since 1921.

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