Israel attacks civilians

the military inferiority of Palestinians and surrounding Arab states.

They forget to mention the intellectual inferiority.
You're forgetting the moral inferiority of Zionists:

Five days after the Jewish state lurched into existence the Palestinian village of Tantura was attacked in the middle of the night by the armed forces of Israel. A descendant of one of the survivors, Hala Gabriel, is making a documentary film about that particular war crime.

"(Hala) soon learnt that Tantura was attacked on May 23, 1948 by the Alexandroni brigade led by American born Colonel Benzion Pridan. 'Approximately 300 villagers were killed. Many of the victims were lined up against a wall and shot dead after the village was captured. Young survivors, including my uncle, were ordered to bury the bodies in a mass grave.'

"'The men who survived were then taken to Israeli prison camps — including my father, uncles and grandfather. The women and children, including my grandmother and aunts, were sent by the Red Cross to refugee camps in neighbouring countries.'”

Hala's father was 14 years old when the Zionists shipped him off to a prisoner-of-war camp for two years.

Live, from Israel

All nonsense. First of all Hala Gabriel is not, as the article claims, and award winning film maker. She is an accountant who has worked for various tv and movie production companies.

Hala Gabriel - IMDb

Second, the story of the alleged massacre was invented by a graduate student, Theodore Katz, for his master's thesis. When Katz's charges were reprinted in a newspaper article, he was sued for libel by veterans of the Alexandroni Brigade and confessed to the court

"After checking and re-checking the evidence, it is clear to me now, beyond any doubt, that there is no basis whatsoever for the allegation that the Alexandroni Brigade, or any other fighting unit of the Jewish forces, committed killing of people in Tantura after the village surrendered."

Tantura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the same Katz with whom she entered the West Bank from Jordan. The rest of her story are just embellishments on the original lie told by Katz.
Hala is an award winning film maker who still works for various production companies.

"In 2004, Hala won a Silver Award at the International
Houston Film Festival for her critically acclaimed short documentary entitled 'The Love Project.'

"Hala is currently completing her recent documentary, 'The Road to Tantura.' She also continues to work as a freelance producer, production supervisor and production accountant for the major studios in Los Angeles."

ROAD TO TANTURA - Documentary by Hala Gabriel

Theodore Katz retracted the statement you quote twelve hours after making it, and IIan Pappe continues to support Katz and has challenged the Israeli vets to take him to court claiming he has evidence the massacre did occur.

"(Benny) Morris believes that one village woman was raped, Alexandroni troops may have executed POWs and there may have been some looting, based on an army report that uses the Hebrew word 'khabala' (sabotage).

Tantura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you happen to know if Tantura was located in the Jewish or Arab entity of Mandate Palestine?
Point out the fabrication:

"In Syria(specifically the Yarmouk refugee camp which is one of the largest refugee camps today), Hala met over 25 villagers who witnessed the attack. 'After 62 years they are still classified as refugees, exiled from their homeland, living without a valid citizenship, nationality or country.'

Live, from Israel

There was an attack but not a massacre. Terrorists were launching attacks on traffic in and out of Haifa from Tantura and other Arab villages on Mount Carmel, and the Alexandroni Brigade was charged with ending the terrorism. Most of the villagers fled the battle to Arab occupied territory and as the front lines advanced, they eventually ended up fleeing to Arab countries. Some who stayed behind were expelled from Israel during the war, but shortly after the war, Israel passed laws allowing any refugee to petition the Israeli government or courts to return to their homes and reclaim their property or compensation for it. Few of the refugees did this because it would have amounted to recognizing the jurisdiction of the state of Israel, and they preferred to make a political statement, and probably keep from being executed as collaborators by their Arab brothers and sisters, than to claim their political or property rights. By choosing this course, they effectively abandoned their claims.

Benny Morris, a noted revisionist historian and a stern critic of Israeli actions during the War of Independence, noted that in nearly all the cases of forced expulsions from Israel, the Arab villages effected had been launching terrorist attacks on Jews for decades. What is remarkable about this story is not that some villagers who had been harboring terrorists for decades were expelled but that the new state of Israel, still traumatized by the war and suffering daily terror attacks on all fronts and struggling to find homes and food for a flood of Jewish refugees was willing to seek reconciliation with Arabs who had been attacking them since 1921.
"With some help, Hala managed to meet Benzion Pridan or the ‘Boogie Man’ as she refers to him. “'Pridan himself admitted that a mass grave exists under the parking lot in Tantura.

Israel refuses to exhume the bodies.”

“'My only objective was to keep them (Pridan and two of his former soldiers) there long enough to have some footage. Pridan repeatedly said he would never have shown up had he known who I was. Many of my relatives were thrown into that mass grave under the parking lot …'”

Why do you suppose Jewish terrorists refuse to exhume the bodies?

Live, from Israel
Point out the fabrication:

"In Syria(specifically the Yarmouk refugee camp which is one of the largest refugee camps today), Hala met over 25 villagers who witnessed the attack. 'After 62 years they are still classified as refugees, exiled from their homeland, living without a valid citizenship, nationality or country.'

Live, from Israel

There was an attack but not a massacre. Terrorists were launching attacks on traffic in and out of Haifa from Tantura and other Arab villages on Mount Carmel, and the Alexandroni Brigade was charged with ending the terrorism. Most of the villagers fled the battle to Arab occupied territory and as the front lines advanced, they eventually ended up fleeing to Arab countries. Some who stayed behind were expelled from Israel during the war, but shortly after the war, Israel passed laws allowing any refugee to petition the Israeli government or courts to return to their homes and reclaim their property or compensation for it. Few of the refugees did this because it would have amounted to recognizing the jurisdiction of the state of Israel, and they preferred to make a political statement, and probably keep from being executed as collaborators by their Arab brothers and sisters, than to claim their political or property rights. By choosing this course, they effectively abandoned their claims.

Benny Morris, a noted revisionist historian and a stern critic of Israeli actions during the War of Independence, noted that in nearly all the cases of forced expulsions from Israel, the Arab villages effected had been launching terrorist attacks on Jews for decades. What is remarkable about this story is not that some villagers who had been harboring terrorists for decades were expelled but that the new state of Israel, still traumatized by the war and suffering daily terror attacks on all fronts and struggling to find homes and food for a flood of Jewish refugees was willing to seek reconciliation with Arabs who had been attacking them since 1921.
"With some help, Hala managed to meet Benzion Pridan or the ‘Boogie Man’ as she refers to him. “'Pridan himself admitted that a mass grave exists under the parking lot in Tantura.

Israel refuses to exhume the bodies.”

“'My only objective was to keep them (Pridan and two of his former soldiers) there long enough to have some footage. Pridan repeatedly said he would never have shown up had he known who I was. Many of my relatives were thrown into that mass grave under the parking lot …'”

Why do you suppose Jewish terrorists refuse to exhume the bodies?

Live, from Israel

Did Pridan really say that or is she making it up to help with her fund raising efforts among hate groups? Why do you suppose she is telling the truth? Arabs are always claiming there are massacres and mass graves, but when the facts are examined, it always turns out to be lies.

After the battle of Jenin, the entire leadership of the PA swore to every reporter they could find that thousands of Palestinian Arabs had been massacred by the IDF. People who should have known better accepted these lies without question. Kofi Anan demanded an investigation on the basis of these lies and was so upset by these stories, he could barely speak. The BBC ran a story in which "experts" who had investigated war crimes in the Balkans claimed aerial photographs provided proof of mass graves in the Jordan Valley. When the facts came out 23 Israelis and 52 Palestinian Arabs were killed during the battle and at least 27 if the Arab civilians were militants and it is unclear whether the civilians were caught in the crossfire or were murdered on suspicion of collaborating with Israel.

Right now all we know is that this accountant claims to have such footage and on the basis of these claims is trying to solicit money from people who want to believe there are reasons for their hatred of Israelis.
I hope the end comes soon to this conflict.. tho I doubt it will.

I am sick of the rabid Zionist and pro Israeli Jewish lobby .. and just as sick of Arab Palestinian Islamic extremists.. seem's reason is out the window.. lets cut Palestine/ Israel out of the world.. take it into the Med.. drown them all and let some others live there once the land has been cleansed .

sit 's back and waits for the lunatics to come out.
launching terrorist attacks

Launching terrorist attacks against invaders? That is an interesting concept.

Israel is a foreign entity inside Palestine. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants. Its "citizens" were imported by the boatload while the natives were run out at the point of a gun.

The Palestinians were, and still are, defending themselves from this attack.
launching terrorist attacks

Launching terrorist attacks against invaders? That is an interesting concept.

Israel is a foreign entity inside Palestine. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants. Its "citizens" were imported by the boatload while the natives were run out at the point of a gun.

The Palestinians were, and still are, defending themselves from this attack.
By 1948 Zionists had amassed enough weapons and global sympathy to inflict a Jewish state on the population of Mandate Palestine in spite of the fact that Jews were one-third of the total population. England never got the "little loyal Jewish Ulster" that it wanted, but the US got a deadly proxy useful for destabilizing Arab oil production and distribution.
Launching terrorist attacks against invaders? That is an interesting concept.

Israel is a foreign entity inside Palestine. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants. Its "citizens" were imported by the boatload while the natives were run out at the point of a gun.

The Palestinians were, and still are, defending themselves from this attack.
By 1948 Zionists had amassed enough weapons and global sympathy to inflict a Jewish state on the population of Mandate Palestine in spite of the fact that Jews were one-third of the total population. England never got the "little loyal Jewish Ulster" that it wanted, but the US got a deadly proxy useful for destabilizing Arab oil production and distribution.

Britain assisted the Zionists in creating a state within a state including military while trampling down anything the Palestinians wanted to do in developing their own state.

Israel's military attacked the unarmed Palestinian civilians driving them out of their homes and off their land. This happened before the 1948 war.
I hope the end comes soon to this conflict.. tho I doubt it will.

I am sick of the rabid Zionist and pro Israeli Jewish lobby .. and just as sick of Arab Palestinian Islamic extremists.. seem's reason is out the window.. lets cut Palestine/ Israel out of the world.. take it into the Med.. drown them all and let some others live there once the land has been cleansed .

sit 's back and waits for the lunatics to come out.
No lunatics required; there's been a peace proposal on the table for more than 30 years:

"The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange. For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

"In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders -- with 'minor and mutual modifications,' to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s.

The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas).

"A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

"Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980..."

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won't): In Washington-Speak, "Palestinian State" Means "Fried Chicken"
Israel is a foreign entity inside Palestine. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants. Its "citizens" were imported by the boatload while the natives were run out at the point of a gun.

The Palestinians were, and still are, defending themselves from this attack.
By 1948 Zionists had amassed enough weapons and global sympathy to inflict a Jewish state on the population of Mandate Palestine in spite of the fact that Jews were one-third of the total population. England never got the "little loyal Jewish Ulster" that it wanted, but the US got a deadly proxy useful for destabilizing Arab oil production and distribution.

Britain assisted the Zionists in creating a state within a state including military while trampling down anything the Palestinians wanted to do in developing their own state.

Israel's military attacked the unarmed Palestinian civilians driving them out of their homes and off their land. This happened before the 1948 war.
BDS, Brother!

Global public opinion is rapidly turning against the Jewish state.
The terror of the Holocaust no longer provides cover for Israeli apartheid.
Soon all residents of Israel will have to choose between citizenship and nationality.
"Haim Cohen, a former judge of the Supreme Court of Israel stated: 'The bitter irony of fate decreed that the same biological and racist argument extended by the Nazis, and which inspired the inflammatory laws of Nuremberg, serve as the basis for the official definition of Jewishness in the bosom of the state of Israel' (quoted in Joseph Badi, Fundamental Laws of the State of Israel NY, 1960, P.156)
When the saudis build a cathedral near Mecca, then that Badi may talk, of course.
"In 2004, Hala won a Silver Award at the International Houston Film Festival for her critically acclaimed short documentary entitled 'The Love Project.' "Hala is currently completing her recent documentary, 'The Road to Tantura.' She also continues to work as a freelance producer, production supervisor and production accountant for the major studios in Los Angeles."
I hope the end comes soon to this conflict.. tho I doubt it will.I am sick of the rabid Zionist and pro Israeli Jewish lobby .. and just as sick of Arab Palestinian Islamic extremists.. seem's reason is out the window.. lets cut Palestine/ Israel out of the world.. take it into the Med.. drown them all and let some others live there once the land has been cleansed .sit 's back and waits for the lunatics to come out.
Hilarious drivel!
Britain assisted the Zionists in creating a state within a state including military while trampling down anything the Palestinians wanted to do in developing their own state.
So, who was that shakh, emir, sultan, effendi, president, prime-minister of that alleged "state"?
"Haim Cohen, a former judge of the Supreme Court of Israel stated: 'The bitter irony of fate decreed that the same biological and racist argument extended by the Nazis, and which inspired the inflammatory laws of Nuremberg, serve as the basis for the official definition of Jewishness in the bosom of the state of Israel' (quoted in Joseph Badi, Fundamental Laws of the State of Israel NY, 1960, P.156)
When the saudis build a cathedral near Mecca, then that Badi may talk, of course.
When did the Saudis occupy the Vatican?
How many Catholics have had their children murdered and their lands stolen by the Saudis?
The Jewish state is racist to its core, and your drivel proves it every time you post.
Keep up the good work.
"Haim Cohen, a former judge of the Supreme Court of Israel stated: 'The bitter irony of fate decreed that the same biological and racist argument extended by the Nazis, and which inspired the inflammatory laws of Nuremberg, serve as the basis for the official definition of Jewishness in the bosom of the state of Israel' (quoted in Joseph Badi, Fundamental Laws of the State of Israel NY, 1960, P.156)
When the saudis build a cathedral near Mecca, then that Badi may talk, of course.
When did the Saudis occupy the Vatican?
How many Catholics have had their children murdered and their lands stolen by the Saudis?
The Jewish state is racist to its core, and your drivel proves it every time you post.
Keep up the good work.

Poor "Palestinians", firing anti-tank rockets at Israeli school buses didn't get them their own state.
"Haim Cohen, a former judge of the Supreme Court of Israel stated: 'The bitter irony of fate decreed that the same biological and racist argument extended by the Nazis, and which inspired the inflammatory laws of Nuremberg, serve as the basis for the official definition of Jewishness in the bosom of the state of Israel' (quoted in Joseph Badi, Fundamental Laws of the State of Israel NY, 1960, P.156)
When the saudis build a cathedral near Mecca, then that Badi may talk, of course.
When did the Saudis occupy the Vatican?
How many Catholics have had their children murdered and their lands stolen by the Saudis?
Since my post seem to present a comprehension difficulty for my dumbass "readership", we'll put it another way - when are the saudis building a cathedral near Mecca for all those mosque-building muslims, settling-colonizing Europe?
The Jewish state is racist to its core,
Every state which doesn't let foreign losers to enjoy its amenities freely is "racist", "discriminationist", etc., bth., so is Japan. My dear dumbass individuals, get a life and a job.
and your drivel proves it every time you post. Keep up the good work.
Silly drivel.

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