Israel attacks civilians

With guns and soldiers.
Which are also useful for stealing other peoples' land and water.
Hitler probably thought the same way about Poland.

They are also useful to prevent from people killing you.
Which was precisely what the Arab armies would have down if the Jewish hadn't won.

As I told you before, if the Arab countries wouldn't start a war after Israel has declared independence, then you would have a case.
If the Arab countries choose to attack , and lose.
It is unreasonable to complain about the outcome of a war you have started.
Is it not also unreasonable for a state to declare itself independent without specifying its borders?

"On 14 May 1948, the day the Mandate officially ended and the day before the bulk of the remaining British troops departed, Israel declared its independence and sovereignty, though without specifying borders..."

The Arab armies that intervened the next day took defensive positions around the Arab State proposed by the UNSCOP Partition Plan. Israel not only preserved all the territory of the Jewish State but also extended its "borders" beyond what the UN called for.

"By December 1948, Israel controlled most of the portion of Mandate Palestine west of the Jordan River."

Without the presence of Arab troops as a buffer, Israel would likely have controlled all of Mandate Palestine west of the Jordan River long before 1967.

There is no Israeli presence in Lebanon since 2000.
That must come as a huge surprise to the 1200 Lebanese citizens who were killed and the one million Lebanese citizens forced to flee during Israel's 2006 ground invasion of Lebanon.

Israel went inside Lebanon for fun right ?
Israel was attacked by Hizbalah missiles , and it didn't stop by itself.
What do you think is the proper response to being attacked by missiles ?
Should Israel just waited until they ran out of ammunition ?

The people who have died or fled, is Hizbalah fault.
Had there been no missile attacks non of it would have happen.
Had one-third of the citizens of Mandate Palestine not inflicted a Jewish state on the world in 1948, Hezbollah would've never happened.
That must come as a huge surprise to the 1200 Lebanese citizens who were killed and the one million Lebanese citizens forced to flee during Israel's 2006 ground invasion of Lebanon.

Israel went inside Lebanon for fun right ?
Israel was attacked by Hizbalah missiles , and it didn't stop by itself.
What do you think is the proper response to being attacked by missiles ?
Should Israel just waited until they ran out of ammunition ?

The people who have died or fled, is Hizbalah fault.
Had there been no missile attacks non of it would have happen.
Had one-third of the citizens of Mandate Palestine not inflicted a Jewish state on the world in 1948, Hezbollah would've never happened.

what was the capital of a "palestinian" state?
what type of government did it have?
what were its primary goods manufactured?
who were it's trading partners?

i'll wait.
Stop with the pathetic whining, already.
Ottoman lost in 1918.
Thirty years later, "Israel declared its independence and sovereignty, though without specifying borders."

How does a sovereign state declare its independence without defining its borders?


Looks like they're defining something here.


Interesting thing about this map. It says Israel but the borders are Palestinian. But what can you expect from Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

You whiners are asking why the borders aren't defined, I showed you their definition.
Does that make you want to cry some more? :(
With guns and soldiers.
Which are also useful for stealing other peoples' land and water.
Hitler probably thought the same way about Poland.

Hitler started wars and lost land.
How's that working out for the Arabs?
Hitler had allies on both sides of the Middle East conflict:

"Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler.

"By 1940-41, the 'Stern Gang,' among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the 'Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany.'”

Sieg Heil, Yitzhak?

51 Documents » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
[ame=]"Palestine", not Israel, borders Lebanon in Palestinian Authority TV quiz for university students - YouTube[/ame]
Article V

1. The Armistice Demarcation Line shall follow the international boundary between the Lebanon and Palestine.

The Avalon Project : Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23, 1949

No such entity. Sorry if the Arabs can't see reality.

UN armistice agreement signed by Israel and Lebanon.

the international boundary between the Lebanon and Palestine


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