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Israel 'back of the bus' rule sparks religious row

Yup, moronic drivel compounded by more drivel. What is hilarious is none of the haters can actually explain how it is that Arabs LIVE in Israel as citizens, with all the same rights as Jewish Citizens. Arab Israelis hold positions in all walks of life in Israel including the Government and the military.

The article does not even prove the point Shogun was trying so hard to prove.

Yeah, well... doesn't fit his paradigm. He figures if he yells and screams loud enough then somehow he can convince someone who doesn't already agree with him in advance that the poor put upon palestinians have no responsibility for their behavior or their society and that the big bad Jews and Israel are the boogyman.

The Arab citizens of Israel actually live better there and have more rights than in Arab countries. But why would he talk about that?

And the thing is, the issue he raised is actually an interesting one on its own and it didn't need to be an Israel-bashing thing. The truth is that there has always been a tension in Israel between orthodox and secular jews. From the time Israel was created by the international community (a fact shogie seems to like ignoring) there were discussions about how religious or non-religious the country should be. They've mostly achieved a fairly good balance, but the issue even goes to who is entitled to Israeli citizenship and who isn't.

Anyway, it could have been an interesting discussion. Ah well...
Let us know when you have a daily thread *pointing out* palestinian atrocities against Jews and against their own people.

Then we'll chat....

well, go figure.. a zionist hellbent on focusing on muslims every time there is a spot on israels pearly white robes. Gosh, it's a total SHOCKER that you can stomach gender segregation as long as the reputation of israel is at stake.

Way to go, Jill! You are certainly a beacon of humanism!

Yup, moronic drivel compounded by more drivel. What is hilarious is none of the haters can actually explain how it is that Arabs LIVE in Israel as citizens, with all the same rights as Jewish Citizens. Arab Israelis hold positions in all walks of life in Israel including the Government and the military.

The article does not even prove the point Shogun was trying so hard to prove.


hello! Shall I get some smelling salts and call an ambulance? is the left side of your face numb?

Same rights, eh? yes, I sure do see a future Arab PM of Israel, dont you??

Hey Jillian.. maybe you should clue this brainiac in to why Olmert was so insistent on a Two-state solution. Why don't you clue RGS in to what this means:

"If the day comes when the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights (also for the Palestinians in the territories), then, as soon as that happens, the State of Israel is finished," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Haaretz Wednesday, the day the Annapolis conference ended in an agreement to try to reach a Mideast peace settlement by the end of 2008.

I realize that the label machine and ignoring the issue after dropping a snide accusation is standard but perhaps you'd care to explain to RGS's functioning right side the significance of Olmert's words.
Yeah, well... doesn't fit his paradigm. He figures if he yells and screams loud enough then somehow he can convince someone who doesn't already agree with him in advance that the poor put upon palestinians have no responsibility for their behavior or their society and that the big bad Jews and Israel are the boogyman.

The Arab citizens of Israel actually live better there and have more rights than in Arab countries. But why would he talk about that?

And the thing is, the issue he raised is actually an interesting one on its own and it didn't need to be an Israel-bashing thing. The truth is that there has always been a tension in Israel between orthodox and secular jews. From the time Israel was created by the international community (a fact shogie seems to like ignoring) there were discussions about how religious or non-religious the country should be. They've mostly achieved a fairly good balance, but the issue even goes to who is entitled to Israeli citizenship and who isn't.

Anyway, it could have been an interesting discussion. Ah well...

Yea, I could have been if you had any interest in facing the sins of Israel outside of calling me a joo hating antisemite. The FACT is that this kind of open segregation, ALLOWED BY THE STATE OF ISRAEL IN ORDER TO FACILITATE A FLAVOUR OF JEWISH FAITH (hey, is it time to point at a muslim yet?), shows that jews and israel are, in fact, capable of every bit of hateful nationalism that dehumanized a scapegoat as were those dirty fucking goyim in germany. You may not believe it. RGS may not believe it. But, so too did white 'mericans follow the same logic when waiting to enter WW2.

So, jill thinks it's OK to deflect attention from segregation in israel by pointing at, once again, muslims that NEVER claim to be western. Indeed, her dedication to israel ABOVE human rights is just another mile marker in her zionist road to naziville.

Shall I even bring up how you will accuse muslims of violations against women in a heartbeat but... when it comes to israel... well.. we wont talk about that as long as there are muslims to point at. It's three shades of typical. Hell, demonize me. If you think I hate jews then your critical thinking skill isn't worth the crust gathered in my dogs eyes. I'd love to see you actually quote me being even remotely close to hateful but, alas, thats not the game you automatically play when the great halo of zion is at stake, is it? Proof does not equal screaming antisemite, apparently.

Keep on supporting womens rights, Jill. We dirty fucking goyim probably arent laughing at your pick and choose application of human rights when there is a zion to lust after.
You are a liar, Alucard. Your statement has no connection with reality and what is worse, you know it. One wonders about the motivation of a person that could make such a remark. Explain in detail, Alucard the liar, how the only democracy in the Middle East, the only country there with a free press, is a "mirror image of Nazi Germany."

I've been to Israel my friend... I put the responsability on you to show me how it is not... Free press and free elections were also part of the German empire... That does not condone the atrocities waged on the INNOCENT palestinian people by the Israelis...

It amazes me how some people refuse to see the truth about what we have created in Israel...

It comes down to one thing... People that support Israel believe Jews are inherently more deserving than Muslims... And thats bullshit..
Remind me of all the NON white female Presidents we have had since we started electing Presidents. Trying to claim because an Arab may never be PM of Israel is some kind of racism is plain ass idiotic.
I have every bit of faith in knowing that we will, someday, have a woman minority as President just as we are at the point, after wading through decades of racism, of having a black man or white woman president. In fact, I can pretty much GUARENTEE that we will someday have a JEW in the white house and, you know what? I'm not bothered by that FACT at all.

Now, can you say the same thing about an Arab Muslims chance to be PM of Israel? If no, why don't you elaborate instead of trying to get your nose one more inch closer to the collective israeli prostate.

While you are at it, make sure to elaborate on why you would sit back nd allow the United States to let public funding perpetuate segregation on public transit systems. Make sure you let me know how it's OK for the US to segregate as long as mulsims in the mid east are doing worse. Hell, maybe you can tell me when we can expect our ULTRA ORTHODOX to dictate where women can and cannot sit to keep you from "ogling" them. If you could read you'd see that exact word in the article as justification. Maybe you can tell me what other western nation accepts that kind of bullshit from ANY of it's cultuarl facets.

Indeed, dummy, take a look at Olmert's words and see if you can piece together what his words mean. Im not positive that your swiss chease looking brain is up to it but give it a shot anyway. WHY do you think Olmert wants to avoid a single state solution where non-jews will ahve to fight for EQUAL RIGHTS in Israel. Care to venture a guess Captian Cerebral Cortex?
or, just sit there and bleed. whatever.
Moron. Israel is a free country and last I checked that meant free to pass what laws IT wants. Laws its people expect and desire and support. Or is your claim now that while the US should not dictate to Muslim countries what they can and can not do, we should and will do so to non Muslim countries?

As for other western Countries, several have in fact allowed sharia law to be practiced by Muslims in direct conflict with national laws of said country. I bet your just fine with THAT though.
yea.. free for jews. Why are you ignoring Olmert's words? Why do you ignore the posted article that tells you that, in fact, israel allows segregation to pacify ultra ortho jews? Finding it a litle tough to come to the point of admitting that the same kind of shit just would not be allowed in a REAL western democracy? So, by your very stupid logic, when Germany used a democratic process to pass it's ANTI-JEW laws then such was their perogtive? oh, it's OK when Israel does it but not Germany, eh? Funny how that works, dude!

I never said the US should invade Israel. I'm using this FACTUAL EXAMPLE as the rock that busts your perfect halo opinion of israel. Believe it or not, they are human just like us. They are capable of the same inhumate treatment of other humans and the same range of bigotry as white people. Reading that probably just gave you a mini-heart attack.

Again, POST YOUR EVIDENCE LIKE I HAVE. Or, just stand there looking stupid while trying your hand at the same automatic Scarlet A as the rest of em. Lord fucking knows that gender segregation, ALLOWED BY THE STATE OF ISRAEL, sure would float in a real western democracy, eh?

No need to answer that since, by evidence of your entire effort in this thread, you have no intention of proving your silly, post-stroke opinion.

As for other western Countries, several have in fact allowed sharia law to be practiced by Muslims in direct conflict with national laws of said country. I bet your just fine with THAT though.

prove it. Give me ONE example. Just one. SURELY that will be easy enough for a big intellectual powerhouse such as you. You are full of shit and we both know it. But, ill bite. Give me your evidence of such. My money says that, from this post on, you sidestep having to prove such an accusation and instead start in with the Scarlet A routine.
yea.. free for jews. Why are you ignoring Olmert's words? Why do you ignore the posted article that tells you that, in fact, israel allows segregation to pacify ultra ortho jews? Finding it a litle tough to come to the point of admitting that the same kind of shit just would not be allowed in a REAL western democracy? So, by your very stupid logic, when Germany used a democratic process to pass it's ANTI-JEW laws then such was their perogtive? oh, it's OK when Israel does it but not Germany, eh? Funny how that works, dude!

I never said the US should invade Israel. I'm using this FACTUAL EXAMPLE as the rock that busts your perfect halo opinion of israel. Believe it or not, they are human just like us. They are capable of the same inhumate treatment of other humans and the same range of bigotry as white people. Reading that probably just gave you a mini-heart attack.

Again, POST YOUR EVIDENCE LIKE I HAVE. Or, just stand there looking stupid while trying your hand at the same automatic Scarlet A as the rest of em. Lord fucking knows that gender segregation, ALLOWED BY THE STATE OF ISRAEL, sure would float in a real western democracy, eh?

No need to answer that since, by evidence of your entire effort in this thread, you have no intention of proving your silly, post-stroke opinion.

As for other western Countries, several have in fact allowed sharia law to be practiced by Muslims in direct conflict with national laws of said country. I bet your just fine with THAT though.

prove it. Give me ONE example. Just one. SURELY that will be easy enough for a big intellectual powerhouse such as you. You are full of shit and we both know it. But, ill bite. Give me your evidence of such. My money says that, from this post on, you sidestep having to prove such an accusation and instead start in with the Scarlet A routine.

Canada ring a bell you dumb shit? I believe England allows Sharia also.

As for Israel they would be committing suicide by allowing a majority Arab population already hostile to them into their Country as citizens. But you already know that. That you suggest it is another of your ignorant rants. How about the US get all of Latin America to join the US, same concept.
Canada ring a bell you dumb shit? I believe England allows Sharia also.

As for Israel they would be committing suicide by allowing a majority Arab population already hostile to them into their Country as citizens. But you already know that. That you suggest it is another of your ignorant rants. How about the US get all of Latin America to join the US, same concept.

is that supposed to be EVIDENCE, you silly little geriatric bastard? EVIDENCE. POST YOUR SOURCE NOT SOME LAME FUCKING NON_SEQUITER.

Come on, dude... whip that smokestack out and shoot me with it! Whatsa matter chicken? no bullets in that gun on your hip?

Yea, stupid, just like AMERICA did when letting IT"S minority population qualify for equality. Holy SHIT you are stupid enough to make the same arguement that cotton farmers used to keep blacks on the field, didnt you? Again, TELL ME WHY OLMERT WANTS TO KEEP THE JEWISH MONOPOLY OF ISRAEL WITH A TWO STATE SOLUTION? So, Germans hoping for an ethnically pure nation is bad.... but, to you, jews doing the same fucking thing is self defense??


Again, what other western nation will allow it's majoirty to insist on segregation in public transportation? Hey, you'll need to speak up.. the crickets are drowning out your reply.

come on, Gerry...
the button to post a link is right..^ here.. look up and post your evidence or sit there holding onto your walker for dear life.
The idiot here is you, but do keep on posting your ignorant bullshit, it is amusing.

And I see you have resorted to the usual tactic, you think if you deny common knowledge it becomes suspect some how.

Again for you, it is none of your or our business what Israel does on THEIR bus lines. Remind me again how it wasn't our business to do anything about a mass murdering despot but we SHOULD do something about seating arrangements on a bus line in another Country. Retard.
The idiot here is you, but do keep on posting your ignorant bullshit, it is amusing.

And I see you have resorted to the usual tactic, you think if you deny common knowledge it becomes suspect some how.

Again for you, it is none of your or our business what Israel does on THEIR bus lines. Remind me again how it wasn't our business to do anything about a mass murdering despot but we SHOULD do something about seating arrangements on a bus line in another Country. Retard.


Gosh, how did I know that you had nothing but ad hominems, eh stupid?

What is amusing is watching you flounder under my bootheel every time I laugh at your inability to prove your stupid fucking posts.

DENY COMMON KNOWLEGDE? oh, you mean like how it's common knowledge that you swing both ways? oh, whats that? NOW proving such an accusation is important, eh?


Yea, it wasn't our business how germans made lampshades and soad either, eh you dumb bastard? yes, The north probably should have stayed out of the fucking slave owning south too. Hey, don't let that keep you from praying for an invasion of another muslim nation though... It would be a fucking travesty if you actually figured out what kind of birdshot pattern your brain function with.

Come on, pussy... YOU said Canada has imposed sharia law. Lets see your evidence of such. HERE is my evidence that you are an ignorant bastard:

RGS: post #
Canada ring a bell you dumb shit? I believe England allows Sharia also.
01-17-2008 01:43 PM

You said it.. now prove it.

Indeed, either way, you certainly WILL be proving at least one thing: what kind of a dimwitted asshole you are.
Here is a link for the retard.


About England....

Now why would there be a Sharia Council if the practice were not recognized in England?


The christian science monitor?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

oh man, thats too rich. the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR is your evidence that Sharia law has been imposed in Canada?

I guess you missed this, eh brainiac?

While no one here expects the increasing use of sharia to lead to some of the more radical rulings associated with Islamic law - stonings or


"A lot of the hyperbole and the foreboding of doom is just nonsense," says Mubin Shaikh, a spokesman for Masjid El Noor, a Toronto Mosque. "No one is advocating amputations in the public square. We accept that the Charter of Rights is supreme. Sharia won't be used to contradict that supremacy."


Certainly the law doesn't provide for polygamous marriages - unions that aren't uncommon in Ontario's Muslim community and are being performed by the same religious figures adjudicating matters under sharia.

Not only do you miss these things, which I guarentee is the result of your google finger rather than your comprehension, but you quote a fucking CHRISTIAN source as if would be in any way shape or form fair to MUSLIMS.

Holy shit thats HILARIOUS!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

here, dummy.. try to keep up.

As to your other "source" why don't you tell me how a council of christians has the authority to trump the Constitution and I'll tell you how stupid you are for assuming that a council on Sharia Law says anything about the superiority of such over a host nations legal system.

For real, I knew that you had nothing but watching you toss that shit up into the air and pray for it to stick cracks my shit up even more!
The dimwit asshole would be the one that can not read. Look above your last post moron.

I did.

and I saw that you are not only laughably wrong but you have no idea what amounts to evidence. I hope that you read my link and meditate for a few minutes on why those previous two examples are such a laughing riot.

Your ignoarance does not change the fact that in England and in Canada parts of sharia law are in FACT practiced and that efforts continue to get even more of it allowed. Further I guess in regards Canada you missed the part where in fact Sharia HAS been practiced in Muslim communities to include those parts not officially recognized yet by Canada.

You want evidence and then pretend it isn't given, your a moron and a retard.
Your ignoarance does not change the fact that in England and in Canada parts of sharia law are in FACT practiced and that efforts continue to get even more of it allowed. Further I guess in regards Canada you missed the part where in fact Sharia HAS been practiced in Muslim communities to include those parts not officially recognized yet by Canada.

You want evidence and then pretend it isn't given, your a moron and a retard.

You really are one silly bastard. So, when the Amish practice THEIR culture they get to sidestep our national laws and commit murder? What LAW has ever been alowed to be broken for the sake of sharia law? If muslims practice it amngst themselves IT SURE THE FUCK ISN'T APPLIED TO YOU, IS IT?


So, where in that article did it even remotely suggest that Canada accepts the supremicy of Sharia law over its own?

what? it DOESN:T?!?!? no shit.

No, you didn;t give me evidence that sharia law was being forced onto anyone or imposed itself on common law or rescinded common law in any way, shape or form. What you proved is that a christian news organization likes to find fault with muslims.

Well no shit.

Now, are you going to show me a single western nation where Sharia law trumps constitituional law or is this where you recede back into furiously sending PMs to Gunny?

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