Israel Defines Humanity

I'm a Jew and an Israeli citizen. I have lived in Israel my whole life. Most of us want our government to stop building settlements on Palestinian land and we would like to see a Palestinian state. We don't like conservative assholes in America using us to push their ridiculous right-wing agenda. You just make yourself look like fools.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??
What property actually belongs to people, Penelope?
All land has been conquered.

Stolen. Maybe someone should come and steal your land , but first bulldoze your home down in the middle of the night. Palestinians have every right to protect what is left of what they have, even the temple mount. The only thing that ties those Zionist to the area is they have a tiny little verse in the OT that most do not believe in anyway, and claim they are related to those in the OT, of which is one of the biggest lies ever told.
Stolen land? The land you're on was stolen, get off it, you bigoted prick.

Penelope is a byproduct of the Roman Catholic Church - no knowledge of the Bible and extreme bigotry against Jews like Jesus.

Actually Martin Luther was the biggest anti jew, the RCC had many jews in it. They may of been a jew named Jesus, look at Jesus Barabbas, they say there were 11 Jesus's in the early first century, but we should not think that the word of God is jewish, or a jew. Judaism and Christianity are both religions. If you would take your nose out of the bible sometime you might learn that one should not take the bible literally.

Can I take this post as your tacit admission that the Palestinian savages dragging the body was an actual photo, not, as you claimed,a fake?


Where is the picture from, I know its old, I've seen it many times. You really should not refer to Palestinians as savages or on the other had start referring to the Israelis as savages as well.
I just returned from several weeks in Israel and Jordan, and saw, first hand, the effects of the worldviews of the Jews vs the Arabs.

2. One need only ride along the border of the two nations to see the results. Both nations began with the same geography: more than 50% of each, rock strewn desert.

Today, Jordan is 75% desert, Israel, 60%.

But on the latter's side, orchard and irrigated fields spring up....on Jordan's side, largely the same as always.


Photo: Gave Us This Land

The Israeli government brings in roads, electricity, and irrigation and the result is obvious.



Exploring Wadi Rum Desert In Jordan

3. Throughout Israel one can see vast groves of date palms, and dates represent a major Israeli export.

But these trees are not indigenous...they were brought from Iraq and Morocco, and carefully naturalized in Israel.

Get this: the trees are three times more productive in Israel than they were in Iraq and Morocco.

The reason? In their homeland, the growers wait for nature to pollinate the flowers...wind, bees, and other insects....while in Israel, every tree is hand sprayed with pollen.

Nothing to do with either money nor religion....simply the work ethic and intelligence.

That title...."Israel Defines Humanity" coming right up.....

All it takes is money, German, Rothschild and US aid. Any war torn country can become livable again, I'm sure one day northern Gaza might be.

All it takes is money and power. I cringe at your ignorance.
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.
Your post is full of the stupid resentments that have fueled the ME conflict for decades. In fact, the Israeli government actions don´t differ from that of Hamas. The only reasonable government in the region is the Syrian.

"The only reasonable government in the region is the Syrian."

Gads, you're a moron.

Daniel Silva, writing about Hafez Assad, and his rise to power in Syria:

"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells.

But it was in the town of Hama, a hotbed of Muslim Brotherhood activity along the banks of the Orontes River, that the regime showed the lengths to which it would go to ensure its survival. With the country teetering on the brink of civil war, the Defense Companies entered the city early on the morning of February 2, 1982, along with several hundred agents of the feared Mukhabarat secret police. What followed was the worst massacre in the history of the modern Middle East, a month long frenzy of killing, torture, and destruction that left at least twenty thousand people dead and a city reduced to rubble.

The ruler never denied the massacre, nor did he quibble over the number of dead....a new term came into vogue: Hama Rules."
I'm a Jew and an Israeli citizen. I have lived in Israel my whole life. Most of us want our government to stop building settlements on Palestinian land and we would like to see a Palestinian state. We don't like conservative assholes in America using us to push their ridiculous right-wing agenda. You just make yourself look like fools.

What property actually belongs to people, Penelope?
All land has been conquered.

Stolen. Maybe someone should come and steal your land , but first bulldoze your home down in the middle of the night. Palestinians have every right to protect what is left of what they have, even the temple mount. The only thing that ties those Zionist to the area is they have a tiny little verse in the OT that most do not believe in anyway, and claim they are related to those in the OT, of which is one of the biggest lies ever told.
Stolen land? The land you're on was stolen, get off it, you bigoted prick.

Penelope is a byproduct of the Roman Catholic Church - no knowledge of the Bible and extreme bigotry against Jews like Jesus.

Actually Martin Luther was the biggest anti jew, the RCC had many jews in it. They may of been a jew named Jesus, look at Jesus Barabbas, they say there were 11 Jesus's in the early first century, but we should not think that the word of God is jewish, or a jew. Judaism and Christianity are both religions. If you would take your nose out of the bible sometime you might learn that one should not take the bible literally.

Can I take this post as your tacit admission that the Palestinian savages dragging the body was an actual photo, not, as you claimed,a fake?


Where is the picture from, I know its old, I've seen it many times. You really should not refer to Palestinians as savages or on the other had start referring to the Israelis as savages as well.

Wait 'til you see my next post....then we'll revisit the discussion of 'savages.'
I just returned from several weeks in Israel and Jordan, and saw, first hand, the effects of the worldviews of the Jews vs the Arabs.

2. One need only ride along the border of the two nations to see the results. Both nations began with the same geography: more than 50% of each, rock strewn desert.

Today, Jordan is 75% desert, Israel, 60%.

But on the latter's side, orchard and irrigated fields spring up....on Jordan's side, largely the same as always.


Photo: Gave Us This Land

The Israeli government brings in roads, electricity, and irrigation and the result is obvious.



Exploring Wadi Rum Desert In Jordan

3. Throughout Israel one can see vast groves of date palms, and dates represent a major Israeli export.

But these trees are not indigenous...they were brought from Iraq and Morocco, and carefully naturalized in Israel.

Get this: the trees are three times more productive in Israel than they were in Iraq and Morocco.

The reason? In their homeland, the growers wait for nature to pollinate the flowers...wind, bees, and other insects....while in Israel, every tree is hand sprayed with pollen.

Nothing to do with either money nor religion....simply the work ethic and intelligence.

That title...."Israel Defines Humanity" coming right up.....

All it takes is money, German, Rothschild and US aid. Any war torn country can become livable again, I'm sure one day northern Gaza might be.

All it takes is money and power. I cringe at your ignorance.


From Daniel Silva's novel, "The Heist"

"Despite massive oil wealth, one-fifth of the Arab world survived on less than two dollars a day. Sixty-five million Arabs, the majority of them women, could not read or write, and millions received no schooling at all. The Arabs, once pioneers in the fields of mathematics and geometry, had fallen woefully behind the developed world in scientific and technological research. During the past millennium, the Arabs had translated fewer books than Spain translated in a single year. In many parts of the Arab world, the Koran was the only book that mattered." p. 253
I've been on both sides of that wall. And I can tell you Palestinans love being third world stooges. They really don't deserve to be in Israel at all.
they elected a terrorist group to lead them FFS. Fucking savages
What terrorist group. What makes them a terrorist group. The head ones of Hamas actually do have roots there and were born there.
"is hamas a terrorist group?" LMAO ok
Why do you say they are? I'll tell you why, the same reason Hezbollah is, because Israel says they are.
I've been on both sides of that wall. And I can tell you Palestinans love being third world stooges. They really don't deserve to be in Israel at all.
they elected a terrorist group to lead them FFS. Fucking savages
What terrorist group. What makes them a terrorist group. The head ones of Hamas actually do have roots there and were born there.
"is hamas a terrorist group?" LMAO ok
Why do you say they are? I'll tell you why, the same reason Hezbollah is, because Israel says they are.


"Israel Vs. Hamas Is Civilization Vs. Savagery

Celebration within Gaza after the bombing of a bus filled with innocent Israeli civilians is an object lesson on the so-called Palestine question. Those who would celebrate such a cowardly act are savages."
4. Now....the undeniable evidence that Israel defines humanity.....

This tiny democracy, surrounded by enemies who have attacked and harassed the nation, could be expected to respond in kind....

But I saw this article in the Jerusalem Post, August 4....

" ... a proposal by Transportation Minister Israel Katz to facilitate the creation of a Gazan seaport, to be built on an artificial island off the Strip, ...

....constructing a seaport for Gaza on a man-made island. His proposal has recently gained the support of the defense establishment, which is concerned by the prospect of an economic collapse in Gaza triggering another war.

.... the creation of the port will both help ordinary Gazans to make a living and improve Israel’s international diplomatic standing.

....opening up Gaza to trade with the world certainly has the potential of acting as a restraining factor for Hamas, enabling Gazans to export goods abroad and giving them a new economic horizon, the minister said."
Cabinet to vote on giving Gaza a port


Israel....rather than bomb Gaza into submission, would facilitate the economic betterment of its people....bring them closer to a place in the 21st century.

Compare this to the earlier post of the savages dragging a body through the streets.

Yet, this is the nation that Barack Obama sees as restricting a peace settlement.

Israel defines humanity.
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.
Your post is full of the stupid resentments that have fueled the ME conflict for decades. In fact, the Israeli government actions don´t differ from that of Hamas. The only reasonable government in the region is the Syrian.

"The only reasonable government in the region is the Syrian."

Gads, you're a moron.

Daniel Silva, writing about Hafez Assad, and his rise to power in Syria:

"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells.

But it was in the town of Hama, a hotbed of Muslim Brotherhood activity along the banks of the Orontes River, that the regime showed the lengths to which it would go to ensure its survival. With the country teetering on the brink of civil war, the Defense Companies entered the city early on the morning of February 2, 1982, along with several hundred agents of the feared Mukhabarat secret police. What followed was the worst massacre in the history of the modern Middle East, a month long frenzy of killing, torture, and destruction that left at least twenty thousand people dead and a city reduced to rubble.

The ruler never denied the massacre, nor did he quibble over the number of dead....a new term came into vogue: Hama Rules."
You really hate Islamists but what you Zion-Servants do even hate more is Syria, where Islamists are the good guys in the government´s crackdown on the banned MB and now in the war on Syria where you Zion-Servants are busy to blame and condemn Assad all over the Internet, not ISIS, not al-Qaeda.
Do you really think I am interested in what your filthy NYT scribbler says about Syria?

"The Islamist uprising in Syria were a series of revolts and armed insurgency by Sunni Islamists, mainly members of the Muslim Brotherhood from 1976 until 1982. The uprising was aimed against the authority of the secular Ba'ath Party-controlled government of Syria, in what has been called a "long campaign of terror".
Islamist uprising in Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

Careful, your bigotry is showing...

Humpty Trumpety sits on his wall
til november and fall
all the drumpfs sycophants
all the drumpfs mob
have to drop all the pieces
slink off with a sob
da de dump dump de da.
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

And still you refuse to provide a link showing that the arab muslims were given ownership and sovereignty of the land by the LoN or the Ottomans. It is you that has not read the real history of the land, as the Jews were given the land under international law in 1923. The same time the arab muslims were given trans jordan. Or are you saying that the Jews have no rights and that international laws do not apply to them. It is the arab muslims that are building settlements on land that is not theirs because they think the UN has the authority to give them Jewish lands
A little addendum-----Last Saturday----a person ventured into
Ozone Park, Queens, NY. In that part of New York city---there resides a community of southeast Asian muslims. The person shot and killed two muslims---one the local Mosque "IMAM"---.
The community quickly closes ranks and began to display PRE PRINTED signs which read "MUSLIM LIVES MATTER"----and a relative of one of the murdered persons commented, approx-----
"its been four hours----where is the MAYOR----if it had been a JOOOO the mayor would be here" The community affected
was BANGLA DESHI------I was fascinated. I know that west Pakistani muslims are fed islamo Nazi propaganda from birth---but I had no idea that the same is true of Bangladeshis
(Bangladesh is the erstwhile EAST PAKISTAN---prior to 1971 when a civil war caused the break up of Pakistan) Historically--there were some jews in the PART of Pakistan still called Pakistan---the erstwhile WEST PAKISTAN----but as far as I know BENGAL did not harbor any JOOOOS at all. -----
anti Semitism is not particularly ARAB----it is MUSLIM. Like FGM it exists wherever MUSLIMS exist. I am a bit surprised that the assassination of the two muslim men in Ozone Park, Queens has not yet been ascribed to THE MOSSAD----give it a few days

I get your point...and, while a shame, it is no shock.
Muslims are raised on Antisemitism with their mother's milk.

Perhaps this is why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) wishes to bring in throngs of them.

Here, from a Muslim, too:
"It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism is not just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it is routine and commonplace. Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It is our dirty little secret. You could call it the banality of Muslim anti-Semitism." — Mehdi Hasan, The New Statesman.

A posted "its been four hours----where is the MAYOR----if it had been a JOOOO the mayor would be here"
If you could provide a pic of this, it might be more powerful.

It is part of their religious teachings that anyone that has read the koran could tell them, and we get team palestine posters on here telling us that they know better than the muslims about what they believe
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

And still you refuse to provide a link showing that the arab muslims were given ownership and sovereignty of the land by the LoN or the Ottomans. It is you that has not read the real history of the land, as the Jews were given the land under international law in 1923. The same time the arab muslims were given trans jordan. Or are you saying that the Jews have no rights and that international laws do not apply to them. It is the arab muslims that are building settlements on land that is not theirs because they think the UN has the authority to give them Jewish lands

As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??
What property actually belongs to people, Penelope?
All land has been conquered.

Stolen. Maybe someone should come and steal your land , but first bulldoze your home down in the middle of the night. Palestinians have every right to protect what is left of what they have, even the temple mount. The only thing that ties those Zionist to the area is they have a tiny little verse in the OT that most do not believe in anyway, and claim they are related to those in the OT, of which is one of the biggest lies ever told.

When was it stolen then, and who did the stealing. If you steal a car and it then gets stolen from you you cant claim the car was stolen. They had no ties to the Temple mount until they realised that it was the most holy site of Judaism. The Jews and zionists have no verses in the O.T. that is the Christian Bible based in part on the Torah. And the genetic evidence proves that the Jews from Europe, America, Asia and Africa have the DNA, right down to the genome that determines which tribe of Israel they are related to.

The arab muslims refuse to take DNA tests in case it proves they are not from the area
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

Any comment on this?


Actually, I have read the history of the area, and this pic sums it up.

By the way....the land belongs to Israel.

Begin your education with the Sikes-Picot treaty.

Nope, probably a fake pic. And its an old one as well. Got anything better.

No as it is a still from a video produced by hamas to show the arab muslims in gaza what will happen to them if they dont do what hamas says
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

And still you refuse to provide a link showing that the arab muslims were given ownership and sovereignty of the land by the LoN or the Ottomans. It is you that has not read the real history of the land, as the Jews were given the land under international law in 1923. The same time the arab muslims were given trans jordan. Or are you saying that the Jews have no rights and that international laws do not apply to them. It is the arab muslims that are building settlements on land that is not theirs because they think the UN has the authority to give them Jewish lands


Will you produce the evidence then to back up the islamonazi claims, tinmore has tried and failed using islamonazi propaganda sites.

Who gave the arab muslims the land after they signed it away in 1917 as part of the surrender terms ?
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

And still you refuse to provide a link showing that the arab muslims were given ownership and sovereignty of the land by the LoN or the Ottomans. It is you that has not read the real history of the land, as the Jews were given the land under international law in 1923. The same time the arab muslims were given trans jordan. Or are you saying that the Jews have no rights and that international laws do not apply to them. It is the arab muslims that are building settlements on land that is not theirs because they think the UN has the authority to give them Jewish lands

only part of the land
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

And still you refuse to provide a link showing that the arab muslims were given ownership and sovereignty of the land by the LoN or the Ottomans. It is you that has not read the real history of the land, as the Jews were given the land under international law in 1923. The same time the arab muslims were given trans jordan. Or are you saying that the Jews have no rights and that international laws do not apply to them. It is the arab muslims that are building settlements on land that is not theirs because they think the UN has the authority to give them Jewish lands


Will you produce the evidence then to back up the islamonazi claims, tinmore has tried and failed using islamonazi propaganda sites.

Who gave the arab muslims the land after they signed it away in 1917 as part of the surrender terms ?
The basis of your argumentation is what is wrong here. People might think your are reasonable but then they realize you are a paid scribbler who wants all but the Jews to be gone. All Muslims have to disappear and only Jews may live there. All the Muslims will be deported to the UK where you will have to pack your bags.
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.
Your post is full of the stupid resentments that have fueled the ME conflict for decades. In fact, the Israeli government actions don´t differ from that of Hamas. The only reasonable government in the region is the Syrian.

"The only reasonable government in the region is the Syrian."

Gads, you're a moron.

Daniel Silva, writing about Hafez Assad, and his rise to power in Syria:

"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells.

But it was in the town of Hama, a hotbed of Muslim Brotherhood activity along the banks of the Orontes River, that the regime showed the lengths to which it would go to ensure its survival. With the country teetering on the brink of civil war, the Defense Companies entered the city early on the morning of February 2, 1982, along with several hundred agents of the feared Mukhabarat secret police. What followed was the worst massacre in the history of the modern Middle East, a month long frenzy of killing, torture, and destruction that left at least twenty thousand people dead and a city reduced to rubble.

The ruler never denied the massacre, nor did he quibble over the number of dead....a new term came into vogue: Hama Rules."
You really hate Islamists but what you Zion-Servants do even hate more is Syria, where Islamists are the good guys in the government´s crackdown on the banned MB and now in the war on Syria where you Zion-Servants are busy to blame and condemn Assad all over the Internet, not ISIS, not al-Qaeda.
Do you really think I am interested in what your filthy NYT scribbler says about Syria?

"The Islamist uprising in Syria were a series of revolts and armed insurgency by Sunni Islamists, mainly members of the Muslim Brotherhood from 1976 until 1982. The uprising was aimed against the authority of the secular Ba'ath Party-controlled government of Syria, in what has been called a "long campaign of terror".
Islamist uprising in Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you didn't miss the part where I identified you as a moron...but you seem to have missed this:
"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells.

But it was in the town of Hama, a hotbed of Muslim Brotherhood activity along the banks of the Orontes River, that the regime showed the lengths to which it would go to ensure its survival. With the country teetering on the brink of civil war, the Defense Companies entered the city early on the morning of February 2, 1982, along with several hundred agents of the feared Mukhabarat secret police. What followed was the worst massacre in the history of the modern Middle East, a month long frenzy of killing, torture, and destruction that left at least twenty thousand people dead and a city reduced to rubble.

The ruler never denied the massacre, nor did he quibble over the number of dead....a new term came into vogue: Hama Rules."

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