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Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza

Whats your problem SherriMunnerlyn What bloody side are you on? GEZZZZZZZ you keep on an on..... people do not like Islamic fanatics! You get that??????

Sherri can't get beyond her "Jews killed Christ" indoctrination.
Ha Ha ha!

Typical deflection, we weren't speaking about Muslims were we?

You brought up the Jew thing out of the blue, Princess, because you were getting your ass kicked again. I simply turned it around on you. As usual your response was to whine. So are you saying Muslims do not do the things listed? :D

That's a response, to the thousands of out of the blue posts by Roudy and Hossfly and Irosie to a un-related topic.

You're quick to cry about me, but never do it when almost all of the pro Israel posters always spam about off topic conflicts in Muslim countries.

Another lame deflection. Just answer the phookin' question:
Are you saying Muslims do not do the things you listed?

Do you never read anything I say about persecution and Christianity? That is the Opportunity of a lifetime for them, for Christians to glorify God with their lives. My Prayers are that they live up to their full potential as Christians, in these exciting times they live in, times when they have such unparallalled and uniique and special opportunities to take stands for Christ. I will never forget words said fairly recently by a Palestinian Christian cleric, speaking to a congregation of American Christians. He said, speaking of Christians in Palestine and the Middle East, we are rich in the blood of the saints. He counted that as a Blessing! I will never forget what Richard Wurmbrandt, who wrote Tortured For Christ, said about being tortured for his faith in a prison in Romania, as he was tortured he was filled with love for those torturing him, and he prayed for them and loved them, as they tortured him. Imagine God filling a person with LOVE in a situation like that. And then he was released, he died in Glendale, California, many years later. From what he wrote about his later life, it seemed to be a disappointment, as was American Christianity. Nothing was like those moments of persecution, the closeness he had to God in those times of suffering. And he spoke of visiting the graves of his torturers, they always had a special place in his heart.

Sherri, my grandfather was one of the founders of the Assembly of God denomination in Hot Springs, Arkansas in April,1914. I was born in his house, went to his church and was immersed in Christianity for 44 years until 1983. Everything you have heard or read in the NT, I have heard and read a thousand times more. At his funeral I sat between Billy Graham and Oral Roberts and the Archbishop of Baltimore, so you can see I have a little knowledge of the things you speak. My 1st cousin has been the pastor of my grandfathers church for over 25 years and you know him on Facebook.(His last name same as mine)
So don't play the Annointed One here. You are not a missionary and you ain't gonna convert anyone here. In other words, quit trying to bullshit the bullshitters.


So, since you seem to know so much about Christianity, can you tell me where American Christianity might have got so off track, that Christians from elsewhere find nothing but disappointment in it and we have ourselves become a mission field for Christians elsewhere? There is an authenticity in Christians elsewhere, we do not seem to have in the US. I ask this question, and before I even submit this post, realize I probably know the answer to it already. We have abandoned the teachings of Jesus.

I have never claimed to be a Missionary.

I haven't been a Christian since 1983 and started reading the OT. Haven't owned a NT since then and I run off all the J Witnesses. My advise to you is to go out and get shit-faced drunk every Saturday night. Helps straighten things out.

Do you never read anything I say about persecution and Christianity? That is the Opportunity of a lifetime for them, for Christians to glorify God with their lives. My Prayers are that they live up to their full potential as Christians, in these exciting times they live in, times when they have such unparallalled and uniique and special opportunities to take stands for Christ. I will never forget words said fairly recently by a Palestinian Christian cleric, speaking to a congregation of American Christians. He said, speaking of Christians in Palestine and the Middle East, we are rich in the blood of the saints. He counted that as a Blessing! I will never forget what Richard Wurmbrandt, who wrote Tortured For Christ, said about being tortured for his faith in a prison in Romania, as he was tortured he was filled with love for those torturing him, and he prayed for them and loved them, as they tortured him. Imagine God filling a person with LOVE in a situation like that. And then he was released, he died in Glendale, California, many years later. From what he wrote about his later life, it seemed to be a disappointment, as was American Christianity. Nothing was like those moments of persecution, the closeness he had to God in those times of suffering. And he spoke of visiting the graves of his torturers, they always had a special place in his heart.

Sherri, my grandfather was one of the founders of the Assembly of God denomination in Hot Springs, Arkansas in April,1914. I was born in his house, went to his church and was immersed in Christianity for 44 years until 1983. Everything you have heard or read in the NT, I have heard and read a thousand times more. At his funeral I sat between Billy Graham and Oral Roberts and the Archbishop of Baltimore, so you can see I have a little knowledge of the things you speak. My 1st cousin has been the pastor of my grandfathers church for over 25 years and you know him on Facebook.(His last name same as mine)
So don't play the Annointed One here. You are not a missionary and you ain't gonna convert anyone here. In other words, quit trying to bullshit the bullshitters.

I readily admit I do not understand being "filled with love for those" who torture and I'm certainly not in your league when the NT is the subject but I find Sherri's hypocrisy to be so beyond the pale as to be comical, pathetic or both. She proclaims her admiration for those with the capacity to love their tormentors while spewing her hate on these boards like it's her job. I wish for her the courage to look in the mirror. :D


Speaking and taking a stand against Injustice, like an Occupation in Palestine that dehumanizes and hurts and kills, is not spewing hate. It is taking a stand against Injustice in the world I live in. I, and all Americans have the same choice to make, do we support Injustices our country funds and embraces and enables in Palestine, or do we speak against them.

I do not want to watch my country fall, and have to face the fact that what we most stood for was a nation that supported and enabled unjust Occupations of people in Palestine and other foreign lands.

Is it really so awful to desire more of my country then this?


you will never win if you are on the side of the terrorists. Teach your people the meaning of the word Peace!

you will never win if you are on the side of the terrorists. Teach your people the meaning of the word Peace!
Sherri wants people to think she endures unimaginable suffering. Sackcloth and ashes stuff.

you will never win if you are on the side of the terrorists. Teach your people the meaning of the word Peace!

You're a load of bullshit. I've seen you post around elsewhere on this forum. And you advocate war for Israel, and sacrifice Middle East stability for your sick hatred. You're a twisted lunatic. Piss off. We don't need more people like you. Anti Israel folks are growing by the day, like none other.
Stockholm syndrome. Very common among hostages.
sherri you aint no christian, sorry

but you are the very first person on god's earth ever to accuse me of being politically correct!!

that I will treasure.....for sure and wear it proudly!!


Judging others, that was certainly something Jesus observed in the people who lived in His midst 2000 years ago. And He spoke about it in His Sermon On The Mount. He said, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2

Your judgments about me, about my relationship with Jesus, say everything about you and nothing about me.

And, back to the topic thread, I just ran across some photos put up on the Israeli website, 972 Magazine, that show us more images of the carnage Israel has been wrecking upon Gaza, over the past few days.

What matters to me is the sufferings and Injustices being inflicted on the Palestinians of Palestine, and my desire for it to end.

Photos: Gazans mourn victims of latest Israel strikes

Text and photos by Anne Paq

"Five Palestinian civilians, including three children, have been killed by Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip in the latest escalation of violence. Fifty-two others, including six women and 12children, have been wounded, some of them very seriously."

Photos: Gazans mourn victims of latest Israel strikes | +972 Magazine

Hopefully the conflict will end quickly and with no further casualties. I found the article listed no sources for the author's claims other than the same PCHR report that the first strike hit Palestinian children playing football which you have used repeatedly. Is there any corroboration?

you will never win if you are on the side of the terrorists. Teach your people the meaning of the word Peace!
Sherri wants people to think she endures unimaginable suffering. Sackcloth and ashes stuff.

Yes, she hungers for 'martyrdom'. Just like the hero of this song:

Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot
He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Robin
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin
He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp
Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken
To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away
And all his limbs hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin
His head smashed in and his heart cut out
And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged......"

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The answer is to end the violence and accept the existence of Israel. :D
It's not violence, it's resistance. The occupation is the cause of the violence.

And there is no reason to recognize Israeli's right to exist, if Israel will not recognize the Palestinian's right to exist.

Quid pro quo, mutha-fucker!

You say potayto, I say potato and there was Arab violence long before there was any "occupation," Princess.
I'm did not say "right to exist" ... I said existence and there is no "Palestinian" state to recognize.
So how is that quid pro quo thing working out for your hapless "refugees" these days, Idiot?
Then quit telling people it's cowardly to talk about the terrorists Hamas and what they were doing a mere decade ago :eusa_shhh:
Okay, let's talk about what Hamas did recently. Like putting up street lights along a Gaza road. The the IDF came in later and shot out all the lamps at the top.

Care to explain what street improvements has to do with terrorism and Israeli security?

Link, please?
Hamas did stuff in defense of their people. For their existence.
Israeli terror groups were illegal immigrants who ethnically cleansed many Palestinian cities which led to the creation of Israel.

Camel crap.
Those Jewish militias were established as a direct result of Arab violence against Jews.

Those were created well before they illegally immigrated to Palestine.

The Irgun's first steps were in the aftermath of the Arab Riots of 1929. Here's a link to that fact. What do you have? :D
Irgun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Camel crap.
Those Jewish militias were established as a direct result of Arab violence against Jews.

Those were created well before they illegally immigrated to Palestine.

The Irgun's first steps were in the aftermath of the Arab Riots of 1929. Here's a link to that fact. What do you have? :D
Irgun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irgun isn't the only terrorist group. And there was prior immigration. In the late 1800's and people rebelled against the illegal immigration.

Do you never read anything I say about persecution and Christianity? That is the Opportunity of a lifetime for them, for Christians to glorify God with their lives. My Prayers are that they live up to their full potential as Christians, in these exciting times they live in, times when they have such unparallalled and uniique and special opportunities to take stands for Christ. I will never forget words said fairly recently by a Palestinian Christian cleric, speaking to a congregation of American Christians. He said, speaking of Christians in Palestine and the Middle East, we are rich in the blood of the saints. He counted that as a Blessing! I will never forget what Richard Wurmbrandt, who wrote Tortured For Christ, said about being tortured for his faith in a prison in Romania, as he was tortured he was filled with love for those torturing him, and he prayed for them and loved them, as they tortured him. Imagine God filling a person with LOVE in a situation like that. And then he was released, he died in Glendale, California, many years later. From what he wrote about his later life, it seemed to be a disappointment, as was American Christianity. Nothing was like those moments of persecution, the closeness he had to God in those times of suffering. And he spoke of visiting the graves of his torturers, they always had a special place in his heart.

Sherri, my grandfather was one of the founders of the Assembly of God denomination in Hot Springs, Arkansas in April,1914. I was born in his house, went to his church and was immersed in Christianity for 44 years until 1983. Everything you have heard or read in the NT, I have heard and read a thousand times more. At his funeral I sat between Billy Graham and Oral Roberts and the Archbishop of Baltimore, so you can see I have a little knowledge of the things you speak. My 1st cousin has been the pastor of my grandfathers church for over 25 years and you know him on Facebook.(His last name same as mine)
So don't play the Annointed One here. You are not a missionary and you ain't gonna convert anyone here. In other words, quit trying to bullshit the bullshitters.


So, since you seem to know so much about Christianity, can you tell me where American Christianity might have got so off track, that Christians from elsewhere find nothing but disappointment in it and we have ourselves become a mission field for Christians elsewhere? There is an authenticity in Christians elsewhere, we do not seem to have in the US. I ask this question, and before I even submit this post, realize I probably know the answer to it already. We have abandoned the teachings of Jesus.

It is certain you have.
So who is doing mission work in America? Europeans?
Over the last several decades, religious practice in Europe has been on the decline in a process of secularization.
Religion in Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you will never win if you are on the side of the terrorists. Teach your people the meaning of the word Peace!


What I am against is the violence that kills innocent civilians , this is terror, and, by far, the side perpetrating the most violence and killing the most civilians and inflicting the most terror, in this conflict, by far, is Israel.

Anyone can go to the website of Btselem, an Isreali human rights organization, founded by members of the Knesset in Israel, and they can look at their casualties for this conflict in Palestine, the statistics tables, and they can see for themselves who is being killed and who is doing the killing. Every child and civilian killed and combatant killed is listed by name, and details provided about how they died.

Why do you support Israel's terror/ terrorist attacks?

Neither side is "my people." I am not Israeli and I am not Palestinian, what I am is a human being who cares about the human rights of all in Palestine. I do not support one side, Israel, occupying and oppressing another people and their land and subjecting them to discrimination and inferior treatment. In the same way, I would be opposed to civil rights violations and slavery, as carried out in the past in the US.

Camel crap.
Those Jewish militias were established as a direct result of Arab violence against Jews.

Those were created well before they illegally immigrated to Palestine.

The Irgun's first steps were in the aftermath of the Arab Riots of 1929. Here's a link to that fact. What do you have? :D
Irgun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

would you happen to know which groups were created in response to the expulsion of Jewish families by the Turks in 1576? Or as a way to deal with the violence of Muhammed Ibn Farkoh in 1625, or the burning of a synagogue in 1720 (November 8)? The Irgun, as an example of a group which arose to defend the people was actually an aberration -- the Jews had been living in the area for thousands of years, subjected to violence and did nothing to defend themselves. They allow us to live there when we allow them to kill us...
Sherri, my grandfather was one of the founders of the Assembly of God denomination in Hot Springs, Arkansas in April,1914. I was born in his house, went to his church and was immersed in Christianity for 44 years until 1983. Everything you have heard or read in the NT, I have heard and read a thousand times more. At his funeral I sat between Billy Graham and Oral Roberts and the Archbishop of Baltimore, so you can see I have a little knowledge of the things you speak. My 1st cousin has been the pastor of my grandfathers church for over 25 years and you know him on Facebook.(His last name same as mine)
So don't play the Annointed One here. You are not a missionary and you ain't gonna convert anyone here. In other words, quit trying to bullshit the bullshitters.

I readily admit I do not understand being "filled with love for those" who torture and I'm certainly not in your league when the NT is the subject but I find Sherri's hypocrisy to be so beyond the pale as to be comical, pathetic or both. She proclaims her admiration for those with the capacity to love their tormentors while spewing her hate on these boards like it's her job. I wish for her the courage to look in the mirror. :D


Speaking and taking a stand against Injustice, like an Occupation in Palestine that dehumanizes and hurts and kills, is not spewing hate. It is taking a stand against Injustice in the world I live in. I, and all Americans have the same choice to make, do we support Injustices our country funds and embraces and enables in Palestine, or do we speak against them.

I do not want to watch my country fall, and have to face the fact that what we most stood for was a nation that supported and enabled unjust Occupations of people in Palestine and other foreign lands.

Is it really so awful to desire more of my country then this?


There's a wide disparity between what you believe you are doing and what you are actually doing. Wrapping yourself in our flag and proclaiming your "sincere" concern for our collective mortal soul and the welfare of those hapless "Palestinians" is exposed as hypocritical, hate-laced propaganda by how you do it. You're a dime-a-dozen hater selling her "goods."
Here we go with the "Jews own the Middle East" crap again.

And we have jews openly proclaiming Irgun as a "resistance" group.

Yet you hear so much outcry from them when one says the truth of Hamas's resistance.

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