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Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza

Enforcing curfew?
Israel has no legal jurisdiction in Gaza, so they couldn't be enforcing anything.

How would you like it, if I came over to your house, walked right in without knocking and told everyone to go to bed? How would you react to that? What if the cops came and asked me what I was doing and I replied, "I'm enforcing curfew!" And they say, "This isn't your house". And I respond, "Doesn't have to be! I can do whatever I want, wherever I want!" You'd be okay with that, wouldn't you? Because that's exactly what Israel does.

Some of us are still waiting for a link to this story.
This discussion is spinning out of control-----Let's come to its logical conclusion.. Pontius Pilate hated jews and Adolf abu ali hitler hated jews and sherri hates jews.

What else is new?


You forgot someone, you forgot to speak about the Jew hating Jew, irosie, and her hate of Jesus, the Jew!


Good to see you aren't even attempting to deny your anti-semitism :clap2:
Sherri again refers to Jesus as a filthy liar--------but on other occassions claims he never existed making all "christians" filthy liars. Gee long ago---it was more than 30 years ago I went to a mosque on a GOOD FRIDAY----there the Imam did deliver a LONG speech in which ---like sherri He referred to christians as PERVERSE LIARS I was horrified-----but now sherri is at it too


I think you need to seek help from mental health professionals over this problem you have of projecting your own hate and hateful thoughts onto others.

I am certainly nowhere ever referring to Jesus as a filthy liar or claiming He never existed or referring to Christians as perverse liars.

And I doubt you listened to an Imam do any of those things, either.

These thoughts of hate, these delusions, come solely from your own mind.

Get help for your problems, there is help out there!


Are you implying you are completely oblivious to the hateful rhetoric spewed in some of the mosques in both the US and the UK, sherri?
Sherri - your posting UN resolutions makes not the least bit of difference: your initial statement was an impossibility so there IS no 'proving' it.

You chose to frame your statement in terms which could not possibly be true. Nobody else is responsible for that failed choice but yourself.


Israel has violated more UN Resolutions than any other nation ever has, what is so hard for you to comprehend about that?


The list you presented creates a number of logical problems. First, it has a number of resolutions passed in response to actions. How can they be ignored or violated after the fact?
Second, the issue of number of resolutions "ignored" is a function of how many resolutions were aimed at Israel. So any statistical analysis would have to start with the disproportionate UN attention to Israel.
Third, you ignore that the U N is not some objective and impartial body making statments in accordance with some straightforward and binding international legal code. In fact the UN is made up of many members states which commit rights violations and which have attacked Israel in the past. Their actions clearly taint any claim to objectivity and their votes are simply extensions of their hate.
And finally, why invoke the authority of the UN when the "Palestinian" lack of a state was caused by the rejection of 181? If the UN is the proper venue then that rejection is a major problem. If the UN did not have the right to partition then why did it achieve moral authority afterwards?
And, by the way, when the argument is that the Irgun began as a response to Arab terror and of before, bringing in a list of events starting in 1938 only supports that point. Just saying.


I made a statement about UN Resolutions, and then I provided a link to two separate articles , of two entirely different and independent sources, proving it was true. The first article was an article in Haaretz, the second was an article specifically addressing Resolutions Israel has violated and Resolutions addressing Israeli violations of intl law. That second article is also addressing generally Israel's violation of intl law, a matter that goes beyond the simple act of Israel not abiding by UN Resolutions.

Rogue State: Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions

by Jeremy R. Hammond

January 27, 2010

Following is a list of United Nations Security Council resolutions directly critical of Israel for violations of U.N. Security Council resolutions, the U.N. Charter, the Geneva Conventions, international terrorism, or other violations of international law.

Res. 57 (Sep. 18, 1948) – Expresses deep shock at the assassination of the U.N. Mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, by Zionist terrorists.....

More specifically, I will reply to your comments, you state, first, my list of resolutions violated has a number of resolutions passed in response to actions. How can they be ignored or violated after the fact? As I just finished explaining, the list of UN Resolutions in that second article being addressed, is not only UN Resolutions violated, but it is also addressing UN Resolutions addressing Israel's violations of intl law, going beyond simply iidentifying Resolutions Israel has violated. Further, it is actually very simple to remain in violation af a UN Resolution after the fact. A Resolution says end an Occupation, of Palestine, of Syria, of Lebanon, a Resolution says stop building illegal settlements. Israel remains in an active state of continuing to remain in active violation of many UN Resolutions.

Second, you state, the issue of number of resolutions "ignored" is a function of how many resolutions were aimed at Israel. So any statistical analysis would have to start with the disproportionate UN attention to Israel. My response to this is that I simply made a statement about Israel being the violater of more UN Resolutions than any other nation. I do not have to submit a statistical analysis about anything at all to prove my statement was accurate. I have seen no proof of any disproportionate UN attention aimed at Israel.

Third, you state that I ignore that the U N is not some objective and impartial body making statments in accordance with some straightforward and binding international legal code. My response to this, the UN is an international body formed by Nations of the world and Nations are bound by its Charter by treaty, noone forced them to become Members of the United Nations. Israel became a Member of the UN by applying for Membership and by deciding she wanted to be a part of the UN. If Israel did not desire to be bound by the UN Charter and be an abider of intl law and a law abiding member of the international community of nations represented in the UN, she should have never filed an Application seeking Membership in the UN and she should never have agreed to be bound by the UN Charter and she should never have signed as signatories onto other international treaties, like The Fourth Geneva Convention. Israel is bound by much intl law, because she agreed to so be bound, under Treaty obligations voluntarily agreed upon by officials of the Nation of Israel.

Fourth, you state, why invoke the authority of the UN when the "Palestinian" lack of a state was caused by the rejection of 181? If the UN is the proper venue then that rejection is a major problem. If the UN did not have the right to partition then why did it achieve moral authority afterwards. My response, I am simply making a statement about Israel's violation of UN Resolutions, I do not see in my making such a statement, an invoking of some authority, that you are alleging. And I do not agree that the lack of a Palestinian State was caused by the rejection of Resolution 181. I think I already explained that the UN's Authority over Israel is a function of Israel's Treaty obligations, under the UN Charter, and under other intl laws Israel is bound to by her Treaty obligations, all completely voluntary undertakings of the Israeli government.

If Israel does not to desire to abide by intl law and her intl obligations under intl laws like The UN Charter (membership in the UN itself is a Treaty obligation, and the rules to follow are those set forth in the uN Charter) and The Fourth Geneva Convention, perhaps Israel should withdraw from the UN and look into other ways to limit her obligations owed to others under intl law.


Well, I am confused, too, you ask for Mercy, Mercy over what?

And I am not the giver of Mercy!

Maybe, this will help.

Romans 9 New International Version (NIV)

Paul’s Anguish Over Israel

9 I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit— 2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, 4the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. 5 Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised![a] Amen.

God’s Sovereign Choice

6 It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. 7 Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” 8 In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring. 9 For this was how the promise was stated: “At the appointed time I will return, and Sarah will have a son.”[c]

10 Not only that, but Rebekah’s children were conceived at the same time by our father Isaac. 11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls—she was told, “The older will serve the younger.”[d] 13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”[e]

14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,

“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[f]

16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[h] 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?

22 What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? 25 As he says in Hosea:

“I will call them ‘my people’ who are not my people;
and I will call her ‘my loved one’ who is not my loved one,”

26 and,

“In the very place where it was said to them,
‘You are not my people,’
there they will be called ‘children of the living God.’”[j]

27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel:

“Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea,
only the remnant will be saved.
28 For the Lord will carry out
his sentence on earth with speed and finality.”[k]
29 It is just as Isaiah said previously:

“Unless the Lord Almighty
had left us descendants,
we would have become like Sodom,
we would have been like Gomorrah.”[l]

Israel’s Unbelief

30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; 31 but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. 33 As it is written:

“See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall,
and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”[m

Romans 9 NIV - Paul


sherri who exactly do you think you are talking to?

postin a bunch of stuff from that woman hater St. Paul?

certainly not skye or anyone here is going to read it

you are just spouting biblical drivel to yourself, if you have a self

waste of time and space

go repent thy self righteous and jew hatin sins before comin back here

and learn a little communication

com is cum, latin for together with

you aint together with anyone at all

not jesus, not the gazans, no-one

the worst advocate in gaza's sad history

better for you, gaza and all of us if you got thyself to a nunnery and just shut up


I was responding to a confused plea about Mercy, or so that is how I interpreted the words in a post.

And from the Christ hater Kvetch, I get ranting and hate all about Christianity and Christians.

I guess we cannot expect anything else from those who commit themselves to hate Christ and Christianity and Christians, like yourself.


Skye was literally begging you to have mercy and stop posting your ant-Semitic drivel, stop posting your support for terrorists, stop Misinterpreting bible verses for your own ends, stop bible bashing, stop foaming at the mouth and gnashing your very un-Christian teeth.
Stop :eusa_shhh:
BTW when did you recite the shihada???
sherri who exactly do you think you are talking to?

postin a bunch of stuff from that woman hater St. Paul?

certainly not skye or anyone here is going to read it

you are just spouting biblical drivel to yourself, if you have a self

waste of time and space

go repent thy self righteous and jew hatin sins before comin back here

and learn a little communication

com is cum, latin for together with

you aint together with anyone at all

not jesus, not the gazans, no-one

the worst advocate in gaza's sad history

better for you, gaza and all of us if you got thyself to a nunnery and just shut up


I was responding to a confused plea about Mercy, or so that is how I interpreted the words in a post.

And from the Christ hater Kvetch, I get ranting and hate all about Christianity and Christians.

I guess we cannot expect anything else from those who commit themselves to hate Christ and Christianity and Christians, like yourself.


you are exactly like the worst paranoid jewish zionists

at the first whiff of proper criticism you slander your christ loving adversary with christ hatred

just like the fragile paranoid zionists accuse anyone of anti semitism, jews included

you do not and have never known the real christ, who is love personified

you re crucify the poor old guy with your every word

i have posted a lot of real stuff about gaza, niot just pallywood crap.

i also deliberately offend fellow jews calling gaza a ghetto

that really upsets all decent jews

because they know its true

but i do it consciously and accurately

not as a cross addict or any kind of cultist

out of love for both gazans and jews too

as best i can, anyway

spiritual pride....self righteousness.....is the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins in christianity

and you are overfowing with it


You just keep on judging all of us here, that is your kvetch thing, obviously.

I think I already addressed what Jesus had to say about judging others, that is in Matthew 7, I will not restate it again here. If you or anyone else is interested, they can look it up for themselves.

You call yourself a Christ loving adversary? You just called the Apostle Paul a woman hater. And you called the Christian Scriptures Biblical drivel. Do you really call that loving Christ?

Do us all a favor, but most of all do it for YOU, for yourself, look at yourself in a mirror, read the words Christ actually said, deal with your own hate.

I will end by agreeing with one comment you just made, about the real Christ, that He is love personified. And God is Love, I add to that.

sherri who exactly do you think you are talking to?

postin a bunch of stuff from that woman hater St. Paul?

certainly not skye or anyone here is going to read it

you are just spouting biblical drivel to yourself, if you have a self

waste of time and space

go repent thy self righteous and jew hatin sins before comin back here

and learn a little communication

com is cum, latin for together with

you aint together with anyone at all

not jesus, not the gazans, no-one

the worst advocate in gaza's sad history

better for you, gaza and all of us if you got thyself to a nunnery and just shut up


I was responding to a confused plea about Mercy, or so that is how I interpreted the words in a post.

And from the Christ hater Kvetch, I get ranting and hate all about Christianity and Christians.

I guess we cannot expect anything else from those who commit themselves to hate Christ and Christianity and Christians, like yourself.


Skye was literally begging you to have mercy and stop posting your ant-Semitic drivel, stop posting your support for terrorists, stop Misinterpreting bible verses for your own ends, stop bible bashing, stop foaming at the mouth and gnashing your very un-Christian teeth.
Stop :eusa_shhh:
BTW when did you recite the shihada???


I think Skye needs to tell us herself what she meant.


I made a statement about UN Resolutions, and then I provided a link to two separate articles , of two entirely different and independent sources, proving it was true. The first article was an article in Haaretz, the second was an article specifically addressing Resolutions Israel has violated and Resolutions addressing Israeli violations of intl law. That second article is also addressing generally Israel's violation of intl law, a matter that goes beyond the simple act of Israel not abiding by UN Resolutions.

you do realize that unless the resolution is passed by the security council, it is a non-binding recommendation without the enforcibility of law, right? So one cannot "violate" that which is non-binding.

More specifically, I will reply to your comments, you state, first, my list of resolutions violated has a number of resolutions passed in response to actions. How can they be ignored or violated after the fact? As I just finished explaining, the list of UN Resolutions in that second article being addressed, is not only UN Resolutions violated, but it is also addressing UN Resolutions addressing Israel's violations of intl law, going beyond simply iidentifying Resolutions Israel has violated. Further, it is actually very simple to remain in violation af a UN Resolution after the fact. A Resolution says end an Occupation, of Palestine, of Syria, of Lebanon, a Resolution says stop building illegal settlements. Israel remains in an active state of continuing to remain in active violation of many UN Resolutions.
non-binding recommendations. Can't be violated. Can be ignored, especially as they are politically motivated.
Second, you state, the issue of number of resolutions "ignored" is a function of how many resolutions were aimed at Israel. So any statistical analysis would have to start with the disproportionate UN attention to Israel. My response to this is that I simply made a statement about Israel being the violater of more UN Resolutions than any other nation. I do not have to submit a statistical analysis about anything at all to prove my statement was accurate. I have seen no proof of any disproportionate UN attention aimed at Israel.
so you can quote skewed facts and statistics because the apparent end justifies your means? that's not intellectually honest. Well, coming after claims of "violation" when the non-binding recommendations can't be violated...
If you haven't seen any proof of disproportionate attention, then you haven't been looking. I found a number of websites which give statistics about it. Of course, you would disagree with them even though they document their claims (Israel and the UN - An Uneasy Relationship
UN, Israel & Anti-Semitism - UN Watch
List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Third, you state that I ignore that the U N is not some objective and impartial body making statments in accordance with some straightforward and binding international legal code. My response to this, the UN is an international body formed by Nations of the world and Nations are bound by its Charter by treaty, noone forced them to become Members of the United Nations. Israel became a Member of the UN by applying for Membership and by deciding she wanted to be a part of the UN. If Israel did not desire to be bound by the UN Charter and be an abider of intl law and a law abiding member of the international community of nations represented in the UN, she should have never filed an Application seeking Membership in the UN and she should never have agreed to be bound by the UN Charter and she should never have signed as signatories onto other international treaties, like The Fourth Geneva Convention. Israel is bound by much intl law, because she agreed to so be bound, under Treaty obligations voluntarily agreed upon by officials of the Nation of Israel.
Wishing to be recognized by the international community as a state is not the same as subsuming all rights as a sovereign state. That's why membership does not bind member states to non-binding resolutions. Are you saying that all of the countries ignoring the many UN resolutions against "defamation" of religion should not have joined the UN? Or maybe, when they joined, those resolutions weren't what they bargained for? Or, as at least one security council member nation has stated, those resolutions will actually cause more sectarian violence than they resolve. What about resolutions calling for an end of rockets aimed at Israel from Gaza? Does this mean that Gaza will not want membership in the UN as a sovereign state because it doesn't abide by resolutions?

Fourth, you state, why invoke the authority of the UN when the "Palestinian" lack of a state was caused by the rejection of 181? If the UN is the proper venue then that rejection is a major problem. If the UN did not have the right to partition then why did it achieve moral authority afterwards. My response, I am simply making a statement about Israel's violation of UN Resolutions, I do not see in my making such a statement, an invoking of some authority, that you are alleging.
so the UN has no authority. Got it.
If Israel does not to desire to abide by intl law and her intl obligations under intl laws like The UN Charter (membership in the UN itself is a Treaty obligation, and the rules to follow are those set forth in the uN Charter) and The Fourth Geneva Convention, perhaps Israel should withdraw from the UN and look into other ways to limit her obligations owed to others under intl law.
if you wish to discuss international law, then we can, but UN resolutions are not law. Under international law, the "occupied" territory is not even occupied. It was not taken in war from a recognized and sovereign state. It is, at best, disputed. Thus, legally, Israel is not an occupier, and force used in resistance to a non-occupier is purely terroristic. But hey, that's just law. We can go back to non-binding resolutions if you'd like.
Last edited:

I was responding to a confused plea about Mercy, or so that is how I interpreted the words in a post.

And from the Christ hater Kvetch, I get ranting and hate all about Christianity and Christians.

I guess we cannot expect anything else from those who commit themselves to hate Christ and Christianity and Christians, like yourself.


you are exactly like the worst paranoid jewish zionists

at the first whiff of proper criticism you slander your christ loving adversary with christ hatred

just like the fragile paranoid zionists accuse anyone of anti semitism, jews included

you do not and have never known the real christ, who is love personified

you re crucify the poor old guy with your every word

i have posted a lot of real stuff about gaza, niot just pallywood crap.

i also deliberately offend fellow jews calling gaza a ghetto

that really upsets all decent jews

because they know its true

but i do it consciously and accurately

not as a cross addict or any kind of cultist

out of love for both gazans and jews too

as best i can, anyway

spiritual pride....self righteousness.....is the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins in christianity

and you are overfowing with it


You just keep on judging all of us here, that is your kvetch thing, obviously.

I think I already addressed what Jesus had to say about judging others, that is in Matthew 7, I will not restate it again here. If you or anyone else is interested, they can look it up for themselves.

You call yourself a Christ loving adversary? You just called the Apostle Paul a woman hater. And you called the Christian Scriptures Biblical drivel. Do you really call that loving Christ?

Do us all a favor, but most of all do it for YOU, for yourself, look at yourself in a mirror, read the words Christ actually said, deal with your own hate.

I will end by agreeing with one comment you just made, about the real Christ, that He is love personified. And God is Love, I add to that.


Kvetch is quite right, Saul was a misogynist. And most of the books that could have, and some might argue, should have been included in the bible aren't there, and as such it is an almost arbitrary collection which could have been very different today if the councils such as Nicea hadn't happened, or had they had another agenda, or had they included the more gnostically inclined scriptures, for example. I think Kvetch is acknowledging these issues and therefore suggesting that your apparent obsessive reliance on what we today refer to as the bible is a little bit silly. I think Kvetch is an equal opportunities relgion basher so you need not feel singled out.
However, you are the only person on this particular forum who is regularly torturing its inhabitants with your constant abuse of scripture and shoving your opportunistic interpretations down our throats.
Oh and you clearly don't know what JC meant by love, He loved the Jews and everyone else. You hate His people and support terrorism against them. Your love Isa, not Jesus, but that is not really surprising, is it?

I was responding to a confused plea about Mercy, or so that is how I interpreted the words in a post.

And from the Christ hater Kvetch, I get ranting and hate all about Christianity and Christians.

I guess we cannot expect anything else from those who commit themselves to hate Christ and Christianity and Christians, like yourself.


Skye was literally begging you to have mercy and stop posting your ant-Semitic drivel, stop posting your support for terrorists, stop Misinterpreting bible verses for your own ends, stop bible bashing, stop foaming at the mouth and gnashing your very un-Christian teeth.
Stop :eusa_shhh:
BTW when did you recite the shihada???


I think Skye needs to tell us herself what she meant.



I think Skye already did that, unambigously, but you clearly wilfully feign ignorance so you can throw yet more of your chapters and verses at us.
"Israel has violated more UN Resolutions than any country that has ever existed since the beginning of time."

It just makes me giggle no end when she resorts to such palable fabrication and idiocy as the above.

If her 'cause' were one she had any faith in, why would she indulge in such unprofessional and puerile insanity to 'support' it?

Why do you make me prove this is true again? We have been over this so many times before.

Study: Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions

NEW YORK - Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.

By Shlomo Shamir | Oct.10, 2002 | 12:00 AM

NEW YORK - Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.

Study: Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Following is a list of United Nations Security Council resolutions directly critical of Israel for violations of U.N. Security Council resolutions, the U.N. Charter, the Geneva Conventions, international terrorism, or other violations of international law.

Res. 57 (Sep. 18, 1948) – Expresses deep shock at the assassination of the U.N. Mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, by Zionist terrorists.

Res. 89 (Nov. 17, 1950) – Requests that attention be given to the expulsion of “thousands of Palestine Arabs” and calls upon concerned governments to take no further action “involving the transfer of persons across international frontiers or armistice lines”, and notes that Israel announced that it would withdraw to the armistice lines.

Res. 93 (May 18, 1951) – Finds that Israeli airstrikes on Syria on April 5, 1951 constitutes “a violation of the cease-fire”, and decides that Arab civilians expelled from the demilitarized zone by Israel should be allowed to return.

Res. 100 (Oct. 27, 1953) – Notes that Israel had said it would stop work it started in the demilitarized zone on September 2, 1953.

Res. 101 (Nov. 24, 1953) – Finds Israel’s attack on Qibya, Jordan on October 14-15, 1953 to be a violation of the cease-fire and “Expresses the strongest censure of that action”.

Res. 106 (Mar. 29, 1955) – Condemns Israel’s attack on Egyptian forces in the Gaza Strip on February 28, 1955.

Rogue State: Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions | Foreign Policy Journal


Only the first few paragraphs of a linked article or study are to be copied in a post. Newby

Other UN Resolutions identified in that article that address violations of UN Resolutions and other violations of intl law include Resolutions 111 (condemns Israel's attack on Syria on 12/11/55), 119 (addresses a grave situation caused by Israel's attack against Egypt in 1956), 171 (finds Israel's attack on Syria in March of 1962 violates Resolution 111), 228 (condemns attacks in the southern Hebron area on November 13, 1966 that took lives and damaged property, that the UN calls a violation of the UN Charter) , 237 (calls on Israel to allow refugees who fled their homes in 1967 fighting during the war launched by Israel on June 5, 1967, to be allowed to return to their homes), 242, 248, 250, 251, 252, 256,259, 262, 265, 267, 270, 271, 279, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 317, 332, 337, 347, 425, 427, 446, 450, 452, 465, 467, 468, 469, 471, 476, 478, 484, 487, 497, 501, 509, 515, 517, 518, 520, 521, 573, 592, 605, 607, 608, 611, 536, 641, 672, 673, 681, 694, 726, 799, 904, 1073, 1322, 1402, 1403, 1405, 1435, 1544, 1701, and 1860.

Rogue State: Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions | Foreign Policy Journal

Full text of each Resolution identified above that addresses Israel's violations of intl law can be accessed and the entire text of each resolution can be read from the UN website below.

Welcome to the United Nations: It's Your World


I made a statement about UN Resolutions, and then I provided a link to two separate articles , of two entirely different and independent sources, proving it was true. The first article was an article in Haaretz, the second was an article specifically addressing Resolutions Israel has violated and Resolutions addressing Israeli violations of intl law. That second article is also addressing generally Israel's violation of intl law, a matter that goes beyond the simple act of Israel not abiding by UN Resolutions.

you do realize that unless the resolution is passed by the security council, it is a non-binding recommendation without the enforcibility of law, right? So one cannot "violate" that which is non-binding.

More specifically, I will reply to your comments, you state, first, my list of resolutions violated has a number of resolutions passed in response to actions. How can they be ignored or violated after the fact? As I just finished explaining, the list of UN Resolutions in that second article being addressed, is not only UN Resolutions violated, but it is also addressing UN Resolutions addressing Israel's violations of intl law, going beyond simply iidentifying Resolutions Israel has violated. Further, it is actually very simple to remain in violation af a UN Resolution after the fact. A Resolution says end an Occupation, of Palestine, of Syria, of Lebanon, a Resolution says stop building illegal settlements. Israel remains in an active state of continuing to remain in active violation of many UN Resolutions.
non-binding recommendations. Can't be violated. Can be ignored, especially as they are politically motivated.

so you can quote skewed facts and statistics because the apparent end justifies your means? that's not intellectually honest. Well, coming after claims of "violation" when the non-binding recommendations can't be violated...
If you haven't seen any proof of disproportionate attention, then you haven't been looking. I found a number of websites which give statistics about it. Of course, you would disagree with them even though they document their claims (Israel and the UN - An Uneasy Relationship
UN, Israel & Anti-Semitism - UN Watch
List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Wishing to be recognized by the international community as a state is not the same as subsuming all rights as a sovereign state. That's why membership does not bind member states to non-binding resolutions. Are you saying that all of the countries ignoring the many UN resolutions against "defamation" of religion should not have joined the UN? Or maybe, when they joined, those resolutions weren't what they bargained for? Or, as at least one security council member nation has stated, those resolutions will actually cause more sectarian violence than they resolve. What about resolutions calling for an end of rockets aimed at Israel from Gaza? Does this mean that Gaza will not want membership in the UN as a sovereign state because it doesn't abide by resolutions?

Fourth, you state, why invoke the authority of the UN when the "Palestinian" lack of a state was caused by the rejection of 181? If the UN is the proper venue then that rejection is a major problem. If the UN did not have the right to partition then why did it achieve moral authority afterwards. My response, I am simply making a statement about Israel's violation of UN Resolutions, I do not see in my making such a statement, an invoking of some authority, that you are alleging.
so the UN has no authority. Got it.
If Israel does not to desire to abide by intl law and her intl obligations under intl laws like The UN Charter (membership in the UN itself is a Treaty obligation, and the rules to follow are those set forth in the uN Charter) and The Fourth Geneva Convention, perhaps Israel should withdraw from the UN and look into other ways to limit her obligations owed to others under intl law.
if you wish to discuss international law, then we can, but UN resolutions are not law. Under international law, the "occupied" territory is not even occupied. It was not taken in war from a recognized and sovereign state. It is, at best, disputed. Thus, legally, Israel is not an occupier, and force used in resistance to a non-occupier is purely terroristic. But hey, that's just law. We can go back to non-binding resolutions if you'd like.


The fact is that the UN Resolutions identified in the articles I provided links to list grave violations of intl law by Israel, many of which are continuing and ongoing, many dating back for decades.

The issue of whether the UN has the authority to force Israel to abide by intl law , under the UN Charter, is an entirely different question altogether.

You state the occupied lands are not occupied.

We have an Opinion by The International Court of Justice, the Highest legal authority in our world, telling the world that Israel occupies East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

You obviously have no regard or respect for International law and desire to clothe Israel's violations of intl law with Impunity.

You state the occupied lands are not occupied.

We have an Opinion by The International Court of Justice, the Highest legal authority in our world, telling the world that Israel occupies East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

You obviously have no regard or respect for International law and desire to clothe Israel's violations of intl law with Impunity.
I'll try to keep this simple for you Sherri -- please let me know which sovereign nation's territory Israel captured when it "occupied" the territory. Until you can do that, your claim to occupation is null and void. Cite whatever you want but words have meanings and you can't escape that this word "occupied" has a particular legal use.
The question of an advisory position by the ICJ ignores this distinction and actually asserts israeli occupation in Gaza (which Israel has withdrawn from thrice and received shelling in response, contrary to international law) and areas which, actually, were under PA control (ineffective though it is). So keep citing all those decisions about "international law."

you are exactly like the worst paranoid jewish zionists

at the first whiff of proper criticism you slander your christ loving adversary with christ hatred

just like the fragile paranoid zionists accuse anyone of anti semitism, jews included

you do not and have never known the real christ, who is love personified

you re crucify the poor old guy with your every word

i have posted a lot of real stuff about gaza, niot just pallywood crap.

i also deliberately offend fellow jews calling gaza a ghetto

that really upsets all decent jews

because they know its true

but i do it consciously and accurately

not as a cross addict or any kind of cultist

out of love for both gazans and jews too

as best i can, anyway

spiritual pride....self righteousness.....is the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins in christianity

and you are overfowing with it


You just keep on judging all of us here, that is your kvetch thing, obviously.

I think I already addressed what Jesus had to say about judging others, that is in Matthew 7, I will not restate it again here. If you or anyone else is interested, they can look it up for themselves.

You call yourself a Christ loving adversary? You just called the Apostle Paul a woman hater. And you called the Christian Scriptures Biblical drivel. Do you really call that loving Christ?

Do us all a favor, but most of all do it for YOU, for yourself, look at yourself in a mirror, read the words Christ actually said, deal with your own hate.

I will end by agreeing with one comment you just made, about the real Christ, that He is love personified. And God is Love, I add to that.


Kvetch is quite right, Saul was a misogynist. And most of the books that could have, and some might argue, should have been included in the bible aren't there, and as such it is an almost arbitrary collection which could have been very different today if the councils such as Nicea hadn't happened, or had they had another agenda, or had they included the more gnostically inclined scriptures, for example. I think Kvetch is acknowledging these issues and therefore suggesting that your apparent obsessive reliance on what we today refer to as the bible is a little bit silly. I think Kvetch is an equal opportunities relgion basher so you need not feel singled out.
However, you are the only person on this particular forum who is regularly torturing its inhabitants with your constant abuse of scripture and shoving your opportunistic interpretations down our throats.
Oh and you clearly don't know what JC meant by love, He loved the Jews and everyone else. You hate His people and support terrorism against them. Your love Isa, not Jesus, but that is not really surprising, is it?


Why would I or should I care about anything a Christ Hater and nonChristian like you had to say about Jesus?

And go educate yourself, Isa is simply the Arabic name for Jesus, and His Jewish name was Yeshua.

You state the occupied lands are not occupied.

We have an Opinion by The International Court of Justice, the Highest legal authority in our world, telling the world that Israel occupies East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

You obviously have no regard or respect for International law and desire to clothe Israel's violations of intl law with Impunity.
I'll try to keep this simple for you Sherri -- please let me know which sovereign nation's territory Israel captured when it "occupied" the territory. Until you can do that, your claim to occupation is null and void. Cite whatever you want but words have meanings and you can't escape that this word "occupied" has a particular legal use.
The question of an advisory position by the ICJ ignores this distinction and actually asserts israeli occupation in Gaza (which Israel has withdrawn from thrice and received shelling in response, contrary to international law) and areas which, actually, were under PA control (ineffective though it is). So keep citing all those decisions about "international law."


You are not the legal authority that has decided this question, the International Court of Justice is. And I provided a link to that Opinion. This Opinion is consistent with the other intl legal authorities, what they have been saying in UN Resolutions for decades. Palestinians have a right of self determination in their indigenous lands and homes inside Palestine, their lands in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, that is a recognized legal right under intl law, and it is that right that lies at the base of the Court Opinion. The particular lands the Court has held Israel occupies today , that are known as the Occupied Palestinian Territories, were lands that Israel took control over in 1967, in the 1967 war, that were occupied then by Arab nations (Jordan and Egypt) in the 1967 war Israel initiated in the region.


you are exactly like the worst paranoid jewish zionists

at the first whiff of proper criticism you slander your christ loving adversary with christ hatred

just like the fragile paranoid zionists accuse anyone of anti semitism, jews included

you do not and have never known the real christ, who is love personified

you re crucify the poor old guy with your every word

i have posted a lot of real stuff about gaza, niot just pallywood crap.

i also deliberately offend fellow jews calling gaza a ghetto

that really upsets all decent jews

because they know its true

but i do it consciously and accurately

not as a cross addict or any kind of cultist

out of love for both gazans and jews too

as best i can, anyway

spiritual pride....self righteousness.....is the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins in christianity

and you are overfowing with it


You just keep on judging all of us here, that is your kvetch thing, obviously.

I think I already addressed what Jesus had to say about judging others, that is in Matthew 7, I will not restate it again here. If you or anyone else is interested, they can look it up for themselves.

You call yourself a Christ loving adversary? You just called the Apostle Paul a woman hater. And you called the Christian Scriptures Biblical drivel. Do you really call that loving Christ?

Do us all a favor, but most of all do it for YOU, for yourself, look at yourself in a mirror, read the words Christ actually said, deal with your own hate.

I will end by agreeing with one comment you just made, about the real Christ, that He is love personified. And God is Love, I add to that.


Kvetch is quite right, Saul was a misogynist. And most of the books that could have, and some might argue, should have been included in the bible aren't there, and as such it is an almost arbitrary collection which could have been very different today if the councils such as Nicea hadn't happened, or had they had another agenda, or had they included the more gnostically inclined scriptures, for example. I think Kvetch is acknowledging these issues and therefore suggesting that your apparent obsessive reliance on what we today refer to as the bible is a little bit silly. I think Kvetch is an equal opportunities relgion basher so you need not feel singled out.
However, you are the only person on this particular forum who is regularly torturing its inhabitants with your constant abuse of scripture and shoving your opportunistic interpretations down our throats.
Oh and you clearly don't know what JC meant by love, He loved the Jews and everyone else. You hate His people and support terrorism against them. Your love Isa, not Jesus, but that is not really surprising, is it?

I think right now, the Catholickers, the Orthodox and the prostitutes, sorry, Protestants all have different bibles.

Yes, equal opportunity hate and lie basher I try to be.

But it's all to easy to mash up that anti-christ jew hatin sherri and then think you have won the arguments about Gaza which you have definitely not.

Not with tinnie and not with me either.

the ghetto that is Gaza was created by Israel in 1948 to 1956 long before Hamas the PLO or any violent Jewicides ever happened....plenty of Israeli Palicides along that vicious way and little if any resistance from Gazans or Pals.

And none of you Zionuts or acolytes like you have rebutted a single truth that Tinne or I have expressed along the way.

You just resort to Sherri tactix;

accusin us of Hamas Jewicide supportin which aint true.

So how about we return to the subject of this thread and ignore Sherri, eh?
There are so many people in Palestine doing so much to free Palestine of Occupation, so many committed to the popular nonviolent resistance movement, and they are Christian and Muslim, and Jewish, AND INCLUDE iNTERNATIONALS FROM NATIONS ALL OVER OUR WORLD.

972 Magazine becomes a site for them to speak, and post stories of what they see, and post the photos they take where they go in an attempt to be a part of freeing Palestine from Occupation, all of them playing a part in documenting an Occupation and a people's struggle to be free from that Occupation. And they gather together in Palestine.

Anne Paq is I believe a photographer and human rights activist , from France, I think, who has been living in Palestine for years now.

She is capturing scenes from the carnage Israel has been creating in Gaza and posting them on 972 Magazine.

Look at these amazing photos below.

In one we see the image of a 19 year old, killed by an Israeli air strike, in the last carnage Israel has been creating in Gaza, and his body is being carried in his funeral, by Palestinians burying him.

His name is Matar Abu Al-Atta, 19, killed by an Israeli strike, during his funeral in the al-Shoja’iya neighborhood. (photo: Anne Paq / Activestills)

In the next, we have a photo of his baby brother, born the same night Matar was killed in Gaza by his Israeli Occupiers.

History is being written, through these stories and photos, history of yet another struggle for freedom of a people oppressed, in the greater world History of mankind's struggle to confront Injustices and Oppression in their world.




Photos: Gazans mourn victims of latest Israel strikes | +972 Magazine

Isn't this the same guy who is always falling off the stretcher at his funerals? And climbing back onto the stretcher unassisted? Or answering his cell phone? Is this guy any kin to Jesus?

You just keep on judging all of us here, that is your kvetch thing, obviously.

I think I already addressed what Jesus had to say about judging others, that is in Matthew 7, I will not restate it again here. If you or anyone else is interested, they can look it up for themselves.

You call yourself a Christ loving adversary? You just called the Apostle Paul a woman hater. And you called the Christian Scriptures Biblical drivel. Do you really call that loving Christ?

Do us all a favor, but most of all do it for YOU, for yourself, look at yourself in a mirror, read the words Christ actually said, deal with your own hate.

I will end by agreeing with one comment you just made, about the real Christ, that He is love personified. And God is Love, I add to that.


Kvetch is quite right, Saul was a misogynist. And most of the books that could have, and some might argue, should have been included in the bible aren't there, and as such it is an almost arbitrary collection which could have been very different today if the councils such as Nicea hadn't happened, or had they had another agenda, or had they included the more gnostically inclined scriptures, for example. I think Kvetch is acknowledging these issues and therefore suggesting that your apparent obsessive reliance on what we today refer to as the bible is a little bit silly. I think Kvetch is an equal opportunities relgion basher so you need not feel singled out.
However, you are the only person on this particular forum who is regularly torturing its inhabitants with your constant abuse of scripture and shoving your opportunistic interpretations down our throats.
Oh and you clearly don't know what JC meant by love, He loved the Jews and everyone else. You hate His people and support terrorism against them. Your love Isa, not Jesus, but that is not really surprising, is it?


Why would I or should I care about anything a Christ Hater and nonChristian like you had to say about Jesus?

And go educate yourself, Isa is simply the Arabic name for Jesus, and His Jewish name was Yeshua.


When did I ask you to 'care', Sherri? Now, for a Christian who must know Islam pretty well since you claim to be married to someone raised as a muslim, and since you can read, the fact that you say Isa is JC and peddle the lie that Isa is simply His Arabic name is very interesting. Would the Jesus you allegedly know and love be waiting to come down to earth to break all the Christian crosses, to destroy Christian churches, to enforce Shariah law and to destroy all those, even His own Christian followers, who refuse to embrace Islam and Shariah? That is what Isa is waiting to do whilst he sits patiently by Allahs side. What kind of Christian makes out this is one and the same person? Muslims also admit that Isa was a muslim and they claim he did not die on the cross but was replaced by a lookielike. So you are following Isa, a muslim, ergo you are a muslim?
Can you really be as dumb as you make out?

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