Israel to Annex West Bank


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
How will the Islamic world and US elites react if Jews make the illegally occupied West Bank " integral part of the state of Israel"?

Israeli far-right minister speaks of effort to annex West Bank

"Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has described in explicit terms his active effort to annex the West Bank to Israel, days after the Guardian revealed how the pro-settlement politician and his allies had quietly gained significant new legal powers to that end.

"Speaking at a meeting of his Religious Zionism party, Smotrich told colleagues that he was 'establish[ing] facts on the ground in order to make Judea and Samaria [an Israeli term for the occupied West Bank] an integral part of the state of Israel'..."

"Annexation and the acquisition of territory by military conquest is forbidden as one of the founding principles of international law including the UN charter."
They've been annexing land in those areas for decades. The last US President to push back on the Settler Agenda was GWH Bush and look what that got him in 1992.
Not sure how you put Hamas back in charge or the whole thing starts over again.

And since they were democratically elected, not sure how voting will change anything for the Palestinian people who demand electing a power that is at war with Israel.
Not sure how you put Hamas back in charge or the whole thing starts over again.

And since they were democratically elected, not sure how voting will change anything for the Palestinian people who demand electing a power that is at war with Israel.
Like the Nazis, Hamas seized control with violence after the election nearly 20 years ago. They have never allowed a Democratic election since then. Most of the people in Gaza have never voted.
Like the Nazis, Hamas seized control with violence after the election nearly 20 years ago. They have never allowed a Democratic election since then. Most of the people in Gaza have never voted.
It shows elections have consequences. Yes friends, the Nazi regime came to power via democracy as well.

I have seen polling numbers indicating that Hamas still has the support of the majority. Are they accurate? Who knows.

But with persistent propaganda and ensuring their living conditions are hellish and miserable, I would venture to say that most still would vote for them, even though they would never allow anyone to remove them from power.

The only way to get rid of Hamas is for Israel to remove them.
They've been annexing land in those areas for decades. The last US President to push back on the Settler Agenda was GWH Bush and look what that got him in 1992.
Bush I delayed $10 billion in loan guarantees to help Soviet Jews resettle in Israel. I suspect the sons and daughters of those Jews are the ones committing genocide for a Greater Israel today.

Never Again?

"Bush, who was president from 1989 to 1993, forever changed American politics when he exerted his power to curtail the settlement enterprise and faced a vehement backlash.

"He made clear the cost of an American president waging a political fight against the vast coalition of pro-Israel lobbying groups.

"In doing so, he exposed the limits of what the world’s most powerful man can do when trying to solve the world’s seemingly most intractable conflict.

"One of the most controversial moments of his single-term presidency was when Bush delayed Israel loan guarantees until it halted its settlement building in the West Bank and Gaza and entered a peace conference with the Palestinians, what would later became known as the Madrid Peace Conference."
It shows elections have consequences. Yes friends, the Nazi regime came to power via democracy as well.
Another popular myth. The Nazi Fascist destroyed the fledgling Democracy in the streets. They never won a popular election and when they did it was because they outlawed all other political parties and took control of the Media. Like Hamas, they took control by force and had to use force during their rule.
Another popular myth. The Nazi Fascist destroyed the fledgling Democracy in the streets. They never won a popular election and when they did it was because they outlawed all other political parties and took control of the Media. Like Hamas, they took control by force and had to use force during their rule.
Many Nazis were elected into power.

You deny this?

You have a false gospel of democracy, which is that it can never lead to despotism.
Many Nazis were elected into power.

You deny this?
I stand corrected. They never won a majority in the Parliament and Hitler never won an election until he could rig them.

Do you deny the Nazis used brute force to install Hitler as ruler for life or that Hamas used brute force to take over in Gaza?
Not sure how you put Hamas back in charge or the whole thing starts over again.

And since they were democratically elected, not sure how voting will change anything for the Palestinian people who demand electing a power that is at war with Israel.
Hamas would not exist in the absence of the illegal Jewish occupation of Palestine. Hamas was created by Israel as an alternative to the Palestinian Authority soon after the First Intifada ignited in 1987 as an uprising against the illegal Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.

End the occupation and Hamas will lose at the ballot box in Gaza.
How will the Islamic world and US elites react if Jews make the illegally occupied West Bank " integral part of the state of Israel"?

Israeli far-right minister speaks of effort to annex West Bank

"Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has described in explicit terms his active effort to annex the West Bank to Israel, days after the Guardian revealed how the pro-settlement politician and his allies had quietly gained significant new legal powers to that end.

"Speaking at a meeting of his Religious Zionism party, Smotrich told colleagues that he was 'establish[ing] facts on the ground in order to make Judea and Samaria [an Israeli term for the occupied West Bank] an integral part of the state of Israel'..."

"Annexation and the acquisition of territory by military conquest is forbidden as one of the founding principles of international law including the UN charter."
well, I asked back in Nov if the idiot Pales had a clue as to what Israel would do.
Like the Nazis, Hamas seized control with violence after the election nearly 20 years ago. They have never allowed a Democratic election since then. Most of the people in Gaza have never voted.

And back then the German people were all for it mostly until the War started going south, and even then they stuck to fighting to the last until they couldn't fight anymore.

The Gazans seem to have the same mindset.
And back then the German people were all for it mostly until the War started going south, and even then they stuck to fighting to the last until they couldn't fight anymore.

The Gazans seem to have the same mindset.
The Nazis never got above 37.4% of the votes until Hitler was anointed, ops I mean appointed

The Nazis never got above 37.4% of the votes until Hitler was anointed, ops I mean appointed

Their associated conservative parties pushed them to just enough to get the enabling act passed once they arrested a few pesky Communist Reichstag members.

And by 1937 most Germans were firmly on the Nazi bandwagon. Many communist voters who weren't actual communists swapped over to gladly support the Nazis once jobs came back and their pay envelopes were full again.
How will the Islamic world and US elites react if Jews make the illegally occupied West Bank " integral part of the state of Israel"?

Israeli far-right minister speaks of effort to annex West Bank

"Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has described in explicit terms his active effort to annex the West Bank to Israel, days after the Guardian revealed how the pro-settlement politician and his allies had quietly gained significant new legal powers to that end.

"Speaking at a meeting of his Religious Zionism party, Smotrich told colleagues that he was 'establish[ing] facts on the ground in order to make Judea and Samaria [an Israeli term for the occupied West Bank] an integral part of the state of Israel'..."

"Annexation and the acquisition of territory by military conquest is forbidden as one of the founding principles of international law including the UN charter."
Israel only has two choices:

Allow an enemy state at point blank range who is hellbent set on destroying them and deny them existence

Don't allow an enemy state at point blank range who hellbent set on destroying them and deny them existence
Hamas would not exist in the absence of the illegal Jewish occupation of Palestine. Hamas was created by Israel as an alternative to the Palestinian Authority soon after the First Intifada ignited in 1987 as an uprising against the illegal Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.

End the occupation and Hamas will lose at the ballot box in Gaza.
Gaza and the West Bank are two entirely different places, and two entirely different situations.

Gaza has been a giant open air prison for decades. Israel could have created a different situation there a long time ago. The Palestinians there didn’t make that choice.

The settlements in the West Bank are Jewish squatters plain and simple. They are illegal, and the government looks the other way, and then has the temerity to cry foul when the land owners push back.

The current far right government is losing all support because of their actions.
How will the Islamic world and US elites react if Jews make the illegally occupied West Bank " integral part of the state of Israel"?

Israeli far-right minister speaks of effort to annex West Bank

"Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has described in explicit terms his active effort to annex the West Bank to Israel, days after the Guardian revealed how the pro-settlement politician and his allies had quietly gained significant new legal powers to that end.

"Speaking at a meeting of his Religious Zionism party, Smotrich told colleagues that he was 'establish[ing] facts on the ground in order to make Judea and Samaria [an Israeli term for the occupied West Bank] an integral part of the state of Israel'..."

"Annexation and the acquisition of territory by military conquest is forbidden as one of the founding principles of international law including the UN charter."
Personally, I believe that Jerusalem should be a Catholic state and that we should have a return to what was the first Crusader state where the minority religions of Jews and Muslims were treated with great respect, even according to a Muslim chronicler of the times … the holy land is a very important site to all three religions of Abraham.

things like UN charters or NGO‘s are not effective in these cases..The UN charter and similar so-called human rights things are seemingly only effective against countries without world powers backing them. Israel also has nuclear weapons.

Might makes right it’s always held true in our world. And the Israeli military is extremely strong. It is propped up largely by the USA, but they’ve also made their own weapons and seem to have a lot of intelligent fighters from Russia. The Palestinians have no military so it’s almost like it’s a David versus Goliath scenario. Palestinians have no military to protect them. Hamas is incapable of protecting Palestinians.

That said if it came down to Palestine and Israel, I would prefer a one state solution. There are certainly good people on both sides. But the far right elements of Israel if they could have their way seemingly would simply kick out all of the Palestinians and just make it 100% Jewish state. Israel does have a far right wing. I believe that some of them are even against Palestinians who serve in Israel defense forces
well, I asked back in Nov if the idiot Pales had a clue as to what Israel would do.
Palestinians have no doubt about how the actions of greedy, racist Jews over the past 76 years made October 10th inevitable.

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 262: Netanyahu says he refuses to end the war on Gaza


  • "37,598 + killed* and at least 86,032 wounded in the Gaza Strip. Among the killed, 27,706 have been fully identified. These include 7,779 children, 5466 women, and 2418 elderly. In addition, around 10,000 more are estimated to be under the rubble.*
  • 553+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. These include 135 children.**
  • Israel revised its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,140.
  • 665 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7.***"
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