Israel To Make Dramatic Decisions

I asked you for links for your lies, but you twist and turn, resort to name-calling, say pro-Israel posters are paid to go on forums and Mossad pays "Zionist children" to post on forums....

hold on a second, you lying pig.

are you saying the Mossad is NOT paying Israeli students to spread propaganda on the internet??????????????????????


No. She is asking for links for which you fail to provide and resort to name calling and deflection,
No. She is asking for links for which you fail to provide and resort to name calling and deflection,

she is asking for evidence for long established realities.

its as if she was asking for evidence that there were gas chambers at Auschwitz-Berkenau
I asked you for links for your lies, but you twist and turn, resort to name-calling, say pro-Israel posters are paid to go on forums and Mossad pays "Zionist children" to post on forums.

funny, coming from someone who condones Israel paying people to spread their propaganda.
Exactly. They don't have much to cling to so they cling to straws.

tell us again how the Jews have the right to settle all of Palestine and this right is protected by the Balfour Declaration, San Remo Conference, and Mandate for Palestine.

I need a good laugh. :)

According to the mandate for Palestine, any Jew who is a citizen of Palestine can live anywhere in Palestine.
I asked you for links for your lies, but you twist and turn, resort to name-calling, say pro-Israel posters are paid to go on forums and Mossad pays "Zionist children" to post on forums.

funny, coming from someone who condones Israel paying people to spread their propaganda.
So how much are you being paid for your numerous posts this weekend, Miss Hoffstra? The way you keep on going like the Energizer Bunny, it must be quite a heap of cash. Hmmm, I wonder if your bosses became aware that you keep on pulling up old stuff that the viewers have seen lots of time before, would they deduct that from your paycheck?
So how much are you being paid for your numerous posts this weekend, Miss Hoffstra? The way you keep on going like the Energizer Bunny, it must be quite a heap of cash. Hmmm, I wonder if your bosses became aware that you keep on pulling up old stuff that the viewers have seen lots of time before, would they deduct that from your paycheck?

awww, the poor conspiracy theorists thinks I'm a paid agent. :)

sorry ZioNazi, but its the Israelis who pay people to spread their propaganda.

the Palestinians don't need to pay people to spread the facts and the truth.

only an Israeli would think of money & truth as being mutually binding.
According to the mandate for Palestine, any Jew who is a citizen of Palestine can live anywhere in Palestine.

No, the Mandate for Palestine says the Jews can settle the land of Palestine to make a Jewish homeland, as long as they don't discriminate against the rights and freedoms of non-Jews in Palestine.

The Israelis have clearly violated that sacred condition.
So how much are you being paid for your numerous posts this weekend, Miss Hoffstra? The way you keep on going like the Energizer Bunny, it must be quite a heap of cash. Hmmm, I wonder if your bosses became aware that you keep on pulling up old stuff that the viewers have seen lots of time before, would they deduct that from your paycheck?

awww, the poor conspiracy theorists thinks I'm a paid agent. :)

sorry ZioNazi, but its the Israelis who pay people to spread their propaganda.

the Palestinians don't need to pay people to spread the facts and the truth.

only an Israeli would think of money & truth as being mutually binding.
The Turnspeak and Taqiyyah ain't working, sister. Try a new tactic.
Wow, paranoid or what?

Mossad on USMB? :lol:

lol, your Nazi lover, Mr. Horseflea think's I'm an agent for the Palestinians.

So how much are you being paid for your numerous posts this weekend, Miss Hoffstra? The way you keep on going like the Energizer Bunny, it must be quite a heap of cash. Hmmm, I wonder if your bosses became aware that you keep on pulling up old stuff that the viewers have seen lots of time before, would they deduct that from your paycheck?
P F Tinmore; Hoffstra; et al,

This is not entirely true. There were limitations when it was under Mandate.

Exactly. They don't have much to cling to so they cling to straws.

tell us again how the Jews have the right to settle all of Palestine and this right is protected by the Balfour Declaration, San Remo Conference, and Mandate for Palestine.

I need a good laugh. :)

According to the mandate for Palestine, any Jew who is a citizen of Palestine can live anywhere in Palestine.

The first limitation was close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.

The second limitation was by the Order in Counsel and Article 25 of the Mandate, that excluded Trans-Jordan from Jewish Agency immigration and settlement potential; or any Mandate relative to the Jewish National Home.

Mandate for Palestine said:
Article 6

The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.​

SOURCE: The Mandate for Palestine

Order in Counsel said:
Paragraph 86.

This Order In Council Shall Not Apply To Such Parts Of The Territory Comprised In Palestine To The East Of The Jordan And The Dead Sea As Shall Be Defined By Order Of The High Commissioner. Subject To To The Provisions Of Article 25 Of The Mandate, The High Commissioner May May Make Such Provision For The Administration Of Any Territories So Defined As Aforesaid As With The Approval Of The Secretary Of State May be prescribed.​

SOURCE: Order in Council

The Mandate makes no limitation on the settlement of Arab Palestinians. The limited autonomy granted the Emir of Trans-Jordan does allow for that government to control immigration and settlement development.

Most Respectfully,
Wow, paranoid or what?

Mossad on USMB? :lol:

lol, your Nazi lover, Mr. Horseflea think's I'm an agent for the Palestinians.

So how much are you being paid for your numerous posts this weekend, Miss Hoffstra? The way you keep on going like the Energizer Bunny, it must be quite a heap of cash. Hmmm, I wonder if your bosses became aware that you keep on pulling up old stuff that the viewers have seen lots of time before, would they deduct that from your paycheck?
Not an agent for the Palestinians, but an agent for some extremist Muslim group which hates the Jews. Is your own lover an agent like you are and is busy typing on other forums which are plentiful on the Internet? You have been pulling up the same old stuff from the hate sites that people of your ilk have pulled up for ages on these different forums. Meanwhile, the big question is -- since you appear to not have come up for air all day long since you are typing away like a maniac -- do you have a porta-potty right by your computer or do you sit at one while you are busy type your nonsense.
P F Tinmore; Hoffstra; et al,

This is not entirely true. There were limitations when it was under Mandate.

tell us again how the Jews have the right to settle all of Palestine and this right is protected by the Balfour Declaration, San Remo Conference, and Mandate for Palestine.

I need a good laugh. :)

According to the mandate for Palestine, any Jew who is a citizen of Palestine can live anywhere in Palestine.

The first limitation was close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.

The second limitation was by the Order in Counsel and Article 25 of the Mandate, that excluded Trans-Jordan from Jewish Agency immigration and settlement potential; or any Mandate relative to the Jewish National Home.

Mandate for Palestine said:
Article 6

The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.​

SOURCE: The Mandate for Palestine

Order in Counsel said:
Paragraph 86.

This Order In Council Shall Not Apply To Such Parts Of The Territory Comprised In Palestine To The East Of The Jordan And The Dead Sea As Shall Be Defined By Order Of The High Commissioner. Subject To To The Provisions Of Article 25 Of The Mandate, The High Commissioner May May Make Such Provision For The Administration Of Any Territories So Defined As Aforesaid As With The Approval Of The Secretary Of State May be prescribed.​

SOURCE: Order in Council

The Mandate makes no limitation on the settlement of Arab Palestinians. The limited autonomy granted the Emir of Trans-Jordan does allow for that government to control immigration and settlement development.

Most Respectfully,

What is this for?

Article 7

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations (12 August 1922)
P F Tinmore; Hoffstra; et al,

This is fairly simple.

This is not entirely true. There were limitations when it was under Mandate.

According to the mandate for Palestine, any Jew who is a citizen of Palestine can live anywhere in Palestine.

The first limitation was close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.

The second limitation was by the Order in Counsel and Article 25 of the Mandate, that excluded Trans-Jordan from Jewish Agency immigration and settlement potential; or any Mandate relative to the Jewish National Home.

The Mandate makes no limitation on the settlement of Arab Palestinians. The limited autonomy granted the Emir of Trans-Jordan does allow for that government to control immigration and settlement development.

Most Respectfully,

What is this for?

Article 7

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations (12 August 1922)

The Allied Powers and the League have an abhorrence for stateless people. Since the territory covered by the Mandate was not a state, they needed a mechanism and authority to accommodate the expected migration. The Administration (the UK) needed this to help the new immigrants to become established, transplanted and legitimate.

Most Respectfully,
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According to the mandate for Palestine, any Jew who is a citizen of Palestine can live anywhere in Palestine.

No, the Mandate for Palestine says the Jews can settle the land of Palestine to make a Jewish homeland, as long as they don't discriminate against the rights and freedoms of non-Jews in Palestine.

The Israelis have clearly violated that sacred condition.

And I asked for links which you did not show. Rocco in fact answered.

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