Israel to pay students to defend it online

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The propaganda needs to be upped by Israel. Yes, there are sites which show the truth, but Israel needs to do more and this news must be welcomed.

The Pallywood videos on Youtube pallywood - YouTube show what tricks the arabs do.

Also Media Watchdog | Coverage of Israel | Anti-Israel Bias | Everything You Need to Know*|*HonestReporting is a great site to show the truth.

Then of course we get the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting, which is also showing the truth

And of course the Israel Defense Forces website:
IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

of which this is just one of the informative articles on there:
Civil Administration Assists Palestinian Sector With Wastewater Treatment ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces
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They have to pay these students?!

for some peoples, loyalty and love of country has a price tag.

i can see them lining up by freeway entrances holding pieces of cardboard..."will sell my soul for food money."
Antisemitic canard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dual loyalty

A canard found in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but dating to before that document, is that Jews are more loyal to world Jewry than to their own country. Since the establishment of the state of Israel, this canard has taken the form of accusations that Jewish citizens of countries such as the United States are more loyal to Israel than to their home country.[51]
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks — without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday.

The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement Wednesday that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.

"This is a groundbreaking project aimed at strengthening Israeli national diplomacy and adapting it to changes in information consumption," the statement said.
Israel isn't the only country to set up such a system. In China, members of the so-caled "fifty cent army" sprinkle positive, pro-government messages across the web and social media.

Israel to pay students to defend it online

Birds of a feather...

How many Propaganda arms does one small country need, and why.

Wait, wait, whaaaaaat?!

You wanna tell me that I sit around responding to assholes, when I can get paid to do that, but now I do that for *free*?!

Where do I sign in?!
They have to pay these students?!

for some peoples, loyalty and love of country has a price tag.

i can see them lining up by freeway entrances holding pieces of cardboard..."will sell my soul for food money."

This from the man who sees nothing wrong with palestinians selling their children to suicide vests and terrorists for monetary gain. Oh! The Irony! Pass the popcorn.
It's a job. They will have to do it about 12 hours a day to really break in and get inside of what is going on out there. If they are effective they will get cloaked threats on the message boards by the ones that are a problem. If they are really effective they will drive them to the surface and they'll start receiving death threats by email. Then you've got their IP - their photograph - terrorism task force with take it from there -

You cannot learn in a classroom all of their propaganda tactics or lies they put out there. It's something that is learned along the way. I think it is worth paying them. Yes. They are going to have to spend many hours to hone their skill and if they are really good they will be capturing the terrorists online - they'll learn where they hide and chat and will perfect how to go in undetected and gather information.

They are definitely valuable assets and should be paid accordingly.

LOL...what i'm hearing you say is "don't trust jews. they are conniving liars out to entrap people and make money doing it".

what the hell is wrong with you people. i swear, you come up with the most absolutely stupid ideas. do you actually think it will enhance israel's reputation to have to pay people to promote it.

be my guest.

Why am I not surprised, Seal? How long have you been churning out the lies for propagandists? What is it? 12 yrs now? Or 15? I forget. In this information warfare the ONLY ONES you CAN TRUST are the Jews and those who are fighting alongside of them. Which is why this news disturbs you so much. ha! ha!

It is a brilliant idea - it will increase the effectiveness of Israel being able to get the truth out there and for those who wish to go further and find the bad guys - why not?

Listen, in my book, anything goes. Whatever it takes. My hero used to throw on a burka, wear a camera and videotape radical islamist meetings at the Marriot Hotel - then turn the videos over to the FBI. She was fluent in both Hebrew and Arabic and and gathering info was as easy as shooting fish in a barrel for that gal. Brilliant under cover.

In the end, she was the one who brought down the Holy Land Foundation - 108 charges - 108 guilty - verdict.

I see protecting innocent citizens is not high on your list of priorities, Seal. Then again...

it never was.

- Jeri

i mainly use wiki and the jewish press for my info.

you brag about the only ones you can trust are jews and those who stand by them...and then say your hero is someone who lurks around cheap hotels impersonating a mslim to take vids to incriminate them.

civilians? perhaps you should realise that palestinians have civilians too and are dieing at a rate ten times higher than that of israeli citisens.

i think it really says something about israel that they would even consider paying propagandists in a manner such as they are advocating. i think the jewish state would have at least a minimal amount of respect for the integrity of her children.
They have to pay these students?!

for some peoples, loyalty and love of country has a price tag.

i can see them lining up by freeway entrances holding pieces of cardboard..."will sell my soul for food money."

This from the man who sees nothing wrong with palestinians selling their children to suicide vests and terrorists for monetary gain. Oh! The Irony! Pass the popcorn.

show me one single link.

i don't lie about you.
LOL...what i'm hearing you say is "don't trust jews. they are conniving liars out to entrap people and make money doing it".

what the hell is wrong with you people. i swear, you come up with the most absolutely stupid ideas. do you actually think it will enhance israel's reputation to have to pay people to promote it.

be my guest.

Why am I not surprised, Seal? How long have you been churning out the lies for propagandists? What is it? 12 yrs now? Or 15? I forget. In this information warfare the ONLY ONES you CAN TRUST are the Jews and those who are fighting alongside of them. Which is why this news disturbs you so much. ha! ha!

It is a brilliant idea - it will increase the effectiveness of Israel being able to get the truth out there and for those who wish to go further and find the bad guys - why not?

Listen, in my book, anything goes. Whatever it takes. My hero used to throw on a burka, wear a camera and videotape radical islamist meetings at the Marriot Hotel - then turn the videos over to the FBI. She was fluent in both Hebrew and Arabic and and gathering info was as easy as shooting fish in a barrel for that gal. Brilliant under cover.

In the end, she was the one who brought down the Holy Land Foundation - 108 charges - 108 guilty - verdict.

I see protecting innocent citizens is not high on your list of priorities, Seal. Then again...

it never was.

- Jeri

i mainly use wiki and the jewish press for my info.

you brag about the only ones you can trust are jews and those who stand by them...and then say your hero is someone who lurks around cheap hotels impersonating a mslim to take vids to incriminate them.

civilians? perhaps you should realise that palestinians have civilians too and are dieing at a rate ten times higher than that of israeli citisens.

i think it really says something about israel that they would even consider paying propagandists in a manner such as they are advocating. i think the jewish state would have at least a minimal amount of respect for the integrity of her children.

You need to chill and listen to some of my fav blogging music, Seal. Check out Stevie Rays Inspirational message below:

[ame=]Stevie Ray Vaughan - Crossfire (1/24/89) - YouTube[/ame]
for some peoples, loyalty and love of country has a price tag.

i can see them lining up by freeway entrances holding pieces of cardboard..."will sell my soul for food money."

This from the man who sees nothing wrong with palestinians selling their children to suicide vests and terrorists for monetary gain. Oh! The Irony! Pass the popcorn.

show me one single link.

i don't lie about you.

You know what I'm talking about.

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Roudy; Jeremiah; sealadaigh, et al,

In the Intelligence business, we have the Espionage Specialist and the opponent, Counterespionage Specialist; but with each using essentially the same methods of operation. In the Information Operations arena we have the Propaganda and the opponent, Counter-propaganda; and again, using essentially the same methods of operation. Nothing new at all, we all know this basic.

A Great Little Magazine: I love it.
The Propagandist

for some peoples, loyalty and love of country has a price tag.

i can see them lining up by freeway entrances holding pieces of cardboard..."will sell my soul for food money."

This from the man who sees nothing wrong with palestinians selling their children to suicide vests and terrorists for monetary gain. Oh! The Irony! Pass the popcorn.

For more than two decades, the Palestinians have used Propaganda as a principle tool in the conflict with the Israelis. In fact, it is a basic tenant to their strategy of all-resource utilization. We call them the associate or companion Article 15 Jihadist. It is important that a viable and skillful counter-Propaganda effort be mounted on a professionally directed level. What the Israelis are reportedly doing is nothing more notable than what the Palestinians have been doing since the emergence of social media.

HAMAS Covenant said:
Article Fifteen:

It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses). It is important that basic changes be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion that affected it as a result of the orientalists and missionaries who infiltrated the region following the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah el-Din (Saladin). The Crusaders realised that it was impossible to defeat the Moslems without first having ideological invasion pave the way by upsetting their thoughts, disfiguring their heritage and violating their ideals. Only then could they invade with soldiers. This, in its turn, paved the way for the imperialistic invasion that made Allenby declare on entering Jerusalem: "Only now have the Crusades ended." General Guru stood at Salah el-Din's grave and said: "We have returned, O Salah el-Din." Imperialism has helped towards the strengthening of ideological invasion, deepening, and still does, its roots. All this has paved the way towards the loss of Palestine.​


But there are a couple basic differences in the approach in which the Palestinian takes. In the Palestinian Program, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised by core policy and primary purpose.

Propaganda typically takes any of these forms, or a combination of them:
  • Name calling. This is the crudest and least savory form of argumentum ad hominem. It consists of labeling the other cause, or a generic or particular adherent of that cause, with a noun or adjective having a decidedly negative "buzz" or "charge." Name-calling is also a part of the genetic fallacy of endorsing, or casting doubt upon, a proposition merely by calling attention to its source, when the nature of the source does not bear on the truth value of the propositions that come from that source.
  • Half-truths, or lies of ommision, in which facts which support the distributor are spread while deliberately neglecting facts which would pose difficulty.
  • Testimonials. This is a form of argumentum ab auctoritate. A "celebrity endorsement" is a prime example. So, too, is any speech or essay by one publicly celebrated as an athlete, actor in any form of theater, or other such person, on a subject in which the author has no legitimate expertise.
  • Loaded questions.
  • Distortions of fact.
  • Extreme pronouncements, which are a form of over-generalizations.
  • Intimidation. This may include arguing from the numbers or reminding an opponent of the power of the particular individual or group engaging in the intimidation--or of an individual or group for which one claims to speak.
  • Using abridged or out-of-context quotes to give a false impression, aka Quote mining.
  • Sayings that, however factual, fall outside the scope or even off the topic at hand. A lawyer would say that such facts are "incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial"--because they do not serve to advance a logical argument, are not properly related to the case at hand, and do not matter.
  • Outright lies. Dr. Josef Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda for Adolf Hitler, famously observed that if one tells a lie loudly enough and often enough, people will believe it rather than believe that anyone could lie so outrageously.
  • Personal attacks. This method of propaganda often involves spreading malicious rumors and misinformation about other people. The goal of such attacks is to undermine the character of the person in order to gain the upper hand. Name-calling and intimidation are often used in concurrence with this.


Having said that, there are some who are inadvertently mistaken for Propagandist; that are passionate about the subject, and occasionally, fall into bad habits (such as calling everyone a "liar" or "distorting facts" to make a point).

Whether one is paid to make a presentation, or one feels compelled to make a presentation, is really unimportant. It is the ability to examine the content and determine what, within the content is wheat and what is chaff. I've listened to almost everyone in this group, and the one thing in common is that ability to apply "critical thinking." (Many time to cross purposes.)

Just My Thought on an otherwise Funny Subject,
They have to pay these students?!

It's a job. They will have to do it about 12 hours a day to really break in and get inside of what is going on out there. If they are effective they will get cloaked threats on the message boards by the ones that are a problem. If they are really effective they will drive them to the surface and they'll start receiving death threats by email. Then you've got their IP - their photograph - terrorism task force with take it from there -

You cannot learn in a classroom all of their propaganda tactics or lies they put out there. It's something that is learned along the way. I think it is worth paying them. Yes. They are going to have to spend many hours to hone their skill and if they are really good they will be capturing the terrorists online - they'll learn where they hide and chat and will perfect how to go in undetected and gather information.

They are definitely valuable assets and should be paid accordingly.

LOL...what i'm hearing you say is "don't trust jews. they are conniving liars out to entrap people and make money doing it".

what the hell is wrong with you people. i swear, you come up with the most absolutely stupid ideas. do you actually think it will enhance israel's reputation to have to pay people to promote it.

be my guest.

Seal, I think you should RUN to the audiologist then.... where in the article did it suggest anyone had refused to do this work unless paid?

Let me explain something to you about the Jewish understanding of ethics: there exists a sin which can be described as 'theft of time'. An example of this would be as follows: you want to buy a new appliance, so you head to the store where people are paid on commission, and make your inquiries. But you buy it at the 'big box' store where you can get it cheaper.

Doing that is 'theft of time/skill' under Jewish religious law. You *knew* you had no intention of buying from that salesman, but you used his expertise for your own benefit *under false pretenses*

The way I see it - and I acknowledge I'm not a religious scholar - asking the students to spend serious amounts of time or commit to this program without paying them would be a similar disrespect for their time and skills.

In some nations, I've heard they pay students for finishing high school, or teenage girls for not getting pregnant - are you scandalized by those ideas as well?

Oh, and would you PLEASE stop with the 'you people' which is outrageously condescending and derogatory?
Roudy; Jeremiah; sealadaigh, et al,

In the Intelligence business, we have the Espionage Specialist and the opponent, Counterespionage Specialist; but with each using essentially the same methods of operation. In the Information Operations arena we have the Propaganda and the opponent, Counter-propaganda; and again, using essentially the same methods of operation. Nothing new at all, we all know this basic.

A Great Little Magazine: I love it.
The Propagandist

This from the man who sees nothing wrong with palestinians selling their children to suicide vests and terrorists for monetary gain. Oh! The Irony! Pass the popcorn.

For more than two decades, the Palestinians have used Propaganda as a principle tool in the conflict with the Israelis. In fact, it is a basic tenant to their strategy of all-resource utilization. We call them the associate or companion Article 15 Jihadist. It is important that a viable and skillful counter-Propaganda effort be mounted on a professionally directed level. What the Israelis are reportedly doing is nothing more notable than what the Palestinians have been doing since the emergence of social media.

HAMAS Covenant said:
Article Fifteen:

It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses). It is important that basic changes be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion that affected it as a result of the orientalists and missionaries who infiltrated the region following the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah el-Din (Saladin). The Crusaders realised that it was impossible to defeat the Moslems without first having ideological invasion pave the way by upsetting their thoughts, disfiguring their heritage and violating their ideals. Only then could they invade with soldiers. This, in its turn, paved the way for the imperialistic invasion that made Allenby declare on entering Jerusalem: "Only now have the Crusades ended." General Guru stood at Salah el-Din's grave and said: "We have returned, O Salah el-Din." Imperialism has helped towards the strengthening of ideological invasion, deepening, and still does, its roots. All this has paved the way towards the loss of Palestine.​


But there are a couple basic differences in the approach in which the Palestinian takes. In the Palestinian Program, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised by core policy and primary purpose.

Propaganda typically takes any of these forms, or a combination of them:
  • Name calling. This is the crudest and least savory form of argumentum ad hominem. It consists of labeling the other cause, or a generic or particular adherent of that cause, with a noun or adjective having a decidedly negative "buzz" or "charge." Name-calling is also a part of the genetic fallacy of endorsing, or casting doubt upon, a proposition merely by calling attention to its source, when the nature of the source does not bear on the truth value of the propositions that come from that source.
  • Half-truths, or lies of ommision, in which facts which support the distributor are spread while deliberately neglecting facts which would pose difficulty.
  • Testimonials. This is a form of argumentum ab auctoritate. A "celebrity endorsement" is a prime example. So, too, is any speech or essay by one publicly celebrated as an athlete, actor in any form of theater, or other such person, on a subject in which the author has no legitimate expertise.
  • Loaded questions.
  • Distortions of fact.
  • Extreme pronouncements, which are a form of over-generalizations.
  • Intimidation. This may include arguing from the numbers or reminding an opponent of the power of the particular individual or group engaging in the intimidation--or of an individual or group for which one claims to speak.
  • Using abridged or out-of-context quotes to give a false impression, aka Quote mining.
  • Sayings that, however factual, fall outside the scope or even off the topic at hand. A lawyer would say that such facts are "incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial"--because they do not serve to advance a logical argument, are not properly related to the case at hand, and do not matter.
  • Outright lies. Dr. Josef Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda for Adolf Hitler, famously observed that if one tells a lie loudly enough and often enough, people will believe it rather than believe that anyone could lie so outrageously.
  • Personal attacks. This method of propaganda often involves spreading malicious rumors and misinformation about other people. The goal of such attacks is to undermine the character of the person in order to gain the upper hand. Name-calling and intimidation are often used in concurrence with this.


Having said that, there are some who are inadvertently mistaken for Propagandist; that are passionate about the subject, and occasionally, fall into bad habits (such as calling everyone a "liar" or "distorting facts" to make a point).

Whether one is paid to make a presentation, or one feels compelled to make a presentation, is really unimportant. It is the ability to examine the content and determine what, within the content is wheat and what is chaff. I've listened to almost everyone in this group, and the one thing in common is that ability to apply "critical thinking." (Many time to cross purposes.)

Just My Thought on an otherwise Funny Subject,
Palestinians have mastered the Nazi art of turn-speak, accusing your enemy of things you are guilty of. They do this in all aspects.
This from the man who sees nothing wrong with palestinians selling their children to suicide vests and terrorists for monetary gain. Oh! The Irony! Pass the popcorn.

show me one single link.

i don't lie about you.

You already know the old links to Politics of Israel AOL Message board are no longer available. How convenient for you to ask for what you know no longer exists, Seal. How typical.


i think the convenience is yours, darlin', to falsely accuse me and then claim the proof is inaccessable. aren't you a christian?
Roudy; Jeremiah; sealadaigh, et al,

In the Intelligence business, we have the Espionage Specialist and the opponent, Counterespionage Specialist; but with each using essentially the same methods of operation. In the Information Operations arena we have the Propaganda and the opponent, Counter-propaganda; and again, using essentially the same methods of operation. Nothing new at all, we all know this basic.

A Great Little Magazine: I love it.
The Propagandist

This from the man who sees nothing wrong with palestinians selling their children to suicide vests and terrorists for monetary gain. Oh! The Irony! Pass the popcorn.

For more than two decades, the Palestinians have used Propaganda as a principle tool in the conflict with the Israelis. In fact, it is a basic tenant to their strategy of all-resource utilization. We call them the associate or companion Article 15 Jihadist. It is important that a viable and skillful counter-Propaganda effort be mounted on a professionally directed level. What the Israelis are reportedly doing is nothing more notable than what the Palestinians have been doing since the emergence of social media.

HAMAS Covenant said:
Article Fifteen:

It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses). It is important that basic changes be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion that affected it as a result of the orientalists and missionaries who infiltrated the region following the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah el-Din (Saladin). The Crusaders realised that it was impossible to defeat the Moslems without first having ideological invasion pave the way by upsetting their thoughts, disfiguring their heritage and violating their ideals. Only then could they invade with soldiers. This, in its turn, paved the way for the imperialistic invasion that made Allenby declare on entering Jerusalem: "Only now have the Crusades ended." General Guru stood at Salah el-Din's grave and said: "We have returned, O Salah el-Din." Imperialism has helped towards the strengthening of ideological invasion, deepening, and still does, its roots. All this has paved the way towards the loss of Palestine.​


But there are a couple basic differences in the approach in which the Palestinian takes. In the Palestinian Program, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised by core policy and primary purpose.

Propaganda typically takes any of these forms, or a combination of them:
  • Name calling. This is the crudest and least savory form of argumentum ad hominem. It consists of labeling the other cause, or a generic or particular adherent of that cause, with a noun or adjective having a decidedly negative "buzz" or "charge." Name-calling is also a part of the genetic fallacy of endorsing, or casting doubt upon, a proposition merely by calling attention to its source, when the nature of the source does not bear on the truth value of the propositions that come from that source.
  • Half-truths, or lies of ommision, in which facts which support the distributor are spread while deliberately neglecting facts which would pose difficulty.
  • Testimonials. This is a form of argumentum ab auctoritate. A "celebrity endorsement" is a prime example. So, too, is any speech or essay by one publicly celebrated as an athlete, actor in any form of theater, or other such person, on a subject in which the author has no legitimate expertise.
  • Loaded questions.
  • Distortions of fact.
  • Extreme pronouncements, which are a form of over-generalizations.
  • Intimidation. This may include arguing from the numbers or reminding an opponent of the power of the particular individual or group engaging in the intimidation--or of an individual or group for which one claims to speak.
  • Using abridged or out-of-context quotes to give a false impression, aka Quote mining.
  • Sayings that, however factual, fall outside the scope or even off the topic at hand. A lawyer would say that such facts are "incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial"--because they do not serve to advance a logical argument, are not properly related to the case at hand, and do not matter.
  • Outright lies. Dr. Josef Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda for Adolf Hitler, famously observed that if one tells a lie loudly enough and often enough, people will believe it rather than believe that anyone could lie so outrageously.
  • Personal attacks. This method of propaganda often involves spreading malicious rumors and misinformation about other people. The goal of such attacks is to undermine the character of the person in order to gain the upper hand. Name-calling and intimidation are often used in concurrence with this.


Having said that, there are some who are inadvertently mistaken for Propagandist; that are passionate about the subject, and occasionally, fall into bad habits (such as calling everyone a "liar" or "distorting facts" to make a point).

Whether one is paid to make a presentation, or one feels compelled to make a presentation, is really unimportant. It is the ability to examine the content and determine what, within the content is wheat and what is chaff. I've listened to almost everyone in this group, and the one thing in common is that ability to apply "critical thinking." (Many time to cross purposes.)

Just My Thought on an otherwise Funny Subject,

the really funny subject is your use of conservapedia as though it were some sort of legitimate source...

true colours, rocco?
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks — without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday.

The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement Wednesday that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.

"This is a groundbreaking project aimed at strengthening Israeli national diplomacy and adapting it to changes in information consumption," the statement said.
Israel isn't the only country to set up such a system. In China, members of the so-caled "fifty cent army" sprinkle positive, pro-government messages across the web and social media.

Israel to pay students to defend it online

Birds of a feather...

How many Propaganda arms does one small country need, and why.

As much as possible. So people can get the truth because there is far too much ignorance out there, and from many on this board. This is welcome news.

If they need to be paid to say it..what they say has little credibility
Last edited:
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks — without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday.

The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement Wednesday that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.

"This is a groundbreaking project aimed at strengthening Israeli national diplomacy and adapting it to changes in information consumption," the statement said.
Israel isn't the only country to set up such a system. In China, members of the so-caled "fifty cent army" sprinkle positive, pro-government messages across the web and social media.

Israel to pay students to defend it online

Birds of a feather...

How many Propaganda arms does one small country need, and why.

As much as possible. So people can get the truth because there is far too much ignorance out there, and from many on this board. This is welcome news.

If they need to be paid to say it..what they say has little credibility

Everyone needs to make a living.
It's a job. They will have to do it about 12 hours a day to really break in and get inside of what is going on out there. If they are effective they will get cloaked threats on the message boards by the ones that are a problem. If they are really effective they will drive them to the surface and they'll start receiving death threats by email. Then you've got their IP - their photograph - terrorism task force with take it from there -

You cannot learn in a classroom all of their propaganda tactics or lies they put out there. It's something that is learned along the way. I think it is worth paying them. Yes. They are going to have to spend many hours to hone their skill and if they are really good they will be capturing the terrorists online - they'll learn where they hide and chat and will perfect how to go in undetected and gather information.

They are definitely valuable assets and should be paid accordingly.

LOL...what i'm hearing you say is "don't trust jews. they are conniving liars out to entrap people and make money doing it".

what the hell is wrong with you people. i swear, you come up with the most absolutely stupid ideas. do you actually think it will enhance israel's reputation to have to pay people to promote it.

be my guest.

Seal, I think you should RUN to the audiologist then.... where in the article did it suggest anyone had refused to do this work unless paid?

Let me explain something to you about the Jewish understanding of ethics: there exists a sin which can be described as 'theft of time'. An example of this would be as follows: you want to buy a new appliance, so you head to the store where people are paid on commission, and make your inquiries. But you buy it at the 'big box' store where you can get it cheaper.

Doing that is 'theft of time/skill' under Jewish religious law. You *knew* you had no intention of buying from that salesman, but you used his expertise for your own benefit *under false pretenses*

The way I see it - and I acknowledge I'm not a religious scholar - asking the students to spend serious amounts of time or commit to this program without paying them would be a similar disrespect for their time and skills.

In some nations, I've heard they pay students for finishing high school, or teenage girls for not getting pregnant - are you scandalized by those ideas as well?

Oh, and would you PLEASE stop with the 'you people' which is outrageously condescending and derogatory?

and you need to learn how to read. where did i say anything at all about people refusing to work without pay.

your whine about "you people" is generally offensive to homogenous ethnic or religious groups and not heterogenous groups linked by a common politicasl belie.

but i mean, i really don't give a fuck. bring in paid schills. all it will do is destroy boards like this and breed distrust and that will only come back to bite you on the ass.

is your message really that defeated that you need to pay people to promote it, and deceptively, no less.
If they need to be paid to say it..what they say has little credibility

Everyone needs to make a living.

so why doesn't he government pay students opposed to the present policies to not they need to make a living ?

You are saying the Government should employ students? Students need to study and they need to go to classes, as well as have time with their families and peers. In other words students do not have time to work. I am sure the Israel Government will sort this out well. Don't worry yourself about it.
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