Israel to pay students to defend it online

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From your link:

"An Israeli official said Wednesday that scholarship recipients would be free to decide whether or not to identify themselves as part of the program, which would begin within months.

"Everyone who believes in the cause, and wants to join, can join," he told The Associated Press.

"He said the office was looking to budget $778,000 for the project, and that the national Israeli student association would select participants from a pool of applicants."

So, will everyone who believes in the cau$e of Greater Israel be willing to reveal the $ource of their of their $ympathy? the flood of denials. they've already started.

"The hasbara brigade strikes again! You always hear about Israeli attempts at media manipulation. Everyone knows it's going on but usually the process happens through cyber insurgents like those involved with Giyus (and its media monitoring software, Megaphone).

"Now, we know that the Israeli foreign ministry itself is orchestrating propaganda efforts designed to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information."

Israel is watching the world turn its back, and it thinks more propaganda will fend off the inevitable FLUSH.

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Just wait until those students flood this forum and make you look like a fool Georgie. Course they'll only need to send their 2nd grade students to do that.
I tell you what the day I think that there are paid posters on this board is the day I leave. Shouldn't really be all that hard to see.

i can't imagine the administrators allowing such a thing as it would, in essence, destroy the board.

i don't see how they can prevent it other than the extreme meausre of banning ISPs by countru, if that is possible.

it really does show how desperate israel is, not to mention dishonest, to consider such a thing.

Not to mention that there are more ads pimping Israel than all other countries combined.
I don't know, somehow this glass isn't even half full for me to see that perspective. I see it as just empty.
sealadaigh, et al,

Again, you judge the content. If the content of a particular citation is true, then it is true no matter who says it.

I listen and learn from everyone, an judge the content on its merit; yours included.


Even an opponent can make a good point. Anytime you see me post inaccurate information, call me on it. Truth is were you find it.

Most Respectfully,

some would suggest that such a statement indicates that you believe conservapedia is some kind of purveyor of truth, i.e. facts.

i imagine i can find some truth on sites such as stormfront intermingled with a lot of hate and bigotry and i also imagine that i would be dismissed outright, and rightfully so, were i to use that site.

i think also, you will find far more zionist posters using propaganda and questionable sites than you will find pro-palestinians posters doing the same.

I'm not sure my findings are the same. I disagree with our friend P F Tinmore about 90% of the time. I believe he would say the same about me. But I've hardly ever challenged his sources and I would say that he seldom challenges mind (as they are mostly official sources).

Use of a specific site means nothing. It is the information you glean from that site that is important. If you cannot digest and analyze the information on its own merit, then you are not using your critical thinking skills. Just because I did not cite Cyberspace and Information Warfare Center or CHAPTER 12 Propaganda Analysis and Counterpropaganda, --->JP 3-13, Information Operations, 27 November 2012 , which support that excerpt, doesn't mean it is less true or invalid.

Most Respectfully,
It's not the source, but what the source says, which is, the truth.
sealadaigh, et al,

Again, you judge the content. If the content of a particular citation is true, then it is true no matter who says it.

I listen and learn from everyone, an judge the content on its merit; yours included.


Even an opponent can make a good point. Anytime you see me post inaccurate information, call me on it. Truth is were you find it.

Most Respectfully,

some would suggest that such a statement indicates that you believe conservapedia is some kind of purveyor of truth, i.e. facts.

i imagine i can find some truth on sites such as stormfront intermingled with a lot of hate and bigotry and i also imagine that i would be dismissed outright, and rightfully so, were i to use that site.

i think also, you will find far more zionist posters using propaganda and questionable sites than you will find pro-palestinians posters doing the same.

I'm not sure my findings are the same. I disagree with our friend P F Tinmore about 90% of the time. I believe he would say the same about me. But I've hardly ever challenged his sources and I would say that he seldom challenges mind (as they are mostly official sources).

Use of a specific site means nothing. It is the information you glean from that site that is important. If you cannot digest and analyze the information on its own merit, then you are not using your critical thinking skills. Just because I did not cite Cyberspace and Information Warfare Center or CHAPTER 12 Propaganda Analysis and Counterpropaganda, --->JP 3-13, Information Operations, 27 November 2012 , which support that excerpt, doesn't mean it is less true or invalid.

Most Respectfully,

of course, and that is what i said. however, it is the zionist posters who complain about a lot of soursce the pro-palestinians use while they themselves use very questionable sources. also, the manner in which propaganda sites present facts prejudices the argument.

it also says a lot about a person as to what site they use, whether you like it or not.

for the record too, i have found very legitimate and accurate articles on questionable sites and just walked away.

perhaps if you can't read and understand what i said, you should go back and reread it. i questioned the site. i haven't even gotton around to questioning the sites OPINION as to what constitutes propaganda. also, i did not see anything if the FM that particularly validated what was said in the original link you posted.
I tell you what the day I think that there are paid posters on this board is the day I leave. Shouldn't really be all that hard to see.

In that case, PC - I'm really a 19 year-old nursing student in TA, and I get paid to post here : )) I wish I could say it's been nice knowin' ya........
sealadaigh, et al,

I use all types of sources, and give proper attributes when I copy something of value. It is a transparency thing on credits.

i questioned the site. i haven't even gotton around to questioning the sites OPINION as to what constitutes propaganda.

Propaganda techniques said:
Ad hominem
A Latin phrase which has come to mean attacking your opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments.


Propaganda - All Devices said:
Ad Hominem Attack: If you can't refute the argument, attack the person presenting the argument. The intent is to discredit said person, as well as to distract you and make you think the argument has been refuted.


Propaganda Techniques said:
Ad Hominem:
A person rejects a claim on the basis of derogatory facts (real or alleged) about the person making the claim.



I use an excerpt from the site (a small compilation). I did not endorse the site overall, just the list I used giving proper attribution; the endorsement was an inference you made to impugn the content and to sidetrack the real discussion.

i did not see anything if the FM that particularly validated what was said in the original link you posted.

Outside the Information Operations (IO) arena dealing with Propaganda and counter-Propaganda, the technique of "ad hominem attacks" (the last item on the small list I copied) is more a Philosophical concept. The technical name for it in IO is "indirect refutation."

FM 33-1-1 Page 12-12 said:
Indirect Refutation. This technique involves the introduction of a new set of relevant themes that refute opponent propaganda by indirect means. These indirect means include implication and insinuation. Indirect refutation challenges the credibility of opponent propaganda. The advantage of this technique is that it does not reinforce or spread opponent propaganda as readily as direct refutation. An example of this method would be to discredit the integrity of the sponsor or a prominent member of the opposition by damaging his credibility. This method serves to weaken the sponsor’s message.


I chose to use a list that is less filled with technical jargon. But every item on the list is covered in the FM or one of the other references.

In this case, you got me. You indirectly discredited me (quite skillfully I might add) by challenging the reputation of the source I chose for the list compilation, without ever discussion the content. That was a very effective use of "Indirect Refutation" (in layman's terms an ----> ad hominem attack). I was entangled before I knew what happened (I'm getting very old). Trapped by one of the very things I was trying to explain. Good Show ---> I congratulate you!

Most Respectfully,
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks — without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday.

The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement Wednesday that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.

"This is a groundbreaking project aimed at strengthening Israeli national diplomacy and adapting it to changes in information consumption," the statement said.
Israel isn't the only country to set up such a system. In China, members of the so-caled "fifty cent army" sprinkle positive, pro-government messages across the web and social media.

Israel to pay students to defend it online

Birds of a feather...

How many Propaganda arms does one small country need, and why.
Imagine that. And there are all kinds of retards willing to defend terrorists for free.
They see this post -- and they keep doing it. :lol: the flood of denials. they've already started.

"The hasbara brigade strikes again! You always hear about Israeli attempts at media manipulation. Everyone knows it's going on but usually the process happens through cyber insurgents like those involved with Giyus (and its media monitoring software, Megaphone).

"Now, we know that the Israeli foreign ministry itself is orchestrating propaganda efforts designed to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information."

Israel is watching the world turn its back, and it thinks more propaganda will fend off the inevitable FLUSH.

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Just wait until those students flood this forum and make you look like a fool Georgie. Course they'll only need to send their 2nd grade students to do that.

that certainly says a lot about your opinion of the quality of the zionist posters on this forum if you think israel needs to pay second graders to bolster your arguments.
Last edited:
I think Palestinian supporters are some of the most ethical, educated, knowledgable, tolerant people you will ever find. <wink wink>

I also have a used car for sale.
sealadaigh, et al,

I use all types of sources, and give proper attributes when I copy something of value. It is a transparency thing on credits.

i questioned the site. i haven't even gotton around to questioning the sites OPINION as to what constitutes propaganda.

Propaganda techniques said:
Ad hominem
A Latin phrase which has come to mean attacking your opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments.



I use an excerpt from the site (a small compilation). I did not endorse the site overall, just the list I used giving proper attribution; the endorsement was an inference you made to impugn the content and to sidetrack the real discussion.

i did not see anything if the FM that particularly validated what was said in the original link you posted.

Outside the Information Operations (IO) arena dealing with Propaganda and counter-Propaganda, the technique of "ad hominem attacks" (the last item on the small list I copied) is more a Philosophical concept. The technical name for it in IO is "indirect refutation."

FM 33-1-1 Page 12-12 said:
Indirect Refutation. This technique involves the introduction of a new set of relevant themes that refute opponent propaganda by indirect means. These indirect means include implication and insinuation. Indirect refutation challenges the credibility of opponent propaganda. The advantage of this technique is that it does not reinforce or spread opponent propaganda as readily as direct refutation. An example of this method would be to discredit the integrity of the sponsor or a prominent member of the opposition by damaging his credibility. This method serves to weaken the sponsor’s message.


I chose to use a list that is less filled with technical jargon. But every item on the list is covered in the FM or one of the other references.

In this case, you got me. You indirectly discredited me (quite skillfully I might add) by challenging the reputation of the source I chose for the list compilation, without ever discussion the content. That was a very effective use of "Indirect Refutation" (in layman's terms an ----> ad hominem attack). I was entangled before I knew what happened (I'm getting very old). Trapped by one of the very things I was trying to explain. Good Show ---> I congratulate you!

Most Respectfully,

i think it is always legitimate to attack a scurrilous sources. if you choose to take it personally, that is your business. do not interpret my attack on a source as an attack on you. when i attack you, you will know it. the flood of denials. they've already started.

"The hasbara brigade strikes again! You always hear about Israeli attempts at media manipulation. Everyone knows it's going on but usually the process happens through cyber insurgents like those involved with Giyus (and its media monitoring software, Megaphone).

"Now, we know that the Israeli foreign ministry itself is orchestrating propaganda efforts designed to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information."

Israel is watching the world turn its back, and it thinks more propaganda will fend off the inevitable FLUSH.

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Just wait until those students flood this forum and make you look like a fool Georgie. Course they'll only need to send their 2nd grade students to do that.

Maybe you'll do better post-Kindergarten...

"World governments are still patient with Israel's justified operation in Gaza. The [sic] public opinion, on the other hand, is impatient, to say the least. This gap will soon close – it always does.

"It is our goal to shift the public opinion, as conveyed in the internet; avoiding, or at least minimising, sanctions by world leaders. We need to buy the IDF enough time to achieve its goals."

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Shifting public opinion to support Israel's "creeping annexation" of Palestine will require better arguments than "might makes right" which leaves you a semester or two short of Kindergarten, Killer.
"The hasbara brigade strikes again! You always hear about Israeli attempts at media manipulation. Everyone knows it's going on but usually the process happens through cyber insurgents like those involved with Giyus (and its media monitoring software, Megaphone).

"Now, we know that the Israeli foreign ministry itself is orchestrating propaganda efforts designed to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information."

Israel is watching the world turn its back, and it thinks more propaganda will fend off the inevitable FLUSH.

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Just wait until those students flood this forum and make you look like a fool Georgie. Course they'll only need to send their 2nd grade students to do that.

Maybe you'll do better post-Kindergarten...

"World governments are still patient with Israel's justified operation in Gaza. The [sic] public opinion, on the other hand, is impatient, to say the least. This gap will soon close – it always does.

"It is our goal to shift the public opinion, as conveyed in the internet; avoiding, or at least minimising, sanctions by world leaders. We need to buy the IDF enough time to achieve its goals."

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Shifting public opinion to support Israel's "creeping annexation" of Palestine will require better arguments than "might makes right" which leaves you a semester or two short of Kindergarten, Killer.

Well Comrade, while your arguing your ass off on some meaningless message board, Israel is expanding , expanding, expanding. Will you sing "We Are The Champions" with me? Oh BTW...might makes right. What are you going to do about it?
"The hasbara brigade strikes again! You always hear about Israeli attempts at media manipulation. Everyone knows it's going on but usually the process happens through cyber insurgents like those involved with Giyus (and its media monitoring software, Megaphone).

"Now, we know that the Israeli foreign ministry itself is orchestrating propaganda efforts designed to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information."

Israel is watching the world turn its back, and it thinks more propaganda will fend off the inevitable FLUSH.

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Just wait until those students flood this forum and make you look like a fool Georgie. Course they'll only need to send their 2nd grade students to do that.

Maybe you'll do better post-Kindergarten...

"World governments are still patient with Israel's justified operation in Gaza. The [sic] public opinion, on the other hand, is impatient, to say the least. This gap will soon close – it always does.

"It is our goal to shift the public opinion, as conveyed in the internet; avoiding, or at least minimising, sanctions by world leaders. We need to buy the IDF enough time to achieve its goals."

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Shifting public opinion to support Israel's "creeping annexation" of Palestine will require better arguments than "might makes right" which leaves you a semester or two short of Kindergarten, Killer.

I don't know how the mods on this Board let you call former soldiers and war heroes "killers". They protect your sorry ass. Freedom is not free.
Just wait until those students flood this forum and make you look like a fool Georgie. Course they'll only need to send their 2nd grade students to do that.

Maybe you'll do better post-Kindergarten...

"World governments are still patient with Israel's justified operation in Gaza. The [sic] public opinion, on the other hand, is impatient, to say the least. This gap will soon close – it always does.

"It is our goal to shift the public opinion, as conveyed in the internet; avoiding, or at least minimising, sanctions by world leaders. We need to buy the IDF enough time to achieve its goals."

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Shifting public opinion to support Israel's "creeping annexation" of Palestine will require better arguments than "might makes right" which leaves you a semester or two short of Kindergarten, Killer.

I don't know how the mods on this Board let you call former soldiers and war heroes "killers". They protect your sorry ass. Freedom is not free.

This is not the first time he's called me a killer. His rage is overtaking him. He's resorting to the Liberty. I'd like to be a fly on the wall. Wouldn't go near his computer screen. Might get stuck in the spittle. In which branch did he serve? Oh...never mind.
Just wait until those students flood this forum and make you look like a fool Georgie. Course they'll only need to send their 2nd grade students to do that.

Maybe you'll do better post-Kindergarten...

"World governments are still patient with Israel's justified operation in Gaza. The [sic] public opinion, on the other hand, is impatient, to say the least. This gap will soon close – it always does.

"It is our goal to shift the public opinion, as conveyed in the internet; avoiding, or at least minimising, sanctions by world leaders. We need to buy the IDF enough time to achieve its goals."

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Shifting public opinion to support Israel's "creeping annexation" of Palestine will require better arguments than "might makes right" which leaves you a semester or two short of Kindergarten, Killer.

Well Comrade, while your arguing your ass off on some meaningless message board, Israel is expanding , expanding, expanding. Will you sing "We Are The Champions" with me? Oh BTW...might makes right. What are you going to do about it?

Ask de Gaulle (or your butt bud, Bibi)

A World Record for Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"THIS (the "peace process") WOULD not have been so dangerous if Netanyahu had been a Charles de Gaulle. Unfortunately, he isn’t.

"De Gaulle was one of the towering figures of the 20th century. Cold, aloof, overbearing, intensely disliked by the rest of the world’s leaders, this extreme right-wing general took the historic decision to give up the huge country of Algeria, four times as big as metropolitan France.

"Algeria, it must be remembered, was officially not a colony, not an occupied territory, but a part of France proper. It had been under French rule for more than a century. More than a million settlers saw it as their homeland. Yet de Gaulle made the lonely decision to give it up, putting his own life in grave danger.

"Since then, Israeli leftists have yearned for 'an Israeli de Gaulle', who would do their job for them, according to the old Hebrew adage that 'the work of the righteous is done by others' – others meaning, one assumes, people who are not quite so righteous.

"There is, of course, one important difference. De Gaulle was supported by his conservative allies, the tycoons of the French economy. These sober-minded capitalists saw how the Germans were taking over the economy of Europe, which was in the process of uniting, while France was wasting its resources on an expensive, totally useless colonial war in North Africa. They wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible, and de Gaulle was their man."

Who had the "might" and who had the "right" in Algeria?
How did that turn out for rich European colonialists?
About the same way as White South Africa?

"So is there hope? Time to quote again the Yiddish saying: 'If God wills, even a broomstick can shoot!'”
Just wait until those students flood this forum and make you look like a fool Georgie. Course they'll only need to send their 2nd grade students to do that.

Maybe you'll do better post-Kindergarten...

"World governments are still patient with Israel's justified operation in Gaza. The [sic] public opinion, on the other hand, is impatient, to say the least. This gap will soon close – it always does.

"It is our goal to shift the public opinion, as conveyed in the internet; avoiding, or at least minimising, sanctions by world leaders. We need to buy the IDF enough time to achieve its goals."

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Shifting public opinion to support Israel's "creeping annexation" of Palestine will require better arguments than "might makes right" which leaves you a semester or two short of Kindergarten, Killer.

Well Comrade, while your arguing your ass off on some meaningless message board, Israel is expanding , expanding, expanding. Will you sing "We Are The Champions" with me? Oh BTW...might makes right. What are you going to do about it?
Is it really surprising that Georgie Boy has found a Leftist Jew who hates Israel and a Jew whose articles are featured on many of the sites where Israel and the Jews as a whole are hated by the two-bit anti-Semites. By the way, Bloodrock, do you see this wuss calling you a killer when he would have been hiding under his bed if he ever saw any action. He couldn't even finish two entire weeks in basic training without wimping out.

Richard Silverstein is a Dolt | Jewlicious THE Jewish Blog

Richard Silverstein Defends Blood Libel Cartoon | Israellycool
Maybe you'll do better post-Kindergarten...

"World governments are still patient with Israel's justified operation in Gaza. The [sic] public opinion, on the other hand, is impatient, to say the least. This gap will soon close – it always does.

"It is our goal to shift the public opinion, as conveyed in the internet; avoiding, or at least minimising, sanctions by world leaders. We need to buy the IDF enough time to achieve its goals."

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Shifting public opinion to support Israel's "creeping annexation" of Palestine will require better arguments than "might makes right" which leaves you a semester or two short of Kindergarten, Killer.

Well Comrade, while your arguing your ass off on some meaningless message board, Israel is expanding , expanding, expanding. Will you sing "We Are The Champions" with me? Oh BTW...might makes right. What are you going to do about it?
Is it really surprising that Georgie Boy has found a Leftist Jew who hates Israel and a Jew whose articles are featured on many of the sites where Israel and the Jews as a whole are hated by the two-bit anti-Semites. By the way, Bloodrock, do you see this wuss calling you a killer when he would have been hiding under his bed if he ever saw any action. He couldn't even finish two entire weeks in basic training without wimping out.

Richard Silverstein is a Dolt | Jewlicious THE Jewish Blog

Richard Silverstein Defends Blood Libel Cartoon | Israellycool

Not the first time he's called me a killer. But you notice he does it behind the safety of his keyboard. Gutless coward.
Maybe you'll do better post-Kindergarten...

"World governments are still patient with Israel's justified operation in Gaza. The [sic] public opinion, on the other hand, is impatient, to say the least. This gap will soon close – it always does.

"It is our goal to shift the public opinion, as conveyed in the internet; avoiding, or at least minimising, sanctions by world leaders. We need to buy the IDF enough time to achieve its goals."

Richard Silverstein: The Israeli foreign ministry itself is asking volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israel arguments and information | Comment is free |

Shifting public opinion to support Israel's "creeping annexation" of Palestine will require better arguments than "might makes right" which leaves you a semester or two short of Kindergarten, Killer.

Well Comrade, while your arguing your ass off on some meaningless message board, Israel is expanding , expanding, expanding. Will you sing "We Are The Champions" with me? Oh BTW...might makes right. What are you going to do about it?
Is it really surprising that Georgie Boy has found a Leftist Jew who hates Israel and a Jew whose articles are featured on many of the sites where Israel and the Jews as a whole are hated by the two-bit anti-Semites. By the way, Bloodrock, do you see this wuss calling you a killer when he would have been hiding under his bed if he ever saw any action. He couldn't even finish two entire weeks in basic training without wimping out.

Richard Silverstein is a Dolt | Jewlicious THE Jewish Blog

Richard Silverstein Defends Blood Libel Cartoon | Israellycool

Your shitty link, 'Stain:

"Rupert Murdoch has opened up a can of worms by attacking the award-winning cartoonist for his flagship Sunday Times, Gerald Scarfe. Murdoch called 'grotesque and offensive' a cartoon called 'Israeli election: will cementing peace continue?'

"It depicts a brutish Bibi Netanyahu as bricklayer building the Separation Wall with the blood of Palestinian victims who are entombed within it.

"First, let’s set the record straight: the cartoon is grotesque and offensive. But so is the Occupation. I would maintain that despite the jarring, horrific emotions it instills in the reader, it is within the tradition of the great cartoonists from Thomas Nast to Honore Daumier.

"Revisit some of their cartoons and how they depicted Boss Tweed and the villains of their era. They made them out to be porcine brutes swilling on the blood, sweat and tears of their victims."

Is Rupert your kind of Jew (firster)?
Why do "heroes" like you and your sock-stain always take the side of Bibi and Boss Tweed?
Are you naturally submissive to rich white males or inbred chicken-shits?
Well Comrade, while your arguing your ass off on some meaningless message board, Israel is expanding , expanding, expanding. Will you sing "We Are The Champions" with me? Oh BTW...might makes right. What are you going to do about it?
Is it really surprising that Georgie Boy has found a Leftist Jew who hates Israel and a Jew whose articles are featured on many of the sites where Israel and the Jews as a whole are hated by the two-bit anti-Semites. By the way, Bloodrock, do you see this wuss calling you a killer when he would have been hiding under his bed if he ever saw any action. He couldn't even finish two entire weeks in basic training without wimping out.

Richard Silverstein is a Dolt | Jewlicious THE Jewish Blog

Richard Silverstein Defends Blood Libel Cartoon | Israellycool

Your shitty link, 'Stain:

"Rupert Murdoch has opened up a can of worms by attacking the award-winning cartoonist for his flagship Sunday Times, Gerald Scarfe. Murdoch called 'grotesque and offensive' a cartoon called 'Israeli election: will cementing peace continue?'

"It depicts a brutish Bibi Netanyahu as bricklayer building the Separation Wall with the blood of Palestinian victims who are entombed within it.

"First, let’s set the record straight: the cartoon is grotesque and offensive. But so is the Occupation. I would maintain that despite the jarring, horrific emotions it instills in the reader, it is within the tradition of the great cartoonists from Thomas Nast to Honore Daumier.

"Revisit some of their cartoons and how they depicted Boss Tweed and the villains of their era. They made them out to be porcine brutes swilling on the blood, sweat and tears of their victims."

Is Rupert your kind of Jew (firster)?
Why do "heroes" like you and your sock-stain always take the side of Bibi and Boss Tweed?
Are you naturally submissive to rich white males or inbred chicken-shits?

Bibi's first concern is always Israel's security. He lost his brother Yoni, to terrorists in Uganda. Yoni always said, "Follow me" to his boys, and he always lead the charge. Bibi's dad, a professor, was an expert in the Spanish Inquisition. Bibi doesn't want to see the Jews in a vulnerable position again, and he's not a bad role model, as you seem to hint.
Is it really surprising that Georgie Boy has found a Leftist Jew who hates Israel and a Jew whose articles are featured on many of the sites where Israel and the Jews as a whole are hated by the two-bit anti-Semites. By the way, Bloodrock, do you see this wuss calling you a killer when he would have been hiding under his bed if he ever saw any action. He couldn't even finish two entire weeks in basic training without wimping out.

Richard Silverstein is a Dolt | Jewlicious THE Jewish Blog

Richard Silverstein Defends Blood Libel Cartoon | Israellycool

Your shitty link, 'Stain:

"Rupert Murdoch has opened up a can of worms by attacking the award-winning cartoonist for his flagship Sunday Times, Gerald Scarfe. Murdoch called 'grotesque and offensive' a cartoon called 'Israeli election: will cementing peace continue?'

"It depicts a brutish Bibi Netanyahu as bricklayer building the Separation Wall with the blood of Palestinian victims who are entombed within it.

"First, let’s set the record straight: the cartoon is grotesque and offensive. But so is the Occupation. I would maintain that despite the jarring, horrific emotions it instills in the reader, it is within the tradition of the great cartoonists from Thomas Nast to Honore Daumier.

"Revisit some of their cartoons and how they depicted Boss Tweed and the villains of their era. They made them out to be porcine brutes swilling on the blood, sweat and tears of their victims."

Is Rupert your kind of Jew (firster)?
Why do "heroes" like you and your sock-stain always take the side of Bibi and Boss Tweed?
Are you naturally submissive to rich white males or inbred chicken-shits?

Bibi's first concern is always Israel's security. He lost his brother Yoni, to terrorists in Uganda. Yoni always said, "Follow me" to his boys, and he always lead the charge. Bibi's dad, a professor, was an expert in the Spanish Inquisition. Bibi doesn't want to see the Jews in a vulnerable position again, and he's not a bad role model, as you seem to hint.
I'm pretty sure we don't value the opinion of Uri Avnery equally, but Avnery knew Bibi, his father, and Sarah much better than I.

Do you find any value in the following?

"His colleagues in the Likud leadership quite openly despise him, regarding him as a man of no principles, without a backbone, giving in to every pressure.

"This seems to have been the opinion of his late father, who once declared that Binyamin would make a good foreign minister, but certainly not a prime minister.

In the government he is quite alone. Previous prime ministers had a close group of ministers to consult with. Golda Meir had a 'kitchen cabinet'.

"Netanyahu has no one.

"He does not consult with anyone.

"He announces his decisions, and that’s that.

"In his previous terms he had at least a group of confidants in his office. These officials have been driven out one by one by Sarah, his wife."

A World Record for Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
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