Israel to pay students to defend it online

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Well Comrade, while your arguing your ass off on some meaningless message board, Israel is expanding , expanding, expanding. Will you sing "We Are The Champions" with me? Oh BTW...might makes right. What are you going to do about it?
Is it really surprising that Georgie Boy has found a Leftist Jew who hates Israel and a Jew whose articles are featured on many of the sites where Israel and the Jews as a whole are hated by the two-bit anti-Semites. By the way, Bloodrock, do you see this wuss calling you a killer when he would have been hiding under his bed if he ever saw any action. He couldn't even finish two entire weeks in basic training without wimping out.

Richard Silverstein is a Dolt | Jewlicious THE Jewish Blog

Richard Silverstein Defends Blood Libel Cartoon | Israellycool

Your shitty link, 'Stain:

"Rupert Murdoch has opened up a can of worms by attacking the award-winning cartoonist for his flagship Sunday Times, Gerald Scarfe. Murdoch called 'grotesque and offensive' a cartoon called 'Israeli election: will cementing peace continue?'

"It depicts a brutish Bibi Netanyahu as bricklayer building the Separation Wall with the blood of Palestinian victims who are entombed within it.

"First, let’s set the record straight: the cartoon is grotesque and offensive. But so is the Occupation. I would maintain that despite the jarring, horrific emotions it instills in the reader, it is within the tradition of the great cartoonists from Thomas Nast to Honore Daumier.

"Revisit some of their cartoons and how they depicted Boss Tweed and the villains of their era. They made them out to be porcine brutes swilling on the blood, sweat and tears of their victims."

Is Rupert your kind of Jew (firster)?
Why do "heroes" like you and your sock-stain always take the side of Bibi and Boss Tweed?
Are you naturally submissive to rich white males or inbred chicken-shits?
Now, now, Georgie Boy, speaking of "shitty," don't you think many of the viewers think that about your nonsensical sites, many of which you drag up over and over like you have the mind of Joseph Goebbels, thinking that if you drag them up time and time again the viewers will start believing the lies. Meanwhile, can you prove to us that Murdoch is Jewish -- from a legitimate source of course? Looks like Georgie Boy is getting testier as the day goes by. Guess this is what happens when you get up to post before the rooster crows. I guess a poster who has all those skidmarks thinks that everyone is like him because he is busy having fun calling them 'Stain. We all know what he left off of 'Stain. Go to the laundromat, Georgie Boy. Meanwhile, it would stand to reason that Georgie Boy himself salivates when he sees all those Nazi-like cartoons dissing the Jews. I don't think he would enjoy the derogatory cartoons against Blacks on the White Supremacist sites. And, Georgie Boy, any grown man who couldn't even get through at least two weeks of basic training is the one who is actually chicken shit so you can say whatever you want to, but I think many of the readers realize by now that you are a wimp who would have nothing to say if you didn't have your sites to run to. I'm sure many of the readers have noticed Georgie Boy referencing "rich" again in his post. It appears that those who have had nothing (mainly for their own lack of initiative) really resent those who have money.
Your shitty link, 'Stain:

"Rupert Murdoch has opened up a can of worms by attacking the award-winning cartoonist for his flagship Sunday Times, Gerald Scarfe. Murdoch called 'grotesque and offensive' a cartoon called 'Israeli election: will cementing peace continue?'

"It depicts a brutish Bibi Netanyahu as bricklayer building the Separation Wall with the blood of Palestinian victims who are entombed within it.

"First, let’s set the record straight: the cartoon is grotesque and offensive. But so is the Occupation. I would maintain that despite the jarring, horrific emotions it instills in the reader, it is within the tradition of the great cartoonists from Thomas Nast to Honore Daumier.

"Revisit some of their cartoons and how they depicted Boss Tweed and the villains of their era. They made them out to be porcine brutes swilling on the blood, sweat and tears of their victims."

Is Rupert your kind of Jew (firster)?
Why do "heroes" like you and your sock-stain always take the side of Bibi and Boss Tweed?
Are you naturally submissive to rich white males or inbred chicken-shits?

Bibi's first concern is always Israel's security. He lost his brother Yoni, to terrorists in Uganda. Yoni always said, "Follow me" to his boys, and he always lead the charge. Bibi's dad, a professor, was an expert in the Spanish Inquisition. Bibi doesn't want to see the Jews in a vulnerable position again, and he's not a bad role model, as you seem to hint.
I'm pretty sure we don't value the opinion of Uri Avnery equally, but Avnery knew Bibi, his father, and Sarah much better than I.

Do you find any value in the following?

"His colleagues in the Likud leadership quite openly despise him, regarding him as a man of no principles, without a backbone, giving in to every pressure.

"This seems to have been the opinion of his late father, who once declared that Binyamin would make a good foreign minister, but certainly not a prime minister.

In the government he is quite alone. Previous prime ministers had a close group of ministers to consult with. Golda Meir had a 'kitchen cabinet'.

"Netanyahu has no one.

"He does not consult with anyone.

"He announces his decisions, and that’s that.

"In his previous terms he had at least a group of confidants in his office. These officials have been driven out one by one by Sarah, his wife."

A World Record for Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Regardless of what Georgie Boy thinks and regardless of what that Leftist Avnery writes, this video shows a pretty sharp man to me. I think many of the viewers will agree. Maybe you and Avnery enjoy pecking away all day long on a keyboard, Georgie, but I think Bibi has more important things to do. I wonder why Uri Avnery is not serving in the Knesset any more. Perhaps Georgie Boy can tell us why. He likes to do all this research so perhaps he will find time to research the answer to this question. I also wonder if Georgie Boy can tell us if Avnery is on the staff as one of the writers for any of the Israeli publications or is he just free lance -- like singing for his supper.

[ame=]benjamin netanyahu 28 years old - YouTube[/ame]
The point is why would anybody be upset about this, when Arabs and Muslims have been spreading false propaganda, hate and lies abut Israel (and failing at it) for decades. Israel has every right to defend itself and its reputation against these vicious blood libels.
The point is why would anybody be upset about this, when Arabs and Muslims have been spreading false propaganda, hate and lies abut Israel (and failing at it) for decades. Israel has every right to defend itself and its reputation against these vicious blood libels.

So spreading lies and false propaganda is acceptable if both sides indulge in it?

I don't agree - I would rather see both sides stick to truth and facts as best they can.

Would you also agree that Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against "vicious blood libels" spread by racists?
Bibi's first concern is always Israel's security. He lost his brother Yoni, to terrorists in Uganda. Yoni always said, "Follow me" to his boys, and he always lead the charge. Bibi's dad, a professor, was an expert in the Spanish Inquisition. Bibi doesn't want to see the Jews in a vulnerable position again, and he's not a bad role model, as you seem to hint.

How would you describe his role modelling on issues such as corruption and nepotism?
See this all the time on Yahoo boards. Prolly a few folks here on their payroll.
The point is why would anybody be upset about this, when Arabs and Muslims have been spreading false propaganda, hate and lies abut Israel (and failing at it) for decades. Israel has every right to defend itself and its reputation against these vicious blood libels.

So spreading lies and false propaganda is acceptable if both sides indulge in it?

I don't agree - I would rather see both sides stick to truth and facts as best they can.

Would you also agree that Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against "vicious blood libels" spread by racists?
Where did it say that Israel will be spreading false propaganda? The entire Arab and Muslim world, Palestinians included, is engaged in spreading lies about Israel. It's about time Israel did something about it.
Where did it say that Israel will be spreading false propaganda?


The point is why would anybody be upset about this, when Arabs and Muslims have been spreading false propaganda, hate and lies abut Israel (and failing at it) for decades.

The obvious implication is that Israel is now doing what Palestinians have done for decades.
Speaking about false propaganda. How do we get reporting in the MSM like this?

[ame=]Off the Charts - YouTube[/ame]
The point is why would anybody be upset about this, when Arabs and Muslims have been spreading false propaganda, hate and lies abut Israel (and failing at it) for decades. Israel has every right to defend itself and its reputation against these vicious blood libels.

So spreading lies and false propaganda is acceptable if both sides indulge in it?

I don't agree - I would rather see both sides stick to truth and facts as best they can.

Would you also agree that Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against "vicious blood libels" spread by racists?
Deflecting original truth does not make it go away, Mr. Saigon.
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks — without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday.

The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement Wednesday that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.

"This is a groundbreaking project aimed at strengthening Israeli national diplomacy and adapting it to changes in information consumption," the statement said.

I think teaching defense to those who are descended from the 6,000,000 Jews who died at the behest of the Nazis alone is a good way to preventing another holocaust from ever happening again.

The Mufti of Jerusalem who convinced Hitler he should murder all the Jews in Europe and his hitmen are directly responsible for this blight on history. Their descendants need to blend in the Middle East in a way that accepts that genocide is a bad idea, and stop bombarding Israel with bombs and threats.

Israel isn't going to take it any more.
I think teaching defense to those who are descended from the 6,000,000 Jews who died at the behest of the Nazis alone is a good way to preventing another holocaust from ever happening again.

I totally agree - but I'd go further and say that Hoocaust history needs most to be taught to us Europeans and to people in the Middle East and needs to be taught in places where anti-Semitism is most prevalent and where massacres are most like to recur.

What we need least is to see Jews using the same rhetoric and tactics as fascists used back in the 1930's.
I think teaching defense to those who are descended from the 6,000,000 Jews who died at the behest of the Nazis alone is a good way to preventing another holocaust from ever happening again.

I totally agree - but I'd go further and say that Hoocaust history needs most to be taught to us Europeans and to people in the Middle East and needs to be taught in places where anti-Semitism is most prevalent and where massacres are most like to recur.

What we need least is to see Jews using the same rhetoric and tactics as fascists used back in the 1930's.

I was never in Europe, except for one day in Amsterdam. How is anti-Semitism over there?
FY -

Well, it varies massively from society to society, of course. A lot of that I think reflects the quality of education. I think Germany, the UK, Benelux and Scandinavia have done an excellent job in teaching young people about the past, and I am always impressed with the German people I meet - they are much more open and responsible about their own history than people in most other countries are with their own embarrassing historical trauma.

France and Austria I don't think have done as well, but are still balanced enough.

The real threat comes in Eastern Europe - Russia, the Ukraine, Latvia, Hungary and the Czech Republic have large anti-Semitic groups, and I suspect a lot of middle class support. They worry me. There are a lot of neo-Nazis in their groups, and operating without the hostile opposition they have in Germany.
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks — without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday.

The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement Wednesday that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.

"This is a groundbreaking project aimed at strengthening Israeli national diplomacy and adapting it to changes in information consumption," the statement said.
Israel isn't the only country to set up such a system. In China, members of the so-caled "fifty cent army" sprinkle positive, pro-government messages across the web and social media.

Israel to pay students to defend it online

Birds of a feather...

How many Propaganda arms does one small country need, and why.

soooo, Israel 'is' china...because they use media ?

:eusa_think: ever heard of attackwatch? and we have a poster here who appears to be a paid or 'volunteer' mouthpiece for/of a government agency,....and, so what?
I think teaching defense to those who are descended from the 6,000,000 Jews who died at the behest of the Nazis alone is a good way to preventing another holocaust from ever happening again.

I totally agree - but I'd go further and say that Hoocaust history needs most to be taught to us Europeans and to people in the Middle East and needs to be taught in places where anti-Semitism is most prevalent and where massacres are most like to recur.

What we need least is to see Jews using the same rhetoric and tactics as fascists used back in the 1930's.

I was never in Europe, except for one day in Amsterdam. How is anti-Semitism over there?

I spent 5 years in Germany and traveled extensively in Europe. Never really encountered it until I came to these type forums.
Where did it say that Israel will be spreading false propaganda?


The point is why would anybody be upset about this, when Arabs and Muslims have been spreading false propaganda, hate and lies abut Israel (and failing at it) for decades.

The obvious implication is that Israel is now doing what Palestinians have done for decades.
There is no implication. Perhaps only an imagined one. Israel has been ignoring lies and false propaganda, and it has just now realized it can no longer ignore this cancer that has been spreading for decades. Setting the record straight isn't the same as spreading lies and hate.
There is no implication. Perhaps only an imagined one. Israel has been ignoring lies and false propaganda, and it has just now realized it can no longer ignore this cancer that has been spreading for decades. Setting the record straight isn't the same as spreading lies and hate.
Do you consider your posts spreading "truth and love"?

Give me 3 examples of what you consider "lies and propaganda".
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