Israeli nanotech innovation can ‘smell’ bombsAvailable next year


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Not onll would this be great for the Israelis (and even our own military) to detect the bombs carried by terrorists before they are able to set these bombs off, but it would also help the West at airports, public buildings, etc. where terrorists are planning to commit some atrocity.

Israeli nanotech innovation can ‘smell’ bombsAvailable next year

BY DAVID SHAMAH June 27, 2014

An Israeli firm has developed the world’s first nanotech-based “electronic nose” to sniff out security threats like bombs, biological warfare agents, and toxic liquids. The developers say their new nose even outperforms dogs and will be available next year.
The system, designed by Tel Aviv-based Tracense Systems, can detect even the smallest amounts of material, according to Dr. Ricardo Osiroff, the company’s CEO.

“Our ‘laboratory-on-a-chip’ nano-sensors can detect a wide range of chemical threats, such as explosives, chemical and biological warfare agents, in air, solid and liquid samples, at extremely low concentrations, unmatched by existing technologies,” said Osiroff. “Our system meets and beats the capabilities of dogs and other animals.”

Read more:

Israeli nanotech innovation can 'smell' bombs | The Times of Israel
Ya don't say......... :cool:

Attentiion Viewers: Sunni Troll is back once again. Let us be thankful that he only conducts his Jihad on the Internet and not in person as many Muslim converts do. By the way, he and Jihad Jane would have made a lovely couple, except she is in jail now. Perhaps he can send her love letters in lieu of his trolling.

And, yeah, Sunni Troll, I do say. Perhaps one day this invention will catch one of your friends before he is able to do something terrible.
Do tell ... :cool:

It's really a shame that Sunni Troll can''t get out of his apartment to have listened to the Friday sermon. I do hope, however, that someone stocked up his apartment with goodies for Ramadan. Perhaps he would like to inform us what he is eating each night after he breaks the fast. That would certainly be more interesting than his silly trolling remarks.
No doubt .. :cool:

As everyone can see, Sunni Troll is acting like a juvenile as per usual. If he can't give us anything interesting to read, I will just have to pass over all his posts like I usually do because they really are such a waste of time. I realize he is lonely, but there is a limit. I am going to have to find out where Jihad Jane is incarcerated and see if she can receive mail from Sunni Troll. This will keep him busy with all the correspondence.

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