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A Palestinian NGO pretending to fight for “human rights” – but designated in Israel as a terror organization due to its affiliation with the PFLP terror organization – has raised concerns about how the Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel on Oct. 7 and committed a massacre were treated by the Israelis!

If it wasn’t so outrageous, it would be comical.

Apparently, the Al-Haq Institute for Human Rights thinks that Palestinian terrorist murderers have rights and can massacre with impunity, and that when Israelis/Jews are attacked, raped, molested, tortured, and threatened, they should only object politely without trying to kill their attackers and save their own lives.

Oct. 7 Hamas terrorists were âsummarily executedâ by Israel, as per Al-Haq âhuman rightsâ organizationâs wild accusation | PMW Analysis

This is the insane belief revealed in an interview with Director of the Al-Haq Institute for Human Rights Sha’awan Jabarin, who expressed concern over Israel’s treatment of the invading Hamas terrorist murderers:

Director of the Al-Haq Institute for Human Rights Sha’awan Jabarin: “A topic [that] still isn’t clear... is the matter of those who entered [Israel] on [Oct.] 7 from the Gaza Strip – civilians, fighters (i.e., Hamas terrorist murderers), and others – and how [the Israelis] behaved towards them. The summary executions, whether [the Oct. 7 attack] served just as an excuse for summary executions. What happened on [Oct.] 7 will be become clear in terms of the occupation’s (i.e., Israel’s) behavior. Something appalling happened to hundreds of those (i.e., terrorist murderers) who entered [Israel].”
[Official PA TV, Nov. 27, 2023]​
Banning of 6 Palestinian NGOs October 2021 - Israel designated six Palestinian NGOs as terror organizations on Oct. 22, 2021, due to their affiliation with the PFLP terror organization. The six NGOs are: Al-Haq, Addameer, the Bisan Center, Defense for Children International - Palestine, the Union for Agricultural Work Committees, and the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees.

From which river to which sea? “Only 47% of the students who embrace the slogan were able to name the river & the sea. Some of the alternative answers were the Nile & the Euphrates, the Caribbean, the Dead Sea (which is a lake) & the Atlantic…. There’s no shame in being ignorant, unless one is screaming for the extermination of millions.”

The good news: students moderated or changed their views significantly once they looked at the map, learned which river & which sea, & what the slogan meant in practice. “Those who hope to encourage extremism depend on the political ignorance of their audiences. It is time for good teachers to join the fray and combat bias with education.” Great piece
, Dec 5
[ This child abuse must stop. No generation of children should be raised like this ]

The video above shows dozens of children in Gaza chanting:

“Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem!”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Facebook page, Dec. 6, 2023]​
They are living proof (at least for now) that kids in Gaza, as in the PA areas, are taught that death as a “Martyr” is an ideal, and that seeking death in confrontations with Israel is what is expected of them. This is further stressed by the fact that an adult is heard encouraging the children in the background and chanting the slogan together with them.

Statements by two Hamas leaders – who live safely abroad, far from the Gaza Strip -also emphasize that they completely disregard Palestinian civilian lives, and are happily “sacrificing” them as “Martyrs” in the war against Israel, as was published yesterday by Palestinian Media Watch.

The video of the children was posted by the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadidaon its Facebook page, which stresses the fact exposed for decades by PMW that the PA, just like Hamas, encourages children to seek death for “Palestine.” Text on the screen throughout the video also repeats the mantra:“Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem.”


Blinken is out to entangle the IDF with the near-impossible humanitarian mission known as Gaza, which so many aid organizations have failed miserably, at a time when the IDF should dedicate everything in its power to defeating Hama:

“There are a number of things that we think it would be important to really focus in on: not only having these safe areas but making sure that the communications are such that people know where they can go when they can go there safely; making very clear when the periods of being able to move from one place to another are in place – in other words, these in effect daily pauses; making sure that those pauses apply not just to one neighborhood but to a broader area so that, again, people have the confidence to know that they can move out of harm’s way and move to a safe area; making sure that the areas that they go to are fully resourced and supplied with things that people will need to get by while they’re away from their homes – food, medicine, water; and, again, also making sure that in areas that are clearly out of the conflict zone that they remain so, that military means not be used in those areas.”

Is he kidding? Is he not aware of the clear and immediate solution that can be made available to the two million or so Gazans who have become refugees again? All he has to do as a US foreign policy maker is order Egypt to open its gates and allow a million Gazans to rush out to the northern Sinai, where they could be housed in a string of tent cities with proper sanitary and medical services, as well as food and water.

Instead, Blinken is riding the IDF, demanding it engage in the impossible task of managing the lives of the most densely congregated population on the planet – while conducting an existential war.

Obviously, there’s no reality to Blinken’s message. The IDF is charging ahead, and Prime Minister Netanyahu is carrying out his main task, which is to listen politely to the Americans’ drivel, smile, and nod. Or, as Blinken put it on Thursday: “This is something that we’re talking about with the Israelis on a regular basis, including as recently as today and including in the President’s conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier today.”

Don’t you dare suggest that Bibi is not earning his keep. He is listening patiently every day to a borderline demented president who is worried about his chances to beat his Republican opponent in five out of six swing states that went red recently.


Back to reality: the IDF deployed Division 98 in the southern Gaza Strip. It comprises enlisted and reserve infantry and commando forces alongside armored brigades. Division 98 focuses on Khan Yunis, which it entered in swift action on Monday night, taking “Palestine Square” in the heart of the city and moving out to encircle the rest, neighborhood by neighborhood. Khan Yunis is where the Hamas quartet fled when the IDF invasion began, but there’s no telling if they are still there, or if they moved on to another place of refuge when the Israeli tanks approached.

The Hamas defense system in Khan Yunis includes a regional brigade consisting of four battalions that were kept out of the fighting in the first two months of the war. The army will be facing them in the coming week or weeks, with the assumption that once they are broken, Hamas will also be broken. The fighting will be fierce, and God willing, the enemy casualties will be much greater than our own.

In that context, should innocent civilians wander into this raging battlefield, they will die, no matter what Secretary Blinken has to say on the matter.

(full article online)

Yes TV, a leading Israeli broadcaster and streamer premiered on Wednesday an original documentary that exclusively uses real-time footage to chronicle the terrorist onslaught at the Supernova electronic music festival, where Hamas murdered more than 300 young people and kidnapped 40 others on Oct. 7.

The film, called #NOVA, is also available to broadcasters worldwide through Yes Studios. It was produced by Kastina Communications for Yes Docu and directed by Dan Pe-er.

Pe’er volunteered to help survivors in the days following the massacre at the outdoor festival, which was held in Re’im, Israel, close to the border with Gaza, and attended by more than 3,500 people. He started collecting videos and audio clips from festival survivors and arranged the media chronologically before approaching the production company Kastina Communications to create #NOVA.

Guy Lavie, vice president of documentaries at Yes TV, explained that the documentary is compiled “solely from real-time footage, much of it exclusive — and with no testimonials nor commentaries,” capturing “the genuine emotions and horror endured by thousands of music lovers, their families, and indeed our whole nation.”

(full article online)


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